From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import Base FinTypes.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import Vectors.Vectors.
From Complexity.Libs.CookPrelim Require Import MorePrelim FlatFinTypes.
From Complexity.NP.SAT.CookLevin Require Import BinaryCC CC CC_homomorphisms.
Require Import Lia.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import Vectors.Vectors.
From Complexity.Libs.CookPrelim Require Import MorePrelim FlatFinTypes.
From Complexity.NP.SAT.CookLevin Require Import BinaryCC CC CC_homomorphisms.
Require Import Lia.
CC to BinaryCC
We reduce arbitrary CC instances to a binary alphabet by using the results on uniform homomorphisms.
we first do the reduction for wellformed instances, satisfying the syntactic requirements
Variable (pr : CC).
Notation Sigma := (Sigma pr).
Notation offset := (offset pr).
Notation width := (width pr).
Notation init := (init pr).
Notation cards := (cards pr).
Notation final := (final pr).
Notation steps := (steps pr).
Context (A : CC_wellformed pr).
Context (A1 : |elem Sigma| > 0).
Definition hNat (Sig : nat) (x : nat) := if leb (S x) Sig then repEl x false ++ [true] ++ repEl (Sig - x -1) false
else repEl Sig false.
Lemma hNat_length (Sig x : nat) : |hNat Sig x| = Sig.
Proof using.
clear A A1 pr.
unfold hNat. destruct leb eqn:H.
- rewrite !app_length, !repEl_length. apply leb_complete in H. cbn. nia.
- now rewrite repEl_length.
Lemma hP_inv1 (Sig x n : nat) : hNat Sig x = repEl n false ++ [true] ++ repEl (Sig - n -1) false -> x = n.
intros. unfold hNat in H.
destruct leb eqn:H1.
- clear H1. revert H. generalize (Sig - x- 1). generalize (Sig - n -1).
revert n. induction x; intros.
+ destruct n; cbn in H; [reflexivity | congruence].
+ destruct n; cbn in H; [ congruence | ]. inv H. now apply IHx in H1.
- destruct (le_lt_dec n Sig).
+ assert (|repEl n false| <= |repEl Sig false|) by (now rewrite !repEl_length).
apply list_length_split1 in H0 as (s1 & s2 & H0 & _ & H2). rewrite H2 in H.
apply app_eq_length in H as (_ & H); [ | apply H0].
apply repEl_app_inv in H2 as (n1 & n2 & -> & -> & H2).
destruct n2; cbn in H; congruence.
+ match type of H with ?a = ?b => assert (|a| = |b|) by congruence end.
rewrite !app_length, !repEl_length in H0. cbn in H0. lia.
Notation Sigma := (Sigma pr).
Notation offset := (offset pr).
Notation width := (width pr).
Notation init := (init pr).
Notation cards := (cards pr).
Notation final := (final pr).
Notation steps := (steps pr).
Context (A : CC_wellformed pr).
Context (A1 : |elem Sigma| > 0).
Definition hNat (Sig : nat) (x : nat) := if leb (S x) Sig then repEl x false ++ [true] ++ repEl (Sig - x -1) false
else repEl Sig false.
Lemma hNat_length (Sig x : nat) : |hNat Sig x| = Sig.
Proof using.
clear A A1 pr.
unfold hNat. destruct leb eqn:H.
- rewrite !app_length, !repEl_length. apply leb_complete in H. cbn. nia.
- now rewrite repEl_length.
Lemma hP_inv1 (Sig x n : nat) : hNat Sig x = repEl n false ++ [true] ++ repEl (Sig - n -1) false -> x = n.
intros. unfold hNat in H.
destruct leb eqn:H1.
- clear H1. revert H. generalize (Sig - x- 1). generalize (Sig - n -1).
revert n. induction x; intros.
+ destruct n; cbn in H; [reflexivity | congruence].
+ destruct n; cbn in H; [ congruence | ]. inv H. now apply IHx in H1.
- destruct (le_lt_dec n Sig).
+ assert (|repEl n false| <= |repEl Sig false|) by (now rewrite !repEl_length).
apply list_length_split1 in H0 as (s1 & s2 & H0 & _ & H2). rewrite H2 in H.
apply app_eq_length in H as (_ & H); [ | apply H0].
apply repEl_app_inv in H2 as (n1 & n2 & -> & -> & H2).
destruct n2; cbn in H; congruence.
+ match type of H with ?a = ?b => assert (|a| = |b|) by congruence end.
rewrite !app_length, !repEl_length in H0. cbn in H0. lia.
now, the homomorphism for finite types is defined by composing hNat and index
Definition h' (x : Sigma) := hNat (|elem Sigma|) (index x).
Lemma hP_injective : injective h'.
intros x y H. unfold h', hNat in H.
erewrite (leb_correct (S (index y))) in H. 2: apply index_le.
now apply hP_inv1, injective_index in H.
Lemma hP_length x : |h' x| = |elem Sigma|.
unfold h'. now rewrite hNat_length.
Definition h := h h'.
Notation hoffset := (@hoffset pr (|elem Sigma|)).
Notation hwidth := (@hwidth pr (|elem Sigma|)).
Notation hinit := (@hinit (FinType (EqType bool)) pr h').
Notation hcards := (@hcards (FinType (EqType bool)) pr h').
Notation hfinal := (@hfinal (FinType (EqType bool)) pr h').
Notation hsteps := (@hsteps pr).
Definition hBinaryCC := @BinaryCC.Build_BinaryCC hoffset hwidth hinit hcards hfinal hsteps.
Lemma h_multiplier_sp x : |h x| = (|elem Sigma|) * |x|.
unfold h. erewrite h_multiplier. 2: apply hP_length. easy.
Lemma CC_homomorphism_wf : CC_wellformed pr -> BinaryCC.BinaryCC_wellformed hBinaryCC.
intros (H1 & H2 & H3 & H4 & H5 & H6).
unfold BinaryCC_wellformed; repeat match goal with [ |- _ /\ _] => split end; cbn.
+ unfold hwidth. nia.
+ unfold hoffset. nia.
+ unfold hwidth, hoffset. destruct H3 as (k' & H3 & H3'). exists k'. split; nia.
+ unfold hinit, hwidth. rewrite h_multiplier_sp. nia.
+ unfold hwidth. intros [] H. unfold hcards in H. apply in_map_iff in H as (card' & <- & H).
destruct card'. apply H5 in H. destruct H as (H & H0); cbn in *.
split; cbn; now rewrite h_multiplier_sp.
+ destruct H6 as (k' & H6). unfold hinit, hoffset. exists k'.
rewrite h_multiplier_sp, H6. nia.
Lemma hP_injective : injective h'.
intros x y H. unfold h', hNat in H.
erewrite (leb_correct (S (index y))) in H. 2: apply index_le.
now apply hP_inv1, injective_index in H.
Lemma hP_length x : |h' x| = |elem Sigma|.
unfold h'. now rewrite hNat_length.
Definition h := h h'.
Notation hoffset := (@hoffset pr (|elem Sigma|)).
Notation hwidth := (@hwidth pr (|elem Sigma|)).
Notation hinit := (@hinit (FinType (EqType bool)) pr h').
Notation hcards := (@hcards (FinType (EqType bool)) pr h').
Notation hfinal := (@hfinal (FinType (EqType bool)) pr h').
Notation hsteps := (@hsteps pr).
Definition hBinaryCC := @BinaryCC.Build_BinaryCC hoffset hwidth hinit hcards hfinal hsteps.
Lemma h_multiplier_sp x : |h x| = (|elem Sigma|) * |x|.
unfold h. erewrite h_multiplier. 2: apply hP_length. easy.
Lemma CC_homomorphism_wf : CC_wellformed pr -> BinaryCC.BinaryCC_wellformed hBinaryCC.
intros (H1 & H2 & H3 & H4 & H5 & H6).
unfold BinaryCC_wellformed; repeat match goal with [ |- _ /\ _] => split end; cbn.
+ unfold hwidth. nia.
+ unfold hoffset. nia.
+ unfold hwidth, hoffset. destruct H3 as (k' & H3 & H3'). exists k'. split; nia.
+ unfold hinit, hwidth. rewrite h_multiplier_sp. nia.
+ unfold hwidth. intros [] H. unfold hcards in H. apply in_map_iff in H as (card' & <- & H).
destruct card'. apply H5 in H. destruct H as (H & H0); cbn in *.
split; cbn; now rewrite h_multiplier_sp.
+ destruct H6 as (k' & H6). unfold hinit, hoffset. exists k'.
rewrite h_multiplier_sp, H6. nia.
we now get the reduction for the case that the instance we reduce from is wellformed
Lemma reduction_wf : CCLang pr <-> BinaryCCLang hBinaryCC.
split; intros.
- destruct H as (_ & sf & H1 & H2).
split; [ apply CC_homomorphism_wf; auto | ].
apply CC_homomorphism_iff; eauto; [ apply hP_length | apply hP_injective].
- destruct H as (_ & H1).
split; [ apply A | ].
apply (CC_homomorphism_iff hP_length A1 hP_injective) in H1; [apply H1 | apply A].
End fixInstance.
split; intros.
- destruct H as (_ & sf & H1 & H2).
split; [ apply CC_homomorphism_wf; auto | ].
apply CC_homomorphism_iff; eauto; [ apply hP_length | apply hP_injective].
- destruct H as (_ & H1).
split; [ apply A | ].
apply (CC_homomorphism_iff hP_length A1 hP_injective) in H1; [apply H1 | apply A].
End fixInstance.
for non-wellformed instances, we map to a trivial no-instance
Definition trivialNoInstance := Build_BinaryCC 0 0 [] [] [] 0.
Lemma trivialNoInstance_isNoInstance : not (BinaryCCLang trivialNoInstance).
intros (H & _). destruct H as (H & _). cbn in H. lia.
Definition reduction (pr : CC) := if CC_wf_dec pr then hBinaryCC pr else trivialNoInstance.
Lemma CC_to_BinaryCC (pr : CC) : CCLang pr <-> BinaryCCLang (reduction pr).
unfold reduction.
destruct (CC_wf_dec pr) eqn:H1.
- apply CC_wf_dec_correct in H1. remember H1 as H0. clear HeqH0. destruct H1 as (H1 & _ & _ & H2 & _).
destruct init; cbn in H2; [ lia | ].
assert (|elem (Sigma pr)| > 0).
{ specialize (@elem_spec _ e). destruct elem; cbn; [eauto | lia]. }
apply reduction_wf; easy.
- assert (not (CC_wf_dec pr = true)) as H by eauto. rewrite CC_wf_dec_correct in H.
split; intros.
+ destruct H0; tauto.
+ exfalso; apply trivialNoInstance_isNoInstance, H0.
Lemma trivialNoInstance_isNoInstance : not (BinaryCCLang trivialNoInstance).
intros (H & _). destruct H as (H & _). cbn in H. lia.
Definition reduction (pr : CC) := if CC_wf_dec pr then hBinaryCC pr else trivialNoInstance.
Lemma CC_to_BinaryCC (pr : CC) : CCLang pr <-> BinaryCCLang (reduction pr).
unfold reduction.
destruct (CC_wf_dec pr) eqn:H1.
- apply CC_wf_dec_correct in H1. remember H1 as H0. clear HeqH0. destruct H1 as (H1 & _ & _ & H2 & _).
destruct init; cbn in H2; [ lia | ].
assert (|elem (Sigma pr)| > 0).
{ specialize (@elem_spec _ e). destruct elem; cbn; [eauto | lia]. }
apply reduction_wf; easy.
- assert (not (CC_wf_dec pr = true)) as H by eauto. rewrite CC_wf_dec_correct in H.
split; intros.
+ destruct H0; tauto.
+ exfalso; apply trivialNoInstance_isNoInstance, H0.