From Undecidability.TM Require Import TM ProgrammingTools Code.
From Undecidability.TM Require Hoare.
From Complexity.TM Require Import Code.Decode.
Require Import FunInd Lia Ring Arith Program.Wf.
Lemma list_encode_prefixInjective sigX X (cX : codable sigX X):
prefixInjective cX -> prefixInjective (Encode_list cX).
intros HcX. intros l. unfold Encode_list;cbn.
induction l as [ | x l].
{cbn. intros [];cbn. all:easy. }
intros [ | x' l']. all:cbn. easy. intros ? ? [=H]. rewrite !app_assoc_reverse in H.
specialize (map_retract_prefix_inj (H:=Retract_sigList_X (Retract_id sigX))) with (1:=H) as (t1'&t2'&H').
apply HcX in H' as ->. apply app_inv_head in H. apply IHl in H. congruence.
From Complexity.TM Require Import Code.DecodeBool.
Module CheckEncodesBoolList.
Section checkEncodesBoolList.
Local Notation sigX := bool (only parsing).
Local Notation cX := Encode_bool (only parsing).
Local Notation X := bool.
Context (tau:finType) `{I : Retract (sigList sigX) tau}.
Let I__X : Retract sigX tau := ComposeRetract I _.
Existing Instance I__X.
Local Arguments ComposeRetract : simpl never.
Local Remove Hints Retract_id : typeclass_instances.
Let Rel' : pRel tau bool 1 := ContainsEncoding.Rel (Encode_list cX) Retr_f.
Let Rel__X := ContainsEncoding.Rel (tau:=tau) cX Retr_f.
Definition R'__step : pRel tau (option bool) 1 :=
fun t '(y,t') =>
match Option.bind Retr_g (current t[@Fin0]) with
Some sigList_nil => t[@Fin0]=t'[@Fin0]
/\ y = Some true
| Some sigList_cons =>
exists t1 b1, Rel__X [|tape_move_right t[@Fin0]|] (b1,t1)
/\ t1[@Fin0] = tape_move_right t[@Fin0]
/\ t'[@Fin0] = (if b1 then tape_move_right t1[@Fin0] else t1[@Fin0])
/\ y = if b1 then None else Some false
| _ => t[@Fin0]=t'[@Fin0] /\ y = Some false
Local Notation M__X := (CheckEncodesBool.M (I:=I__X)) (only parsing).
Local Notation Realises__X := (RealiseIn_Realise (@CheckEncodesBool.RealisesIn _ _)) (only parsing).
Definition M'__step : pTM tau (option bool) 1 :=
Switch (Relabel ReadChar (Option.bind Retr_g))
(fun c =>
match c with
| Some sigList_nil => (Return Nop (Some true))
| Some sigList_cons => (Move Rmove;; If M__X (Move Rmove;;Return Nop None) (Return Nop (Some false)))
| _ => Return Nop (Some false)
Lemma Realises'__step: M'__step ⊨ R'__step.
unfold M'__step,R'__step.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ eapply Switch_Realise. now TM_Correct.
introsSwitch c. destructBoth c as [ [] | ]. all:TM_Correct. apply Realises__X. }
hnf. cbn. intros t (b,t') (?&?&(?&->&->&->)&H).
destruct Option.bind as [ [] | ];cbn in H.
1,2,4:now destruct H as (->&[? ->]).
destruct H as (_&t1&Ht1&H). rewrite <- Ht1. destruct H as [H|H].
2:{ destruct H as (?&(?&->)&->&[_ <-]). eexists [|t'[@Fin0]|],false. cbn. easy. }
destruct H as (t2&(?&->)&?&_&Ht2&->&_&<-). eexists t2,true. hnf in t2. destruct_vector. cbn. easy.
Lemma Terminates'__step T__X (Ter__X : projT1 M__X ↓ T__X):
projT1 M'__step ↓ (fun t k => exists k', T__X ([|tape_move_right t[@Fin0]|]) k' /\ k' + 7 <= k ).
unfold M'__step.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ eapply Switch_TerminatesIn. 1,2:now TM_Correct.
introsSwitch c. destructBoth c as [ [] | ]. all:TM_Correct. all:try eassumption. eapply RealiseIn_Realise, CheckEncodesBool.RealisesIn. }
intros ? ? (k'&H1&H2). infTer 5.
2:{ intros t ? (?&->&->&<-).
destruct (Option.bind Retr_g (current t[@Fin0])) as [ [] | ]. 1,2,4:now apply Nat.le_0_l.
infTer 5. cbn -[plus]. intros t1 _ Ht1. infTer 2.
1:{rewrite <- Ht1 in H1. hnf in t1. destruct_vector;eassumption. }
infTer 2. intros t2 [] Ht2. 2:now apply Nat.le_0_l.
infTer 4. intros. reflexivity.
} ring_simplify. nia.
Definition M' := While M'__step.
Lemma Realise':
(forall (x:X), encode x <> []) ->
M' ⊨ Rel'.
intros Hnnil. unfold Rel'.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold M'. TM_Correct_step. eapply Realises'__step. }
apply WhileInduction. all:unfold R'__step,Rel';cbn.
-intros t y tout. destruct Option.bind as [[] | ]eqn:Heq.
3: intros (t1&b&Ht1&H);destruct b;[easy | ]; revert H.
2:{ intros [Ht [= ->]]. all:hnf.
destruct t[@Fin0] as [ | | | t__L c t__R]. 1-3:easy. cbn in Heq. eapply retract_g_inv in Heq as ->.
split. 2:now eexists 0.
eexists []. rewrite <- Ht. cbn. easy.
2:{ intros (Ht&Ht2&[= ->]). all:hnf. destruct Ht1 as [Ht1 [k Ht1']]. rewrite Ht2 in *. clear tout Ht2.
hnf. split. 2:{ eexists (S k). rewrite nat_rect_succ_r. cbn in *. congruence. }
intros [] ?; cbn.
all:intros Ht'. all:erewrite tape_local_current_cons in Heq;[ |apply Ht']. all:cbn in Heq.
all:rewrite retract_g_adjoint in Heq. now inv Heq.
cbn in *. erewrite tape_local_move_right in Ht1. 2:eassumption. autorewrite with list in Ht1.
eapply Ht1 with (x:=b). f_equal.
all:intros [Ht [= ->]]. all:hnf.
all:split;[ | now eexists 0 ].
all:intros ? ? Ht'. all:destruct t[@Fin0]. all:cbn in Heq;inv Heq. cbn in *. all:destruct x;inv Ht'.
all:retract_adjoint. all:easy.
-intros tin tmid tout yout Hin. unfold ContainsEncoding.Rel.
destruct tin[@Fin0] as [ | | | t__L c t__R ] eqn:Htin. all: cbn in Hin. 1-3:easy.
destruct (Retr_g c) as [[] | ] eqn:Hc. 1,2,4:easy.
apply retract_g_inv in Hc as ->. destruct Hin as (t1&[]&H__X&_&Hmid'&[=]).
hnf in H__X. destruct H__X as [(x&Hx1&Hx2) [k__x Hk__x]]. intros [hmid [k Hk]].
split. 2:{ eexists _. clear hmid. cbn in *. rewrite nat_rect_succ_r. cbn. rewrite nat_rect_plus. rewrite <- Hk__x.
rewrite Hmid' in Hk. rewrite <- nat_rect_succ_r in Hk. exact Hk.
} clear k Hk.
cbn in *. rewrite tape_local_move_right' in Hx1. subst t__R.
rewrite Hmid' in *. clear Hmid' tmid.
destruct (cX x) eqn:HcX in Hx2,Hk__x;cbn in *. now edestruct Hnnil;eassumption.
destruct t1[@Fin0] as [ | | | ? ? t__R];cbn in *. 1-3: now length_not_eq in Hx2.
destruct yout.
2:{ intros [ | x' l'] ?;cbn. now intros [= [=]%retract_f_injective <-].
intros [= Hx'].
eapply retract_f_injective in Hx' as [= ->].
destruct t__R. now destruct l'.
eapply hmid. cbn. eassumption.
edestruct hmid as (xs&Hxs&->). rewrite tape_local_move_right' in Hxs. subst t__R. rewrite tape_left_move_right',Hx2.
exists (x::xs). cbn in *. autorewrite with list. now cbn.
Lemma Terminates' :
projT1 M' ↓ (fun tin k => length (tape_local tin[@Fin0])*8 + 8 <= k).
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold M'. TM_Correct_step.
2:eapply Terminates'__step, RealiseIn_TerminatesIn.
1:eapply Realises'__step. now apply @CheckEncodesBool.RealisesIn. }
eapply WhileCoInduction.
intros tin k Hk.
infTer 4.
intros [] tmid. now intros; nia.
cbn [R'__step]. destruct Option.bind as [ [] | ] eqn:Hc. 1,2,4:intuition congruence.
intros (?&[]&Hbool&Ht'&H'&[=]). hnf in x. destruct_vector. cbn in Ht'. subst h. cbn - [plus] in *.
destruct (tin[@Fin0]) as [ | | | ? ? t__R]. 1-3:easy. cbn - [plus] in *.
destruct Hbool as [(x&Hx1&Hx2) _]. cbn in Hx1,Hx2.
rewrite tape_local_move_right' in Hx1. rewrite tape_right_move_right' in Hx1. destruct t__R. easy.
cbn -[plus]in *. inv Hx2. inv Hx1.
eapply retract_g_inv in Hc as ->.
rewrite H'. rewrite tape_local_move_right'.
eexists. split. reflexivity. nia.
End checkEncodesBoolList.
Section checkEncodesBoolList2.
Import Hoare.
Context (Σ : finType) (retr__bools : Retract (sigList bool) Σ).
Definition M : pTM (Σ^+) bool 1 := CheckTapeContains.M (M' (I:=_)).
Lemma SpecT tape0:
TripleT (≃≃([ ],[|Custom (eq tape0)|]))
(12 * S(| right tape0 |) + 19) M
(fun yout => ≃≃([inhabited (reflect (exists (bs:list bool), tape_contains _ tape0 bs) yout)]
,[|Custom (if yout then eq tape0 else fun _ => True)|])).
unfold M. eapply Realise_TripleT.
- eapply CheckTapeContains.Realise. eapply Realise'. now intros []. now apply list_encode_prefixInjective,DecodeBool.bool_encode_prefixInjective.
- eapply CheckTapeContains.Terminates. { eapply Realise'. now intros []. }
eapply Terminates'.
- intros tin b tout H HEnc. cbn in *.
specialize (HEnc Fin0) as ->; simpl_vector in *; cbn in *.
destruct H,b;tspec_solve. all:firstorder subst;eauto.
- intros tin k HEnc Hk. cbn.
specialize (HEnc Fin0) as ->;simpl_vector in *;cbn - ["+" "*"] in *.
eexists;split. reflexivity.
rewrite <- Hk. destruct (tin[@Fin0]) as [| | | ? ? []];cbn - ["+" "*"];try nia.
End checkEncodesBoolList2.
End CheckEncodesBoolList.
From Undecidability.TM Require Hoare.
From Complexity.TM Require Import Code.Decode.
Require Import FunInd Lia Ring Arith Program.Wf.
Lemma list_encode_prefixInjective sigX X (cX : codable sigX X):
prefixInjective cX -> prefixInjective (Encode_list cX).
intros HcX. intros l. unfold Encode_list;cbn.
induction l as [ | x l].
{cbn. intros [];cbn. all:easy. }
intros [ | x' l']. all:cbn. easy. intros ? ? [=H]. rewrite !app_assoc_reverse in H.
specialize (map_retract_prefix_inj (H:=Retract_sigList_X (Retract_id sigX))) with (1:=H) as (t1'&t2'&H').
apply HcX in H' as ->. apply app_inv_head in H. apply IHl in H. congruence.
From Complexity.TM Require Import Code.DecodeBool.
Module CheckEncodesBoolList.
Section checkEncodesBoolList.
Local Notation sigX := bool (only parsing).
Local Notation cX := Encode_bool (only parsing).
Local Notation X := bool.
Context (tau:finType) `{I : Retract (sigList sigX) tau}.
Let I__X : Retract sigX tau := ComposeRetract I _.
Existing Instance I__X.
Local Arguments ComposeRetract : simpl never.
Local Remove Hints Retract_id : typeclass_instances.
Let Rel' : pRel tau bool 1 := ContainsEncoding.Rel (Encode_list cX) Retr_f.
Let Rel__X := ContainsEncoding.Rel (tau:=tau) cX Retr_f.
Definition R'__step : pRel tau (option bool) 1 :=
fun t '(y,t') =>
match Option.bind Retr_g (current t[@Fin0]) with
Some sigList_nil => t[@Fin0]=t'[@Fin0]
/\ y = Some true
| Some sigList_cons =>
exists t1 b1, Rel__X [|tape_move_right t[@Fin0]|] (b1,t1)
/\ t1[@Fin0] = tape_move_right t[@Fin0]
/\ t'[@Fin0] = (if b1 then tape_move_right t1[@Fin0] else t1[@Fin0])
/\ y = if b1 then None else Some false
| _ => t[@Fin0]=t'[@Fin0] /\ y = Some false
Local Notation M__X := (CheckEncodesBool.M (I:=I__X)) (only parsing).
Local Notation Realises__X := (RealiseIn_Realise (@CheckEncodesBool.RealisesIn _ _)) (only parsing).
Definition M'__step : pTM tau (option bool) 1 :=
Switch (Relabel ReadChar (Option.bind Retr_g))
(fun c =>
match c with
| Some sigList_nil => (Return Nop (Some true))
| Some sigList_cons => (Move Rmove;; If M__X (Move Rmove;;Return Nop None) (Return Nop (Some false)))
| _ => Return Nop (Some false)
Lemma Realises'__step: M'__step ⊨ R'__step.
unfold M'__step,R'__step.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ eapply Switch_Realise. now TM_Correct.
introsSwitch c. destructBoth c as [ [] | ]. all:TM_Correct. apply Realises__X. }
hnf. cbn. intros t (b,t') (?&?&(?&->&->&->)&H).
destruct Option.bind as [ [] | ];cbn in H.
1,2,4:now destruct H as (->&[? ->]).
destruct H as (_&t1&Ht1&H). rewrite <- Ht1. destruct H as [H|H].
2:{ destruct H as (?&(?&->)&->&[_ <-]). eexists [|t'[@Fin0]|],false. cbn. easy. }
destruct H as (t2&(?&->)&?&_&Ht2&->&_&<-). eexists t2,true. hnf in t2. destruct_vector. cbn. easy.
Lemma Terminates'__step T__X (Ter__X : projT1 M__X ↓ T__X):
projT1 M'__step ↓ (fun t k => exists k', T__X ([|tape_move_right t[@Fin0]|]) k' /\ k' + 7 <= k ).
unfold M'__step.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ eapply Switch_TerminatesIn. 1,2:now TM_Correct.
introsSwitch c. destructBoth c as [ [] | ]. all:TM_Correct. all:try eassumption. eapply RealiseIn_Realise, CheckEncodesBool.RealisesIn. }
intros ? ? (k'&H1&H2). infTer 5.
2:{ intros t ? (?&->&->&<-).
destruct (Option.bind Retr_g (current t[@Fin0])) as [ [] | ]. 1,2,4:now apply Nat.le_0_l.
infTer 5. cbn -[plus]. intros t1 _ Ht1. infTer 2.
1:{rewrite <- Ht1 in H1. hnf in t1. destruct_vector;eassumption. }
infTer 2. intros t2 [] Ht2. 2:now apply Nat.le_0_l.
infTer 4. intros. reflexivity.
} ring_simplify. nia.
Definition M' := While M'__step.
Lemma Realise':
(forall (x:X), encode x <> []) ->
M' ⊨ Rel'.
intros Hnnil. unfold Rel'.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold M'. TM_Correct_step. eapply Realises'__step. }
apply WhileInduction. all:unfold R'__step,Rel';cbn.
-intros t y tout. destruct Option.bind as [[] | ]eqn:Heq.
3: intros (t1&b&Ht1&H);destruct b;[easy | ]; revert H.
2:{ intros [Ht [= ->]]. all:hnf.
destruct t[@Fin0] as [ | | | t__L c t__R]. 1-3:easy. cbn in Heq. eapply retract_g_inv in Heq as ->.
split. 2:now eexists 0.
eexists []. rewrite <- Ht. cbn. easy.
2:{ intros (Ht&Ht2&[= ->]). all:hnf. destruct Ht1 as [Ht1 [k Ht1']]. rewrite Ht2 in *. clear tout Ht2.
hnf. split. 2:{ eexists (S k). rewrite nat_rect_succ_r. cbn in *. congruence. }
intros [] ?; cbn.
all:intros Ht'. all:erewrite tape_local_current_cons in Heq;[ |apply Ht']. all:cbn in Heq.
all:rewrite retract_g_adjoint in Heq. now inv Heq.
cbn in *. erewrite tape_local_move_right in Ht1. 2:eassumption. autorewrite with list in Ht1.
eapply Ht1 with (x:=b). f_equal.
all:intros [Ht [= ->]]. all:hnf.
all:split;[ | now eexists 0 ].
all:intros ? ? Ht'. all:destruct t[@Fin0]. all:cbn in Heq;inv Heq. cbn in *. all:destruct x;inv Ht'.
all:retract_adjoint. all:easy.
-intros tin tmid tout yout Hin. unfold ContainsEncoding.Rel.
destruct tin[@Fin0] as [ | | | t__L c t__R ] eqn:Htin. all: cbn in Hin. 1-3:easy.
destruct (Retr_g c) as [[] | ] eqn:Hc. 1,2,4:easy.
apply retract_g_inv in Hc as ->. destruct Hin as (t1&[]&H__X&_&Hmid'&[=]).
hnf in H__X. destruct H__X as [(x&Hx1&Hx2) [k__x Hk__x]]. intros [hmid [k Hk]].
split. 2:{ eexists _. clear hmid. cbn in *. rewrite nat_rect_succ_r. cbn. rewrite nat_rect_plus. rewrite <- Hk__x.
rewrite Hmid' in Hk. rewrite <- nat_rect_succ_r in Hk. exact Hk.
} clear k Hk.
cbn in *. rewrite tape_local_move_right' in Hx1. subst t__R.
rewrite Hmid' in *. clear Hmid' tmid.
destruct (cX x) eqn:HcX in Hx2,Hk__x;cbn in *. now edestruct Hnnil;eassumption.
destruct t1[@Fin0] as [ | | | ? ? t__R];cbn in *. 1-3: now length_not_eq in Hx2.
destruct yout.
2:{ intros [ | x' l'] ?;cbn. now intros [= [=]%retract_f_injective <-].
intros [= Hx'].
eapply retract_f_injective in Hx' as [= ->].
destruct t__R. now destruct l'.
eapply hmid. cbn. eassumption.
edestruct hmid as (xs&Hxs&->). rewrite tape_local_move_right' in Hxs. subst t__R. rewrite tape_left_move_right',Hx2.
exists (x::xs). cbn in *. autorewrite with list. now cbn.
Lemma Terminates' :
projT1 M' ↓ (fun tin k => length (tape_local tin[@Fin0])*8 + 8 <= k).
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold M'. TM_Correct_step.
2:eapply Terminates'__step, RealiseIn_TerminatesIn.
1:eapply Realises'__step. now apply @CheckEncodesBool.RealisesIn. }
eapply WhileCoInduction.
intros tin k Hk.
infTer 4.
intros [] tmid. now intros; nia.
cbn [R'__step]. destruct Option.bind as [ [] | ] eqn:Hc. 1,2,4:intuition congruence.
intros (?&[]&Hbool&Ht'&H'&[=]). hnf in x. destruct_vector. cbn in Ht'. subst h. cbn - [plus] in *.
destruct (tin[@Fin0]) as [ | | | ? ? t__R]. 1-3:easy. cbn - [plus] in *.
destruct Hbool as [(x&Hx1&Hx2) _]. cbn in Hx1,Hx2.
rewrite tape_local_move_right' in Hx1. rewrite tape_right_move_right' in Hx1. destruct t__R. easy.
cbn -[plus]in *. inv Hx2. inv Hx1.
eapply retract_g_inv in Hc as ->.
rewrite H'. rewrite tape_local_move_right'.
eexists. split. reflexivity. nia.
End checkEncodesBoolList.
Section checkEncodesBoolList2.
Import Hoare.
Context (Σ : finType) (retr__bools : Retract (sigList bool) Σ).
Definition M : pTM (Σ^+) bool 1 := CheckTapeContains.M (M' (I:=_)).
Lemma SpecT tape0:
TripleT (≃≃([ ],[|Custom (eq tape0)|]))
(12 * S(| right tape0 |) + 19) M
(fun yout => ≃≃([inhabited (reflect (exists (bs:list bool), tape_contains _ tape0 bs) yout)]
,[|Custom (if yout then eq tape0 else fun _ => True)|])).
unfold M. eapply Realise_TripleT.
- eapply CheckTapeContains.Realise. eapply Realise'. now intros []. now apply list_encode_prefixInjective,DecodeBool.bool_encode_prefixInjective.
- eapply CheckTapeContains.Terminates. { eapply Realise'. now intros []. }
eapply Terminates'.
- intros tin b tout H HEnc. cbn in *.
specialize (HEnc Fin0) as ->; simpl_vector in *; cbn in *.
destruct H,b;tspec_solve. all:firstorder subst;eauto.
- intros tin k HEnc Hk. cbn.
specialize (HEnc Fin0) as ->;simpl_vector in *;cbn - ["+" "*"] in *.
eexists;split. reflexivity.
rewrite <- Hk. destruct (tin[@Fin0]) as [| | | ? ? []];cbn - ["+" "*"];try nia.
End checkEncodesBoolList2.
End CheckEncodesBoolList.