From Complexity.Libs.CookPrelim Require Import Tactics MorePrelim.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import Lists LNat LBool LProd LOptions.
From Complexity.NP.SAT Require Import FSAT.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import Lists LNat LBool LProd LOptions.
From Complexity.NP.SAT Require Import FSAT.
convenience functions for creating formulas
Notation Ffalse := (¬Ftrue).
Fixpoint listOr (l : list formula) := match l with
| [] => Ffalse
| a :: l => a ∨ listOr l
Fixpoint listAnd (l : list formula) := match l with
| [] => Ftrue
| a :: l => a ∧ listAnd l
Lemma listOr_sat_iff l a : satisfies a (listOr l) <-> exists f, f el l /\ satisfies a f.
induction l; cbn.
- unfold satisfies. cbn. split; [congruence | intros (f & [] & _)].
- unfold satisfies. rewrite evalFormula_or_iff, IHl. split.
+ intros [ H | (f & H1 & H2)]; [exists a0; eauto | exists f; eauto].
+ intros (f & [-> | H1] & H2); [now left | right; exists f; eauto].
Lemma listAnd_sat_iff l a : satisfies a (listAnd l) <-> forall f, f el l -> satisfies a f.
induction l; cbn.
- unfold satisfies. cbn. split; [intros _ f [] | intros _; easy].
- unfold satisfies. rewrite evalFormula_and_iff, IHl. split.
+ intros (H1 & H2) f [-> | H3%H2]; eauto.
+ intros H; split; [ apply H | intros f H1; apply H]; eauto.
Fixpoint listOr (l : list formula) := match l with
| [] => Ffalse
| a :: l => a ∨ listOr l
Fixpoint listAnd (l : list formula) := match l with
| [] => Ftrue
| a :: l => a ∧ listAnd l
Lemma listOr_sat_iff l a : satisfies a (listOr l) <-> exists f, f el l /\ satisfies a f.
induction l; cbn.
- unfold satisfies. cbn. split; [congruence | intros (f & [] & _)].
- unfold satisfies. rewrite evalFormula_or_iff, IHl. split.
+ intros [ H | (f & H1 & H2)]; [exists a0; eauto | exists f; eauto].
+ intros (f & [-> | H1] & H2); [now left | right; exists f; eauto].
Lemma listAnd_sat_iff l a : satisfies a (listAnd l) <-> forall f, f el l -> satisfies a f.
induction l; cbn.
- unfold satisfies. cbn. split; [intros _ f [] | intros _; easy].
- unfold satisfies. rewrite evalFormula_and_iff, IHl. split.
+ intros (H1 & H2) f [-> | H3%H2]; eauto.
+ intros H; split; [ apply H | intros f H1; apply H]; eauto.
generate the list of values assigned to the variables by a in range lower, lower + len)
Fixpoint explicitAssignment a lower len :=
match len with
| 0 => []
| S len => explicitAssignment a lower len ++ [list_in_decb Nat.eqb a (lower + len)]
Lemma explicitAssignment_length a lower len : |explicitAssignment a lower len| = len.
revert lower. induction len; intros; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite app_length, IHlen. now cbn.
Lemma explicitAssignment_nth a lower len k :
k < len -> nth_error (explicitAssignment a lower len) k = Some (evalVar a (lower + k)).
intros. induction len.
- lia.
- cbn. destruct (le_lt_dec len k).
+ assert (len = k) as <- by lia.
rewrite nth_error_app2; rewrite explicitAssignment_length; [ rewrite Nat.sub_diag; cbn | lia]. easy.
+ rewrite nth_error_app1; [ | rewrite explicitAssignment_length; easy ]. now apply IHlen.
Lemma explicitAssignment_app a l1 len1 len2:
explicitAssignment a l1 (len1 + len2) = explicitAssignment a l1 len1 ++ explicitAssignment a (l1 + len1) len2.
induction len2; cbn.
- now rewrite Nat.add_0_r, app_nil_r.
- rewrite Nat.add_succ_r. cbn. rewrite IHlen2, app_assoc. easy.
Lemma expAssgn_to_assgn s b :
{a & forall x, x el a <-> x >= s /\ nth_error b (x - s) = Some true}.
revert s.
induction b; cbn; intros.
- exists []. intros x. destruct (x-s); cbn; easy.
- destruct (IHb (S s)) as (assgn & IH). destruct a.
+ exists (s :: assgn). intros x. split.
* intros [-> | H]; [ rewrite Nat.sub_diag; easy | ].
apply IH in H as (H1 & H2). split; [ lia | ].
now eapply nth_error_step.
* intros (H1 & H2). apply le_lt_eq_dec in H1 as [H1 | ->].
-- right. apply IH. split; [ lia | ]. eapply nth_error_step, H2. lia.
-- now left.
+ exists assgn. intros x. split.
* intros (H1 & H2)%IH. split; [ lia | rewrite <- nth_error_step; easy].
* intros (H1 & H2). apply le_lt_eq_dec in H1 as [H1 | ->].
-- apply IH. split; [ lia | ]. apply nth_error_step in H2; easy.
-- rewrite Nat.sub_diag in H2. cbn in H2. congruence.
Lemma expAssgn_to_assgn_inv a s b : (forall x, x el a <-> x >= s /\ nth_error b (x -s) = Some true)
-> explicitAssignment a s (|b|) = b.
intros. apply list_eq_nth_error. split; [ apply explicitAssignment_length | ].
intros k H1. rewrite explicitAssignment_length in H1.
rewrite explicitAssignment_nth by apply H1.
unfold evalVar. destruct list_in_decb eqn:H2.
- apply list_in_decb_iff in H2; [ | intros; now rewrite Nat.eqb_eq ].
apply H in H2 as (_ & H2). now replace (s + k - s) with k in H2 by lia.
- apply list_in_decb_iff' in H2; [ | intros; now rewrite Nat.eqb_eq].
destruct (nth_error b k) eqn:H3.
+ destruct b0; [ | easy]. exfalso; apply H2. apply H.
replace (s + k - s) with k by lia. easy.
+ apply nth_error_none in H3. lia.
Definition predicate := list bool -> Prop.
Implicit Type (p : predicate).
Definition encodesPredicateAt (start : nat) (l : nat) f p:= forall a, satisfies a f <-> p (explicitAssignment a start l).
Definition projVars start len (l : list bool) := firstn len (skipn start l).
Lemma projVars_length l s m : |l| >= (s + m) -> |projVars s m l| = m.
intros. unfold projVars. rewrite firstn_length. rewrite skipn_length. lia.
Lemma projVars_app1 l1 l2 m : |l1| = m -> projVars 0 m (l1 ++ l2) = l1.
intros. unfold projVars. cbn. rewrite firstn_app. subst.
now rewrite Nat.sub_diag, firstn_O, app_nil_r, firstn_all.
Lemma projVars_app2 l1 l2 u m : |l1| = u -> projVars u m (l1 ++ l2) = projVars 0 m l2.
intros. unfold projVars. rewrite skipn_app; [ | easy]. now cbn.
Lemma projVars_app3 l1 l2 u1 u2 m : |l1| = u1 -> projVars (u1 + u2) m (l1 ++ l2) = projVars u2 m l2.
intros. unfold projVars. erewrite skipn_add; [ easy| lia].
Lemma projVars_all l m : m = |l| -> projVars 0 m l = l.
intros. unfold projVars. cbn. rewrite H. apply firstn_all.
Lemma projVars_comp l1 l2 len1 len2 m: projVars l1 len1 (projVars l2 len2 m) = projVars (l1 + l2) (min len1 (len2 - l1)) m.
unfold projVars. intros.
rewrite skipn_firstn_skipn. rewrite firstn_firstn. reflexivity.
Lemma projVars_add s l1 l2 m : projVars s (l1 + l2) m = projVars s l1 m ++ projVars (s + l1) l2 m.
unfold projVars. rewrite firstn_add, skipn_skipn. now rewrite Nat.add_comm.
Lemma projVars_length_le start l m: |projVars start l m| <= |m|.
unfold projVars.
rewrite firstn_length. rewrite skipn_length. lia.
Lemma projVars_length_le2 start l m : |projVars start l m| <= l.
unfold projVars. rewrite firstn_length, skipn_length. lia.
Lemma projVars_in_ge start l m : start <= |m| -> projVars start (|l|) m = l -> |m| >= start + |l|.
intros H0 H. unfold projVars in H. rewrite <- H, firstn_length, skipn_length. lia.
Definition combinedLength start1 start2 l1 l2 := max (start1 +l1) (start2 + l2) - min start1 start2.
Definition combinedStart start1 start2 := min start1 start2.
match len with
| 0 => []
| S len => explicitAssignment a lower len ++ [list_in_decb Nat.eqb a (lower + len)]
Lemma explicitAssignment_length a lower len : |explicitAssignment a lower len| = len.
revert lower. induction len; intros; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite app_length, IHlen. now cbn.
Lemma explicitAssignment_nth a lower len k :
k < len -> nth_error (explicitAssignment a lower len) k = Some (evalVar a (lower + k)).
intros. induction len.
- lia.
- cbn. destruct (le_lt_dec len k).
+ assert (len = k) as <- by lia.
rewrite nth_error_app2; rewrite explicitAssignment_length; [ rewrite Nat.sub_diag; cbn | lia]. easy.
+ rewrite nth_error_app1; [ | rewrite explicitAssignment_length; easy ]. now apply IHlen.
Lemma explicitAssignment_app a l1 len1 len2:
explicitAssignment a l1 (len1 + len2) = explicitAssignment a l1 len1 ++ explicitAssignment a (l1 + len1) len2.
induction len2; cbn.
- now rewrite Nat.add_0_r, app_nil_r.
- rewrite Nat.add_succ_r. cbn. rewrite IHlen2, app_assoc. easy.
Lemma expAssgn_to_assgn s b :
{a & forall x, x el a <-> x >= s /\ nth_error b (x - s) = Some true}.
revert s.
induction b; cbn; intros.
- exists []. intros x. destruct (x-s); cbn; easy.
- destruct (IHb (S s)) as (assgn & IH). destruct a.
+ exists (s :: assgn). intros x. split.
* intros [-> | H]; [ rewrite Nat.sub_diag; easy | ].
apply IH in H as (H1 & H2). split; [ lia | ].
now eapply nth_error_step.
* intros (H1 & H2). apply le_lt_eq_dec in H1 as [H1 | ->].
-- right. apply IH. split; [ lia | ]. eapply nth_error_step, H2. lia.
-- now left.
+ exists assgn. intros x. split.
* intros (H1 & H2)%IH. split; [ lia | rewrite <- nth_error_step; easy].
* intros (H1 & H2). apply le_lt_eq_dec in H1 as [H1 | ->].
-- apply IH. split; [ lia | ]. apply nth_error_step in H2; easy.
-- rewrite Nat.sub_diag in H2. cbn in H2. congruence.
Lemma expAssgn_to_assgn_inv a s b : (forall x, x el a <-> x >= s /\ nth_error b (x -s) = Some true)
-> explicitAssignment a s (|b|) = b.
intros. apply list_eq_nth_error. split; [ apply explicitAssignment_length | ].
intros k H1. rewrite explicitAssignment_length in H1.
rewrite explicitAssignment_nth by apply H1.
unfold evalVar. destruct list_in_decb eqn:H2.
- apply list_in_decb_iff in H2; [ | intros; now rewrite Nat.eqb_eq ].
apply H in H2 as (_ & H2). now replace (s + k - s) with k in H2 by lia.
- apply list_in_decb_iff' in H2; [ | intros; now rewrite Nat.eqb_eq].
destruct (nth_error b k) eqn:H3.
+ destruct b0; [ | easy]. exfalso; apply H2. apply H.
replace (s + k - s) with k by lia. easy.
+ apply nth_error_none in H3. lia.
Definition predicate := list bool -> Prop.
Implicit Type (p : predicate).
Definition encodesPredicateAt (start : nat) (l : nat) f p:= forall a, satisfies a f <-> p (explicitAssignment a start l).
Definition projVars start len (l : list bool) := firstn len (skipn start l).
Lemma projVars_length l s m : |l| >= (s + m) -> |projVars s m l| = m.
intros. unfold projVars. rewrite firstn_length. rewrite skipn_length. lia.
Lemma projVars_app1 l1 l2 m : |l1| = m -> projVars 0 m (l1 ++ l2) = l1.
intros. unfold projVars. cbn. rewrite firstn_app. subst.
now rewrite Nat.sub_diag, firstn_O, app_nil_r, firstn_all.
Lemma projVars_app2 l1 l2 u m : |l1| = u -> projVars u m (l1 ++ l2) = projVars 0 m l2.
intros. unfold projVars. rewrite skipn_app; [ | easy]. now cbn.
Lemma projVars_app3 l1 l2 u1 u2 m : |l1| = u1 -> projVars (u1 + u2) m (l1 ++ l2) = projVars u2 m l2.
intros. unfold projVars. erewrite skipn_add; [ easy| lia].
Lemma projVars_all l m : m = |l| -> projVars 0 m l = l.
intros. unfold projVars. cbn. rewrite H. apply firstn_all.
Lemma projVars_comp l1 l2 len1 len2 m: projVars l1 len1 (projVars l2 len2 m) = projVars (l1 + l2) (min len1 (len2 - l1)) m.
unfold projVars. intros.
rewrite skipn_firstn_skipn. rewrite firstn_firstn. reflexivity.
Lemma projVars_add s l1 l2 m : projVars s (l1 + l2) m = projVars s l1 m ++ projVars (s + l1) l2 m.
unfold projVars. rewrite firstn_add, skipn_skipn. now rewrite Nat.add_comm.
Lemma projVars_length_le start l m: |projVars start l m| <= |m|.
unfold projVars.
rewrite firstn_length. rewrite skipn_length. lia.
Lemma projVars_length_le2 start l m : |projVars start l m| <= l.
unfold projVars. rewrite firstn_length, skipn_length. lia.
Lemma projVars_in_ge start l m : start <= |m| -> projVars start (|l|) m = l -> |m| >= start + |l|.
intros H0 H. unfold projVars in H. rewrite <- H, firstn_length, skipn_length. lia.
Definition combinedLength start1 start2 l1 l2 := max (start1 +l1) (start2 + l2) - min start1 start2.
Definition combinedStart start1 start2 := min start1 start2.
from the combined assignment for the combination of two formulas, we can restore an assignment for the first formula
Lemma projVars_combined1 s1 s2 l1 l2 a: explicitAssignment a s1 l1 =
projVars (s1 - combinedStart s1 s2) l1 (explicitAssignment a (combinedStart s1 s2) (combinedLength s1 s2 l1 l2)).
unfold projVars.
apply list_eq_nth_error. split.
- rewrite explicitAssignment_length. unfold combinedStart, combinedLength. rewrite firstn_length.
rewrite skipn_length. rewrite explicitAssignment_length. lia.
- intros. rewrite explicitAssignment_length in H. unfold combinedStart, combinedLength.
rewrite nth_error_firstn; [ | apply H].
rewrite nth_error_skipn. rewrite !explicitAssignment_nth; [easy | lia | lia].
Lemma projVars_combined2 s1 s2 l1 l2 a: explicitAssignment a s2 l2 =
projVars (s2 - combinedStart s1 s2) l2 (explicitAssignment a (combinedStart s1 s2) (combinedLength s1 s2 l1 l2)).
unfold combinedStart, combinedLength. rewrite Nat.min_comm. rewrite Nat.max_comm. apply projVars_combined1.
Lemma encodesPredicate_and start1 start2 l1 l2 f1 f2 p1 p2 :
encodesPredicateAt start1 l1 f1 p1 -> encodesPredicateAt start2 l2 f2 p2
-> encodesPredicateAt (combinedStart start1 start2) (combinedLength start1 start2 l1 l2) (f1 ∧ f2)
(fun m => (p1 (projVars (start1 - combinedStart start1 start2) l1 m)
/\ p2 (projVars (start2 - combinedStart start1 start2) l2 m))).
intros G1 G2.
intros a. split; intros H.
+ apply evalFormula_and_iff in H as (H1 & H2).
rewrite <- projVars_combined1, <- projVars_combined2.
unfold encodesPredicateAt in G1, G2. rewrite <- G1, <- G2. easy.
+ rewrite <- projVars_combined1, <- projVars_combined2 in H.
unfold satisfies. apply evalFormula_and_iff.
split; [apply G1, H | apply G2, H].
Lemma encodesPredicate_or start1 start2 l1 l2 f1 f2 p1 p2 :
encodesPredicateAt start1 l1 f1 p1 -> encodesPredicateAt start2 l2 f2 p2
-> encodesPredicateAt (combinedStart start1 start2) (combinedLength start1 start2 l1 l2) (f1 ∨ f2)
(fun m => (p1 (projVars (start1 - combinedStart start1 start2) l1 m)
\/ p2 (projVars (start2 - combinedStart start1 start2) l2 m))).
intros G1 G2.
intros a. split; intros H.
+ apply evalFormula_or_iff in H as [H | H];
rewrite <- projVars_combined1, <- projVars_combined2;
unfold encodesPredicateAt in G1, G2; rewrite <- G1, <- G2; easy.
+ rewrite <- projVars_combined1, <- projVars_combined2 in H.
unfold satisfies. apply evalFormula_or_iff.
destruct H as [H | H]; [left; apply G1, H | right; apply G2, H].
projVars (s1 - combinedStart s1 s2) l1 (explicitAssignment a (combinedStart s1 s2) (combinedLength s1 s2 l1 l2)).
unfold projVars.
apply list_eq_nth_error. split.
- rewrite explicitAssignment_length. unfold combinedStart, combinedLength. rewrite firstn_length.
rewrite skipn_length. rewrite explicitAssignment_length. lia.
- intros. rewrite explicitAssignment_length in H. unfold combinedStart, combinedLength.
rewrite nth_error_firstn; [ | apply H].
rewrite nth_error_skipn. rewrite !explicitAssignment_nth; [easy | lia | lia].
Lemma projVars_combined2 s1 s2 l1 l2 a: explicitAssignment a s2 l2 =
projVars (s2 - combinedStart s1 s2) l2 (explicitAssignment a (combinedStart s1 s2) (combinedLength s1 s2 l1 l2)).
unfold combinedStart, combinedLength. rewrite Nat.min_comm. rewrite Nat.max_comm. apply projVars_combined1.
Lemma encodesPredicate_and start1 start2 l1 l2 f1 f2 p1 p2 :
encodesPredicateAt start1 l1 f1 p1 -> encodesPredicateAt start2 l2 f2 p2
-> encodesPredicateAt (combinedStart start1 start2) (combinedLength start1 start2 l1 l2) (f1 ∧ f2)
(fun m => (p1 (projVars (start1 - combinedStart start1 start2) l1 m)
/\ p2 (projVars (start2 - combinedStart start1 start2) l2 m))).
intros G1 G2.
intros a. split; intros H.
+ apply evalFormula_and_iff in H as (H1 & H2).
rewrite <- projVars_combined1, <- projVars_combined2.
unfold encodesPredicateAt in G1, G2. rewrite <- G1, <- G2. easy.
+ rewrite <- projVars_combined1, <- projVars_combined2 in H.
unfold satisfies. apply evalFormula_and_iff.
split; [apply G1, H | apply G2, H].
Lemma encodesPredicate_or start1 start2 l1 l2 f1 f2 p1 p2 :
encodesPredicateAt start1 l1 f1 p1 -> encodesPredicateAt start2 l2 f2 p2
-> encodesPredicateAt (combinedStart start1 start2) (combinedLength start1 start2 l1 l2) (f1 ∨ f2)
(fun m => (p1 (projVars (start1 - combinedStart start1 start2) l1 m)
\/ p2 (projVars (start2 - combinedStart start1 start2) l2 m))).
intros G1 G2.
intros a. split; intros H.
+ apply evalFormula_or_iff in H as [H | H];
rewrite <- projVars_combined1, <- projVars_combined2;
unfold encodesPredicateAt in G1, G2; rewrite <- G1, <- G2; easy.
+ rewrite <- projVars_combined1, <- projVars_combined2 in H.
unfold satisfies. apply evalFormula_or_iff.
destruct H as [H | H]; [left; apply G1, H | right; apply G2, H].
next, we do the same for lists of formulas where the individual formulas are placed in a regular pattern starting at an index s with an offset step
Fixpoint tabulate_step (step s n : nat) :=
match n with
| 0 => []
| S n => s :: tabulate_step step (step + s) n
Definition tabulate_formula s step n (t : nat -> formula) := map t (tabulate_step step s n).
Lemma in_tabulate_step_iff step s n x : x el tabulate_step step s n <-> exists i, i < n /\ x = s + step * i.
revert s. induction n; cbn; intros.
- split; [easy | intros (i & H & _); lia ].
- split.
+ intros [-> | H%IHn]; [exists 0; lia | ].
destruct H as (i & H1 & ->). exists (S i). lia.
+ intros (i & H1 & H2).
destruct i.
* now left.
* right. apply IHn. exists i. lia.
Lemma in_tabulate_formula_iff s step n t f:
f el tabulate_formula s step n t <-> exists i, i < n /\ f = t (s + step * i).
unfold tabulate_formula. rewrite in_map_iff. setoid_rewrite in_tabulate_step_iff.
- intros (x & <- & (i & H1 & ->)). exists i. eauto.
- intros (i & H1 & ->). exists (s + step * i). eauto.
Fact projVars_mul_offset a s step i l n: i < n -> explicitAssignment a (s + step * i) l = projVars (step * i) l (explicitAssignment a s (step * n + (l - step))).
intros H. apply list_eq_nth_error.
- rewrite projVars_length; rewrite !explicitAssignment_length; [lia | ]. nia.
- rewrite explicitAssignment_length. intros k H1.
unfold projVars. rewrite nth_error_firstn by apply H1.
rewrite nth_error_skipn. rewrite !explicitAssignment_nth.
+ easy.
+ nia.
+ apply H1.
Lemma encodesPredicate_listOr_tabulate l (t : nat -> formula) p :
(forall s, encodesPredicateAt s l (t s) p)
-> forall s step n, encodesPredicateAt s (step * n + (l - step)) (listOr (tabulate_formula s step n t))
(fun m => exists i, i < n /\ p (projVars (step * i) l m)).
intros H s step n. unfold encodesPredicateAt. intros a.
rewrite listOr_sat_iff. setoid_rewrite in_tabulate_formula_iff.
- intros (f & (i & H1 & ->) & H2). exists i. split; [easy | ].
specialize (H (s + step * i)). apply H in H2.
rewrite <- projVars_mul_offset by apply H1. apply H2.
- intros (i & H1 & H2). exists (t (s + step * i)). split.
+ exists i. eauto.
+ apply H. erewrite projVars_mul_offset by apply H1. apply H2.
Lemma encodesPredicate_listAnd_tabulate l (t : nat -> formula) p :
(forall s, encodesPredicateAt s l (t s) p)
-> forall s step n, encodesPredicateAt s (step * n + (l - step)) (listAnd (tabulate_formula s step n t))
(fun m => forall i, i < n -> p (projVars (step * i) l m)).
intros H s step n. unfold encodesPredicateAt. intros a.
rewrite listAnd_sat_iff. setoid_rewrite in_tabulate_formula_iff.
- intros H1 i H2. rewrite <- projVars_mul_offset by apply H2.
apply H, H1. exists i; eauto.
- intros H1 f (i & H2 & ->). apply H.
erewrite projVars_mul_offset by apply H2. now apply H1.
match n with
| 0 => []
| S n => s :: tabulate_step step (step + s) n
Definition tabulate_formula s step n (t : nat -> formula) := map t (tabulate_step step s n).
Lemma in_tabulate_step_iff step s n x : x el tabulate_step step s n <-> exists i, i < n /\ x = s + step * i.
revert s. induction n; cbn; intros.
- split; [easy | intros (i & H & _); lia ].
- split.
+ intros [-> | H%IHn]; [exists 0; lia | ].
destruct H as (i & H1 & ->). exists (S i). lia.
+ intros (i & H1 & H2).
destruct i.
* now left.
* right. apply IHn. exists i. lia.
Lemma in_tabulate_formula_iff s step n t f:
f el tabulate_formula s step n t <-> exists i, i < n /\ f = t (s + step * i).
unfold tabulate_formula. rewrite in_map_iff. setoid_rewrite in_tabulate_step_iff.
- intros (x & <- & (i & H1 & ->)). exists i. eauto.
- intros (i & H1 & ->). exists (s + step * i). eauto.
Fact projVars_mul_offset a s step i l n: i < n -> explicitAssignment a (s + step * i) l = projVars (step * i) l (explicitAssignment a s (step * n + (l - step))).
intros H. apply list_eq_nth_error.
- rewrite projVars_length; rewrite !explicitAssignment_length; [lia | ]. nia.
- rewrite explicitAssignment_length. intros k H1.
unfold projVars. rewrite nth_error_firstn by apply H1.
rewrite nth_error_skipn. rewrite !explicitAssignment_nth.
+ easy.
+ nia.
+ apply H1.
Lemma encodesPredicate_listOr_tabulate l (t : nat -> formula) p :
(forall s, encodesPredicateAt s l (t s) p)
-> forall s step n, encodesPredicateAt s (step * n + (l - step)) (listOr (tabulate_formula s step n t))
(fun m => exists i, i < n /\ p (projVars (step * i) l m)).
intros H s step n. unfold encodesPredicateAt. intros a.
rewrite listOr_sat_iff. setoid_rewrite in_tabulate_formula_iff.
- intros (f & (i & H1 & ->) & H2). exists i. split; [easy | ].
specialize (H (s + step * i)). apply H in H2.
rewrite <- projVars_mul_offset by apply H1. apply H2.
- intros (i & H1 & H2). exists (t (s + step * i)). split.
+ exists i. eauto.
+ apply H. erewrite projVars_mul_offset by apply H1. apply H2.
Lemma encodesPredicate_listAnd_tabulate l (t : nat -> formula) p :
(forall s, encodesPredicateAt s l (t s) p)
-> forall s step n, encodesPredicateAt s (step * n + (l - step)) (listAnd (tabulate_formula s step n t))
(fun m => forall i, i < n -> p (projVars (step * i) l m)).
intros H s step n. unfold encodesPredicateAt. intros a.
rewrite listAnd_sat_iff. setoid_rewrite in_tabulate_formula_iff.
- intros H1 i H2. rewrite <- projVars_mul_offset by apply H2.
apply H, H1. exists i; eauto.
- intros H1 f (i & H2 & ->). apply H.
erewrite projVars_mul_offset by apply H2. now apply H1.
similarly, we can combine multiple formulas at the same position
Lemma encodesPredicate_listOr_map (X : Type) s l (es : list X) (p : X -> predicate) (f : X -> formula) :
(forall e, e el es -> encodesPredicateAt s l (f e) (p e))
-> encodesPredicateAt s l (listOr (map f es)) (fun m => exists e, e el es /\ p e m).
intros H. unfold encodesPredicateAt. intros a.
rewrite listOr_sat_iff. setoid_rewrite in_map_iff.
- intros (fo & (x & <- & Hel) & H1). apply (H _ Hel) in H1. eauto.
- intros (x & Hel & H1). apply (H _ Hel) in H1. exists (f x).
split; eauto.
Lemma encodesPredicate_listAnd_map (X : Type) s l (es : list X) (p : X -> predicate) (f : X -> formula) :
(forall e, e el es -> encodesPredicateAt s l (f e) (p e))
-> encodesPredicateAt s l (listAnd (map f es)) (fun m => forall e, e el es -> p e m).
intros H. unfold encodesPredicateAt. intros a.
rewrite listAnd_sat_iff. setoid_rewrite in_map_iff.
- intros H1 e Hel. apply (H _ Hel). apply H1. eauto.
- intros H1 fo (x & <- & Hel). apply (H _ Hel). now apply H1.
Definition encodeLiteral (v : var) (sign : bool) : formula := if sign then v else ¬ v.
Lemma encodeLiteral_correct v sign : forall a, satisfies a (encodeLiteral v sign) <-> evalVar a v = sign.
intros. unfold satisfies, encodeLiteral. destruct sign; cbn; [ tauto |simp_bool; tauto ].
Lemma encodeLiteral_encodesPredicate v sign : encodesPredicateAt v 1 (encodeLiteral v sign) (fun l => l = [sign]).
intros. split; intros.
+ apply encodeLiteral_correct in H. specialize (explicitAssignment_length a v 1) as H1.
assert (0 < 1) as H2 by lia.
specialize (@explicitAssignment_nth a v 1 0 H2) as H3.
destruct explicitAssignment as [ | s l]; cbn in H1; [ congruence | destruct l; [ | cbn in H1; congruence]].
cbn in H3. now inv H3.
+ apply encodeLiteral_correct. assert (0 < 1) as H2 by lia.
specialize (@explicitAssignment_nth a v 1 0 H2) as H1.
rewrite H in H1; cbn in H1. now inv H1.
Lemma encodesPredicateAt_extensional s l f p1 p2 : (forall m, |m| = l -> p1 m <-> p2 m)
-> encodesPredicateAt s l f p1 <-> encodesPredicateAt s l f p2.
intros. unfold encodesPredicateAt. split; intros; specialize (H (explicitAssignment a s l) (explicitAssignment_length _ _ _)); [now rewrite <- H | now rewrite H].
Ltac encodesPredicateAt_comp_simp H :=
unfold combinedStart, combinedLength in H;
try (rewrite Nat.min_l in H by nia); try (rewrite Nat.min_r in H by nia);
try (rewrite Nat.max_l in H by nia); try (rewrite Nat.max_r in H by nia);
try rewrite !Nat.sub_diag in H.
Fixpoint encodeListAt (startA : nat) (l : list bool) :=
match l with
| [] => Ftrue
| x :: l => (encodeLiteral startA x) ∧ (encodeListAt (1 + startA) l)
Lemma encodeListAt_encodesPredicate start l : encodesPredicateAt start (|l|) (encodeListAt start l) (fun m => m = l).
revert start. induction l; intros.
- cbn. split; [eauto | ]. unfold satisfies. intros; easy.
- cbn. specialize (@encodesPredicate_and start (S start) 1 (|l|) (encodeLiteral start a) (encodeListAt (S start) l) _ _ (encodeLiteral_encodesPredicate start a) (IHl (S start))) as H1.
encodesPredicateAt_comp_simp H1.
replace (S start - start) with 1 in H1 by lia.
replace (S start + (|l|) - start) with (S (|l|)) in H1 by lia.
eapply encodesPredicateAt_extensional; [ | apply H1].
intros m H0. unfold projVars.
destruct m; cbn; [split; intros; easy | ].
+ intros H. inv H. now rewrite firstn_all.
+ intros (H2 & H3). inv H2. f_equal. apply Nat.succ_inj in H0. now apply firstn_all_inv.
End encodings.
Ltac encodesPredicateAt_comp_simp H :=
unfold combinedStart, combinedLength in H;
try (rewrite Nat.min_l in H by nia); try (rewrite Nat.min_r in H by nia);
try (rewrite Nat.max_l in H by nia); try (rewrite Nat.max_r in H by nia);
try rewrite !Nat.sub_diag in H.
(forall e, e el es -> encodesPredicateAt s l (f e) (p e))
-> encodesPredicateAt s l (listOr (map f es)) (fun m => exists e, e el es /\ p e m).
intros H. unfold encodesPredicateAt. intros a.
rewrite listOr_sat_iff. setoid_rewrite in_map_iff.
- intros (fo & (x & <- & Hel) & H1). apply (H _ Hel) in H1. eauto.
- intros (x & Hel & H1). apply (H _ Hel) in H1. exists (f x).
split; eauto.
Lemma encodesPredicate_listAnd_map (X : Type) s l (es : list X) (p : X -> predicate) (f : X -> formula) :
(forall e, e el es -> encodesPredicateAt s l (f e) (p e))
-> encodesPredicateAt s l (listAnd (map f es)) (fun m => forall e, e el es -> p e m).
intros H. unfold encodesPredicateAt. intros a.
rewrite listAnd_sat_iff. setoid_rewrite in_map_iff.
- intros H1 e Hel. apply (H _ Hel). apply H1. eauto.
- intros H1 fo (x & <- & Hel). apply (H _ Hel). now apply H1.
Definition encodeLiteral (v : var) (sign : bool) : formula := if sign then v else ¬ v.
Lemma encodeLiteral_correct v sign : forall a, satisfies a (encodeLiteral v sign) <-> evalVar a v = sign.
intros. unfold satisfies, encodeLiteral. destruct sign; cbn; [ tauto |simp_bool; tauto ].
Lemma encodeLiteral_encodesPredicate v sign : encodesPredicateAt v 1 (encodeLiteral v sign) (fun l => l = [sign]).
intros. split; intros.
+ apply encodeLiteral_correct in H. specialize (explicitAssignment_length a v 1) as H1.
assert (0 < 1) as H2 by lia.
specialize (@explicitAssignment_nth a v 1 0 H2) as H3.
destruct explicitAssignment as [ | s l]; cbn in H1; [ congruence | destruct l; [ | cbn in H1; congruence]].
cbn in H3. now inv H3.
+ apply encodeLiteral_correct. assert (0 < 1) as H2 by lia.
specialize (@explicitAssignment_nth a v 1 0 H2) as H1.
rewrite H in H1; cbn in H1. now inv H1.
Lemma encodesPredicateAt_extensional s l f p1 p2 : (forall m, |m| = l -> p1 m <-> p2 m)
-> encodesPredicateAt s l f p1 <-> encodesPredicateAt s l f p2.
intros. unfold encodesPredicateAt. split; intros; specialize (H (explicitAssignment a s l) (explicitAssignment_length _ _ _)); [now rewrite <- H | now rewrite H].
Ltac encodesPredicateAt_comp_simp H :=
unfold combinedStart, combinedLength in H;
try (rewrite Nat.min_l in H by nia); try (rewrite Nat.min_r in H by nia);
try (rewrite Nat.max_l in H by nia); try (rewrite Nat.max_r in H by nia);
try rewrite !Nat.sub_diag in H.
Fixpoint encodeListAt (startA : nat) (l : list bool) :=
match l with
| [] => Ftrue
| x :: l => (encodeLiteral startA x) ∧ (encodeListAt (1 + startA) l)
Lemma encodeListAt_encodesPredicate start l : encodesPredicateAt start (|l|) (encodeListAt start l) (fun m => m = l).
revert start. induction l; intros.
- cbn. split; [eauto | ]. unfold satisfies. intros; easy.
- cbn. specialize (@encodesPredicate_and start (S start) 1 (|l|) (encodeLiteral start a) (encodeListAt (S start) l) _ _ (encodeLiteral_encodesPredicate start a) (IHl (S start))) as H1.
encodesPredicateAt_comp_simp H1.
replace (S start - start) with 1 in H1 by lia.
replace (S start + (|l|) - start) with (S (|l|)) in H1 by lia.
eapply encodesPredicateAt_extensional; [ | apply H1].
intros m H0. unfold projVars.
destruct m; cbn; [split; intros; easy | ].
+ intros H. inv H. now rewrite firstn_all.
+ intros (H2 & H3). inv H2. f_equal. apply Nat.succ_inj in H0. now apply firstn_all_inv.
End encodings.
Ltac encodesPredicateAt_comp_simp H :=
unfold combinedStart, combinedLength in H;
try (rewrite Nat.min_l in H by nia); try (rewrite Nat.min_r in H by nia);
try (rewrite Nat.max_l in H by nia); try (rewrite Nat.max_r in H by nia);
try rewrite !Nat.sub_diag in H.
From Undecidability.L.Tactics Require Import LTactics GenEncode.
From Complexity.Libs.CookPrelim Require Import PolyBounds.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import LProd LOptions LBool LSum.
From Undecidability.L.Functions Require Import EqBool.
Implicit Type (p : nat -> Prop).
From Complexity.Libs.CookPrelim Require Import PolyBounds.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import LProd LOptions LBool LSum.
From Undecidability.L.Functions Require Import EqBool.
Implicit Type (p : nat -> Prop).
Definition c__listAnd := 12.
Definition listAnd_time (l : list formula) := (|l| + 1) * c__listAnd.
Instance term_listAnd : computableTime' listAnd (fun l _ => (listAnd_time l, tt)).
extract. solverec. all: unfold listAnd_time, c__listAnd; solverec.
Lemma listAnd_varsIn (p : nat ->Prop) l: (forall f, f el l -> formula_varsIn p f) -> formula_varsIn p (listAnd l).
unfold formula_varsIn. intros H; induction l; cbn.
- intros v H1. inv H1.
- intros v H1. inv H1; [eapply H; eauto | eapply IHl; eauto].
Lemma listAnd_size l : formula_size (listAnd l) <= sumn (map formula_size l) + |l| + 1.
induction l; cbn; [lia | rewrite IHl; lia].
Definition listAnd_time (l : list formula) := (|l| + 1) * c__listAnd.
Instance term_listAnd : computableTime' listAnd (fun l _ => (listAnd_time l, tt)).
extract. solverec. all: unfold listAnd_time, c__listAnd; solverec.
Lemma listAnd_varsIn (p : nat ->Prop) l: (forall f, f el l -> formula_varsIn p f) -> formula_varsIn p (listAnd l).
unfold formula_varsIn. intros H; induction l; cbn.
- intros v H1. inv H1.
- intros v H1. inv H1; [eapply H; eauto | eapply IHl; eauto].
Lemma listAnd_size l : formula_size (listAnd l) <= sumn (map formula_size l) + |l| + 1.
induction l; cbn; [lia | rewrite IHl; lia].
Definition c__listOr := 12.
Definition listOr_time (l : list formula) := (|l| + 1) * c__listOr.
Instance term_listOr : computableTime' listOr (fun l _ => (listOr_time l, tt)).
extract. solverec. all: unfold listOr_time, c__listOr; solverec.
Lemma listOr_varsIn p l: (forall f, f el l -> formula_varsIn p f) -> formula_varsIn p (listOr l).
unfold formula_varsIn. intros H; induction l; cbn.
- intros v H1. inv H1. inv H2.
- intros v H1. inv H1; [eapply H; eauto | eapply IHl; eauto].
Lemma listOr_size l : formula_size (listOr l) <= sumn (map formula_size l) + |l| + 2.
induction l; cbn; [lia | rewrite IHl; lia].
Definition listOr_time (l : list formula) := (|l| + 1) * c__listOr.
Instance term_listOr : computableTime' listOr (fun l _ => (listOr_time l, tt)).
extract. solverec. all: unfold listOr_time, c__listOr; solverec.
Lemma listOr_varsIn p l: (forall f, f el l -> formula_varsIn p f) -> formula_varsIn p (listOr l).
unfold formula_varsIn. intros H; induction l; cbn.
- intros v H1. inv H1. inv H2.
- intros v H1. inv H1; [eapply H; eauto | eapply IHl; eauto].
Lemma listOr_size l : formula_size (listOr l) <= sumn (map formula_size l) + |l| + 2.
induction l; cbn; [lia | rewrite IHl; lia].
Definition c__tabulateStep := 13 + c__add1.
Definition tabulate_step_time (step n : nat) := n * (add_time step + c__tabulateStep) + c__tabulateStep.
Instance term_tabulate_step : computableTime' tabulate_step (fun step _ => (5, fun s _ => (1, fun n _ => (tabulate_step_time step n, tt)))).
extract. solverec.
all: unfold tabulate_step_time, c__tabulateStep; solverec.
Definition poly__tabulateStep n := n * ((n + 1) * c__add + c__tabulateStep) + c__tabulateStep.
Lemma tabulate_step_time_bound step n : tabulate_step_time step n <= poly__tabulateStep (size (enc step) + size (enc n)).
unfold tabulate_step_time. rewrite size_nat_enc_r with (n := n) at 1.
unfold add_time. rewrite size_nat_enc_r with (n := step) at 1.
unfold poly__tabulateStep; solverec.
Lemma tabulate_step_poly : monotonic poly__tabulateStep /\ inOPoly poly__tabulateStep.
unfold poly__tabulateStep; split; smpl_inO.
Lemma tabulate_step_length step s n: |tabulate_step step s n| = n.
revert step s. induction n; cbn; intros; [lia | rewrite IHn; lia].
Definition tabulate_step_time (step n : nat) := n * (add_time step + c__tabulateStep) + c__tabulateStep.
Instance term_tabulate_step : computableTime' tabulate_step (fun step _ => (5, fun s _ => (1, fun n _ => (tabulate_step_time step n, tt)))).
extract. solverec.
all: unfold tabulate_step_time, c__tabulateStep; solverec.
Definition poly__tabulateStep n := n * ((n + 1) * c__add + c__tabulateStep) + c__tabulateStep.
Lemma tabulate_step_time_bound step n : tabulate_step_time step n <= poly__tabulateStep (size (enc step) + size (enc n)).
unfold tabulate_step_time. rewrite size_nat_enc_r with (n := n) at 1.
unfold add_time. rewrite size_nat_enc_r with (n := step) at 1.
unfold poly__tabulateStep; solverec.
Lemma tabulate_step_poly : monotonic poly__tabulateStep /\ inOPoly poly__tabulateStep.
unfold poly__tabulateStep; split; smpl_inO.
Lemma tabulate_step_length step s n: |tabulate_step step s n| = n.
revert step s. induction n; cbn; intros; [lia | rewrite IHn; lia].
Definition c__tabulateFormula := 8.
Definition tabulate_formula_time (s step n : nat) (tf : nat -> nat) := tabulate_step_time step n + map_time tf (tabulate_step step s n) + c__tabulateFormula.
Instance term_tabulate_formula : computableTime' tabulate_formula (fun s _ => (1, fun step _ => (1, fun n _ => (1, fun t tf => (tabulate_formula_time s step n (callTime tf), tt))))).
extract. solverec.
unfold tabulate_formula_time, c__tabulateFormula; solverec.
Lemma formula_varsIn_monotonic (p1 p2 : nat -> Prop) : (forall n, p1 n -> p2 n) -> forall f, formula_varsIn p1 f -> formula_varsIn p2 f.
intros H f. unfold formula_varsIn. eauto.
Lemma tabulate_formula_varsIn s step n t (g : nat -> nat):
(forall start, formula_varsIn (fun n => n < g start) (t start))
-> monotonic g
-> forall f, f el tabulate_formula s step n t -> formula_varsIn (fun v => v < g (s + step * (n -1))) f.
intros H H0 f Hel. unfold tabulate_formula in Hel. apply in_map_iff in Hel as (i & <- & Hel).
apply in_tabulate_step_iff in Hel as (i' & H1 & ->).
eapply formula_varsIn_monotonic.
2: apply H.
cbn. intros n' Hn'. unfold monotonic in H0. specialize (H0 (s + step * i') (s + step * (n -1)) ltac:(nia)). nia.
Lemma tabulate_formula_length s step n t : |tabulate_formula s step n t| = n.
revert s step. induction n; cbn; intros; [lia | ].
unfold tabulate_formula in IHn. now rewrite IHn.
Definition tabulate_formula_time (s step n : nat) (tf : nat -> nat) := tabulate_step_time step n + map_time tf (tabulate_step step s n) + c__tabulateFormula.
Instance term_tabulate_formula : computableTime' tabulate_formula (fun s _ => (1, fun step _ => (1, fun n _ => (1, fun t tf => (tabulate_formula_time s step n (callTime tf), tt))))).
extract. solverec.
unfold tabulate_formula_time, c__tabulateFormula; solverec.
Lemma formula_varsIn_monotonic (p1 p2 : nat -> Prop) : (forall n, p1 n -> p2 n) -> forall f, formula_varsIn p1 f -> formula_varsIn p2 f.
intros H f. unfold formula_varsIn. eauto.
Lemma tabulate_formula_varsIn s step n t (g : nat -> nat):
(forall start, formula_varsIn (fun n => n < g start) (t start))
-> monotonic g
-> forall f, f el tabulate_formula s step n t -> formula_varsIn (fun v => v < g (s + step * (n -1))) f.
intros H H0 f Hel. unfold tabulate_formula in Hel. apply in_map_iff in Hel as (i & <- & Hel).
apply in_tabulate_step_iff in Hel as (i' & H1 & ->).
eapply formula_varsIn_monotonic.
2: apply H.
cbn. intros n' Hn'. unfold monotonic in H0. specialize (H0 (s + step * i') (s + step * (n -1)) ltac:(nia)). nia.
Lemma tabulate_formula_length s step n t : |tabulate_formula s step n t| = n.
revert s step. induction n; cbn; intros; [lia | ].
unfold tabulate_formula in IHn. now rewrite IHn.
Definition c__encodeLiteral := 6.
Instance term_encodeLiteral : computableTime' encodeLiteral (fun n _ => (1, fun b _ => (c__encodeLiteral, tt))).
extract. solverec. all: unfold c__encodeLiteral; solverec.
Lemma encodeLiteral_size v b : formula_size (encodeLiteral v b) <= 2.
unfold encodeLiteral. destruct b; cbn; lia.
Ltac varsIn_inv :=
repeat match goal with
| [ H: formula_varsIn ?f |- _] => inv H
| [ H: varInFormula ?v ?f|- _]=> inv H
Lemma encodeLiteral_varsIn v b : formula_varsIn (fun n => n = v) (encodeLiteral v b).
unfold encodeLiteral. destruct b; cbn; intros v' H; varsIn_inv; lia.
Instance term_encodeLiteral : computableTime' encodeLiteral (fun n _ => (1, fun b _ => (c__encodeLiteral, tt))).
extract. solverec. all: unfold c__encodeLiteral; solverec.
Lemma encodeLiteral_size v b : formula_size (encodeLiteral v b) <= 2.
unfold encodeLiteral. destruct b; cbn; lia.
Ltac varsIn_inv :=
repeat match goal with
| [ H: formula_varsIn ?f |- _] => inv H
| [ H: varInFormula ?v ?f|- _]=> inv H
Lemma encodeLiteral_varsIn v b : formula_varsIn (fun n => n = v) (encodeLiteral v b).
unfold encodeLiteral. destruct b; cbn; intros v' H; varsIn_inv; lia.
Definition c__encodeListAt := c__encodeLiteral + c__add1 + add_time 1 + 15.
Definition encodeListAt_time (l : list bool) := (|l| + 1) * c__encodeListAt.
Instance term_encodeListAt : computableTime' encodeListAt (fun s _ => (5, fun l _ => (encodeListAt_time l, tt))).
extract. solverec.
all: unfold encodeListAt_time, c__encodeListAt; solverec.
Definition poly__encodeListAt n := (n + 1) * c__encodeListAt.
Lemma encodeListAt_time_bound l : encodeListAt_time l <= poly__encodeListAt (size (enc l)).
unfold encodeListAt_time. rewrite list_size_length.
unfold poly__encodeListAt; solverec.
Lemma encodeListAt_poly : monotonic poly__encodeListAt /\ inOPoly poly__encodeListAt.
unfold poly__encodeListAt; split; smpl_inO.
Lemma encodeListAt_varsIn start l: formula_varsIn (fun n => n >= start /\ n < start + |l|) (encodeListAt start l).
revert start; induction l; cbn; intros.
- intros v H; varsIn_inv.
- intros v H. inv H.
+ apply encodeLiteral_varsIn in H1. lia.
+ apply IHl in H1. lia.
Lemma encodeListAt_size start l : formula_size (encodeListAt start l) <= 3 * (|l|) + 1.
revert start; induction l; cbn -[Nat.mul]; intros; [lia | rewrite IHl]. rewrite encodeLiteral_size. lia.
Definition encodeListAt_time (l : list bool) := (|l| + 1) * c__encodeListAt.
Instance term_encodeListAt : computableTime' encodeListAt (fun s _ => (5, fun l _ => (encodeListAt_time l, tt))).
extract. solverec.
all: unfold encodeListAt_time, c__encodeListAt; solverec.
Definition poly__encodeListAt n := (n + 1) * c__encodeListAt.
Lemma encodeListAt_time_bound l : encodeListAt_time l <= poly__encodeListAt (size (enc l)).
unfold encodeListAt_time. rewrite list_size_length.
unfold poly__encodeListAt; solverec.
Lemma encodeListAt_poly : monotonic poly__encodeListAt /\ inOPoly poly__encodeListAt.
unfold poly__encodeListAt; split; smpl_inO.
Lemma encodeListAt_varsIn start l: formula_varsIn (fun n => n >= start /\ n < start + |l|) (encodeListAt start l).
revert start; induction l; cbn; intros.
- intros v H; varsIn_inv.
- intros v H. inv H.
+ apply encodeLiteral_varsIn in H1. lia.
+ apply IHl in H1. lia.
Lemma encodeListAt_size start l : formula_size (encodeListAt start l) <= 3 * (|l|) + 1.
revert start; induction l; cbn -[Nat.mul]; intros; [lia | rewrite IHl]. rewrite encodeLiteral_size. lia.