From Complexity.Complexity Require Import NP.
From Undecidability.TM Require TM ProgrammingTools CaseList.
From Undecidability.TM Require Import TM_facts SizeBounds.
From Complexity.NP.TM Require Import TMGenNP_fixed_mTM.
From Undecidability.TM.Single Require EncodeTapes StepTM.
From Complexity.TM.Single Require DecodeTapes.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Util.VectorPrelim.
Unset Printing Coercions.
From Coq Require Import Lia Ring Arith.
Module MultiToMono.
Section multiToMono.
From Undecidability.TM Require TM ProgrammingTools CaseList.
From Undecidability.TM Require Import TM_facts SizeBounds.
From Complexity.NP.TM Require Import TMGenNP_fixed_mTM.
From Undecidability.TM.Single Require EncodeTapes StepTM.
From Complexity.TM.Single Require DecodeTapes.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Util.VectorPrelim.
Unset Printing Coercions.
From Coq Require Import Lia Ring Arith.
Module MultiToMono.
Section multiToMono.
We can simulate any machine while first testing that we indeed work on a valid n-tape encoding
Import EncodeTapes DecodeTapes Single.StepTM ProgrammingTools Combinators Decode.
Context (sig F:finType) (n:nat) (M__multi : pTM sig F n).
Definition M : pTM ((sigList (sigTape sig)) ^+) (option F) 1 :=
If (CheckTapeContains.M (CheckEncodesTapes.M n))
(Move Lmove;;If (Relabel ReadChar (Option.apply (fun _ => false) true))
(Move Rmove;;Relabel (ToSingleTape M__multi) Some)
(Return Nop None))
(Return Nop None).
Definition Rel : pRel ((sigList (sigTape sig)) ^+) (option F) 1 :=
fun t '(y,t') => match y with
None => ~ exists (v : tapes sig n), StepTM.contains_tapes t[@Fin0] v
| Some y => exists (v v': tapes sig n), StepTM.contains_tapes t[@Fin0] v
/\ StepTM.contains_tapes t'[@Fin0] v'
/\ Canonical_Rel M__multi v (y,v')
Lemma Realise : M ⊨ Rel .
intros H__multi.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{unfold M. TM_Correct.
-refine (CheckTapeContains.Realise _ _). now apply CheckEncodesTapes.Realise. now apply tapes_encode_prefixInjective.
-eapply ToSingleTape_Realise', Canonical_Realise.
intros t (y,t'). cbn in *.
intros [H|H];unfold Rel;cbn.
2:{ destruct H as (?&([Henc]&_)&->&_&<-). intros (v&Hv). hnf in Hv. inversion Henc. apply H.
exists v,[]. rewrite Hv. now rewrite Encode_map_id. }
destruct H as (?&[[Henc] <-]&_&t1&Ht1&H). 2:easy.
destruct H as [H|H].
2:{ destruct H as (?&(?&?&->&<-)&->&_&<-). rewrite Ht1 in H. intros (v&Ht). hnf in Ht.
rewrite Ht in H. now cbn in H. }
destruct H as (?&(?&Hc1&->&->)&(_&t2&Ht2&y'&->&Hm)).
rewrite Ht1 in Ht2. destruct (current t1[@Fin0]) eqn:Hc1';inv Hc1.
inv Henc. rename H into Henc. destruct Henc as (x'&t__L&Henc). rewrite Encode_map_id in Henc.
erewrite tape_move_left_right in Ht2. 2:now rewrite Henc.
rewrite Ht2 in *. clear Ht2 t2. rewrite Ht1 in *. clear Ht1 t1.
destruct t__L. 2:now rewrite Henc in Hc1'.
specialize Hm with (1:=Henc) as (?&(?&?&?&<-&<-)&?).
do 3 eexists. exact Henc. split. eauto.
unfold Canonical_T;eauto.
Context (T__multi : tRel sig n).
Definition Ter : tRel ((sigList (sigTape sig)) ^+) 1 :=
fun t k => exists (k' k__sim: nat), (forall (v : tapes sig n),
StepTM.contains_tapes t[@Fin0] v
-> T__multi v k__sim
/\ Loop_steps (start (projT1 M__multi)) v k__sim <= k')
/\ (S (| right t[@Fin0] |)*4*(n+1) + n*16 + 27 + k') <= k .
Lemma Terminates : projT1 M__multi ↓ T__multi -> projT1 M ↓ Ter.
intros H__multi.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{unfold M. TM_Correct.
-eapply CheckTapeContains.Realise. now apply CheckEncodesTapes.Realise. now apply tapes_encode_prefixInjective.
-eapply CheckTapeContains.Terminates. now apply CheckEncodesTapes.Realise. apply CheckEncodesTapes.Terminates.
-eapply ToSingleTape_Terminates'. eassumption.
intros t k (k'&k__sim&Hk__sim&Hk). infTer 2. infTer 2. hnf. reflexivity.
split. shelve.
intros ? b [Henc Hbeq]. destruct b. 2:now apply Nat.le_0_l.
infTer 4. intros t1 [] Ht1. cbn in Ht1.
infTer 4. cbn. intros t2 b (?&Hb&->&->).
destruct b. 2:now apply Nat.le_0_l.
infTer 4. intros t2 _ Ht2. hnf.
destruct Henc. inv H. rename H0 into Henc. destruct Henc as (v&t__L&Heq).
rewrite Ht1 in Ht2. specialize (Hbeq eq_refl). subst tout. cbn in *.
rewrite Heq in Ht1. rewrite Ht1 in Hb. destruct t__L;inv Hb. rewrite Heq in Ht2. cbn in Ht2.
rewrite Ht2. clear Ht2 Ht1 t1 t2.
edestruct Hk__sim as (H__k&Hk__sim'). 1:{ hnf. rewrite Heq. now rewrite map_id. }
eexists v,_. split. 1:{ hnf. now rewrite map_id. }
split. eassumption. eassumption.
Unshelve. cbn - [plus mult]. rewrite CheckEncodesTapes.length_right_tape_move_right. cbn - [plus mult].
transitivity (S (| right t[@Fin0] |)*4*(n+1) + n*16 + 27 + k'). cbn - [plus mult].
abstract nia. exact Hk.
End multiToMono.
End MultiToMono.
Arguments MultiToMono.Rel : simpl never.
Arguments MultiToMono.Ter : simpl never.
Section putFirst.
Context (sig F:finType) (n:nat) (M__multi : pTM sig F n).
Definition M : pTM ((sigList (sigTape sig)) ^+) (option F) 1 :=
If (CheckTapeContains.M (CheckEncodesTapes.M n))
(Move Lmove;;If (Relabel ReadChar (Option.apply (fun _ => false) true))
(Move Rmove;;Relabel (ToSingleTape M__multi) Some)
(Return Nop None))
(Return Nop None).
Definition Rel : pRel ((sigList (sigTape sig)) ^+) (option F) 1 :=
fun t '(y,t') => match y with
None => ~ exists (v : tapes sig n), StepTM.contains_tapes t[@Fin0] v
| Some y => exists (v v': tapes sig n), StepTM.contains_tapes t[@Fin0] v
/\ StepTM.contains_tapes t'[@Fin0] v'
/\ Canonical_Rel M__multi v (y,v')
Lemma Realise : M ⊨ Rel .
intros H__multi.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{unfold M. TM_Correct.
-refine (CheckTapeContains.Realise _ _). now apply CheckEncodesTapes.Realise. now apply tapes_encode_prefixInjective.
-eapply ToSingleTape_Realise', Canonical_Realise.
intros t (y,t'). cbn in *.
intros [H|H];unfold Rel;cbn.
2:{ destruct H as (?&([Henc]&_)&->&_&<-). intros (v&Hv). hnf in Hv. inversion Henc. apply H.
exists v,[]. rewrite Hv. now rewrite Encode_map_id. }
destruct H as (?&[[Henc] <-]&_&t1&Ht1&H). 2:easy.
destruct H as [H|H].
2:{ destruct H as (?&(?&?&->&<-)&->&_&<-). rewrite Ht1 in H. intros (v&Ht). hnf in Ht.
rewrite Ht in H. now cbn in H. }
destruct H as (?&(?&Hc1&->&->)&(_&t2&Ht2&y'&->&Hm)).
rewrite Ht1 in Ht2. destruct (current t1[@Fin0]) eqn:Hc1';inv Hc1.
inv Henc. rename H into Henc. destruct Henc as (x'&t__L&Henc). rewrite Encode_map_id in Henc.
erewrite tape_move_left_right in Ht2. 2:now rewrite Henc.
rewrite Ht2 in *. clear Ht2 t2. rewrite Ht1 in *. clear Ht1 t1.
destruct t__L. 2:now rewrite Henc in Hc1'.
specialize Hm with (1:=Henc) as (?&(?&?&?&<-&<-)&?).
do 3 eexists. exact Henc. split. eauto.
unfold Canonical_T;eauto.
Context (T__multi : tRel sig n).
Definition Ter : tRel ((sigList (sigTape sig)) ^+) 1 :=
fun t k => exists (k' k__sim: nat), (forall (v : tapes sig n),
StepTM.contains_tapes t[@Fin0] v
-> T__multi v k__sim
/\ Loop_steps (start (projT1 M__multi)) v k__sim <= k')
/\ (S (| right t[@Fin0] |)*4*(n+1) + n*16 + 27 + k') <= k .
Lemma Terminates : projT1 M__multi ↓ T__multi -> projT1 M ↓ Ter.
intros H__multi.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{unfold M. TM_Correct.
-eapply CheckTapeContains.Realise. now apply CheckEncodesTapes.Realise. now apply tapes_encode_prefixInjective.
-eapply CheckTapeContains.Terminates. now apply CheckEncodesTapes.Realise. apply CheckEncodesTapes.Terminates.
-eapply ToSingleTape_Terminates'. eassumption.
intros t k (k'&k__sim&Hk__sim&Hk). infTer 2. infTer 2. hnf. reflexivity.
split. shelve.
intros ? b [Henc Hbeq]. destruct b. 2:now apply Nat.le_0_l.
infTer 4. intros t1 [] Ht1. cbn in Ht1.
infTer 4. cbn. intros t2 b (?&Hb&->&->).
destruct b. 2:now apply Nat.le_0_l.
infTer 4. intros t2 _ Ht2. hnf.
destruct Henc. inv H. rename H0 into Henc. destruct Henc as (v&t__L&Heq).
rewrite Ht1 in Ht2. specialize (Hbeq eq_refl). subst tout. cbn in *.
rewrite Heq in Ht1. rewrite Ht1 in Hb. destruct t__L;inv Hb. rewrite Heq in Ht2. cbn in Ht2.
rewrite Ht2. clear Ht2 Ht1 t1 t2.
edestruct Hk__sim as (H__k&Hk__sim'). 1:{ hnf. rewrite Heq. now rewrite map_id. }
eexists v,_. split. 1:{ hnf. now rewrite map_id. }
split. eassumption. eassumption.
Unshelve. cbn - [plus mult]. rewrite CheckEncodesTapes.length_right_tape_move_right. cbn - [plus mult].
transitivity (S (| right t[@Fin0] |)*4*(n+1) + n*16 + 27 + k'). cbn - [plus mult].
abstract nia. exact Hk.
End multiToMono.
End MultiToMono.
Arguments MultiToMono.Rel : simpl never.
Arguments MultiToMono.Ter : simpl never.
Section putFirst.
putting the first element at the end of an vector
Definition putFirstAtEnd n: Vector.t (Fin.t (S n)) (S n):=
Vectors.tabulate (fun i => match lt_dec (S (proj1_sig (Fin.to_nat i))) (S n) with
Specif.left H => Fin.of_nat_lt H
| _ => Fin.F1
Arguments putFirstAtEnd : simpl never.
Definition putEndAtFirst n': Vector.t (Fin.t (S n')) (S n').
refine (Vectors.tabulate (fun i => match Fin.to_nat i with
| exist 0 H => Fin.of_nat_lt (Nat.lt_succ_diag_r n')
| exist n' H => Fin.of_nat_lt (p:=n'-1) _
end )). abstract nia.
Arguments putEndAtFirst : simpl never.
Section printFin.
Local Arguments Fin.t : clear implicits.
Local Arguments Fin.FS : clear implicits.
Local Arguments Fin.F1 : clear implicits.
Local Arguments Vector.cast : clear implicits.
Lemma putFirstAtEnd_dupfree m: dupfree (putFirstAtEnd m).
clear_all. apply dupfree_tabulate_injective.
intros i j. destruct (Fin.to_nat i) as [i' Hi] eqn:eqi. destruct (Fin.to_nat j) as [j' Hj] eqn:eqj .
cbn. 1:do 2 destruct lt_dec. 2,3:easy.
2:{ intros _. apply Fin.to_nat_inj. rewrite eqi. rewrite eqj. cbn. clear eqi eqj. nia. }
intros H%Fin.FS_inj. apply Fin.to_nat_inj.
rewrite eqi,eqj. cbn. specialize (lt_S_n _ _ l) as H1. specialize (lt_S_n _ _ l0) as H2.
erewrite <- (Fin.of_nat_ext H1), <- (Fin.of_nat_ext H2) in H.
apply(f_equal Fin.to_nat) in H. rewrite !Fin.to_nat_of_nat in H.
now inv H.
Lemma putEndAtFirst_dupfree m: VectorDupfree.dupfree (putEndAtFirst m).
clear_all. apply dupfree_tabulate_injective.
intros i j.
destruct (Fin.to_nat i) eqn:?;destruct (Fin.to_nat j) eqn:?; cbn in *.
eassert (H'1:=Heqs). assert (H'2:=Heqs0).
erewrite <- (Fin.of_nat_to_nat_inv i) in Heqs. erewrite <- (Fin.of_nat_to_nat_inv j) in Heqs0.
rewrite Fin.to_nat_of_nat in Heqs. rewrite Fin.to_nat_of_nat in Heqs0. inversion Heqs; inversion Heqs0.
destruct (fin_destruct_S i) as [ (i'&->) | ->]; destruct (fin_destruct_S j) as [ (j'&->) | ->].
all:try change (Fin.FS m i') with (Fin.R 1 i') in *; try change (Fin.FS m j') with (Fin.R 1 j') in *.
all:change (S m) with (1+m) in *.
all: rewrite ?Fin.R_sanity in H0;rewrite ?Fin.R_sanity in H1. all: subst;cbn.
all:intros Heq%(f_equal Fin.to_nat).
all:rewrite !Fin.to_nat_of_nat in Heq.
all:inversion Heq as [H2]. all:try rewrite ?Nat.sub_0_r in H2.
all:try apply Fin.to_nat_inj in H2. all:try easy.
End printFin.
Import LiftTapes.
Lemma putFirstAtEnd_to_list X n' (x:X) xs:
(Vector.to_list (select (putFirstAtEnd n') (x ::: xs))) = Vector.to_list xs ++ [x].
clear. apply list_eq_nth_error. intros i.
rewrite !vector_nth_error_nat. destruct lt_dec.
{ rewrite select_nth. unfold putFirstAtEnd. rewrite nth_tabulate,Fin.to_nat_of_nat;cbn.
destruct lt_dec.
-erewrite nth_error_app1. 2:now erewrite LVector.to_list_length.
cbn. rewrite vector_nth_error_nat. destruct lt_dec. 2:exfalso;nia.
erewrite Fin.of_nat_ext. reflexivity.
-cbn. rewrite nth_error_app2. all:rewrite LVector.to_list_length. 2:nia. replace (i-n') with 0 by nia. easy.
symmetry. apply nth_error_None. erewrite app_length, LVector.to_list_length. cbn;nia.
Lemma putEnd_invL X n' (v : Vector.t X _) :
select (putEndAtFirst n') (select (putFirstAtEnd n') v) = v.
apply Vector.eq_nth_iff. intros i ? <-. rewrite !select_nth.
unfold putEndAtFirst,putFirstAtEnd. rewrite !nth_tabulate.
destruct (fin_destruct_S i) as [(i'&->) | ->].
2:{ cbn. rewrite Fin.to_nat_of_nat. cbn. destruct lt_dec. now exfalso;nia. easy. }
eapply Fin.to_nat_inj.
remember (Fin.to_nat (Fin.FS i')) as i0 eqn:H. set (tmp:=proj1_sig i0).
rewrite (sig_eta i0). subst tmp i0. cbn.
destruct (Fin.to_nat i') eqn:H.
cbn. rewrite Fin.to_nat_of_nat;cbn. destruct lt_dec;cbn.
-rewrite (sig_eta (Fin.to_nat _)). cbn. rewrite Fin.to_nat_of_nat. cbn. nia.
-clear H. nia.
Lemma putEndAtFirst_to_list X n' v (ts:X) v0:
Vector.to_list v ++ [ts] = Vector.to_list v0 ->
select (putEndAtFirst n') v0 = ts ::: v.
Proof using.
intros H. rewrite <- putFirstAtEnd_to_list in H. apply Vectors.vector_to_list_inj in H.
subst v0. now setoid_rewrite putEnd_invL.
End putFirst.
From Undecidability Require Import Datatypes.Lists LBool.
From Complexity Require Import L.TM.CompCode.
Section lemmas_for_LMGenNP_to_TMGenNP_mTM.
Import EncodeTapes DecodeTapes Single.StepTM ProgrammingTools Combinators Decode.
Import LVector.
Import TM.
Context (sig:finType) (n:nat) (M : TM sig (S n)).
Definition M__mono : pTM ((sigList (sigTape sig)) ^+) unit 1 :=
If (Move Rmove ;; Relabel (MultiToMono.M (LiftTapes (M;(fun _ => tt)) (putEndAtFirst n) )) (Option.apply (fun _ => true) false))
Local Arguments Canonical_Rel : simpl never.
Lemma Realises__mono:
M__mono ⊨(fun tin '(_,tout) =>
exists v v' : tapes sig (S n),
contains_tapes (tape_move_right tin[@Fin0]) v /\
contains_tapes tout[@Fin0] v' /\
Canonical_Rel (LiftTapes (existT (fun x : TM sig (S n) => state x -> unit) M (fun _ : state M => tt)) (putEndAtFirst n)) v
(tt, v')).
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold M__mono. TM_Correct. apply MultiToMono.Realise. } cbn.
intros tin ([],tout). cbn. intros [H|H].
2:now decompose record H.
destruct H as (?&([]&t1&Ht1&b&Hb&H__mono)&<-). destruct b as [ [] | ] ;inv Hb.
hnf in H__mono. cbn - [Canonical_Rel]in *|-*. rewrite Ht1 in *|-*. easy.
Lemma Terminates_False sig' n' (M' : TM sig' n'): M' ↓ (fun _ _ => False).
Lemma Terminates__mono:
projT1 M__mono ↓ (fun t k => exists (v : tapes _ (S n)) k',
contains_tapes (tape_move_right t[@Fin0]) v
/\ MultiToMono.Ter (LiftTapes (existT _ M (fun _ => tt)) (putEndAtFirst n))
(LiftTapes_T (putEndAtFirst n) (Canonical_T M))
[|(tape_move_right t[@Fin0])|] k'
/\ k' + 3 <= k).
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold M__mono. TM_Correct.
-apply MultiToMono.Realise.
-eapply MultiToMono.Terminates. apply LiftTapes_Terminates. apply putEndAtFirst_dupfree. eapply Canonical_TerminatesIn.
-apply Terminates_False.
intros tin k (v&k'&Hv&HT&Hk). cbn.
infTer 7. intros t1 _ Ht1. unfold tapes in *. destruct_vector;cbn in *. subst h. apply HT. shelve.
intros tout b (?&t1&Ht1&[[]| ]&->&Hr). all:cbn. 2:{ apply Hr. cbn in *. rewrite <- Ht1 in *. easy. } reflexivity.
{ rewrite <- Hk. nia. }
Lemma concat_eq_inv_borderL X isBorder xs R__L ys b (R__R : list X):
(forall x, x el xs -> exists hd tl, x = hd::tl /\ isBorder hd /\ forall c, c el tl -> ~isBorder c) ->
(forall x, x el ys -> exists hd tl, x = hd::tl /\ isBorder hd /\ forall c, c el tl -> ~isBorder c) ->
(forall x, x el R__R -> ~isBorder x) ->
isBorder b ->
concat xs ++ b::R__L = concat ys++R__R ->
(forall i, i < length xs -> nth_error xs i = nth_error ys i) /\ b::R__L = concat (skipn (length xs) ys) ++ R__R.
clear. induction xs as [ | x xs] in ys|-*;intros HL HR HRR Hb Heq.
{ cbn in *. easy. }
destruct ys as [ |y ys].
{ exfalso. cbn in Heq. subst R__R.
destruct (HL x) as (?&?&->&?&?). easy. eapply HRR. 2:easy. cbn;easy. }
cbn in Heq. autorewrite with list in Heq.
destruct (HL x) as (x__hd&x__tl&->&Hxhd&Hxtl). easy.
destruct (HR y) as (y__hd&y__tl&->&_&Hytl). easy.
cbn in *.
revert Heq. intros [= <- Heq].
replace y__tl with x__tl in *.
2:{ induction x__tl as [ | x' xtl] in y__tl,Heq,HL,HR,Hytl,Hxtl|-*.
-destruct y__tl. easy. cbn in Heq. destruct xs.
+now edestruct (Hytl x);inv Heq.
+edestruct (HL l) as (?&?&->&?&?). easy. inv Heq. now edestruct Hytl.
-destruct y__tl.
2:{ inv Heq. f_equal. eapply IHxtl. 3-5:cbn;intros;auto.
all:intros z [<-| ]. all:now eauto 7.
exfalso. destruct ys. 2:{ edestruct (HR l) as (?&?&->&?&?). easy. inv Heq. cbn in *. now eapply Hxtl. }
cbn in Heq.
inv Heq. eapply HRR. 2:exact Hb. eauto 10.
apply app_inv_head in Heq. apply IHxs in Heq. 2-5:now eauto 7.
destruct Heq as (IH&->). split. 2:easy.
intros [] ?. easy. cbn. apply IH. nia.
Lemma contains_tapes_inj (sig' : finType) n' t (v v' : tapes sig' n'):
contains_tapes t v -> contains_tapes t v' -> v = v'.
unfold contains_tapes. intros -> [= eq]. apply app_inv_tail in eq. apply map_injective in eq. 2:congruence.
eassert (H':=tapes_encode_prefixInjective (t:=[]) (t':=[])). rewrite !app_nil_r in H'. apply H' in eq. easy.
End lemmas_for_LMGenNP_to_TMGenNP_mTM.
Arguments putFirstAtEnd : simpl never.
Arguments putEndAtFirst : simpl never.