From Undecidability.L.Tactics Require Import LTactics.
From Undecidability.L Require Import UpToC.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Export List_enc List_in List_basics LBool LNat.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Definition lengthEq A :=
fix f (t:list A) n :=
match n,t with
0,nil => true
| (S n), _::t => f t n
| _,_ => false
Lemma lengthEq_spec A (t:list A) n:
| t | =? n = lengthEq t n.
induction n in t|-*;destruct t;now cbn.
Definition lengthEq_time k := k * 15 + 9.
Instance term_lengthEq A `{encodable A} : computableTime' (lengthEq (A:=A)) (fun l _ => (5, fun n _ => (lengthEq_time (min (length l) n),tt))).
extract. unfold lengthEq_time. solverec.
Definition c__seq := 20.
Definition seq_time (len : nat) := (len + 1) * c__seq.
Instance term_seq : computableTime' seq (fun start _ => (5, fun len _ => (seq_time len, tt))).
extract. solverec.
all: unfold seq_time, c__seq; solverec.
Section fixprodLists.
Variable (X Y : Type).
Context `{Xint : encodable X} `{Yint : encodable Y}.
Definition c__prodLists1 := 22 + c__map + c__app.
Definition c__prodLists2 := 2 * c__map + 39 + c__app.
Definition prodLists_time (l1 : list X) (l2 : list Y) := (|l1|) * (|l2| + 1) * c__prodLists2 + c__prodLists1.
Global Instance term_prodLists : computableTime' (@list_prod X Y) (fun l1 _ => (5, fun l2 _ => (prodLists_time l1 l2, tt))).
apply computableTimeExt with (x := fix rec (A : list X) (B : list Y) : list (X * Y) :=
match A with
| [] => []
| x :: A' => map (@pair X Y x) B ++ rec A' B
1: { unfold list_prod. change (fun x => ?h x) with h. intros l1 l2. induction l1; easy. }
extract. solverec.
all: unfold prodLists_time, c__prodLists1, c__prodLists2; solverec.
rewrite map_length, map_time_const. leq_crossout.
End fixprodLists.
From Undecidability.L Require Import UpToC.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Export List_enc List_in List_basics LBool LNat.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Definition lengthEq A :=
fix f (t:list A) n :=
match n,t with
0,nil => true
| (S n), _::t => f t n
| _,_ => false
Lemma lengthEq_spec A (t:list A) n:
| t | =? n = lengthEq t n.
induction n in t|-*;destruct t;now cbn.
Definition lengthEq_time k := k * 15 + 9.
Instance term_lengthEq A `{encodable A} : computableTime' (lengthEq (A:=A)) (fun l _ => (5, fun n _ => (lengthEq_time (min (length l) n),tt))).
extract. unfold lengthEq_time. solverec.
Definition c__seq := 20.
Definition seq_time (len : nat) := (len + 1) * c__seq.
Instance term_seq : computableTime' seq (fun start _ => (5, fun len _ => (seq_time len, tt))).
extract. solverec.
all: unfold seq_time, c__seq; solverec.
Section fixprodLists.
Variable (X Y : Type).
Context `{Xint : encodable X} `{Yint : encodable Y}.
Definition c__prodLists1 := 22 + c__map + c__app.
Definition c__prodLists2 := 2 * c__map + 39 + c__app.
Definition prodLists_time (l1 : list X) (l2 : list Y) := (|l1|) * (|l2| + 1) * c__prodLists2 + c__prodLists1.
Global Instance term_prodLists : computableTime' (@list_prod X Y) (fun l1 _ => (5, fun l2 _ => (prodLists_time l1 l2, tt))).
apply computableTimeExt with (x := fix rec (A : list X) (B : list Y) : list (X * Y) :=
match A with
| [] => []
| x :: A' => map (@pair X Y x) B ++ rec A' B
1: { unfold list_prod. change (fun x => ?h x) with h. intros l1 l2. induction l1; easy. }
extract. solverec.
all: unfold prodLists_time, c__prodLists1, c__prodLists2; solverec.
rewrite map_length, map_time_const. leq_crossout.
End fixprodLists.