From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import Base FinTypes.
From Undecidability Require Import L.Functions.EqBool.
From Complexity.NP.SAT.CookLevin Require Export CC.
From Complexity.Libs.CookPrelim Require Import MorePrelim FlatFinTypes.
Require Import Lia.
From Undecidability Require Import L.Functions.EqBool.
From Complexity.NP.SAT.CookLevin Require Export CC.
From Complexity.Libs.CookPrelim Require Import MorePrelim FlatFinTypes.
Require Import Lia.
Inductive FlatCC := {
Sigma : nat;
offset : nat;
width : nat;
init : list nat;
cards : list (CCCard nat);
final : list (list nat);
steps : nat
Definition CCCard_ofFlatType (card : CCCard nat) k:= list_ofFlatType k (prem card) /\ list_ofFlatType k (conc card).
Definition isValidFlatCards (l : list (CCCard nat)) k := (forall card, card el l -> CCCard_ofFlatType card k).
Definition isValidFlatFinal (l : list (list nat)) k := (forall s, s el l -> list_ofFlatType k s).
Definition isValidFlatInitial (l : list nat) k := list_ofFlatType k l.
Definition FlatCC_wellformed fpr :=
width fpr > 0
/\ offset fpr > 0
/\ (exists k, k > 0 /\ width fpr = k * offset fpr)
/\ length (init fpr) >= width fpr
/\ (forall card, card el cards fpr -> CCCard_of_size card (width fpr))
/\ (exists k, length (init fpr) = k * offset fpr).
Definition isValidFlattening fpr :=
list_ofFlatType (Sigma fpr) (init fpr)
/\ (forall s, s el final fpr -> list_ofFlatType (Sigma fpr) s)
/\ (forall card, card el cards fpr -> CCCard_ofFlatType card (Sigma fpr)).
Definition FlatCCLang (C : FlatCC) := FlatCC_wellformed C /\ isValidFlattening C
/\ exists (sf : list nat), list_ofFlatType (Sigma C) sf
/\ relpower (valid (offset C) (width C) (cards C)) (steps C) (init C) sf
/\ satFinal (offset C) (length (init C)) (final C) sf.
Section fixInstance.
Variable (fpr : FlatCC).
Notation Sigma := (Sigma fpr).
Notation offset := (offset fpr).
Notation width := (width fpr).
Notation init := (init fpr).
Notation cards := (cards fpr).
Notation final := (final fpr).
Notation steps := (steps fpr).
Notation "a ⇝ b" := (valid offset width cards a b) (at level 40).
Context (A : FlatCC_wellformed fpr).
Context (B : isValidFlattening fpr).
Lemma p_invariant (p : list nat -> Prop) (a b : list nat) :
p a
-> (forall x y, p (x ++ y) <-> p x /\ p y)
-> |a| >= width
-> (forall x y u v card, coversHead card (u ++ x) (v ++ y) -> card el cards -> |u| = offset -> |v| = offset -> p v)
-> (forall card, card el cards -> p (conc card))
-> a ⇝ b
-> p b.
intros H H0 H1 G1 G2 H2.
assert (a ⇝ b /\ |a| >= width) as H3%validDirect_valid by tauto. 2-4: apply A.
clear H2 H1. induction H3 as [a b card H1 H2 H4 H5 | a b u v card H1 IH H2 H4 H5 H6].
- clear G1.
destruct A as (_ & _ & (k & _ & A2) & _ & A6 & _).
destruct B as ( _ & _ & A5).
specialize (A5 _ H4) as (A5 & A7).
specialize H5 as ((rest' & H6') & (rest & H6)). specialize (A6 _ H4) as (A6 & A6').
subst. rewrite app_length in H2.
assert (rest = []) as ->.
destruct rest'; cbn in H2; [ | lia]. rewrite !app_length in H1.
destruct rest; [ easy | cbn in H1; lia].
rewrite app_nil_r. now apply G2.
- rewrite H0. apply H0 in H. split; [ | apply IH; easy]. now eapply G1.
Corollary valid_list_ofFlatType_invariant a b :
list_ofFlatType Sigma a -> |a| >= width -> a ⇝ b -> list_ofFlatType Sigma b.
intros H H0 H1. eapply (@p_invariant (list_ofFlatType Sigma)).
- apply H.
- intros. apply list_ofFlatType_app.
- apply H0.
- intros. destruct H2 as (_ & (c & H2)).
destruct A as (_ & _ & A3 & _ & A1 & _ ). destruct B as ( _ & _ & A2).
specialize (A1 _ H3) as (_ & A1). specialize (A2 _ H3) as (_ & A2).
apply app_length_split in H2 as (u' & H2).
* rewrite H2 in A2. now apply list_ofFlatType_app in A2.
* destruct A3 as (ak & A3 & A4). nia.
- intros. destruct B as (_ & _ & A1).
apply A1 in H2 as (_ & H2). apply H2.
- apply H1.
Lemma relpower_valid_list_ofFlatType_invariant steps a b:
list_ofFlatType Sigma a
-> |a| >= width
-> relpower (valid offset width cards) steps a b
-> list_ofFlatType Sigma b.
intros. induction H1 as [ a | ? ? ? ? H1 H2 IH]; [easy | ].
apply IH. eapply valid_list_ofFlatType_invariant, H1; [ apply H | ].
- apply H0.
- apply valid_length_inv in H1. nia.
End fixInstance.
Definition CCCard_ofFlatType_dec (Sigma : nat) (card : CCCard nat) :=
list_ofFlatType_dec Sigma (prem card) && list_ofFlatType_dec Sigma (conc card).
Lemma CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_correct card Sigma :
CCCard_ofFlatType_dec Sigma card = true <-> CCCard_ofFlatType card Sigma.
unfold CCCard_ofFlatType_dec, CCCard_ofFlatType. rewrite andb_true_iff.
rewrite !list_ofFlatType_dec_correct. easy.
Definition FlatCC_wf_dec (fpr : FlatCC) :=
leb 1 (width fpr)
&& leb 1 (offset fpr)
&& Nat.eqb (Nat.modulo (width fpr) (offset fpr)) 0
&& leb (width fpr) (|init fpr|)
&& forallb (CCCard_of_size_dec (width fpr)) (cards fpr)
&& Nat.eqb (Nat.modulo (|init fpr|) (offset fpr)) 0.
Definition isValidFlattening_dec (fpr : FlatCC) :=
list_ofFlatType_dec (Sigma fpr) (init fpr)
&& forallb (list_ofFlatType_dec (Sigma fpr)) (final fpr)
&& forallb (CCCard_ofFlatType_dec (Sigma fpr)) (cards fpr).
Lemma FlatCC_wf_dec_correct (fpr : FlatCC) : FlatCC_wf_dec fpr = true <-> FlatCC_wellformed fpr.
unfold FlatCC_wf_dec, FlatCC_wellformed. rewrite !andb_true_iff, !and_assoc.
rewrite !leb_iff. rewrite <- !(reflect_iff _ _ (Nat.eqb_spec _ _ )).
rewrite !forallb_forall.
setoid_rewrite CCCard_of_size_dec_correct.
split; intros; repeat match goal with [H : _ /\ _ |- _] => destruct H end;
repeat match goal with [ |- _ /\ _ ] => split end; try easy.
- apply Nat.mod_divide in H1 as (k & H1); [ | lia].
exists k; split; [ | apply H1 ]. destruct k; cbn in *; lia.
- apply Nat.mod_divide in H4 as (k & H4); [ | lia]. exists k; apply H4.
- apply Nat.mod_divide; [ lia | ]. destruct H1 as (k & _ & H1). exists k; apply H1.
- apply Nat.mod_divide; [ lia | ]. apply H4.
Lemma isValidFlattening_dec_correct (fpr : FlatCC) : isValidFlattening_dec fpr = true <-> isValidFlattening fpr.
unfold isValidFlattening_dec, isValidFlattening.
rewrite !andb_true_iff, !and_assoc.
rewrite !forallb_forall.
setoid_rewrite CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_correct.
setoid_rewrite list_ofFlatType_dec_correct.
split; intros; repeat match goal with [H : _ /\ _ |- _] => destruct H end;
repeat match goal with [ |- _ /\ _ ] => split end; try easy.
Sigma : nat;
offset : nat;
width : nat;
init : list nat;
cards : list (CCCard nat);
final : list (list nat);
steps : nat
Definition CCCard_ofFlatType (card : CCCard nat) k:= list_ofFlatType k (prem card) /\ list_ofFlatType k (conc card).
Definition isValidFlatCards (l : list (CCCard nat)) k := (forall card, card el l -> CCCard_ofFlatType card k).
Definition isValidFlatFinal (l : list (list nat)) k := (forall s, s el l -> list_ofFlatType k s).
Definition isValidFlatInitial (l : list nat) k := list_ofFlatType k l.
Definition FlatCC_wellformed fpr :=
width fpr > 0
/\ offset fpr > 0
/\ (exists k, k > 0 /\ width fpr = k * offset fpr)
/\ length (init fpr) >= width fpr
/\ (forall card, card el cards fpr -> CCCard_of_size card (width fpr))
/\ (exists k, length (init fpr) = k * offset fpr).
Definition isValidFlattening fpr :=
list_ofFlatType (Sigma fpr) (init fpr)
/\ (forall s, s el final fpr -> list_ofFlatType (Sigma fpr) s)
/\ (forall card, card el cards fpr -> CCCard_ofFlatType card (Sigma fpr)).
Definition FlatCCLang (C : FlatCC) := FlatCC_wellformed C /\ isValidFlattening C
/\ exists (sf : list nat), list_ofFlatType (Sigma C) sf
/\ relpower (valid (offset C) (width C) (cards C)) (steps C) (init C) sf
/\ satFinal (offset C) (length (init C)) (final C) sf.
Section fixInstance.
Variable (fpr : FlatCC).
Notation Sigma := (Sigma fpr).
Notation offset := (offset fpr).
Notation width := (width fpr).
Notation init := (init fpr).
Notation cards := (cards fpr).
Notation final := (final fpr).
Notation steps := (steps fpr).
Notation "a ⇝ b" := (valid offset width cards a b) (at level 40).
Context (A : FlatCC_wellformed fpr).
Context (B : isValidFlattening fpr).
Lemma p_invariant (p : list nat -> Prop) (a b : list nat) :
p a
-> (forall x y, p (x ++ y) <-> p x /\ p y)
-> |a| >= width
-> (forall x y u v card, coversHead card (u ++ x) (v ++ y) -> card el cards -> |u| = offset -> |v| = offset -> p v)
-> (forall card, card el cards -> p (conc card))
-> a ⇝ b
-> p b.
intros H H0 H1 G1 G2 H2.
assert (a ⇝ b /\ |a| >= width) as H3%validDirect_valid by tauto. 2-4: apply A.
clear H2 H1. induction H3 as [a b card H1 H2 H4 H5 | a b u v card H1 IH H2 H4 H5 H6].
- clear G1.
destruct A as (_ & _ & (k & _ & A2) & _ & A6 & _).
destruct B as ( _ & _ & A5).
specialize (A5 _ H4) as (A5 & A7).
specialize H5 as ((rest' & H6') & (rest & H6)). specialize (A6 _ H4) as (A6 & A6').
subst. rewrite app_length in H2.
assert (rest = []) as ->.
destruct rest'; cbn in H2; [ | lia]. rewrite !app_length in H1.
destruct rest; [ easy | cbn in H1; lia].
rewrite app_nil_r. now apply G2.
- rewrite H0. apply H0 in H. split; [ | apply IH; easy]. now eapply G1.
Corollary valid_list_ofFlatType_invariant a b :
list_ofFlatType Sigma a -> |a| >= width -> a ⇝ b -> list_ofFlatType Sigma b.
intros H H0 H1. eapply (@p_invariant (list_ofFlatType Sigma)).
- apply H.
- intros. apply list_ofFlatType_app.
- apply H0.
- intros. destruct H2 as (_ & (c & H2)).
destruct A as (_ & _ & A3 & _ & A1 & _ ). destruct B as ( _ & _ & A2).
specialize (A1 _ H3) as (_ & A1). specialize (A2 _ H3) as (_ & A2).
apply app_length_split in H2 as (u' & H2).
* rewrite H2 in A2. now apply list_ofFlatType_app in A2.
* destruct A3 as (ak & A3 & A4). nia.
- intros. destruct B as (_ & _ & A1).
apply A1 in H2 as (_ & H2). apply H2.
- apply H1.
Lemma relpower_valid_list_ofFlatType_invariant steps a b:
list_ofFlatType Sigma a
-> |a| >= width
-> relpower (valid offset width cards) steps a b
-> list_ofFlatType Sigma b.
intros. induction H1 as [ a | ? ? ? ? H1 H2 IH]; [easy | ].
apply IH. eapply valid_list_ofFlatType_invariant, H1; [ apply H | ].
- apply H0.
- apply valid_length_inv in H1. nia.
End fixInstance.
Definition CCCard_ofFlatType_dec (Sigma : nat) (card : CCCard nat) :=
list_ofFlatType_dec Sigma (prem card) && list_ofFlatType_dec Sigma (conc card).
Lemma CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_correct card Sigma :
CCCard_ofFlatType_dec Sigma card = true <-> CCCard_ofFlatType card Sigma.
unfold CCCard_ofFlatType_dec, CCCard_ofFlatType. rewrite andb_true_iff.
rewrite !list_ofFlatType_dec_correct. easy.
Definition FlatCC_wf_dec (fpr : FlatCC) :=
leb 1 (width fpr)
&& leb 1 (offset fpr)
&& Nat.eqb (Nat.modulo (width fpr) (offset fpr)) 0
&& leb (width fpr) (|init fpr|)
&& forallb (CCCard_of_size_dec (width fpr)) (cards fpr)
&& Nat.eqb (Nat.modulo (|init fpr|) (offset fpr)) 0.
Definition isValidFlattening_dec (fpr : FlatCC) :=
list_ofFlatType_dec (Sigma fpr) (init fpr)
&& forallb (list_ofFlatType_dec (Sigma fpr)) (final fpr)
&& forallb (CCCard_ofFlatType_dec (Sigma fpr)) (cards fpr).
Lemma FlatCC_wf_dec_correct (fpr : FlatCC) : FlatCC_wf_dec fpr = true <-> FlatCC_wellformed fpr.
unfold FlatCC_wf_dec, FlatCC_wellformed. rewrite !andb_true_iff, !and_assoc.
rewrite !leb_iff. rewrite <- !(reflect_iff _ _ (Nat.eqb_spec _ _ )).
rewrite !forallb_forall.
setoid_rewrite CCCard_of_size_dec_correct.
split; intros; repeat match goal with [H : _ /\ _ |- _] => destruct H end;
repeat match goal with [ |- _ /\ _ ] => split end; try easy.
- apply Nat.mod_divide in H1 as (k & H1); [ | lia].
exists k; split; [ | apply H1 ]. destruct k; cbn in *; lia.
- apply Nat.mod_divide in H4 as (k & H4); [ | lia]. exists k; apply H4.
- apply Nat.mod_divide; [ lia | ]. destruct H1 as (k & _ & H1). exists k; apply H1.
- apply Nat.mod_divide; [ lia | ]. apply H4.
Lemma isValidFlattening_dec_correct (fpr : FlatCC) : isValidFlattening_dec fpr = true <-> isValidFlattening fpr.
unfold isValidFlattening_dec, isValidFlattening.
rewrite !andb_true_iff, !and_assoc.
rewrite !forallb_forall.
setoid_rewrite CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_correct.
setoid_rewrite list_ofFlatType_dec_correct.
split; intros; repeat match goal with [H : _ /\ _ |- _] => destruct H end;
repeat match goal with [ |- _ /\ _ ] => split end; try easy.
Inductive isFlatCCCardOf (X : finType) (flatcard : CCCard nat) (card : CCCard X) :=
mkIsFlatCCCardO (Hprem : isFlatListOf (prem flatcard) (prem card))
(Hconc : isFlatListOf (conc flatcard) (conc card))
: isFlatCCCardOf flatcard card.
Inductive isFlatCardsOf (X : finType) (flatcards : list (CCCard nat)) (cards : list (CCCard X)) :=
mkIsFlatCardsOf (Hsound : forall flatcard, flatcard el flatcards -> exists card, card el cards /\ isFlatCCCardOf flatcard card)
(Hcomplete : forall card, card el cards -> exists flatcard, flatcard el flatcards /\ isFlatCCCardOf flatcard card)
: isFlatCardsOf flatcards cards.
Inductive isFlatFinalOf (X : finType) (flatfinal : list (list nat)) (final : list (list X)) :=
mkIsFlatFinalOf (Hsound : forall fin, fin el flatfinal -> exists fin', fin' el final /\ isFlatListOf fin fin')
(Hcomplete : forall fin, fin el final -> exists fin', fin' el flatfinal /\ isFlatListOf fin' fin)
: isFlatFinalOf flatfinal final.
Inductive isFlatCCOf (fpr : FlatCC) (pr : CC) :=
mkIsFlatCCOf (HSigma : finRepr (CC.Sigma pr) (Sigma fpr))
(HOffset : offset fpr = CC.offset pr)
(HWidth : width fpr = CC.width pr)
(HInit : isFlatListOf (init fpr) (CC.init pr))
(HCards : isFlatCardsOf (cards fpr) ( pr))
(HFinal : isFlatFinalOf (final fpr) ( pr))
(HSteps : steps fpr = CC.steps pr)
: isFlatCCOf fpr pr.
Lemma isFlatCCOf_isValidFlattening (fpr : FlatCC) (pr : CC) : isFlatCCOf fpr pr -> isValidFlattening fpr.
intros. destruct H.
repeat split.
- rewrite HSigma. now eapply isFlatListOf_list_ofFlatType.
- intros s H0%HFinal. rewrite HSigma. destruct H0 as (s' & F1 & ->).
eapply isFlatListOf_list_ofFlatType. unfold isFlatListOf. reflexivity.
- apply HCards in H. destruct H as (card' & F1 & F2).
destruct F2 as (F2 & F3). rewrite HSigma.
eapply isFlatListOf_list_ofFlatType, F2.
- apply HCards in H. destruct H as (card' & F1 & F2).
destruct F2 as (F2 & F3). rewrite HSigma.
eapply isFlatListOf_list_ofFlatType, F3.
mkIsFlatCCCardO (Hprem : isFlatListOf (prem flatcard) (prem card))
(Hconc : isFlatListOf (conc flatcard) (conc card))
: isFlatCCCardOf flatcard card.
Inductive isFlatCardsOf (X : finType) (flatcards : list (CCCard nat)) (cards : list (CCCard X)) :=
mkIsFlatCardsOf (Hsound : forall flatcard, flatcard el flatcards -> exists card, card el cards /\ isFlatCCCardOf flatcard card)
(Hcomplete : forall card, card el cards -> exists flatcard, flatcard el flatcards /\ isFlatCCCardOf flatcard card)
: isFlatCardsOf flatcards cards.
Inductive isFlatFinalOf (X : finType) (flatfinal : list (list nat)) (final : list (list X)) :=
mkIsFlatFinalOf (Hsound : forall fin, fin el flatfinal -> exists fin', fin' el final /\ isFlatListOf fin fin')
(Hcomplete : forall fin, fin el final -> exists fin', fin' el flatfinal /\ isFlatListOf fin' fin)
: isFlatFinalOf flatfinal final.
Inductive isFlatCCOf (fpr : FlatCC) (pr : CC) :=
mkIsFlatCCOf (HSigma : finRepr (CC.Sigma pr) (Sigma fpr))
(HOffset : offset fpr = CC.offset pr)
(HWidth : width fpr = CC.width pr)
(HInit : isFlatListOf (init fpr) (CC.init pr))
(HCards : isFlatCardsOf (cards fpr) ( pr))
(HFinal : isFlatFinalOf (final fpr) ( pr))
(HSteps : steps fpr = CC.steps pr)
: isFlatCCOf fpr pr.
Lemma isFlatCCOf_isValidFlattening (fpr : FlatCC) (pr : CC) : isFlatCCOf fpr pr -> isValidFlattening fpr.
intros. destruct H.
repeat split.
- rewrite HSigma. now eapply isFlatListOf_list_ofFlatType.
- intros s H0%HFinal. rewrite HSigma. destruct H0 as (s' & F1 & ->).
eapply isFlatListOf_list_ofFlatType. unfold isFlatListOf. reflexivity.
- apply HCards in H. destruct H as (card' & F1 & F2).
destruct F2 as (F2 & F3). rewrite HSigma.
eapply isFlatListOf_list_ofFlatType, F2.
- apply HCards in H. destruct H as (card' & F1 & F2).
destruct F2 as (F2 & F3). rewrite HSigma.
eapply isFlatListOf_list_ofFlatType, F3.
we show that FlatCC instances "behave in the same way" as CC instances
Lemma coversHead_flat_agree (X : finType) (cardsFin : list (CCCard X)) cardsFlat finStr finStr' flatStr flatStr' :
isFlatListOf flatStr finStr
-> isFlatListOf flatStr' finStr'
-> isFlatCardsOf cardsFlat cardsFin
-> (exists card, card el cardsFin /\ coversHead card finStr finStr') <-> (exists card, card el cardsFlat /\ coversHead card flatStr flatStr').
intros. split; intros (card & H2 & H3).
- apply H1 in H2 as (card' & F1 & F2). exists card'. split; [apply F1 | ].
unfold coversHead, prefix in *. destruct H3 as ((b1 & ->) & (b2 & ->)).
unfold isFlatListOf in H, H0.
rewrite map_app in H, H0. split.
+ exists (map index b1). rewrite H. enough (map index (prem card) = prem card') as H2.
{ now setoid_rewrite H2. }
destruct card; cbn.
destruct F2. cbn in *. now rewrite Hprem.
+ exists (map index b2). rewrite H0. enough (map index (conc card) = conc card') as H2.
{ now setoid_rewrite H2. }
destruct card; cbn.
destruct F2. cbn in *. now rewrite Hconc.
- apply H1 in H2 as (card' & F1 & F2). exists card'. split; [ apply F1 | ].
unfold coversHead, prefix in *. destruct H3 as ((b1 & ->) & (b2 & ->)).
unfold isFlatListOf in H, H0. split.
+ symmetry in H. apply map_eq_app in H as (finStr1 & finStr2 & -> & ? & ?).
exists finStr2.
enough (finStr1 = prem card') as H3 by (now setoid_rewrite H3).
destruct F2. rewrite Hprem in H.
apply map_injective in H; [easy | unfold injective; apply injective_index].
+ symmetry in H0. apply map_eq_app in H0 as (finStr1 & finStr2 & -> & ? & ?).
exists finStr2.
enough (finStr1 = conc card') as H3 by (now setoid_rewrite H3).
destruct F2. rewrite Hconc in H0.
apply map_injective in H0; [easy | unfold injective; apply injective_index].
Section fixFCCInstance.
Variable (fpr : FlatCC).
Notation Sigma := (Sigma fpr).
Notation offset := (offset fpr).
Notation width := (width fpr).
Notation init := (init fpr).
Notation cards := (cards fpr).
Notation final := (final fpr).
Notation steps := (steps fpr).
Context (A : FlatCC_wellformed fpr).
Context (B : isValidFlattening fpr).
Lemma valid_flat_agree (X : finType) (fcards : list (CCCard X)) s1 s2 fs1 fs2:
isFlatListOf fs1 s1
-> isFlatListOf fs2 s2
-> isFlatCardsOf cards fcards
-> valid offset width cards fs1 fs2 <-> valid offset width fcards s1 s2.
intros H H1 H2.
- intros H3. revert s1 s2 H H1. induction H3; intros.
+ destruct s1; [ | now unfold isFlatListOf in H].
destruct s2; [ | now unfold isFlatListOf in H1].
+ unfold isFlatListOf in H4, H5.
symmetry in H4. apply map_eq_app in H4 as (ls1 & ls2 & -> & -> & ->).
symmetry in H5. apply map_eq_app in H5 as (rs1 & rs2 & -> & -> & ->).
constructor 2.
2-4: now rewrite map_length in *.
apply IHvalid; easy.
+ unfold isFlatListOf in H5, H6.
symmetry in H5. apply map_eq_app in H5 as (ls1 & ls2 & -> & -> & ->).
symmetry in H6. apply map_eq_app in H6 as (rs1 & rs2 & -> & -> & ->).
assert (exists w, w el cards /\ coversHead w (map index ls1 ++ map index ls2) (map index rs1 ++ map index rs2)) as H5 by eauto.
eapply coversHead_flat_agree in H5 as (fincard & H5 & H6).
* econstructor 3. 2-3: now rewrite map_length in *.
-- eapply IHvalid; easy.
-- apply H5.
-- apply H6.
* clear H5 H6. apply isFlatListOf_app; easy.
* clear H5 H6. apply isFlatListOf_app; easy.
* clear H5 H6. apply H2.
- intros H3. revert fs1 fs2 H H1 H2. induction H3; intros.
+ rewrite H, H1; cbn; constructor 1.
+ rewrite H2, H4. rewrite !map_app. constructor. 2-4: rewrite map_length; auto.
now eapply IHvalid.
+ rewrite H4, H5. rewrite !map_app.
assert (exists w, w el fcards /\ coversHead w (u ++ a) (v++b)) as H7 by eauto.
eapply coversHead_flat_agree in H7 as (fincard & H7 & H8). 2-4: eauto.
econstructor 3. 2-3: rewrite map_length; auto.
* now eapply IHvalid.
* apply H7.
* rewrite H4, H5 in H8. now rewrite !map_app in H8.
we re-use the lemma proven above which asserts that list_ofFlatType is invariant for that, we need more assumptions than are required in principle, but this is okay
Lemma valid_flat_isFlatListOf_invariant (X : finType) (s1 : list X) fs1 fs2:
finRepr X Sigma
-> isFlatListOf fs1 s1
-> |fs1| >= width
-> valid offset width cards fs1 fs2
-> exists (s2 : list X), isFlatListOf fs2 s2.
apply isFlatListOf_list_ofFlatType in H0. rewrite <- H in H0.
specialize (@valid_list_ofFlatType_invariant fpr A B fs1 fs2 H0 H1 H2) as H4.
apply (finRepr_exists_list H) in H4. destruct H4 as (s2 & H4); easy.
Lemma relpower_valid_flat_agree (X : finType) (fincards : list (CCCard X)) s1 s2 fs1 fs2 n:
finRepr X Sigma
-> |fs1| >= width
-> isFlatListOf fs1 s1
-> isFlatListOf fs2 s2
-> isFlatCardsOf cards fincards
-> relpower (valid offset width cards) n fs1 fs2 <-> relpower (valid offset width fincards) n s1 s2.
intros H0 H1 H2 H3 H4. split.
- intros H5. revert s1 s2 H2 H3. induction H5; intros.
+ specialize (isFlatListOf_functional H2 H3) as ->. eauto.
+ specialize (valid_flat_isFlatListOf_invariant H0 H2 H1 H) as (s3 & H6).
specialize (valid_length_inv H) as H7. rewrite H7 in H1.
specialize (IHrelpower H1 _ _ H6 H3).
* apply (valid_flat_agree H2 H6 H4) in H. apply H.
* apply IHrelpower.
- intros H5. clear H1.
revert fs1 fs2 H2 H3. induction H5; intros.
+ specialize (isFlatListOf_injective H2 H3) as ->. constructor.
+ assert (isFlatListOf (map index b) b) as H1 by (unfold isFlatListOf; easy).
specialize (IHrelpower _ _ H1 H3).
apply (valid_flat_agree H2 H1 H4) in H. eauto.
Lemma final_flat_agree (X : finType) (F : list (list X)) (f : list (list nat)) l:
isFlatFinalOf f F -> forall s fs, isFlatListOf fs s -> satFinal offset l f fs <-> satFinal offset l F s.
intros. split.
- intros (subs & k & H1 & H2 & H3). apply H in H1 as (subs' & H4 & H5).
exists subs', k. split; [ apply H4 | split; [ apply H2 | ]].
unfold isFlatListOf in H0. rewrite H0 in H3. rewrite H5 in H3.
destruct H3 as (b & H3). rewrite <- map_skipn in H3.
apply map_eq_app in H3 as (ls1 & ls2 & H3 & H6 & H7).
rewrite H3.
apply map_injective in H6; [ | apply injective_index].
rewrite H6. now exists ls2.
- intros (subs & k & H1 & H2 & H3). apply H in H1 as (subs' & H4 &H5).
exists subs', k. split; [ apply H4 | split; [ apply H2 | ]].
rewrite H5, H0. destruct H3 as (b & H3).
exists (map index b). rewrite <- map_skipn. rewrite H3.
now rewrite !map_app.
End fixFCCInstance.
Lemma isFlatCCOf_wf_equivalent (pr : CC) (fpr : FlatCC) :
isFlatCCOf fpr pr -> (FlatCC_wellformed fpr <-> CC_wellformed pr).
intros [H1 H2 H3 H4]. split; intros; unfold FlatCC_wellformed, CC_wellformed in *.
- destruct H as (F1 & F2 & F3 & F4 & F5 & F6). repeat split.
+ easy.
+ easy.
+ destruct F3 as (k & F3 & F3'). exists k. nia.
+ rewrite -> H4 in F4. rewrite map_length in F4. lia.
+ apply HCards in H as (flatcard & H & H5). apply F5 in H.
destruct H5. destruct H as (H & _). rewrite Hprem in H. rewrite map_length in H. lia.
+ apply HCards in H as (flatcard & H & H5). apply F5 in H.
destruct H5. destruct H as (_ & H). rewrite Hconc in H. rewrite map_length in H. lia.
+ destruct F6 as (k & F6). rewrite H4 in F6. rewrite map_length in F6. exists k; nia.
- destruct H as (F1 & F2 & F3 & F4 & F5 & F6). repeat split.
+ easy.
+ easy.
+ destruct F3 as (k & F3 & F3'). exists k. nia.
+ rewrite H4, map_length. lia.
+ apply HCards in H as (fincard & H & H5). apply F5 in H.
destruct H5. destruct H as (H & _). rewrite Hprem, map_length. lia.
+ apply HCards in H as (fincard & H & H5). apply F5 in H.
destruct H5. destruct H as (_ & H). rewrite Hconc, map_length. lia.
+ destruct F6 as (k & F6). rewrite H4, map_length. exists k. nia.
finRepr X Sigma
-> isFlatListOf fs1 s1
-> |fs1| >= width
-> valid offset width cards fs1 fs2
-> exists (s2 : list X), isFlatListOf fs2 s2.
apply isFlatListOf_list_ofFlatType in H0. rewrite <- H in H0.
specialize (@valid_list_ofFlatType_invariant fpr A B fs1 fs2 H0 H1 H2) as H4.
apply (finRepr_exists_list H) in H4. destruct H4 as (s2 & H4); easy.
Lemma relpower_valid_flat_agree (X : finType) (fincards : list (CCCard X)) s1 s2 fs1 fs2 n:
finRepr X Sigma
-> |fs1| >= width
-> isFlatListOf fs1 s1
-> isFlatListOf fs2 s2
-> isFlatCardsOf cards fincards
-> relpower (valid offset width cards) n fs1 fs2 <-> relpower (valid offset width fincards) n s1 s2.
intros H0 H1 H2 H3 H4. split.
- intros H5. revert s1 s2 H2 H3. induction H5; intros.
+ specialize (isFlatListOf_functional H2 H3) as ->. eauto.
+ specialize (valid_flat_isFlatListOf_invariant H0 H2 H1 H) as (s3 & H6).
specialize (valid_length_inv H) as H7. rewrite H7 in H1.
specialize (IHrelpower H1 _ _ H6 H3).
* apply (valid_flat_agree H2 H6 H4) in H. apply H.
* apply IHrelpower.
- intros H5. clear H1.
revert fs1 fs2 H2 H3. induction H5; intros.
+ specialize (isFlatListOf_injective H2 H3) as ->. constructor.
+ assert (isFlatListOf (map index b) b) as H1 by (unfold isFlatListOf; easy).
specialize (IHrelpower _ _ H1 H3).
apply (valid_flat_agree H2 H1 H4) in H. eauto.
Lemma final_flat_agree (X : finType) (F : list (list X)) (f : list (list nat)) l:
isFlatFinalOf f F -> forall s fs, isFlatListOf fs s -> satFinal offset l f fs <-> satFinal offset l F s.
intros. split.
- intros (subs & k & H1 & H2 & H3). apply H in H1 as (subs' & H4 & H5).
exists subs', k. split; [ apply H4 | split; [ apply H2 | ]].
unfold isFlatListOf in H0. rewrite H0 in H3. rewrite H5 in H3.
destruct H3 as (b & H3). rewrite <- map_skipn in H3.
apply map_eq_app in H3 as (ls1 & ls2 & H3 & H6 & H7).
rewrite H3.
apply map_injective in H6; [ | apply injective_index].
rewrite H6. now exists ls2.
- intros (subs & k & H1 & H2 & H3). apply H in H1 as (subs' & H4 &H5).
exists subs', k. split; [ apply H4 | split; [ apply H2 | ]].
rewrite H5, H0. destruct H3 as (b & H3).
exists (map index b). rewrite <- map_skipn. rewrite H3.
now rewrite !map_app.
End fixFCCInstance.
Lemma isFlatCCOf_wf_equivalent (pr : CC) (fpr : FlatCC) :
isFlatCCOf fpr pr -> (FlatCC_wellformed fpr <-> CC_wellformed pr).
intros [H1 H2 H3 H4]. split; intros; unfold FlatCC_wellformed, CC_wellformed in *.
- destruct H as (F1 & F2 & F3 & F4 & F5 & F6). repeat split.
+ easy.
+ easy.
+ destruct F3 as (k & F3 & F3'). exists k. nia.
+ rewrite -> H4 in F4. rewrite map_length in F4. lia.
+ apply HCards in H as (flatcard & H & H5). apply F5 in H.
destruct H5. destruct H as (H & _). rewrite Hprem in H. rewrite map_length in H. lia.
+ apply HCards in H as (flatcard & H & H5). apply F5 in H.
destruct H5. destruct H as (_ & H). rewrite Hconc in H. rewrite map_length in H. lia.
+ destruct F6 as (k & F6). rewrite H4 in F6. rewrite map_length in F6. exists k; nia.
- destruct H as (F1 & F2 & F3 & F4 & F5 & F6). repeat split.
+ easy.
+ easy.
+ destruct F3 as (k & F3 & F3'). exists k. nia.
+ rewrite H4, map_length. lia.
+ apply HCards in H as (fincard & H & H5). apply F5 in H.
destruct H5. destruct H as (H & _). rewrite Hprem, map_length. lia.
+ apply HCards in H as (fincard & H & H5). apply F5 in H.
destruct H5. destruct H as (_ & H). rewrite Hconc, map_length. lia.
+ destruct F6 as (k & F6). rewrite H4, map_length. exists k. nia.
now we can derive equivalence of instances related via isFlatCCOf
Lemma isFlatCCOf_equivalence (pr : CC) (fpr : FlatCC) :
isFlatCCOf fpr pr -> (FlatCCLang fpr <-> CCLang pr).
intros. split.
- intros (H1 & H2 & H3). split; [ now eapply isFlatCCOf_wf_equivalent | ].
destruct H as [F1 F2 F3 F4 F5].
destruct H3 as (sf & H3 & H4 & H5).
apply (finRepr_exists_list F1) in H3 as (SF & H3).
exists SF. split.
+ rewrite <- F2, <- F3, <- HSteps. eapply relpower_valid_flat_agree; eauto. apply H1.
+ rewrite <- F2. rewrite F4, map_length in H5. eapply final_flat_agree; eauto.
- intros (H1 & H2). split; [ now eapply isFlatCCOf_wf_equivalent | ].
split; [now eapply isFlatCCOf_isValidFlattening | ].
destruct H as [F1 F2 F3 F4 F5].
destruct H2 as (sf & H3 & H4).
exists (map index sf). repeat split.
+ unfold list_ofFlatType, ofFlatType.
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff. intros a (x & <- & H). rewrite F1. apply index_le.
+ eapply relpower_valid_flat_agree; eauto.
* now rewrite isFlatCCOf_wf_equivalent.
* now eapply isFlatCCOf_isValidFlattening with (pr := pr).
* rewrite F4, map_length, F3. apply H1.
* unfold isFlatListOf. reflexivity.
* rewrite F2, F3, HSteps. apply H3.
+ eapply final_flat_agree; eauto.
* unfold isFlatListOf; reflexivity.
* rewrite F2, F4, map_length. apply H4.
isFlatCCOf fpr pr -> (FlatCCLang fpr <-> CCLang pr).
intros. split.
- intros (H1 & H2 & H3). split; [ now eapply isFlatCCOf_wf_equivalent | ].
destruct H as [F1 F2 F3 F4 F5].
destruct H3 as (sf & H3 & H4 & H5).
apply (finRepr_exists_list F1) in H3 as (SF & H3).
exists SF. split.
+ rewrite <- F2, <- F3, <- HSteps. eapply relpower_valid_flat_agree; eauto. apply H1.
+ rewrite <- F2. rewrite F4, map_length in H5. eapply final_flat_agree; eauto.
- intros (H1 & H2). split; [ now eapply isFlatCCOf_wf_equivalent | ].
split; [now eapply isFlatCCOf_isValidFlattening | ].
destruct H as [F1 F2 F3 F4 F5].
destruct H2 as (sf & H3 & H4).
exists (map index sf). repeat split.
+ unfold list_ofFlatType, ofFlatType.
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff. intros a (x & <- & H). rewrite F1. apply index_le.
+ eapply relpower_valid_flat_agree; eauto.
* now rewrite isFlatCCOf_wf_equivalent.
* now eapply isFlatCCOf_isValidFlattening with (pr := pr).
* rewrite F4, map_length, F3. apply H1.
* unfold isFlatListOf. reflexivity.
* rewrite F2, F3, HSteps. apply H3.
+ eapply final_flat_agree; eauto.
* unfold isFlatListOf; reflexivity.
* rewrite F2, F4, map_length. apply H4.
given a well-formed flat instance, we can derive a "canonical" (up to bijections of the finite type) CC instance we use Fin.t as the canonical finite typeRequire Import Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.FiniteTypes.VectorFin Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.FiniteTypes.Cardinality.
Import Coq.Init.Specif.
Lemma unflattenString (f : list nat) k : list_ofFlatType k f -> {f' : list (finType_CS (Fin.t k)) & isFlatListOf f f'}.
intros H.
eapply finRepr_exists_list with (X := finType_CS (Fin.t k)) in H as (a' & H).
2: { unfold finRepr. specialize (Fin_cardinality k). unfold Cardinality. easy. }
Lemma unflattenCarddow (w : CCCard nat) k : CCCard_ofFlatType w k -> {w' : CCCard (finType_CS (Fin.t k)) & isFlatCCCardOf w w'}.
intros. destruct w. destruct H as (H1 & H2). cbn in *.
apply unflattenString in H1 as (prem' & H1).
apply unflattenString in H2 as (conc' & H2).
exists (Build_CCCard prem' conc'). split; easy.
Lemma unflattenCards (l : list (CCCard nat)) k : isValidFlatCards l k -> {l' : list (CCCard (finType_CS (Fin.t k))) & isFlatCardsOf l l'}.
intros. unfold isValidFlatCards in H. induction l.
- exists []. easy.
- edestruct IHl as (l' & IH);[ easy | ]. specialize (H a (or_introl eq_refl)).
apply unflattenCarddow in H as (a' & H). exists (a' :: l'). split; intros.
+ destruct H0 as [-> | H0]; [easy | ]. apply IH in H0 as (card & ? & ?); eauto.
+ destruct H0 as [-> | H0]; [ easy | ]. apply IH in H0 as (card' & ? & ?); eauto.
Lemma unflattenFinal (f : list (list nat)) k : isValidFlatFinal f k -> {f' : list (list (finType_CS (Fin.t k))) & isFlatFinalOf f f'}.
intros. unfold isValidFlatFinal in H. induction f; intros.
- exists []; easy.
- edestruct IHf as (f' & IH); [easy | ]. specialize (H a (or_introl eq_refl)).
apply unflattenString in H as (a' &H).
exists (a'::f'). split; intros.
+ destruct H0 as [-> | H0]; [easy | ]. apply IH in H0 as (? & ? & ?); eauto.
+ destruct H0 as [-> | H0]; [easy | ]. apply IH in H0 as (? & ? & ?); eauto.
Lemma unflattenCC (f : FlatCC) : isValidFlattening f -> {f' : CC & isFlatCCOf f f'}.
intros (H1 & H2 & H3).
apply unflattenCards in H3 as (w' & H3).
apply unflattenFinal in H2 as (f' & H2).
apply unflattenString in H1 as (i' & H1).
exists (Build_CC (offset f) (width f) i' w' f' (steps f)).
constructor; eauto.
cbn. unfold finRepr. specialize (Fin_cardinality (Sigma f)). easy.
From Undecidability.L.Tactics Require Import LTactics GenEncode.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import LProd LOptions.
Section fix_X.
Variable (X:Type).
Context `{X_encodable: encodable X}.
MetaCoq Run (tmGenEncode "CCCard_enc" (CCCard X)).
Hint Resolve CCCard_enc_correct : Lrewrite.
Global Instance term_Build_CCCard : computableTime' (@Build_CCCard X) (fun _ _ => (1, fun _ _ => (1, tt))).
extract constructor. solverec.
Definition cnst_prem := 5.
Global Instance term_prem : computableTime' (@prem X) (fun _ _ => (cnst_prem, tt)).
extract. unfold cnst_prem. solverec.
Definition cnst_conc := 5.
Global Instance term_conc : computableTime' (@conc X) (fun _ _ => (cnst_conc, tt)).
extract. unfold cnst_conc. solverec.
Definition c__sizeCCCard := 4.
Lemma CCCard_enc_size (card : CCCard X) : size (enc card) = size (enc (prem card)) + size (enc (conc card)) + c__sizeCCCard.
destruct card. cbn. unfold enc at 1, c__sizeCCCard. cbn. nia.
End fix_X.
Hint Resolve CCCard_enc_correct : Lrewrite.
MetaCoq Run (tmGenEncode "FlatCC_enc" (FlatCC)).
Hint Resolve FlatCC_enc_correct : Lrewrite.
From Complexity.Libs.CookPrelim Require Import PolyBounds.
Instance term_Build_FlatCC : computableTime' Build_FlatCC (fun _ _ => (1, fun _ _ => (1, fun _ _ => (1, fun _ _ => (1, fun _ _ => (1, fun _ _ => (1, fun _ _ => (1, tt)))))))).
extract constructor. solverec.
Definition c__Sigma := 10.
Instance term_FlatCC_Sigma : computableTime' Sigma (fun _ _ => (c__Sigma, tt)).
extract. unfold c__Sigma. solverec.
Definition c__offset := 10.
Instance term_FlatCC_offset : computableTime' offset (fun _ _ => (c__offset, tt)).
extract. unfold c__offset. solverec.
Definition c__width := 10.
Instance term_FlatCC_width : computableTime' width (fun _ _ => (c__width, tt)).
extract. unfold c__width. solverec.
Definition c__init := 10.
Instance term_FlatCC_init : computableTime' init (fun _ _ => (c__init, tt)).
extract. unfold c__init. solverec.
Definition c__cards := 10.
Instance term_FlatCC_cards : computableTime' cards (fun _ _ => (c__cards, tt)).
extract. unfold c__cards. solverec.
Definition c__final := 10.
Instance term_FlatCC_final : computableTime' final (fun _ _ => (c__final, tt)).
extract. unfold c__final. solverec.
Definition c__steps := 10.
Instance term_FlatCC_steps : computableTime' steps (fun _ _ => (c__steps, tt)).
extract. unfold c__steps. solverec.
Lemma FlatCC_enc_size (fpr : FlatCC) : size (enc fpr) = size (enc (Sigma fpr)) + size(enc (offset fpr)) + size (enc (width fpr)) + size (enc (init fpr)) + size (enc (cards fpr)) + size (enc (final fpr)) + size (enc (steps fpr)) + 9.
destruct fpr. cbn.
unfold enc at 1. cbn. nia.
extraction of CCCard_of_size_dec
Section CCCard_of_size.
Variable ( X : Type).
Context `{X_encodable: encodable X}.
Definition c__prcardOfSizeDec := 2 * (cnst_prem + 2 * 5 + cnst_conc + 6 + c__length).
Definition CCCard_of_size_dec_time (width : nat) (card : CCCard X) := c__prcardOfSizeDec * (1 + |prem card| + |conc card|) + eqbTime (X := nat) (size (enc (|prem card|))) (size (enc width)) + eqbTime (X := nat) (size (enc (|conc card|))) (size (enc width)).
Global Instance term_CCCard_of_size_dec : computableTime' (@CCCard_of_size_dec X) (fun width _ => (1, fun card _ => (CCCard_of_size_dec_time width card, tt))).
extract. solverec. unfold CCCard_of_size_dec_time, c__prcardOfSizeDec. nia.
Definition c__prcardOfSizeDecBound := c__prcardOfSizeDec + c__eqbComp nat.
Lemma CCCard_of_size_dec_time_bound width (card : CCCard X) : CCCard_of_size_dec_time width card <= (size(enc card) + 1) * c__prcardOfSizeDecBound.
unfold CCCard_of_size_dec_time. rewrite !eqbTime_le_l. rewrite !list_size_enc_length, !list_size_length.
rewrite CCCard_enc_size. unfold c__prcardOfSizeDecBound, c__sizeCCCard. nia.
End CCCard_of_size.
Definition c__FlatCCWfDec := 3 * c__leb2 + 4 * c__width + 3 * c__offset + 2 * 5 + 2 * c__init + 2 * c__length + c__cards + 32 + 4 * c__leb + 2 * c__eqbComp nat * size (enc 0).
Definition FlatCC_wf_dec_time x := 2 * c__length * (|init x|) + leb_time (width x) (|init x|) + forallb_time (@CCCard_of_size_dec_time nat (width x)) (cards x) + modulo_time (|init x|) (offset x) + modulo_time (width x) (offset x) + c__FlatCCWfDec.
Instance term_FlatCC_wf_dec : computableTime' FlatCC_wf_dec (fun fpr _ => (FlatCC_wf_dec_time fpr, tt)).
extract. solverec. unfold FlatCC_wf_dec_time, c__FlatCCWfDec, leb_time. rewrite !eqbTime_le_r.
rewrite !Nat.le_min_l with (n:=1).
simp_comp_arith. ring_simplify. reflexivity.
Definition c__FlatCCWfDecBound := 2*(2 * c__length + c__leb + c__prcardOfSizeDecBound + c__forallb + 2 * c__moduloBound + c__FlatCCWfDec).
Definition poly__FlatCCWfDec n := (n*n + 2* n + 1) * c__FlatCCWfDecBound.
Lemma FlatCC_wf_dec_time_bound fpr :
FlatCC_wf_dec_time fpr <= poly__FlatCCWfDec (size (enc fpr)).
unfold FlatCC_wf_dec_time. rewrite leb_time_bound_l.
rewrite !modulo_time_bound. rewrite list_size_enc_length.
rewrite list_size_length.
erewrite forallb_time_bound_env.
2: {
split; [intros | ].
- specialize (CCCard_of_size_dec_time_bound (X := nat) y a) as H1.
instantiate (2:= fun n => (n + 1) * c__prcardOfSizeDecBound). simp_comp_arith. nia.
- smpl_inO.
rewrite list_size_length.
replace_le (size(enc (cards fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia).
replace_le (size(enc (init fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia).
replace_le (size(enc (width fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia).
replace_le (size(enc(offset fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia).
unfold poly__FlatCCWfDec, c__FlatCCWfDecBound. nia.
Lemma FlatCC_wf_dec_poly : monotonic poly__FlatCCWfDec /\ inOPoly poly__FlatCCWfDec.
unfold poly__FlatCCWfDec; split; smpl_inO.
Variable ( X : Type).
Context `{X_encodable: encodable X}.
Definition c__prcardOfSizeDec := 2 * (cnst_prem + 2 * 5 + cnst_conc + 6 + c__length).
Definition CCCard_of_size_dec_time (width : nat) (card : CCCard X) := c__prcardOfSizeDec * (1 + |prem card| + |conc card|) + eqbTime (X := nat) (size (enc (|prem card|))) (size (enc width)) + eqbTime (X := nat) (size (enc (|conc card|))) (size (enc width)).
Global Instance term_CCCard_of_size_dec : computableTime' (@CCCard_of_size_dec X) (fun width _ => (1, fun card _ => (CCCard_of_size_dec_time width card, tt))).
extract. solverec. unfold CCCard_of_size_dec_time, c__prcardOfSizeDec. nia.
Definition c__prcardOfSizeDecBound := c__prcardOfSizeDec + c__eqbComp nat.
Lemma CCCard_of_size_dec_time_bound width (card : CCCard X) : CCCard_of_size_dec_time width card <= (size(enc card) + 1) * c__prcardOfSizeDecBound.
unfold CCCard_of_size_dec_time. rewrite !eqbTime_le_l. rewrite !list_size_enc_length, !list_size_length.
rewrite CCCard_enc_size. unfold c__prcardOfSizeDecBound, c__sizeCCCard. nia.
End CCCard_of_size.
Definition c__FlatCCWfDec := 3 * c__leb2 + 4 * c__width + 3 * c__offset + 2 * 5 + 2 * c__init + 2 * c__length + c__cards + 32 + 4 * c__leb + 2 * c__eqbComp nat * size (enc 0).
Definition FlatCC_wf_dec_time x := 2 * c__length * (|init x|) + leb_time (width x) (|init x|) + forallb_time (@CCCard_of_size_dec_time nat (width x)) (cards x) + modulo_time (|init x|) (offset x) + modulo_time (width x) (offset x) + c__FlatCCWfDec.
Instance term_FlatCC_wf_dec : computableTime' FlatCC_wf_dec (fun fpr _ => (FlatCC_wf_dec_time fpr, tt)).
extract. solverec. unfold FlatCC_wf_dec_time, c__FlatCCWfDec, leb_time. rewrite !eqbTime_le_r.
rewrite !Nat.le_min_l with (n:=1).
simp_comp_arith. ring_simplify. reflexivity.
Definition c__FlatCCWfDecBound := 2*(2 * c__length + c__leb + c__prcardOfSizeDecBound + c__forallb + 2 * c__moduloBound + c__FlatCCWfDec).
Definition poly__FlatCCWfDec n := (n*n + 2* n + 1) * c__FlatCCWfDecBound.
Lemma FlatCC_wf_dec_time_bound fpr :
FlatCC_wf_dec_time fpr <= poly__FlatCCWfDec (size (enc fpr)).
unfold FlatCC_wf_dec_time. rewrite leb_time_bound_l.
rewrite !modulo_time_bound. rewrite list_size_enc_length.
rewrite list_size_length.
erewrite forallb_time_bound_env.
2: {
split; [intros | ].
- specialize (CCCard_of_size_dec_time_bound (X := nat) y a) as H1.
instantiate (2:= fun n => (n + 1) * c__prcardOfSizeDecBound). simp_comp_arith. nia.
- smpl_inO.
rewrite list_size_length.
replace_le (size(enc (cards fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia).
replace_le (size(enc (init fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia).
replace_le (size(enc (width fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia).
replace_le (size(enc(offset fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia).
unfold poly__FlatCCWfDec, c__FlatCCWfDecBound. nia.
Lemma FlatCC_wf_dec_poly : monotonic poly__FlatCCWfDec /\ inOPoly poly__FlatCCWfDec.
unfold poly__FlatCCWfDec; split; smpl_inO.
Definition c__CCCardOfFlatTypeDec := cnst_prem + cnst_conc +8.
Definition CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_time (sig : nat) (w : CCCard nat):= list_ofFlatType_dec_time sig (prem w) + list_ofFlatType_dec_time sig (conc w) + c__CCCardOfFlatTypeDec.
Instance term_CCCard_ofFlatType_dec : computableTime' CCCard_ofFlatType_dec (fun sig _ => (1, fun w _ => (CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_time sig w, tt))).
extract. solverec. unfold CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_time, c__CCCardOfFlatTypeDec. nia.
Definition c__CCCardOfFlatTypeDecBound := 2 * (c__CCCardOfFlatTypeDec + 1).
Definition poly__CCCardOfFlatTypeDec n := (poly__listOfFlatTypeDec n + 1) * c__CCCardOfFlatTypeDecBound.
Lemma CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_time_bound sig w : CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_time sig w <= poly__CCCardOfFlatTypeDec (size (enc sig) + size (enc w)).
unfold CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_time. rewrite !list_ofFlatType_dec_time_bound.
unfold poly__CCCardOfFlatTypeDec.
poly_mono list_ofFlatType_dec_poly at 2.
2: (replace_le (size (enc (conc w))) with (size (enc w)) by (rewrite CCCard_enc_size; lia)); reflexivity.
poly_mono list_ofFlatType_dec_poly at 1.
2: (replace_le (size (enc (prem w))) with (size (enc w)) by (rewrite CCCard_enc_size; lia)); reflexivity.
unfold c__CCCardOfFlatTypeDecBound. nia.
Lemma CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_poly : monotonic poly__CCCardOfFlatTypeDec /\ inOPoly poly__CCCardOfFlatTypeDec.
split; unfold poly__CCCardOfFlatTypeDec; smpl_inO; apply list_ofFlatType_dec_poly.
Definition CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_time (sig : nat) (w : CCCard nat):= list_ofFlatType_dec_time sig (prem w) + list_ofFlatType_dec_time sig (conc w) + c__CCCardOfFlatTypeDec.
Instance term_CCCard_ofFlatType_dec : computableTime' CCCard_ofFlatType_dec (fun sig _ => (1, fun w _ => (CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_time sig w, tt))).
extract. solverec. unfold CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_time, c__CCCardOfFlatTypeDec. nia.
Definition c__CCCardOfFlatTypeDecBound := 2 * (c__CCCardOfFlatTypeDec + 1).
Definition poly__CCCardOfFlatTypeDec n := (poly__listOfFlatTypeDec n + 1) * c__CCCardOfFlatTypeDecBound.
Lemma CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_time_bound sig w : CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_time sig w <= poly__CCCardOfFlatTypeDec (size (enc sig) + size (enc w)).
unfold CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_time. rewrite !list_ofFlatType_dec_time_bound.
unfold poly__CCCardOfFlatTypeDec.
poly_mono list_ofFlatType_dec_poly at 2.
2: (replace_le (size (enc (conc w))) with (size (enc w)) by (rewrite CCCard_enc_size; lia)); reflexivity.
poly_mono list_ofFlatType_dec_poly at 1.
2: (replace_le (size (enc (prem w))) with (size (enc w)) by (rewrite CCCard_enc_size; lia)); reflexivity.
unfold c__CCCardOfFlatTypeDecBound. nia.
Lemma CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_poly : monotonic poly__CCCardOfFlatTypeDec /\ inOPoly poly__CCCardOfFlatTypeDec.
split; unfold poly__CCCardOfFlatTypeDec; smpl_inO; apply list_ofFlatType_dec_poly.
Definition c__isValidFlatteningDec := 3 * c__Sigma + c__init + c__final + c__cards + 16.
Definition isValidFlattening_dec_time x := list_ofFlatType_dec_time (Sigma x) (init x) + forallb_time (list_ofFlatType_dec_time (Sigma x)) (final x)+ forallb_time (CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_time (Sigma x)) (cards x) + c__isValidFlatteningDec.
Instance term_isValidFlattening_dec : computableTime' isValidFlattening_dec (fun fpr _ => (isValidFlattening_dec_time fpr, tt)).
extract. solverec. unfold isValidFlattening_dec_time, c__isValidFlatteningDec.
repeat change (fun x => ?h x) with h. solverec.
Definition c__isValidFlatteningDecBound := 2 * c__forallb + c__isValidFlatteningDec.
Definition poly__isValidFlatteningDec n :=(n + 2) * poly__listOfFlatTypeDec n + (n + 1) * poly__CCCardOfFlatTypeDec n + (n + 1) * c__isValidFlatteningDecBound.
Lemma isValidFlattening_dec_time_bound fpr : isValidFlattening_dec_time fpr <= poly__isValidFlatteningDec (size (enc fpr)).
unfold isValidFlattening_dec_time.
rewrite list_ofFlatType_dec_time_bound.
erewrite forallb_time_bound_env.
2: {
split; [intros | ].
- rewrite list_ofFlatType_dec_time_bound, Nat.add_comm; reflexivity.
- apply list_ofFlatType_dec_poly.
erewrite forallb_time_bound_env.
2 : {
split; [intros | ].
- rewrite CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_time_bound, Nat.add_comm; reflexivity.
- apply CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_poly.
rewrite !list_size_length.
poly_mono list_ofFlatType_dec_poly at 1.
2: (replace_le (size (enc (Sigma fpr)) + size (enc (init fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia)); reflexivity.
poly_mono list_ofFlatType_dec_poly at 2.
2: (replace_le (size (enc (final fpr)) + size (enc (Sigma fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia)); reflexivity.
replace_le (size (enc (final fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia) at 1.
replace_le (size (enc (cards fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia) at 1.
poly_mono CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_poly at 1.
2: (replace_le (size (enc (cards fpr)) + size (enc (Sigma fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia)); reflexivity.
unfold poly__isValidFlatteningDec, c__isValidFlatteningDecBound. nia.
Lemma isValidFlatteningDec_poly : monotonic poly__isValidFlatteningDec /\ inOPoly poly__isValidFlatteningDec.
split; (unfold poly__isValidFlatteningDec; smpl_inO; [apply list_ofFlatType_dec_poly |apply CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_poly ]).
Definition isValidFlattening_dec_time x := list_ofFlatType_dec_time (Sigma x) (init x) + forallb_time (list_ofFlatType_dec_time (Sigma x)) (final x)+ forallb_time (CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_time (Sigma x)) (cards x) + c__isValidFlatteningDec.
Instance term_isValidFlattening_dec : computableTime' isValidFlattening_dec (fun fpr _ => (isValidFlattening_dec_time fpr, tt)).
extract. solverec. unfold isValidFlattening_dec_time, c__isValidFlatteningDec.
repeat change (fun x => ?h x) with h. solverec.
Definition c__isValidFlatteningDecBound := 2 * c__forallb + c__isValidFlatteningDec.
Definition poly__isValidFlatteningDec n :=(n + 2) * poly__listOfFlatTypeDec n + (n + 1) * poly__CCCardOfFlatTypeDec n + (n + 1) * c__isValidFlatteningDecBound.
Lemma isValidFlattening_dec_time_bound fpr : isValidFlattening_dec_time fpr <= poly__isValidFlatteningDec (size (enc fpr)).
unfold isValidFlattening_dec_time.
rewrite list_ofFlatType_dec_time_bound.
erewrite forallb_time_bound_env.
2: {
split; [intros | ].
- rewrite list_ofFlatType_dec_time_bound, Nat.add_comm; reflexivity.
- apply list_ofFlatType_dec_poly.
erewrite forallb_time_bound_env.
2 : {
split; [intros | ].
- rewrite CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_time_bound, Nat.add_comm; reflexivity.
- apply CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_poly.
rewrite !list_size_length.
poly_mono list_ofFlatType_dec_poly at 1.
2: (replace_le (size (enc (Sigma fpr)) + size (enc (init fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia)); reflexivity.
poly_mono list_ofFlatType_dec_poly at 2.
2: (replace_le (size (enc (final fpr)) + size (enc (Sigma fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia)); reflexivity.
replace_le (size (enc (final fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia) at 1.
replace_le (size (enc (cards fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia) at 1.
poly_mono CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_poly at 1.
2: (replace_le (size (enc (cards fpr)) + size (enc (Sigma fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia)); reflexivity.
unfold poly__isValidFlatteningDec, c__isValidFlatteningDecBound. nia.
Lemma isValidFlatteningDec_poly : monotonic poly__isValidFlatteningDec /\ inOPoly poly__isValidFlatteningDec.
split; (unfold poly__isValidFlatteningDec; smpl_inO; [apply list_ofFlatType_dec_poly |apply CCCard_ofFlatType_dec_poly ]).