From Undecidability.L.Tactics Require Import LTactics GenEncode.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import LNat Lists LProd LFinType LVector.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Functions.EqBool.

From Undecidability Require Import TM.TM L.Functions.Decoding.
Require Import PslBase.FiniteTypes.FinTypes.

Extraction of Turing Machine interpreter

Run TemplateProgram (tmGenEncode "move_enc" move).
Hint Resolve move_enc_correct : Lrewrite.

Definition move_eqb (m n : move) : bool :=
  match m,n with
    N,N => true
  | L,L => true
  | R,R => true
  | _,_ => false

Lemma move_eqb_spec x y : reflect (x = y) (move_eqb x y).
  destruct x, y;constructor. all:easy.

Instance eqbOption:
  eqbClass move_eqb.
  intros ? ?. eapply move_eqb_spec.

Instance eqbComp_bool : eqbCompT move.
  evar (c:nat). exists c. unfold move_eqb.
  unfold enc;cbn.
  [c]:exact 3.
  all:unfold c;try lia.

Encoding Tapes

Section reg_tapes.
  Variable sig : Type.
  Context `{reg_sig : registered sig}.

  Implicit Type (t : TM.tape sig).

  Run TemplateProgram (tmGenEncode "tape_enc" (TM.tape sig)).
  Hint Resolve tape_enc_correct : Lrewrite.

  Global Instance term_leftof : computableTime' (@leftof sig) (fun _ _ => (1, fun _ _ => (1,tt))).
    extract constructor.

  Global Instance term_rightof : computableTime' (@rightof sig) (fun _ _ => (1, fun _ _ => (1,tt))).
    extract constructor. solverec.

  Global Instance term_midtape : computableTime' (@midtape sig) (fun _ _ => (1, fun _ _ => (1,fun _ _ => (1,tt)))).
    extract constructor. solverec.

End reg_tapes.

Definition tape_decode X `{decodable X} (s : term) : option (tape X) :=
  match s with
  | lam (lam (lam (lam 3))) => Some (niltape _)
  | lam (lam (lam (lam (app ( app 2 c) r)))) =>
     match decode X c,decode (list X) r with
       Some x, Some xs => Some (leftof x xs)
     | _,_ => None
  | lam (lam (lam (lam (app ( app 1 c) l)))) =>
    match decode X c,decode (list X) l with
      Some x, Some xs => Some (rightof x xs)
    | _,_ => None
  | lam (lam (lam (lam (app ( app (app 0 l) c) r)))) =>
    match decode X c,decode (list X) l,decode (list X) r with
      Some x, Some xs, Some r => Some (midtape xs x r)
    | _,_,_ => None
  | _ => None

Arguments tape_decode : clear implicits.
Arguments tape_decode _ {_ _} _.

Instance decode_tape X `{registered X} {H:decodable X}: decodable (tape X).
  exists (tape_decode X).
  all:unfold enc at 1. all:cbn.
  -destruct x;cbn.
   all:repeat setoid_rewrite decode_correct. all:easy.
  -destruct t eqn:eq. all:cbn.
   all:repeat let eq := fresh in destruct _ eqn:eq. all:try congruence.
   all:intros ? [= <-].
   all:change (match H with
               | @mk_registered _ enc _ _ => enc
               end x) with (enc x).
   all: change (list_enc (intX:=H)) with (@enc _ _ : list X -> term) in *.
   all: (setoid_rewrite @decode_correct2;[ |try eassumption..]).

Section fix_sig.
  Variable sig : finType.
  Context `{reg_sig : registered sig}.

  Definition mconfigAsPair {B : finType} {n} (c:mconfig sig B n):= let (x,y) := c in (x,y).

  Global Instance registered_mconfig (B : finType) `{registered B} n: registered (mconfig sig B n).
    eapply (registerAs mconfigAsPair). clear.

  Global Instance term_mconfigAsPair (B : finType) `{registered B} n: computableTime' (@mconfigAsPair B n) (fun _ _ => (1,tt)).
    apply cast_computableTime.

  Global Instance term_cstate (B : finType) `{registered B} n: computableTime' (@cstate sig B n) (fun _ _ => (7,tt)).
    apply computableTimeExt with (x:=fun x => fst (mconfigAsPair x)).
    2:{extract. solverec. }
    intros [];reflexivity.

  Global Instance term_ctapes (B : finType) `{registered B} n: computableTime' (@ctapes sig B n) (fun _ _ => (7,tt)).
    apply computableTimeExt with (x:=fun x => snd (mconfigAsPair x)).
    2:{extract. solverec. }
    intros [];reflexivity.

  Global Instance registered_mk_mconfig (B : finType) `{registered B} n: computableTime' (@mk_mconfig sig B n) (fun _ _ => (1,fun _ _ => (3,tt))).
    extract. solverec.
End fix_sig.

Hint Resolve tape_enc_correct : Lrewrite.

From Undecidability Require Import PrettyBounds.SizeBounds.

Lemma sizeOfTape_by_size {sig} `{registered sig} (t:(tape sig)) :
  sizeOfTape t <= size (enc t).
  change (enc (X:=tape sig)) with (tape_enc (sig:=sig)). unfold tape_enc,sizeOfTape.
  change (match H with
          | @mk_registered _ enc _ _ => enc
          end) with (enc (registered:=H)). change (list_enc (X:=sig)) with (enc (X:=list sig)).
  destruct t. all:cbn [tapeToList length tape_enc size].
  all:rewrite ?app_length,?rev_length. all:cbn [length].
  all:ring_simplify. all:try rewrite !size_list_enc_r. all:try nia.

Lemma sizeOfmTapes_by_size {sig} `{registered sig} n (t:tapes sig n) :
  sizeOfmTapes t <= size (enc t).
  setoid_rewrite enc_vector_eq. rewrite Lists.size_list.
  erewrite <- sumn_map_le_pointwise with (f1:=fun _ => _). 2:{ intros. setoid_rewrite <- sizeOfTape_by_size. reflexivity. }
  rewrite sizeOfmTapes_max_list_map. unfold MaxList.max_list_map. rewrite max_list_sumn.
  etransitivity. 2:now apply Nat.le_add_r. rewrite vector_to_list_correct. apply sumn_map_le_pointwise. intros. nia.