From Undecidability.L Require Import Tactics.LTactics Prelim.MoreList Prelim.MoreBase.
From Complexity.Complexity Require Import NP Definitions Monotonic Subtypes.
From Complexity.NP.L Require Import GenNP LMGenNP.
From Undecidability.L Require Import LM_heap_def LM_heap_correct LBool ResourceMeasures LNat LTerm.
From Complexity.L Require Import Compile.
Import Nat.
Lemma GenNP_to_LMGenNP (X:Type) `{R__X : encodable X}:
GenNP X ⪯p LMGenNP X.
evar (f__steps : nat -> nat). [f__steps]:intros n0.
pose (f := (fun '(s, maxSize, steps) => (compile s,maxSize : nat, f__steps steps))).
eapply reducesPolyMO_intro_restrictBy_both with (f:=f).
intros [[s' maxSize] steps].
intros (cs&Hsmall&Hk). assert (lambda s') as [s0 eq] by Lproc. set (s:=lam s0) in *. subst s'.
-hnf. repeat simple apply conj.
+intros c k sigma R__M.
eapply soundnessTime with (s:=( s (@enc _ R__X c))) in R__M as (g&H'&t&n&eq__sigma&Rs%timeBS_evalIn&_&eq). 2:Lproc.
subst k. apply Hsmall in Rs as (c'&k'&Hsize_c'&Hk').
edestruct completeness as (?&?&?&HM'). 1:{split. exact Hsize_c'. Lproc. }
1:now Lproc.
do 2 eexists. repeat simple apply conj. 2:split.
1,2:eassumption. inversion 1.
+intros c H k sigma' R__M. unfold initLMGen in R__M.
eapply soundnessTime with (s:=( s (@enc _ R__X c))) in R__M as (g&H'&t&n&eq__sigma&Rs%timeBS_evalIn&_&eq). 2:Lproc.
subst k. apply Hk in Rs. rewrite Rs. unfold f__steps. reflexivity. easy.
-apply Morphisms_Prop.ex_iff_morphism. intros c.
apply Morphisms_Prop.and_iff_morphism_obligation_1. easy.
+intros (?&(?&?&Ev)%evalLe_evalIn). eapply timeBS_evalIn,completenessTime in Ev. 2:Lproc.
destruct Ev as (g&Heap&?&Rs).
eexists _,_. split. 2:split. 2:exact Rs. now cbn; lia. now intros ? ?.
+intros (?&?&?&R__M).
eapply soundnessTime with (s:=( s (@enc _ R__X c))) in R__M as (g&H'&t&n&eq__sigma&Rs%timeBS_evalIn&_&eq). 2:Lproc.
eexists. eapply evalIn_evalLe. 2:easy. cbn in H;nia.
subst f__steps;cbn beta in f.
evar (time : nat -> nat). [time]:intros n0.
exists time.
{ unfold f. extract.
set (n0:=(size (enc (a0, b0, b)))).
eassert (b <= n0) as H.
{subst n0. rewrite !LProd.size_prod;cbn [fst snd]. now rewrite size_nat_enc_r at 1. }
unfold time_compile.
eassert (size a0 <= n0) as ->.
{subst n0. rewrite !LProd.size_prod;cbn [fst snd]. now rewrite LTerm.size_term_enc_r at 1. }
unfold time. unfold add_time, mult_time. rewrite H . reflexivity.
1,2:now unfold time;smpl_inO.
{unfold f. evar (resSize : nat -> nat). [resSize]:intros n0. eexists resSize.
{intros [[x mSize] steps].
set(n0:=size (enc (x, mSize, steps))).
rewrite !LProd.size_prod;cbn [fst snd].
setoid_rewrite size_nat_enc at 2.
eassert (steps <= n0) as ->.
{subst n0. rewrite !LProd.size_prod;cbn [fst snd]. now rewrite size_nat_enc_r at 1. }
eassert (size (enc mSize) <= n0) as ->.
{subst n0. rewrite !LProd.size_prod;cbn [fst snd]. easy. }
rewrite compile_enc_size.
eassert (size x <= n0) as ->.
{subst n0. rewrite !LProd.size_prod;cbn [fst snd]. now rewrite size_term_enc_r at 1. }
unfold resSize. reflexivity.
1,2:unfold resSize;smpl_inO.
From Complexity.Complexity Require Import NP Definitions Monotonic Subtypes.
From Complexity.NP.L Require Import GenNP LMGenNP.
From Undecidability.L Require Import LM_heap_def LM_heap_correct LBool ResourceMeasures LNat LTerm.
From Complexity.L Require Import Compile.
Import Nat.
Lemma GenNP_to_LMGenNP (X:Type) `{R__X : encodable X}:
GenNP X ⪯p LMGenNP X.
evar (f__steps : nat -> nat). [f__steps]:intros n0.
pose (f := (fun '(s, maxSize, steps) => (compile s,maxSize : nat, f__steps steps))).
eapply reducesPolyMO_intro_restrictBy_both with (f:=f).
intros [[s' maxSize] steps].
intros (cs&Hsmall&Hk). assert (lambda s') as [s0 eq] by Lproc. set (s:=lam s0) in *. subst s'.
-hnf. repeat simple apply conj.
+intros c k sigma R__M.
eapply soundnessTime with (s:=( s (@enc _ R__X c))) in R__M as (g&H'&t&n&eq__sigma&Rs%timeBS_evalIn&_&eq). 2:Lproc.
subst k. apply Hsmall in Rs as (c'&k'&Hsize_c'&Hk').
edestruct completeness as (?&?&?&HM'). 1:{split. exact Hsize_c'. Lproc. }
1:now Lproc.
do 2 eexists. repeat simple apply conj. 2:split.
1,2:eassumption. inversion 1.
+intros c H k sigma' R__M. unfold initLMGen in R__M.
eapply soundnessTime with (s:=( s (@enc _ R__X c))) in R__M as (g&H'&t&n&eq__sigma&Rs%timeBS_evalIn&_&eq). 2:Lproc.
subst k. apply Hk in Rs. rewrite Rs. unfold f__steps. reflexivity. easy.
-apply Morphisms_Prop.ex_iff_morphism. intros c.
apply Morphisms_Prop.and_iff_morphism_obligation_1. easy.
+intros (?&(?&?&Ev)%evalLe_evalIn). eapply timeBS_evalIn,completenessTime in Ev. 2:Lproc.
destruct Ev as (g&Heap&?&Rs).
eexists _,_. split. 2:split. 2:exact Rs. now cbn; lia. now intros ? ?.
+intros (?&?&?&R__M).
eapply soundnessTime with (s:=( s (@enc _ R__X c))) in R__M as (g&H'&t&n&eq__sigma&Rs%timeBS_evalIn&_&eq). 2:Lproc.
eexists. eapply evalIn_evalLe. 2:easy. cbn in H;nia.
subst f__steps;cbn beta in f.
evar (time : nat -> nat). [time]:intros n0.
exists time.
{ unfold f. extract.
set (n0:=(size (enc (a0, b0, b)))).
eassert (b <= n0) as H.
{subst n0. rewrite !LProd.size_prod;cbn [fst snd]. now rewrite size_nat_enc_r at 1. }
unfold time_compile.
eassert (size a0 <= n0) as ->.
{subst n0. rewrite !LProd.size_prod;cbn [fst snd]. now rewrite LTerm.size_term_enc_r at 1. }
unfold time. unfold add_time, mult_time. rewrite H . reflexivity.
1,2:now unfold time;smpl_inO.
{unfold f. evar (resSize : nat -> nat). [resSize]:intros n0. eexists resSize.
{intros [[x mSize] steps].
set(n0:=size (enc (x, mSize, steps))).
rewrite !LProd.size_prod;cbn [fst snd].
setoid_rewrite size_nat_enc at 2.
eassert (steps <= n0) as ->.
{subst n0. rewrite !LProd.size_prod;cbn [fst snd]. now rewrite size_nat_enc_r at 1. }
eassert (size (enc mSize) <= n0) as ->.
{subst n0. rewrite !LProd.size_prod;cbn [fst snd]. easy. }
rewrite compile_enc_size.
eassert (size x <= n0) as ->.
{subst n0. rewrite !LProd.size_prod;cbn [fst snd]. now rewrite size_term_enc_r at 1. }
unfold resSize. reflexivity.
1,2:unfold resSize;smpl_inO.