From Undecidability.L Require Import L Tactics.LTactics.
From Undecidability.L.AbstractMachines Require Import AbstractHeapMachineDef UnfoldTailRec FunctionalDefinitions.
From Undecidability.L.AbstractMachines.Computable Require Import Unfolding HeapMachine Shared.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import Lists LBinNums.
From Undecidability.L.Functions Require Import BinNums BinNumsCompare UnboundIteration Proc.
Import AbstractHeapMachineDef.clos_notation .
Definition extractRes (sigma : state) :=
match sigma with
([],[g],_) => Some (g)
| _ => None
Definition evalForTime__step : N * state -> N * state + option (clos * list heapEntry) :=
fun '(i,sigma) =>
let '(_,_,H):= sigma in
match extractRes sigma with
Some g => inr (Some (g,H))
| _ => if (0 <? i)%N then
match heapStep sigma with
Some sigma' => inl (N.pred i,sigma')
| _ => inr None
else inr None
Definition init__evalForTime (fuel:N) (s:term) :=
((4 * fuel +1)%N,init s).
Definition evalForTime (fuel : N) ( s:term) : option (clos * list heapEntry) :=
if closedb s then
let '(fuel,x) := init__evalForTime fuel s in
match loopSum (N.to_nat fuel + 1) evalForTime__step (fuel,x) with
Some g => g
| _ => None
else None.
Lemma spec_extractRes sigma:
match extractRes sigma with
Some g => exists H, sigma = ([],[g],H)
| None => forall g H, sigma <> ([],[g],H)
unfold extractRes.
all:repeat (let eq := fresh "eq" in destruct _ eqn:eq).
all:try congruence. eexists _;repeat f_equal. congruence.
Arguments extractRes : simpl never.
Lemma spec_evalForTime__step i sigma:
match evalForTime__step (i,sigma) with
inl (i',sigma') => i = N.succ i' /\ step sigma sigma' /\ extractRes sigma = None
| inr None => (i = 0%N \/ terminal step sigma) /\ extractRes sigma = None
| inr (Some (g,H)) => sigma = ([],[g],H)
specialize (heapStep_sound sigma) as R.
specialize (spec_extractRes sigma) as H''.
all:destruct sigma as [[T V] H];cbn [snd].
all:destruct (N.ltb_spec0 0 i);[|replace i with (0%N) by Lia.nia].
all:repeat (let eq := fresh "eq" in destruct _ eqn:eq).
all:try discriminate.
all:repeat match goal with
H : inl _ = inl _ |- _ => inv H
| H : inr _ = inr _ |- _ => inv H
1:now split;(tauto + Lia.nia).
all:try (destruct H'' as (?&H'');inv H'').
Instance termT_extractRes : computableTime' extractRes (fun _ _ => (23,tt)).
unfold state.
extract. solverec.
Definition time_evalForTime__step x :=
let '(i,x) := x in
let '(T,V,H):=x in
match extractRes x with
Some g => 0
| _ => N.size_nat i * 12
+ if (0 <? i)%N
then heapStep_time T H
else 0
end + 81.
Instance termT_evalForTime__step : computableTime' evalForTime__step (fun x _ => (time_evalForTime__step x,tt)).
unfold state.
extract. intros (i&((T&V)&H)). unfold time_evalForTime__step. all:solverec.
Arguments evalForTime__step : simpl never.
Instance termT_init__evalForTime : computableTime' init__evalForTime (fun fuel (_:unit) => (1,fun s (_:unit) => (size s * 108 + N.size_nat fuel * 84 + 244,tt))).
eapply computableTimeExt with (x:=fun fuel s => ((fuel + fuel + fuel + fuel +1)%N,init s)).
-unfold init__evalForTime. repeat intro. hnf. f_equal. Lia.nia.
recRel_prettify2. reflexivity.
change (N.size_nat 1) with 1. ring_simplify.
repeat rewrite N_size_nat_add_leq.
rewrite !Nat.max_l. all:try Lia.lia.
Tactic Notation "destruct" "*" "eqn" :=
let E := fresh "eq" in destruct * eqn:E.
Definition R__step := fun '(i,s) '(i',s') => i = N.succ i' /\ step s s'.
Lemma pow_Rstep k i i' x x':
ARS.pow R__step k (i,x) (i',x')
<-> (i = i' + N.of_nat k)%N /\ ARS.pow step k x x'.
induction k in i',x'|-*.
{unfold pow. cbn. split. now intros [=]. intros. f_equal; intuition try solve [lia|easy]. }
replace (S k) with (k + 1) in * by omega.
rewrite !pow_add. unfold rcomp.
repeat setoid_rewrite <- rcomp_1.
-intros ([]&(->&?)%IHk&?&?). intuition. lia. eauto.
-intros (->&(?&?&?)).
eexists (_,_). rewrite IHk. cbn. repeat split. 2,3:eassumption. lia.
Import Undecidability.L.AbstractMachines.LargestVar Undecidability.L.AbstractMachines.AbstractHeapMachine.
Lemma time_uiter_evalForTime__step s fuel:
uiterTime evalForTime__step (fun x (_:unit) => (time_evalForTime__step x,tt)) (N.to_nat fuel + 1) (fuel,init s) <=
(N.to_nat fuel + 1) * (N.size_nat fuel * 12 + heapStep_timeBound (largestVar s) (N.to_nat fuel) + 90).
rewrite uiterTime_computesRel
with (R:= R__step)
(t__step := N.size_nat fuel * 12 + heapStep_timeBound (largestVar s) (N.to_nat fuel) + 81)
(t__end := 0).
intros fuel' (i'&x') ? R.
eapply pow_Rstep in R as (->&R). cbn [fst].
specialize spec_evalForTime__step with (i:=i') (sigma:=x') as H'.
specialize (spec_extractRes x') as Hx'.
-destruct x' as [[T V] Hp].
cbn [fst snd] in *.
unfold time_evalForTime__step.
destruct extractRes.
+destruct evalForTime__step as [[]|]. now destruct H'. split. 2:tauto. lia.
*rewrite N_size_nat_monotone with (n':=(i' + N.of_nat fuel')%N). 2:Lia.nia.
destruct N.ltb_spec0 with (x:=0%N) (y:=i'%N). 2:Lia.nia.
rewrite heapStep_timeBound_le. 2:eassumption.
rewrite heapStep_timeBound_mono with (k':=(N.to_nat (i' + N.of_nat fuel'))). 2:Lia.nia. Lia.nia.
*destruct evalForTime__step as [[]|]. 2:easy.
split. 2:easy. easy.
Lemma sound_evalForTime__step fuel x: {res & loopSum (N.to_nat fuel +1 ) evalForTime__step (fuel,x) = Some res}.
remember (N.to_nat fuel) as n eqn:eqn.
induction n in eqn,fuel,x|-*.
all:specialize (spec_evalForTime__step fuel x) as H'.
all:destruct evalForTime__step as [[]|].
{destruct H' as (->&?&?).
edestruct IHn with (fuel:=n0). Lia.nia.
Definition term_evalForTime : term := Eval cbn [convert TH]in (λ fuel s, (!!(extT (closedb)) s) (λ _, (!!(uiter evalForTime__step) (!!(extT (init__evalForTime)) fuel s))) (λ _, (enc (None (A:=clos * list heapEntry)))) I).
Definition t__evalForTime maxVar (size:nat) fuel :=
let fuel' := (4*fuel + 1) in
size *139 + N.size_nat (N.of_nat fuel) * 84+
(fuel' + 1) * (N.size_nat (N.of_nat fuel') * 12
+ heapStep_timeBound maxVar fuel' +90) +264.
Instance evalForTime_comp : computableTime' evalForTime (fun fuel _ => (1,fun s _ => (t__evalForTime (largestVar s)(size s) (N.to_nat fuel),tt))).
exists term_evalForTime. unfold term_evalForTime,evalForTime.
Intern.cstep. Intern.cstep. Intern.cstep.
destruct closedb. 1,2:reflexivity. Unshelve.
4:{ eapply uiter_sound. unfold evalForTime,init__evalForTime. edestruct sound_evalForTime__step as (?&eq').
rewrite eq'. reflexivity. }
2:exact True.
{intros fuel _. recRel_prettify2. easy.
all:unfold t__evalForTime. 2:lia. unfold init__evalForTime. rewrite time_uiter_evalForTime__step.
pose (fuel':=(4*fuel + 1)%N).
fold fuel'.
replace (4 * N.to_nat fuel + 1) with (N.to_nat fuel') by (unfold fuel';lia).
rewrite ! lia.
Lemma rel_evalForTime__step (x : N * state) : match evalForTime__step x with
| inl y => R__step x y
| inr _ => terminal R__step x
destruct x as [i x]. assert (H':=spec_evalForTime__step i x).
destruct evalForTime__step as [[]|[[]|]].
-destruct H' as (->&?&?).
hnf. easy.
-intros [i' x'] R'. destruct R' as (->&R').
assert (Hx:=spec_extractRes x). destruct extractRes.
+destruct Hx as (?&->).
inv R'.
-intros [] []. destruct H' as [[->|Ter] ?]. easy.
edestruct Ter. easy.
Lemma sound_evalForTime__step2' i sigma g H:
loopSum (N.to_nat i + 1) evalForTime__step (i,sigma) = Some (Some (g,H))
<-> (exists k, k <= N.to_nat i /\ ARS.pow step k sigma ([],[g],H)).
-intros H'.
eapply loopSum_rel_correct2 with (R:=R__step) in H' as (k&(x'&i')&?&eq1&R&Ter&eq2). 2:exact rel_evalForTime__step.
eapply pow_Rstep in R as (->&R).
eassert (H'':=spec_evalForTime__step _ _ ).
unfold state in *.
rewrite eq2 in H''.
eassert (H':=spec_extractRes i').
destruct extractRes;cbn;try congruence.
destruct H' as (?&->). inv H''. eexists;split. 2:eauto. lia.
-intros (k'&?&?).
induction k' in i,sigma,k',H1,H0 |-*.
+inv H1. replace (N.to_nat i + 1) with (1 + N.to_nat i). cbn.
specialize (spec_evalForTime__step i ([],[g],H)). destruct evalForTime__step as [[]|[[]|]]. all:easy.
+replace (S k') with (1+k') in H1 by easy.
assert (H1':=H1).
eapply pow_add in H1 as (sigma'&R&H1).
eapply rcomp_1 in R.
assert (exists i', N.to_nat i = S (N.to_nat i')) as (i'&eq) by (exists (i-1)%N;lia).
rewrite eq in *. cbn.
specialize (spec_evalForTime__step i sigma). destruct evalForTime__step as [[? sigma'']|[[]|]].
*intros (->&?&?). replace n with i' in * by lia.
apply IHk'. lia.
specialize parametrized_semi_confluence with (X:=state) (t1:=([],[g],H) ) (3:=H2) (2:=H1') as (?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?);[now eauto using functional_uc,step_functional|].
destruct x. 2:{ destruct H6 as (?&?&?);easy. }
inv H6.
replace k' with x0 by lia. easy.
*intros ->. easy.
*intros [[|Ter ]]. easy. edestruct Ter;easy.
Lemma evalForTime_spec (s:term) (fuel : N):
match evalForTime fuel s with
|Some (g,H) =>
closed s
/\ (exists k, k <= N.to_nat (4* fuel+1) /\ ARS.pow step k (init s) ([],[g],H))
/\ exists t, reprC H g t /\ s ⇓(<= N.to_nat fuel) t
| None => ~ closed s \/ ~ exists t, s ⇓(<= N.to_nat fuel) t
unfold evalForTime. destruct (closedb_spec s). 2:easy.
cbn [init__evalForTime].
destruct loopSum as [[[]|]|] eqn:eq.
-split. easy.
eapply sound_evalForTime__step2' in eq. split. easy.
destruct eq as (?&?&?).
edestruct soundness as (?&?&?&?&eq&?&?&?). 2:split. 1,2:eassumption. now intros ? ?.
inv eq.
rewrite ResourceMeasures.timeBS_evalIn in H1.
do 2 esplit. eassumption. eapply evalIn_evalLe. 2:eassumption. lia.
-right. intros (?&(?&?&R')%evalLe_evalIn).
rewrite <- ResourceMeasures.timeBS_evalIn in R'.
eapply correctTime in R' as (?&?&?&?). 2:easy.
eassert (H':=sound_evalForTime__step2' _ _ _ _). rewrite eq in H'. destruct H' as [_ H']. discriminate H'.
repeat eexists. 2:eassumption. lia.
-edestruct sound_evalForTime__step as (?&eq'). rewrite eq' in eq. easy.
Lemma mono_t__evalForTime maxVar maxVar' x x' size size' :
maxVar <= maxVar' -> x <= x' -> size <= size' -> t__evalForTime maxVar size x <= t__evalForTime maxVar' size' x'.
intros H1 H2 H3.
unfold t__evalForTime.
repeat (lazymatch goal with
|- _ + _ <= _ + _ => eapply plus_le_compat
| |- _ * _ <= _ * _ => eapply mult_le_compat
| |- _ => first [eassumption | reflexivity | eapply N_size_nat_monotone | eapply unfoldBool_time_mono | Lia.nia |eapply heapStep_timeBound_mono']
Lemma suplin_t__evalForTime maxVar size x : x <= t__evalForTime maxVar size x.
unfold t__evalForTime. Lia.nia.
From Undecidability.L.AbstractMachines Require Import AbstractHeapMachineDef UnfoldTailRec FunctionalDefinitions.
From Undecidability.L.AbstractMachines.Computable Require Import Unfolding HeapMachine Shared.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import Lists LBinNums.
From Undecidability.L.Functions Require Import BinNums BinNumsCompare UnboundIteration Proc.
Import AbstractHeapMachineDef.clos_notation .
Definition extractRes (sigma : state) :=
match sigma with
([],[g],_) => Some (g)
| _ => None
Definition evalForTime__step : N * state -> N * state + option (clos * list heapEntry) :=
fun '(i,sigma) =>
let '(_,_,H):= sigma in
match extractRes sigma with
Some g => inr (Some (g,H))
| _ => if (0 <? i)%N then
match heapStep sigma with
Some sigma' => inl (N.pred i,sigma')
| _ => inr None
else inr None
Definition init__evalForTime (fuel:N) (s:term) :=
((4 * fuel +1)%N,init s).
Definition evalForTime (fuel : N) ( s:term) : option (clos * list heapEntry) :=
if closedb s then
let '(fuel,x) := init__evalForTime fuel s in
match loopSum (N.to_nat fuel + 1) evalForTime__step (fuel,x) with
Some g => g
| _ => None
else None.
Lemma spec_extractRes sigma:
match extractRes sigma with
Some g => exists H, sigma = ([],[g],H)
| None => forall g H, sigma <> ([],[g],H)
unfold extractRes.
all:repeat (let eq := fresh "eq" in destruct _ eqn:eq).
all:try congruence. eexists _;repeat f_equal. congruence.
Arguments extractRes : simpl never.
Lemma spec_evalForTime__step i sigma:
match evalForTime__step (i,sigma) with
inl (i',sigma') => i = N.succ i' /\ step sigma sigma' /\ extractRes sigma = None
| inr None => (i = 0%N \/ terminal step sigma) /\ extractRes sigma = None
| inr (Some (g,H)) => sigma = ([],[g],H)
specialize (heapStep_sound sigma) as R.
specialize (spec_extractRes sigma) as H''.
all:destruct sigma as [[T V] H];cbn [snd].
all:destruct (N.ltb_spec0 0 i);[|replace i with (0%N) by Lia.nia].
all:repeat (let eq := fresh "eq" in destruct _ eqn:eq).
all:try discriminate.
all:repeat match goal with
H : inl _ = inl _ |- _ => inv H
| H : inr _ = inr _ |- _ => inv H
1:now split;(tauto + Lia.nia).
all:try (destruct H'' as (?&H'');inv H'').
Instance termT_extractRes : computableTime' extractRes (fun _ _ => (23,tt)).
unfold state.
extract. solverec.
Definition time_evalForTime__step x :=
let '(i,x) := x in
let '(T,V,H):=x in
match extractRes x with
Some g => 0
| _ => N.size_nat i * 12
+ if (0 <? i)%N
then heapStep_time T H
else 0
end + 81.
Instance termT_evalForTime__step : computableTime' evalForTime__step (fun x _ => (time_evalForTime__step x,tt)).
unfold state.
extract. intros (i&((T&V)&H)). unfold time_evalForTime__step. all:solverec.
Arguments evalForTime__step : simpl never.
Instance termT_init__evalForTime : computableTime' init__evalForTime (fun fuel (_:unit) => (1,fun s (_:unit) => (size s * 108 + N.size_nat fuel * 84 + 244,tt))).
eapply computableTimeExt with (x:=fun fuel s => ((fuel + fuel + fuel + fuel +1)%N,init s)).
-unfold init__evalForTime. repeat intro. hnf. f_equal. Lia.nia.
recRel_prettify2. reflexivity.
change (N.size_nat 1) with 1. ring_simplify.
repeat rewrite N_size_nat_add_leq.
rewrite !Nat.max_l. all:try Lia.lia.
Tactic Notation "destruct" "*" "eqn" :=
let E := fresh "eq" in destruct * eqn:E.
Definition R__step := fun '(i,s) '(i',s') => i = N.succ i' /\ step s s'.
Lemma pow_Rstep k i i' x x':
ARS.pow R__step k (i,x) (i',x')
<-> (i = i' + N.of_nat k)%N /\ ARS.pow step k x x'.
induction k in i',x'|-*.
{unfold pow. cbn. split. now intros [=]. intros. f_equal; intuition try solve [lia|easy]. }
replace (S k) with (k + 1) in * by omega.
rewrite !pow_add. unfold rcomp.
repeat setoid_rewrite <- rcomp_1.
-intros ([]&(->&?)%IHk&?&?). intuition. lia. eauto.
-intros (->&(?&?&?)).
eexists (_,_). rewrite IHk. cbn. repeat split. 2,3:eassumption. lia.
Import Undecidability.L.AbstractMachines.LargestVar Undecidability.L.AbstractMachines.AbstractHeapMachine.
Lemma time_uiter_evalForTime__step s fuel:
uiterTime evalForTime__step (fun x (_:unit) => (time_evalForTime__step x,tt)) (N.to_nat fuel + 1) (fuel,init s) <=
(N.to_nat fuel + 1) * (N.size_nat fuel * 12 + heapStep_timeBound (largestVar s) (N.to_nat fuel) + 90).
rewrite uiterTime_computesRel
with (R:= R__step)
(t__step := N.size_nat fuel * 12 + heapStep_timeBound (largestVar s) (N.to_nat fuel) + 81)
(t__end := 0).
intros fuel' (i'&x') ? R.
eapply pow_Rstep in R as (->&R). cbn [fst].
specialize spec_evalForTime__step with (i:=i') (sigma:=x') as H'.
specialize (spec_extractRes x') as Hx'.
-destruct x' as [[T V] Hp].
cbn [fst snd] in *.
unfold time_evalForTime__step.
destruct extractRes.
+destruct evalForTime__step as [[]|]. now destruct H'. split. 2:tauto. lia.
*rewrite N_size_nat_monotone with (n':=(i' + N.of_nat fuel')%N). 2:Lia.nia.
destruct N.ltb_spec0 with (x:=0%N) (y:=i'%N). 2:Lia.nia.
rewrite heapStep_timeBound_le. 2:eassumption.
rewrite heapStep_timeBound_mono with (k':=(N.to_nat (i' + N.of_nat fuel'))). 2:Lia.nia. Lia.nia.
*destruct evalForTime__step as [[]|]. 2:easy.
split. 2:easy. easy.
Lemma sound_evalForTime__step fuel x: {res & loopSum (N.to_nat fuel +1 ) evalForTime__step (fuel,x) = Some res}.
remember (N.to_nat fuel) as n eqn:eqn.
induction n in eqn,fuel,x|-*.
all:specialize (spec_evalForTime__step fuel x) as H'.
all:destruct evalForTime__step as [[]|].
{destruct H' as (->&?&?).
edestruct IHn with (fuel:=n0). Lia.nia.
Definition term_evalForTime : term := Eval cbn [convert TH]in (λ fuel s, (!!(extT (closedb)) s) (λ _, (!!(uiter evalForTime__step) (!!(extT (init__evalForTime)) fuel s))) (λ _, (enc (None (A:=clos * list heapEntry)))) I).
Definition t__evalForTime maxVar (size:nat) fuel :=
let fuel' := (4*fuel + 1) in
size *139 + N.size_nat (N.of_nat fuel) * 84+
(fuel' + 1) * (N.size_nat (N.of_nat fuel') * 12
+ heapStep_timeBound maxVar fuel' +90) +264.
Instance evalForTime_comp : computableTime' evalForTime (fun fuel _ => (1,fun s _ => (t__evalForTime (largestVar s)(size s) (N.to_nat fuel),tt))).
exists term_evalForTime. unfold term_evalForTime,evalForTime.
Intern.cstep. Intern.cstep. Intern.cstep.
destruct closedb. 1,2:reflexivity. Unshelve.
4:{ eapply uiter_sound. unfold evalForTime,init__evalForTime. edestruct sound_evalForTime__step as (?&eq').
rewrite eq'. reflexivity. }
2:exact True.
{intros fuel _. recRel_prettify2. easy.
all:unfold t__evalForTime. 2:lia. unfold init__evalForTime. rewrite time_uiter_evalForTime__step.
pose (fuel':=(4*fuel + 1)%N).
fold fuel'.
replace (4 * N.to_nat fuel + 1) with (N.to_nat fuel') by (unfold fuel';lia).
rewrite ! lia.
Lemma rel_evalForTime__step (x : N * state) : match evalForTime__step x with
| inl y => R__step x y
| inr _ => terminal R__step x
destruct x as [i x]. assert (H':=spec_evalForTime__step i x).
destruct evalForTime__step as [[]|[[]|]].
-destruct H' as (->&?&?).
hnf. easy.
-intros [i' x'] R'. destruct R' as (->&R').
assert (Hx:=spec_extractRes x). destruct extractRes.
+destruct Hx as (?&->).
inv R'.
-intros [] []. destruct H' as [[->|Ter] ?]. easy.
edestruct Ter. easy.
Lemma sound_evalForTime__step2' i sigma g H:
loopSum (N.to_nat i + 1) evalForTime__step (i,sigma) = Some (Some (g,H))
<-> (exists k, k <= N.to_nat i /\ ARS.pow step k sigma ([],[g],H)).
-intros H'.
eapply loopSum_rel_correct2 with (R:=R__step) in H' as (k&(x'&i')&?&eq1&R&Ter&eq2). 2:exact rel_evalForTime__step.
eapply pow_Rstep in R as (->&R).
eassert (H'':=spec_evalForTime__step _ _ ).
unfold state in *.
rewrite eq2 in H''.
eassert (H':=spec_extractRes i').
destruct extractRes;cbn;try congruence.
destruct H' as (?&->). inv H''. eexists;split. 2:eauto. lia.
-intros (k'&?&?).
induction k' in i,sigma,k',H1,H0 |-*.
+inv H1. replace (N.to_nat i + 1) with (1 + N.to_nat i). cbn.
specialize (spec_evalForTime__step i ([],[g],H)). destruct evalForTime__step as [[]|[[]|]]. all:easy.
+replace (S k') with (1+k') in H1 by easy.
assert (H1':=H1).
eapply pow_add in H1 as (sigma'&R&H1).
eapply rcomp_1 in R.
assert (exists i', N.to_nat i = S (N.to_nat i')) as (i'&eq) by (exists (i-1)%N;lia).
rewrite eq in *. cbn.
specialize (spec_evalForTime__step i sigma). destruct evalForTime__step as [[? sigma'']|[[]|]].
*intros (->&?&?). replace n with i' in * by lia.
apply IHk'. lia.
specialize parametrized_semi_confluence with (X:=state) (t1:=([],[g],H) ) (3:=H2) (2:=H1') as (?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?);[now eauto using functional_uc,step_functional|].
destruct x. 2:{ destruct H6 as (?&?&?);easy. }
inv H6.
replace k' with x0 by lia. easy.
*intros ->. easy.
*intros [[|Ter ]]. easy. edestruct Ter;easy.
Lemma evalForTime_spec (s:term) (fuel : N):
match evalForTime fuel s with
|Some (g,H) =>
closed s
/\ (exists k, k <= N.to_nat (4* fuel+1) /\ ARS.pow step k (init s) ([],[g],H))
/\ exists t, reprC H g t /\ s ⇓(<= N.to_nat fuel) t
| None => ~ closed s \/ ~ exists t, s ⇓(<= N.to_nat fuel) t
unfold evalForTime. destruct (closedb_spec s). 2:easy.
cbn [init__evalForTime].
destruct loopSum as [[[]|]|] eqn:eq.
-split. easy.
eapply sound_evalForTime__step2' in eq. split. easy.
destruct eq as (?&?&?).
edestruct soundness as (?&?&?&?&eq&?&?&?). 2:split. 1,2:eassumption. now intros ? ?.
inv eq.
rewrite ResourceMeasures.timeBS_evalIn in H1.
do 2 esplit. eassumption. eapply evalIn_evalLe. 2:eassumption. lia.
-right. intros (?&(?&?&R')%evalLe_evalIn).
rewrite <- ResourceMeasures.timeBS_evalIn in R'.
eapply correctTime in R' as (?&?&?&?). 2:easy.
eassert (H':=sound_evalForTime__step2' _ _ _ _). rewrite eq in H'. destruct H' as [_ H']. discriminate H'.
repeat eexists. 2:eassumption. lia.
-edestruct sound_evalForTime__step as (?&eq'). rewrite eq' in eq. easy.
Lemma mono_t__evalForTime maxVar maxVar' x x' size size' :
maxVar <= maxVar' -> x <= x' -> size <= size' -> t__evalForTime maxVar size x <= t__evalForTime maxVar' size' x'.
intros H1 H2 H3.
unfold t__evalForTime.
repeat (lazymatch goal with
|- _ + _ <= _ + _ => eapply plus_le_compat
| |- _ * _ <= _ * _ => eapply mult_le_compat
| |- _ => first [eassumption | reflexivity | eapply N_size_nat_monotone | eapply unfoldBool_time_mono | Lia.nia |eapply heapStep_timeBound_mono']
Lemma suplin_t__evalForTime maxVar size x : x <= t__evalForTime maxVar size x.
unfold t__evalForTime. Lia.nia.