From Undecidability Require Import TM.Prelim.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.TM.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Basic.Basic.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Combinators.Combinators.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Lifting.Lifting.

From Undecidability Require Import TM.Compound.TMTac.

Simple compound multi-tape Machines


The n-tape Machine that does nothing
Section Nop.
  Variable sig : finType.
  Variable n : nat.

  Definition Nop : pTM sig unit n := LiftTapes Null (Vector.nil _).

  Definition Nop_Rel : pRel sig unit n :=
    ignoreParam (fun t t' => t' = t).

  Lemma Nop_Sem : Nop c(0) Nop_Rel.
    eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
    { unfold Nop. TM_Correct. }
    { reflexivity. }
      intros tin ((), tout) (_&HInj). cbn in *.
      apply Vector.eq_nth_iff; intros i ? <-. apply HInj. vector_not_in.
End Nop.

Arguments Nop_Rel {sig n} x y/.
Arguments Nop {sig n}.
Arguments Nop : simpl never.


Section Diverge.
  Variable sig : finType.
  Variable n : nat.

  Definition Diverge : pTM sig unit n := While (Return Nop None).

  Definition Diverge_Rel : pRel sig unit n :=
    ignoreParam (fun t t' => False).

  Lemma Diverge_Realise : Diverge Diverge_Rel.
    eapply Realise_monotone.
    { unfold Diverge. TM_Correct. eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply Nop_Sem. }
    { eapply WhileInduction; intros; cbn in *; TMSimp; auto. }

End Diverge.

Arguments Diverge_Rel {sig n} x y/.
Arguments Diverge {sig n}.
Arguments Diverge : simpl never.

Move two tapes

Section MovePar.
  Variable sig : finType.
  Variable (D1 D2 : move).

  Definition MovePar_R : pRel sig unit 2 :=
    ignoreParam(fun (t t' : tapes sig 2) =>
                  t'[@Fin0] = tape_move t[@Fin0] D1 /\
                  t'[@Fin1] = tape_move t[@Fin1] D2).

  Definition MovePar : pTM sig unit 2 :=
    LiftTapes (Move D1) [|Fin0|];; LiftTapes (Move D2) [|Fin1|].

  Lemma MovePar_Sem : MovePar c(3) MovePar_R.
    eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
    { unfold MovePar. TM_Correct. }
    { reflexivity. }
    { hnf in *. intros tin (yout&tout) H. now TMSimp. }

End MovePar.

Arguments MovePar_R { sig } ( D1 D2 ) x y /.
Arguments MovePar {sig} (D1 D2).
Arguments MovePar : simpl never.

Copy Symbol

Copy the current symbol from tape 0 to tape 1
Section Copy.
  Variable sig : finType.

  Variable f : sig -> sig.

  Definition CopyChar : pTM sig unit 2 :=
    Switch (LiftTapes ReadChar [|Fin0|])
          (fun s : option sig =>
             match s with
             | None => Nop
             | Some s => LiftTapes (Write (f s)) [|Fin1|]

  Definition CopyChar_Rel : pRel sig unit 2 :=
    ignoreParam (
        fun tin tout =>
          tout[@Fin0] = tin[@Fin0] /\
          tout[@Fin1] = tape_write tin[@Fin1] (map_opt f (current tin[@Fin0]))

  Lemma CopyChar_Sem : CopyChar c(3) CopyChar_Rel.
    eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
      unfold CopyChar. eapply Switch_RealiseIn; cbn.
      - apply LiftTapes_RealiseIn. vector_dupfree. apply ReadChar_Sem.
      - instantiate (2 := fun o : option sig => match o with Some s => _ | None => _ end).
        intros [ s | ]; cbn.
        + eapply LiftTapes_RealiseIn. vector_dupfree. apply Write_Sem.
        + eapply RealiseIn_monotone'. apply Nop_Sem. omega.
    { omega. }
      intros tin ((), tout) H. cbn in *. TMSimp.
      destruct (current tin[@Fin0]) eqn:E; TMSimp; auto.

End Copy.

Arguments CopyChar_Rel { sig } ( f ) x y /.
Arguments CopyChar { sig }.
Arguments CopyChar : simpl never.

Read Char

Read a char at an arbitrary tape
Section ReadChar.

  Variable sig : finType.
  Variable (n : nat) (k : Fin.t n).

  Definition ReadChar_at : pTM sig (option sig) n :=
    LiftTapes ReadChar [|k|].

  Definition ReadChar_at_Rel : pRel sig (option sig) n :=
    fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
      yout = current tin[@k] /\
      tout = tin.

  Lemma ReadChar_at_Sem :
    ReadChar_at c(1) ReadChar_at_Rel.
    eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
    { unfold ReadChar_at. TM_Correct. }
    { cbn. reflexivity. }
      intros tin (yout, tout) H.
      hnf. TMSimp; clear_trivial_eqs. split; auto.
      eapply VectorSpec.eq_nth_iff; intros p ? <-.
      decide (p = k) as [->|HnEq]; TMSimp; auto.
      - apply H0. vector_not_in.

End ReadChar.

Arguments ReadChar_at : simpl never.
Arguments ReadChar_at {sig n} k.
Arguments ReadChar_at_Rel { sig n } ( k ) x y /.

Tactic Support

Ltac smpl_TM_Multi :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | [ |- Nop _ ] => eapply RealiseIn_Realise; apply Nop_Sem
  | [ |- Nop c(_) _ ] => eapply Nop_Sem
  | [ |- projT1 (Nop) _ ] => eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn; apply Nop_Sem

  | [ |- Diverge _ ] => apply Diverge_Realise

  | [ |- MovePar _ _ _ ] => eapply RealiseIn_Realise; eapply MovePar_Sem
  | [ |- MovePar _ _ c(_) _ ] => eapply MovePar_Sem
  | [ |- projT1 (MovePar _ _) _ ] => eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn; eapply MovePar_Sem

  | [ |- CopyChar _ _ ] => eapply RealiseIn_Realise; eapply CopyChar_Sem
  | [ |- CopyChar _ c(_) _ ] => eapply CopyChar_Sem
  | [ |- projT1 (CopyChar _) _ ] => eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn; eapply CopyChar_Sem

  | [ |- ReadChar_at _ _ ] => eapply RealiseIn_Realise; eapply ReadChar_at_Sem
  | [ |- ReadChar_at _ c(_) _ ] => eapply ReadChar_at_Sem
  | [ |- projT1 (ReadChar_at _) _ ] => eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn; eapply ReadChar_at_Sem

Smpl Add smpl_TM_Multi : TM_Correct.