From Undecidability.L Require Import LTactics LBool GenEncode Datatypes.Lists TMEncoding.
From Undecidability.TM Require Import CodeTM Single.EncodeTapes.
Run TemplateProgram (tmGenEncode "boundary_enc" boundary).
Hint Resolve boundary_enc_correct : Lrewrite.
Lemma size_boundary (l:boundary):
L.size (enc l) = match l with START => 6 | STOP => 5 | UNKNOWN => 4 end.
change (enc l) with (boundary_enc l).
destruct l;easy.
Section sigList.
Context (sig : Type) `{H:registered sig}.
Run TemplateProgram (tmGenEncode "sigList_enc" (sigList sig)).
Global Instance term_sigList_X : computableTime' (@sigList_X sig) (fun _ _ => (1,tt)).
Proof. extract constructor. solverec.
Lemma size_sigList (l:sigList sig):
L.size (enc l) = match l with sigList_X x => L.size (enc x) + 7 | sigList_nil => 5 | _ => 4 end.
change (enc l) with (sigList_enc l).
destruct l. all:cbn [sigList_enc map sumn size].
change ((match _ with
| @mk_registered _ enc _ _ => enc
end s)) with (enc s).
End sigList.
Hint Resolve sigList_enc_correct : Lrewrite.
Section sigTape.
Context (sig : Type) `{H:registered sig}.
Run TemplateProgram (tmGenEncode "sigTape_enc" (sigTape sig)).
Global Instance term_LeftBlank_X : computableTime' (@LeftBlank sig) (fun _ _ => (1,tt)).
Proof. extract constructor. solverec. Qed.
Global Instance term_RightBlank_X : computableTime' (@RightBlank sig) (fun _ _ => (1,tt)).
Proof. extract constructor. solverec. Qed.
Global Instance term_MarkedSymbol_X : computableTime' (@MarkedSymbol sig) (fun _ _ => (1,tt)).
Proof. extract constructor. solverec. Qed.
Global Instance term_UnmarkedSymbol_X : computableTime' (@UnmarkedSymbol sig) (fun _ _ => (1,tt)).
Proof. extract constructor. solverec. Qed.
Lemma size_sigTape (l:sigTape sig):
L.size (enc l) =
match l with
LeftBlank b => 11+ L.size (enc b)
| RightBlank b => 10+ L.size (enc b)
| NilBlank => 8
| MarkedSymbol x => 8 + L.size (enc x)
| UnmarkedSymbol x => 7 + L.size (enc x)
change (enc l) with (sigTape_enc l).
destruct l. all:cbn [sigTape_enc map sumn size].
1-2:unfold enc;cbn.
4-5:change ((match _ with
| @mk_registered _ enc _ _ => enc
end s)) with (enc s).
all:cbn;try nia.
End sigTape.
Hint Resolve sigTape_enc_correct : Lrewrite.
Section encTape.
Context X `{registered X}.
Definition _term_encode_tape :
{ time : UpToC (fun l => sizeOfTape l + 1)
& computableTime' (@encode_tape X) (fun l _ => (time l,tt))}.
evar (c1:nat).
exists_UpToC (fun l => c1 * sizeOfTape l + c1).
{ extract. recRel_prettify. solverec.
all:try rewrite !map_time_const. all:autorewrite with list. all:cbn [length].
all: ring_simplify. [c1]:exact 42. all:subst c1;nia. }
Global Instance term_encode_tape : computableTime' (@encode_tape X) _ := projT2 _term_encode_tape.
End encTape.