Machines for shifting positive binary numbers

From Undecidability Require Import ProgrammingTools.
From Undecidability Require Import EncodeBinNumbers.
From Undecidability Require Import PosDefinitions.
From Undecidability Require Import PosPointers.
From Undecidability Require Import PosHelperMachines.
Local Open Scope positive_scope.

From Undecidability Require Import Compound.Shift.

Machine for Shifting Left

Definition ShiftLeft_Rel (bit : bool) : pRel sigPos^+ unit 1 :=
  fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
    forall (p : positive),
      tin[@Fin0] p ->
      tout[@Fin0] p ~~ bit.

Definition ShiftLeft (bit : bool) : pTM sigPos^+ unit 1 :=
  Shift_L (@isStart _) (bitToSigPos' bit);;
  Move L;;
  Write (inl START).

Lemma ShiftLeft_Realise (bit : bool) : ShiftLeft bit ShiftLeft_Rel bit.
  eapply Realise_monotone.
  { unfold ShiftLeft. TM_Correct.
    - apply GoToLSB_start_Realise. }
    intros tin ([], tout) H. intros p Hp. TMSimp. simpl_tape.
    modpon H. destruct p; cbn.
    - clear H1 H2.       destruct H as (ls&->). cbn.
      pose proof Encode_positive_startsWith_xH p as (str'&Hstr'). cbn in *. rewrite Hstr'. cbn. simpl_list. cbn.
      rewrite Shift_L_fun_correct_midtape_stop; cbn; auto.
      + hnf. eexists. cbn. simpl_tape. f_equal.
        setoid_rewrite Encode_positive_app_xIO; cbn.
        simpl_list; cbn. rewrite Hstr'. cbn. f_equal. rewrite !map_rev. simpl_list. cbn. rewrite map_id. auto.
      + intros x (?&<-&?%in_rev)%in_map_iff. replace str' with (tl (encode_pos p)) in H1 by now rewrite Hstr'. now pose proof Encode_positive_tl_bits H1 as [-> | ->].
    - clear H1 H2.       destruct H as (ls&->). cbn.
      pose proof Encode_positive_startsWith_xH p as (str'&Hstr'). cbn in *. rewrite Hstr'. cbn. simpl_list. cbn.
      rewrite Shift_L_fun_correct_midtape_stop; cbn; auto.
      + hnf. eexists. cbn. simpl_tape. f_equal.
        setoid_rewrite Encode_positive_app_xIO; cbn.
        simpl_list; cbn. rewrite Hstr'. cbn. f_equal. rewrite !map_rev. simpl_list. cbn. rewrite map_id. auto.
      + intros x (?&<-&?%in_rev)%in_map_iff. replace str' with (tl (encode_pos p)) in H1 by now rewrite Hstr'. now pose proof Encode_positive_tl_bits H1 as [-> | ->].
    - clear H1 H2.       destruct H as (ls&->). cbn.
      do 2 (rewrite Shift_L_fun_equation; cbn).
      hnf. eexists. f_equal. cbn. simpl_tape. cbn. now rewrite Encode_positive_app_xIO.

Machine for shifting a number y pos_size x-times left.

Definition ShiftLeft_num_Step_Rel : pRel sigPos^+ (option unit) 2 :=
  fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
    (forall (px : positive) (bx : bool) (bitsx : list bool) (y : positive),
        atBit tin[@Fin0] px bx bitsx ->
        tin[@Fin1] y ->
        movedToLeft tout[@Fin0] px bx bitsx /\
        tout[@Fin1] y~0 /\
        yout = None) /\
    (forall (px : positive) (y : positive),
        atHSB tin[@Fin0] px ->
        tin[@Fin1] y ->
        tout = tin /\
        yout = Some tt).

Definition ShiftLeft_num_Step : pTM sigPos^+ (option unit) 2 :=
  Switch (ReadPosSym@[|Fin0|])
         (fun (s : option bool) =>
            match s with
            | Some b => Return (SetBitAndMoveLeft b @[|Fin0|];; ShiftLeft false @[|Fin1|]) None
            | None => Return Nop (Some tt)

Lemma ShiftLeft_num_Step_Realise : ShiftLeft_num_Step ShiftLeft_num_Step_Rel.
  eapply Realise_monotone.
  { unfold ShiftLeft_num_Step.
    eapply Switch_Realise with (R2 := fun (s : option bool) => match s with Some b => _ | None => _ end).     - TM_Correct. eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply ReadPosSym_Sem.
    - intros [ b | ]; TM_Correct.
      + eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply SetBitAndMoveLeft_Sem.
      + apply ShiftLeft_Realise. }
    intros tin (yout, tout) H. TMSimp.
    rename H into HReadSymA, H1 into HReadSymB, H0 into HSwitch. split.
    - intros. modpon HReadSymA. destruct ymid as [ [ | ] | ]; auto; destruct bx; TMSimp; auto.
      + modpon H3. modpon H4. auto.
      + modpon H3. modpon H4. auto.
    - intros. modpon HReadSymB. destruct ymid as [ [ | ] | ]; auto; TMSimp.
      destruct_tapes; TMSimp; auto.

Definition ShiftLeft_num_Loop_Rel : pRel sigPos^+ unit 2 :=
  fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
    (forall (px : positive) (bx : bool) (bitsx : list bool) (y : positive),
        atBit tin[@Fin0] px bx bitsx ->
        tin[@Fin1] y ->
        atHSB tout[@Fin0] (append_bits px (bx::bitsx)) /\
        tout[@Fin1] shift_left y (pos_size (px~~bx))) /\
    (forall (px : positive) (y : positive),
        atHSB tin[@Fin0] px ->
        tin[@Fin1] y ->
        tout = tin).

Definition ShiftLeft_num_Loop := While ShiftLeft_num_Step.

Lemma ShiftLeft_num_Loop_Realise : ShiftLeft_num_Loop ShiftLeft_num_Loop_Rel.
  eapply Realise_monotone.
  { unfold ShiftLeft_num_Loop. TM_Correct. apply ShiftLeft_num_Step_Realise. }
    apply WhileInduction; intros.
      TMSimp. split.
      - intros. modpon H. congruence.
      - intros. modpon H0. congruence.
      destruct HStar as (HStarA&HStarB); destruct HLastStep as (HLastStepA&HLastStepB). split.
      - intros. modpon HStarA. destruct px; cbn in *.
        + modpon HLastStepA. repeat split; eauto. contains_ext; f_equal. cbn. now rewrite pos_size_append_bit.
        + modpon HLastStepA. repeat split; eauto. contains_ext; f_equal. cbn. now rewrite pos_size_append_bit.
        + modpon HLastStepB. repeat split; TMSimp; eauto. contains_ext; f_equal. cbn. now rewrite pos_size_append_bit.
      - intros. modpon HStarB. congruence.

Definition ShiftLeft_num : pTM sigPos^+ unit 2 := GoToLSB_start@[|Fin0|];; ShiftLeft_num_Loop;; (Move L)@[|Fin0|].

Definition ShiftLeft_num_Rel : pRel sigPos^+ unit 2 :=
  fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
    forall (p0 : positive) (p1 : positive),
      tin[@Fin0] p0 ->
      tin[@Fin1] p1 ->
      tout[@Fin0] p0 /\
      tout[@Fin1] shift_left p1 (pos_size p0).

Lemma ShiftLeft_num_Realise : ShiftLeft_num ShiftLeft_num_Rel.
  eapply Realise_monotone.
  { unfold ShiftLeft_num. TM_Correct.
    - apply GoToLSB_start_Realise.
    - apply ShiftLeft_num_Loop_Realise. }
    intros tin ([], tout) H. hnf; intros. TMSimp.
    modpon H. destruct p0; cbn in *.
    - modpon H2. modpon H3. repeat split; auto. now apply atHSB_moveLeft_contains.
    - modpon H2. modpon H3. repeat split; auto. now apply atHSB_moveLeft_contains.
    - modpon H4. TMSimp. repeat split; auto. now apply atHSB_moveLeft_contains.

Check whether the number is one

Definition IsOne : pTM sigPos^+ bool 1 :=
  Move R;; Move R;;
  Switch (ReadChar)
  (fun (c : option sigPos^+) =>
     match c with
     | Some (inr _) => Return (Move L;; Move L) false
     | Some (inl _) => Return (Move L;; Move L) true
     | _ => Return Nop default

Definition IsOne_Rel : pRel sigPos^+ bool 1 :=
  fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
    forall (p : positive),
      tin[@Fin0] p ->
      match yout, p with
      | true, 1 => tout[@Fin0] p
      | false, _~1 => tout[@Fin0] p
      | false, _~0 => tout[@Fin0] p
      | _, _ => False

Definition IsOne_steps : nat := 9.

Lemma last_app (X : Type) (xs : list X) (x y : X) :
  last (xs ++ [x]) y = x.
  induction xs as [ | x' xs IH]; cbn in *; auto.
  rewrite IH. destruct xs; cbn in *; congruence.

Lemma Encode_positive_is_xH (p : positive) :
  encode_pos p = [sigPos_xH] -> p = xH.
  destruct p; cbn in *; try congruence.
  - intros H. exfalso.
    enough (last (encode_pos p ++ [sigPos_xI]) sigPos_xH <> sigPos_xH).
    { rewrite H in H0. cbn in *. congruence. }
    rewrite last_app. congruence.
  - intros H. exfalso.
    enough (last (encode_pos p ++ [sigPos_xO]) sigPos_xH <> sigPos_xH).
    { rewrite H in H0. cbn in *. congruence. }
    rewrite last_app. congruence.

Lemma IsOne_Sem : IsOne c(IsOne_steps) IsOne_Rel.
  eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
  { unfold IsOne. TM_Correct. }
  { Unshelve. 5-10: reflexivity. 3: reflexivity. reflexivity. omega. }
    intros tin (yout, tout) H. intros p Hp_enc. TMSimp.
destruct Hp_enc as (ls&Hp_enc). TMSimp. clear Hp_enc. cbn in *.
    destruct p; cbn in *.
    - pose proof Encode_positive_startsWith_xH as (str'&Hstr'). cbn in *. rewrite Hstr' in *. cbn in *.
      replace str' with (tl (encode_pos p)) in * by now rewrite Hstr'.
      destruct (tl (encode_pos p)) eqn:Ep; cbn in *.
      + TMSimp. hnf. cbn. assert (p = 1) as -> by now apply Encode_positive_is_xH. eauto.
      + assert (In s (tl (encode_pos p))) as Hs by now rewrite Ep.
        pose proof Encode_positive_tl_bits Hs as [-> | ->].
        * TMSimp. hnf; eexists. f_equal. cbn. rewrite Hstr'. cbn. f_equal.
        * TMSimp. hnf; eexists. f_equal. cbn. rewrite Hstr'. cbn. f_equal.
    - pose proof Encode_positive_startsWith_xH as (str'&Hstr'). cbn in *. rewrite Hstr' in *. cbn in *.
      replace str' with (tl (encode_pos p)) in * by now rewrite Hstr'.
      destruct (tl (encode_pos p)) eqn:Ep; cbn in *.
      + TMSimp. hnf. cbn. assert (p = 1) as -> by now apply Encode_positive_is_xH. eauto.
      + assert (In s (tl (encode_pos p))) as Hs by now rewrite Ep.
        pose proof Encode_positive_tl_bits Hs as [-> | ->].
        * TMSimp. hnf; eexists. f_equal. cbn. rewrite Hstr'. cbn. f_equal.
        * TMSimp. hnf; eexists. f_equal. cbn. rewrite Hstr'. cbn. f_equal.
    - TMSimp. hnf. eauto.

Machine for Shifting Left

Definition ShiftRight'_Rel : pRel sigPos^+ unit 1 :=
  fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
    forall (p : positive),
      p <> 1 ->
      tin[@Fin0] p ->
      tout[@Fin0] removeLSB p.

Definition ShiftRight' : pTM sigPos^+ unit 1 :=
  Move R;;
  Shift (@isStop _) (inl START);;
  Write (inl STOP);;
  MoveLeft _.
Lemma ShiftRight'_Realise : ShiftRight' ShiftRight'_Rel.
  eapply Realise_monotone.
  { unfold ShiftRight'. TM_Correct.
    - apply MoveLeft_Realise with (X := positive). }
    intros tin ([], tout) H. intros p Hp Hp_enc. TMSimp.
    specialize (H2 (removeLSB p)). modpon H2.
      clear H2. apply tape_contains_rev_contains_rev_size.
      destruct Hp_enc as (ls&->). clear H0 H1. cbn.
      rewrite <- (app_nil_r ([inl STOP])).
      destruct p; cbn in *; try congruence.
      - pose proof Encode_positive_startsWith_xH p as (str'&Hstr'). cbn in *. rewrite Hstr'. cbn. simpl_list. cbn.
        rewrite Shift_fun_correct_midtape_stop; cbn; auto.
        + hnf. exists (inl START :: ls). cbn. rewrite !map_id, !map_rev. rewrite Hstr'. cbn. simpl_list. cbn. auto.
        + rewrite map_id.
          intros ? (?&<-&?)%in_map_iff. replace str' with (tl (encode_pos p)) in H0 by now rewrite Hstr'. now pose proof Encode_positive_tl_bits H0 as [-> | ->].
      - pose proof Encode_positive_startsWith_xH p as (str'&Hstr'). cbn in *. rewrite Hstr'. cbn. simpl_list. cbn.
        rewrite Shift_fun_correct_midtape_stop; cbn; auto.
        + hnf. exists (inl START :: ls). cbn. rewrite !map_id, !map_rev. rewrite Hstr'. cbn. simpl_list. cbn. auto.
        + rewrite map_id.
          intros ? (?&<-&?)%in_map_iff. replace str' with (tl (encode_pos p)) in H0 by now rewrite Hstr'. now pose proof Encode_positive_tl_bits H0 as [-> | ->].
    eapply tape_contains_size_contains in H2. contains_ext.

Definition ShiftRight_Rel : pRel sigPos^+ unit 1 :=
  fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
    forall (p : positive),
      tin[@Fin0] p ->
      tout[@Fin0] removeLSB p.

Definition ShiftRight : pTM sigPos^+ unit 1 := If IsOne Nop ShiftRight'.

Lemma ShiftRight_Realise : ShiftRight ShiftRight_Rel.
  eapply Realise_monotone.
  { unfold ShiftRight. TM_Correct.
    - eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply IsOne_Sem.
    - apply ShiftRight'_Realise. }
    intros tin (yout, tout) H. TMSimp.
    destruct H; TMSimp.
    - intros. modpon H. destruct p; auto.
    - intros. modpon H.
      specialize (H0 p). destruct p; auto.
      + modpon H0; auto. congruence.
      + modpon H0; auto. congruence.

Machine for shifting a number y pos_size x times left.

Definition ShiftRight_num_Step_Rel : pRel sigPos^+ (option unit) 2 :=
  fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
    (forall (px : positive) (bx : bool) (bitsx : list bool) (y : positive),
        atBit tin[@Fin0] px bx bitsx ->
        tin[@Fin1] y ->
        movedToLeft tout[@Fin0] px bx bitsx /\
        tout[@Fin1] removeLSB y /\
        yout = None) /\
    (forall (px : positive) (y : positive),
        atHSB tin[@Fin0] px ->
        tin[@Fin1] y ->
        tout = tin /\
        yout = Some tt).

Definition ShiftRight_num_Step : pTM sigPos^+ (option unit) 2 :=
  Switch (ReadPosSym@[|Fin0|])
         (fun (s : option bool) =>
            match s with
            | Some b => Return (SetBitAndMoveLeft b @[|Fin0|];; ShiftRight @[|Fin1|]) None
            | None => Return Nop (Some tt)

Lemma ShiftRight_num_Step_Realise : ShiftRight_num_Step ShiftRight_num_Step_Rel.
  eapply Realise_monotone.
  { unfold ShiftRight_num_Step.
    eapply Switch_Realise with (R2 := fun (s : option bool) => match s with Some b => _ | None => _ end).     - TM_Correct. eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply ReadPosSym_Sem.
    - intros [ b | ]; TM_Correct.
      + eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply SetBitAndMoveLeft_Sem.
      + apply ShiftRight_Realise. }
    intros tin (yout, tout) H. TMSimp.
    rename H into HReadSymA, H1 into HReadSymB, H0 into HSwitch. split.
    - intros. modpon HReadSymA. destruct ymid as [ [ | ] | ]; auto; destruct bx; TMSimp; auto.
      + modpon H3. modpon H4. auto.
      + modpon H3. modpon H4. auto.
    - intros. modpon HReadSymB. destruct ymid as [ [ | ] | ]; auto; TMSimp.
      destruct_tapes; TMSimp; auto.

Definition ShiftRight_num_Loop_Rel : pRel sigPos^+ unit 2 :=
  fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
    (forall (px : positive) (bx : bool) (bitsx : list bool) (y : positive),
        atBit tin[@Fin0] px bx bitsx ->
        tin[@Fin1] y ->
        atHSB tout[@Fin0] (append_bits px (bx::bitsx)) /\
        tout[@Fin1] shift_right y (pos_size (px~~bx))) /\
    (forall (px : positive) (y : positive),
        atHSB tin[@Fin0] px ->
        tin[@Fin1] y ->
        tout = tin).

Definition ShiftRight_num_Loop := While ShiftRight_num_Step.

Lemma ShiftRight_num_Loop_Realise : ShiftRight_num_Loop ShiftRight_num_Loop_Rel.
  eapply Realise_monotone.
  { unfold ShiftRight_num_Loop. TM_Correct. apply ShiftRight_num_Step_Realise. }
    apply WhileInduction; intros.
      TMSimp. split.
      - intros. modpon H. congruence.
      - intros. modpon H0. congruence.
      destruct HStar as (HStarA&HStarB); destruct HLastStep as (HLastStepA&HLastStepB). split.
      - intros. modpon HStarA. destruct px; cbn in *.
        + modpon HLastStepA. repeat split; eauto. contains_ext; f_equal. cbn. now rewrite pos_size_append_bit.
        + modpon HLastStepA. repeat split; eauto. contains_ext; f_equal. cbn. now rewrite pos_size_append_bit.
        + modpon HLastStepB. repeat split; TMSimp; eauto. contains_ext; f_equal. cbn. now rewrite pos_size_append_bit.
      - intros. modpon HStarB. congruence.

Definition ShiftRight_num : pTM sigPos^+ unit 2 := GoToLSB_start@[|Fin0|];; ShiftRight_num_Loop;; (Move L)@[|Fin0|].

Definition ShiftRight_num_Rel : pRel sigPos^+ unit 2 :=
  fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
    forall (p0 : positive) (p1 : positive),
      tin[@Fin0] p0 ->
      tin[@Fin1] p1 ->
      tout[@Fin0] p0 /\
      tout[@Fin1] shift_right p1 (pos_size p0).

Lemma ShiftRight_num_Realise : ShiftRight_num ShiftRight_num_Rel.
  eapply Realise_monotone.
  { unfold ShiftRight_num. TM_Correct.
    - apply GoToLSB_start_Realise.
    - apply ShiftRight_num_Loop_Realise. }
    intros tin ([], tout) H. hnf; intros. TMSimp.
    modpon H. destruct p0; cbn in *.
    - modpon H2. modpon H3. repeat split; auto. now apply atHSB_moveLeft_contains.
    - modpon H2. modpon H3. repeat split; auto. now apply atHSB_moveLeft_contains.
    - modpon H4. TMSimp. repeat split; auto. now apply atHSB_moveLeft_contains.