From Undecidability Require Import ProgrammingTools.
From Complexity Require Import BaseCodeSpace.
From Undecidability Require Import CaseList CasePair.
From Undecidability Require Import Univ.LookupAssociativeListTM.
Lemma max_list_rec_map_monotone' (X : Type) (s0 s1 : nat) (xs : list X) (f0 f1 : X -> nat) :
(forall x : X, x el xs -> f0 x <= f1 x) ->
s0 <= s1 ->
max_list_rec s0 (map f0 xs) <= max_list_rec s1 (map f1 xs).
intros. apply max_list_rec_monotone'.
- apply Forall2_map, Forall_Forall2, Forall_forall. assumption.
- assumption.
Instance max_list_rec_proper (xs : list nat) : Proper (le ==> le) (Basics.flip max_list_rec xs).
Proof. hnf. intros. cbv [Basics.flip]. now apply max_list_rec_monotone. Qed.
Section Lookup_size_nice.
Variable (sigX sigY : finType).
Variable (X : eqType) (Y : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (cY : codable sigY Y).
Lemma CaseList_size1_CasePair_size0_Reset_size_nice (x' : X) (y : Y) (s : nat) :
((CaseList_size1 (x', y) >> CasePair_size0 x') >> Reset_size y) s = Init.Nat.max s (size (x', y) + 1). Proof.
rewrite Reset_size_nice. rewrite CasePair_size0_nice. now rewrite CaseList_size1_nice'. Qed.
We only consider the cons case. Note that inequality is the worst case
Lemma Lookup_Step_size_nice_eq (xs : list (X*Y)) (x : X) (p : X * Y) :
let (x', y) := p in
x = x' ->
(forall (s0 : nat), Lookup_Step_size (p :: xs) x @>Fin0 s0 = s0 + size (p :: xs) + 1) /\
(forall (s1 : nat), Lookup_Step_size (p :: xs) x @>Fin1 s1 + size y = max (s1 + size x) (size y)) /\
(forall (s2 : nat), Lookup_Step_size (p :: xs) x @>Fin2 s2 = max s2 (size (x', y) + 1)) /\
(forall (s3 : nat), Lookup_Step_size (p :: xs) x @>Fin3 s3 = max s3 (size x + 1)).
destruct p as [x' y]. unfold Lookup_Step_size; cbn [Vector.nth].
intros Hdec. decide (x=x') as [<-|Hdec']; try tauto.
repeat split; intros; cbn.
- now setoid_rewrite CaseList_size0_Reset_nice.
- now rewrite MoveValue_size_y_nice.
- now setoid_rewrite CaseList_size1_CasePair_size0_Reset_size_nice. - now setoid_rewrite CasePair_size1_Reset_nice.
let (x', y) := p in
x = x' ->
(forall (s0 : nat), Lookup_Step_size (p :: xs) x @>Fin0 s0 = s0 + size (p :: xs) + 1) /\
(forall (s1 : nat), Lookup_Step_size (p :: xs) x @>Fin1 s1 + size y = max (s1 + size x) (size y)) /\
(forall (s2 : nat), Lookup_Step_size (p :: xs) x @>Fin2 s2 = max s2 (size (x', y) + 1)) /\
(forall (s3 : nat), Lookup_Step_size (p :: xs) x @>Fin3 s3 = max s3 (size x + 1)).
destruct p as [x' y]. unfold Lookup_Step_size; cbn [Vector.nth].
intros Hdec. decide (x=x') as [<-|Hdec']; try tauto.
repeat split; intros; cbn.
- now setoid_rewrite CaseList_size0_Reset_nice.
- now rewrite MoveValue_size_y_nice.
- now setoid_rewrite CaseList_size1_CasePair_size0_Reset_size_nice. - now setoid_rewrite CasePair_size1_Reset_nice.
We use two lemmas here because this makes rewriting easier
Lemma Lookup_Step_size_nice_neq (xs : list (X*Y)) (x : X) (p : X * Y) :
let (x', y) := p in
x <> x' ->
(forall (s0 : nat), Lookup_Step_size (p :: xs) x @>Fin0 s0 + size xs = s0 + size ((x', y) :: xs)) /\
(forall (s1 : nat), Lookup_Step_size (p :: xs) x @>Fin1 s1 = s1) /\
(forall (s2 : nat), Lookup_Step_size (p :: xs) x @>Fin2 s2 = max s2 (size (x', y) + 1)) /\
(forall (s3 : nat), Lookup_Step_size (p :: xs) x @>Fin3 s3 = max s3 (size x' + 1)).
destruct p as [x' y]. unfold Lookup_Step_size; cbn [Vector.nth].
intros Hdec. decide (x=x') as [<-|Hdec']; try tauto.
repeat split; intros; cbn.
- now rewrite CaseList_size0_nice.
- now setoid_rewrite CaseList_size1_CasePair_size0_Reset_size_nice.
- now setoid_rewrite CasePair_size1_Reset_nice.
let (x', y) := p in
x <> x' ->
(forall (s0 : nat), Lookup_Step_size (p :: xs) x @>Fin0 s0 + size xs = s0 + size ((x', y) :: xs)) /\
(forall (s1 : nat), Lookup_Step_size (p :: xs) x @>Fin1 s1 = s1) /\
(forall (s2 : nat), Lookup_Step_size (p :: xs) x @>Fin2 s2 = max s2 (size (x', y) + 1)) /\
(forall (s3 : nat), Lookup_Step_size (p :: xs) x @>Fin3 s3 = max s3 (size x' + 1)).
destruct p as [x' y]. unfold Lookup_Step_size; cbn [Vector.nth].
intros Hdec. decide (x=x') as [<-|Hdec']; try tauto.
repeat split; intros; cbn.
- now rewrite CaseList_size0_nice.
- now setoid_rewrite CaseList_size1_CasePair_size0_Reset_size_nice.
- now setoid_rewrite CasePair_size1_Reset_nice.
Don't touch the definition any more; we have bounds now!
The elements in the list that have been seen by lookup, including the element that was found
Fixpoint lookup_hd (x : X) (xs : list (X*Y)) : list (X*Y) :=
match xs with
| nil => nil
| (x', y) :: xs' => if Dec(x = x') then [(x',y)] else (x', y) :: lookup_hd x xs'
Lemma lookup_hd_incl (x : X) (xs : list (X*Y)) :
lookup_hd x xs <<= xs.
revert x. induction xs as [ | (x',y) xs' IH]; intros; cbn in *.
- intuition.
- decide (x=x') as [<-|Hdec]; intuition.
match xs with
| nil => nil
| (x', y) :: xs' => if Dec(x = x') then [(x',y)] else (x', y) :: lookup_hd x xs'
Lemma lookup_hd_incl (x : X) (xs : list (X*Y)) :
lookup_hd x xs <<= xs.
revert x. induction xs as [ | (x',y) xs' IH]; intros; cbn in *.
- intuition.
- decide (x=x') as [<-|Hdec]; intuition.
We are not really interested in the case that lookup fails
Lemma Lookup_Loop_size_nice (xs : list (X*Y)) (x : X) (y_res : Y) :
lookup x xs = Some y_res ->
(forall (s0 : nat), Lookup_Loop_size xs x @>Fin0 s0 = s0 + size xs + 1) /\
(forall (s1 : nat), Lookup_Loop_size xs x @>Fin1 s1 + size y_res = max (s1 + size x) (size y_res)) /\
(forall (s2 : nat), Lookup_Loop_size xs x @>Fin2 s2 = max_list_rec s2 (map (fun p => size p + 1) (lookup_hd x xs))) /\
(forall (s3 : nat), Lookup_Loop_size xs x @>Fin3 s3 = max_list_rec s3 (map (fun p => size (fst p) + 1) (lookup_hd x xs))).
revert x y_res. induction xs as [ | [x' y] xs IH]; intros; cbn in *.
- congruence.
- decide (x = x') as [<- | Hdec].
{ inv H.
repeat split; cbn; intros.
- projk_rewrite (Lookup_Step_size_nice_eq xs x (x, y_res) eq_refl) 0. nia.
- projk_rewrite (Lookup_Step_size_nice_eq xs x (x, y_res) eq_refl) 1. reflexivity.
- projk_rewrite (Lookup_Step_size_nice_eq xs x (x, y_res) eq_refl) 2. nia.
- projk_rewrite (Lookup_Step_size_nice_eq xs x (x, y_res) eq_refl) 3. nia.
{ specialize IH with (1 := H) as (IH0&IH1&IH2&IH3).
repeat split; cbn; intros.
- rewrite IH0. projk_rewrite (Lookup_Step_size_nice_neq xs x (x', y) Hdec). nia.
- rewrite IH1. now projk_rewrite (Lookup_Step_size_nice_neq xs x (x', y) Hdec).
- rewrite IH2. projk_rewrite (Lookup_Step_size_nice_neq xs x (x', y) Hdec). f_equal. nia.
- rewrite IH3. projk_rewrite (Lookup_Step_size_nice_neq xs x (x', y) Hdec). f_equal. nia.
Lemma Lookup_size_nice (xs : list (X*Y)) (x : X) (y_res : Y) :
lookup x xs = Some y_res ->
(forall (s0 : nat), Lookup_size xs x @>Fin0 s0 = s0) /\
(forall (s1 : nat), Lookup_size xs x @>Fin1 s1 + size y_res = max (s1 + size x) (size y_res)) /\
(forall (s2 : nat), Lookup_size xs x @>Fin2 s2 = max_list_rec s2 (map (fun p => size p + 1) (lookup_hd x xs))) /\
(forall (s3 : nat), Lookup_size xs x @>Fin3 s3 = max_list_rec s3 (map (fun p => size (fst p) + 1) (lookup_hd x xs))) /\
(forall (s4 : nat), Lookup_size xs x @>Fin4 s4 = max s4 (size xs + 1)). Proof.
intros. unfold Lookup_size; cbn. repeat split; intros.
- now projk_rewrite (Lookup_Loop_size_nice H) 1.
- now projk_rewrite (Lookup_Loop_size_nice H) 2.
- now projk_rewrite (Lookup_Loop_size_nice H) 3.
- projk_rewrite (Lookup_Loop_size_nice H) 0. now rewrite CopyValue_size_nice'.
End Lookup_size_nice.
Local Arguments Lookup_size : simpl never.
From Complexity Require Import UnivBounds. Import Univ_nice.
Section Univ_nice.
lookup x xs = Some y_res ->
(forall (s0 : nat), Lookup_Loop_size xs x @>Fin0 s0 = s0 + size xs + 1) /\
(forall (s1 : nat), Lookup_Loop_size xs x @>Fin1 s1 + size y_res = max (s1 + size x) (size y_res)) /\
(forall (s2 : nat), Lookup_Loop_size xs x @>Fin2 s2 = max_list_rec s2 (map (fun p => size p + 1) (lookup_hd x xs))) /\
(forall (s3 : nat), Lookup_Loop_size xs x @>Fin3 s3 = max_list_rec s3 (map (fun p => size (fst p) + 1) (lookup_hd x xs))).
revert x y_res. induction xs as [ | [x' y] xs IH]; intros; cbn in *.
- congruence.
- decide (x = x') as [<- | Hdec].
{ inv H.
repeat split; cbn; intros.
- projk_rewrite (Lookup_Step_size_nice_eq xs x (x, y_res) eq_refl) 0. nia.
- projk_rewrite (Lookup_Step_size_nice_eq xs x (x, y_res) eq_refl) 1. reflexivity.
- projk_rewrite (Lookup_Step_size_nice_eq xs x (x, y_res) eq_refl) 2. nia.
- projk_rewrite (Lookup_Step_size_nice_eq xs x (x, y_res) eq_refl) 3. nia.
{ specialize IH with (1 := H) as (IH0&IH1&IH2&IH3).
repeat split; cbn; intros.
- rewrite IH0. projk_rewrite (Lookup_Step_size_nice_neq xs x (x', y) Hdec). nia.
- rewrite IH1. now projk_rewrite (Lookup_Step_size_nice_neq xs x (x', y) Hdec).
- rewrite IH2. projk_rewrite (Lookup_Step_size_nice_neq xs x (x', y) Hdec). f_equal. nia.
- rewrite IH3. projk_rewrite (Lookup_Step_size_nice_neq xs x (x', y) Hdec). f_equal. nia.
Lemma Lookup_size_nice (xs : list (X*Y)) (x : X) (y_res : Y) :
lookup x xs = Some y_res ->
(forall (s0 : nat), Lookup_size xs x @>Fin0 s0 = s0) /\
(forall (s1 : nat), Lookup_size xs x @>Fin1 s1 + size y_res = max (s1 + size x) (size y_res)) /\
(forall (s2 : nat), Lookup_size xs x @>Fin2 s2 = max_list_rec s2 (map (fun p => size p + 1) (lookup_hd x xs))) /\
(forall (s3 : nat), Lookup_size xs x @>Fin3 s3 = max_list_rec s3 (map (fun p => size (fst p) + 1) (lookup_hd x xs))) /\
(forall (s4 : nat), Lookup_size xs x @>Fin4 s4 = max s4 (size xs + 1)). Proof.
intros. unfold Lookup_size; cbn. repeat split; intros.
- now projk_rewrite (Lookup_Loop_size_nice H) 1.
- now projk_rewrite (Lookup_Loop_size_nice H) 2.
- now projk_rewrite (Lookup_Loop_size_nice H) 3.
- projk_rewrite (Lookup_Loop_size_nice H) 0. now rewrite CopyValue_size_nice'.
End Lookup_size_nice.
Local Arguments Lookup_size : simpl never.
From Complexity Require Import UnivBounds. Import Univ_nice.
Section Univ_nice.
The alphabet of the simulated machine
The simulated machine
Variable (M : TM sigM 1).
Import Univ.LowLevel.
Lemma SetFinal_size_nice :
(forall (final : bool) (q : nat) (s0 : nat), SetFinal_size @>Fin0 s0 + size (final, q) = max (s0 + size q) (size q + 1)) /\
(forall (s1 : nat), SetFinal_size @>Fin1 s1 = max s1 2).
repeat split; intros; cbn.
- transitivity (Constr_pair_size final s0 + size (final, q)).
+ reflexivity.
+ setoid_rewrite Constr_pair_size_nice. rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize; cbn. rewrite Encode_bool_hasSize; cbn. nia.
- unfold ResetEmpty1_size. cbn. unfold WriteValue_size. rewrite Encode_bool_hasSize; cbn. ring_simplify. nia.
Local Arguments SetFinal_size : simpl never.
Lemma IsFinal_size_nice :
forall (s : nat), IsFinal_size s = max s 2.
intros. unfold IsFinal_size. cbn.
projk_rewrite SetFinal_size_nice 1.
enough (CasePair_size1 true s + size true + 1 = max s 2) as H by (rewrite Encode_bool_hasSize in H; nia).
rewrite CasePair_size1_nice'. rewrite Encode_bool_hasSize; cbn. nia.
Local Arguments IsFinal_size_nice : simpl never.
Import Univ.LowLevel.
Lemma SetFinal_size_nice :
(forall (final : bool) (q : nat) (s0 : nat), SetFinal_size @>Fin0 s0 + size (final, q) = max (s0 + size q) (size q + 1)) /\
(forall (s1 : nat), SetFinal_size @>Fin1 s1 = max s1 2).
repeat split; intros; cbn.
- transitivity (Constr_pair_size final s0 + size (final, q)).
+ reflexivity.
+ setoid_rewrite Constr_pair_size_nice. rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize; cbn. rewrite Encode_bool_hasSize; cbn. nia.
- unfold ResetEmpty1_size. cbn. unfold WriteValue_size. rewrite Encode_bool_hasSize; cbn. ring_simplify. nia.
Local Arguments SetFinal_size : simpl never.
Lemma IsFinal_size_nice :
forall (s : nat), IsFinal_size s = max s 2.
intros. unfold IsFinal_size. cbn.
projk_rewrite SetFinal_size_nice 1.
enough (CasePair_size1 true s + size true + 1 = max s 2) as H by (rewrite Encode_bool_hasSize in H; nia).
rewrite CasePair_size1_nice'. rewrite Encode_bool_hasSize; cbn. nia.
Local Arguments IsFinal_size_nice : simpl never.
Lemmas about graph_of_fun and graph_of_TM in particular
Lemma graph_of_TM_In (Q Q' : state M) (s s' : option sigM) (q q' : nat) (b b' : bool) (m : move) (tp : tape sigM) :
In (s, (b, q), (s', m, (b', q'))) (graph_of_TM M) ->
index Q = q ->
index Q' = q' ->
current tp = s ->
trans (Q, [|current tp|]) = (Q', [|(s', m)|]).
unfold graph_of_TM.
intros (?&?& ([? ?]&->) % graph_of_fun_In') % in_map_iff <- <- <-.
cbn in H. inv H. apply injective_index in H3 as ->.
destruct trans as [q' acts]. destruct acts[@Fin0] eqn:E. cbn in *. inv H4. apply injective_index in H3 as ->.
destruct_vector. cbn in *. congruence.
Lemma graph_of_TM_In' (s s' : option sigM) (q q' : nat) (b b' : bool) (m : move) :
In (s, (b, q), (s', m, (b', q'))) (graph_of_TM M) ->
exists (Q Q' : state M),
index Q = q /\
index Q' = q' /\
trans (Q, [|s|]) = (Q', [|(s', m)|]).
unfold graph_of_TM.
intros (? & ? & ((x&y)&->) % graph_of_fun_In') % in_map_iff.
cbn in *. inv H. unfold trans_map_keys, trans_map_values in *.
destruct trans as [Q' acts] eqn:E.
destruct_vector; rename h into act. destruct act as [act_w act_m]. cbn in *.
inv H4.
do 2 eexists; repeat split; eauto.
Lemma graph_of_fun_not_empty (X : finType) (Y : Type) (f : X -> Y) :
X -> graph_of_fun f <> nil.
intros def.
unfold graph_of_fun.
intros H % map_eq_nil.
eapply enum_not_nil with (X := X); eauto.
Lemma graph_of_TM_not_nil : graph_of_TM M <> nil.
unfold graph_of_TM.
intros H % map_eq_nil.
apply (graph_of_fun_not_empty (f := graph_function (M:=M))) in H; eauto.
cbn. split. now constructor. apply start.
We should have enough lemmas about graph_of_TM now
Non-standard encodings
Local Existing Instance Encode_optSigM.
Local Existing Instance Encode_action.
Local Existing Instance Encode_graph.
Lemmas about sizes of special encodings
Local Lemma Encode_action_hasSize (act : option sigM * move) :
size act = 1.
Proof. apply Encode_Finite_hasSize. Qed.
Local Lemma Encode_state_hasSize (q : state M) (halt : bool) :
size (halt, index q) = index q + 2.
Proof. do 1 (rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize; cbn). rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize. setoid_rewrite Encode_bool_hasSize. nia. Qed.
x-values in graph_of_TM
Local Lemma Encode_graph_x_hasSize (s : option sigM) (q : state M) (halt : bool) :
size (s, (halt, index q)) = index q + 3.
Proof. do 2 (rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize; cbn). rewrite Encode_bool_hasSize. rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize. setoid_rewrite Encode_Finite_hasSize. nia. Qed.
size (s, (halt, index q)) = index q + 3.
Proof. do 2 (rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize; cbn). rewrite Encode_bool_hasSize. rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize. setoid_rewrite Encode_Finite_hasSize. nia. Qed.
x-values in graph_of_TM
Local Lemma Encode_graph_y_hasSize (act : option sigM * move) (q' : state M) (halt' : bool) :
size (act, (halt', index q')) = index q' + 3.
Proof. do 2 (rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize; cbn). rewrite Encode_bool_hasSize. rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize. setoid_rewrite Encode_Finite_hasSize. nia. Qed.
Lemma size_char_eq (c1 c2 : option sigM) :
size c1 = size c2. Proof. now setoid_rewrite Encode_Finite_hasSize. Qed.
size (act, (halt', index q')) = index q' + 3.
Proof. do 2 (rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize; cbn). rewrite Encode_bool_hasSize. rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize. setoid_rewrite Encode_Finite_hasSize. nia. Qed.
Lemma size_char_eq (c1 c2 : option sigM) :
size c1 = size c2. Proof. now setoid_rewrite Encode_Finite_hasSize. Qed.
First the aux tape (s3) for IsFinal, then for ReadCurrent: ReadCurrent doesn't require more space than IsFinal (at most 2).
Lemma IsFinal_Readcurrent_size_nice (s : nat) (c : option sigM) :
(IsFinal_size >> ReadCurrent_size) s + size c + 1 = max s 2.
Proof. cbn. rewrite IsFinal_size_nice. unfold ReadCurrent_size. setoid_rewrite Encode_Finite_hasSize. cbn. nia. Qed.
Definition Univ_Step_size_bound2 (q q' : state M) (s2 : nat) :=
(max (s2 + index q + 2) (max (index q) (index q') + 3)).
Definition Univ_Step_size_bound3 (tp : tape sigM) (act : option sigM * move) (q : state M) (s3 : nat) :=
max (max_list_rec (Init.Nat.max s3 2)
(map (fun p : option sigM * (bool * nat) * (option sigM * move * (bool * nat)) => size p + 1) (lookup_hd (current tp, (false, index q)) (graph_of_TM M))))
(size act + 1).
Definition Univ_Step_size_bound4 (tp : tape sigM) (q : state M) (s4 : nat) :=
max_list_rec s4 (map (fun p : option sigM * (bool * nat) * (option sigM * move * (bool * nat)) => size (fst p) + 1) (lookup_hd (current tp, (false, index q)) (graph_of_TM M))).
Definition Univ_Step_size_bound5 (s5 : nat) :=
max s5 (size (graph_of_TM M) + 1).
Lemma state_index_lt (q : state M) :
index q < number_of_states M.
Proof. apply index_le. Qed.
Lemma state_index_le (q : state M) :
index q <= number_of_states M.
Proof. apply Nat.lt_le_incl. apply state_index_lt. Qed.
Lemma size_state_lt (q : state M) (halt : bool) :
size (halt, index q) < number_of_states M + 2.
rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize; cbn. rewrite Encode_bool_hasSize. rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize.
pose proof state_index_lt q. nia.
Lemma size_state_le (q : state M) (halt : bool) :
size (halt, index q) <= number_of_states M + 2.
Proof. apply Nat.lt_le_incl. apply size_state_lt. Qed.
Lemma Univ_Step_size_bound2_lt (q q' : state M) (s2 : nat) :
Univ_Step_size_bound2 q q' s2 < max (s2 + number_of_states M + 2) (number_of_states M + 3).
pose proof state_index_lt q. pose proof state_index_lt q'.
unfold Univ_Step_size_bound2. nia.
Import Univ.Univ.
(IsFinal_size >> ReadCurrent_size) s + size c + 1 = max s 2.
Proof. cbn. rewrite IsFinal_size_nice. unfold ReadCurrent_size. setoid_rewrite Encode_Finite_hasSize. cbn. nia. Qed.
Definition Univ_Step_size_bound2 (q q' : state M) (s2 : nat) :=
(max (s2 + index q + 2) (max (index q) (index q') + 3)).
Definition Univ_Step_size_bound3 (tp : tape sigM) (act : option sigM * move) (q : state M) (s3 : nat) :=
max (max_list_rec (Init.Nat.max s3 2)
(map (fun p : option sigM * (bool * nat) * (option sigM * move * (bool * nat)) => size p + 1) (lookup_hd (current tp, (false, index q)) (graph_of_TM M))))
(size act + 1).
Definition Univ_Step_size_bound4 (tp : tape sigM) (q : state M) (s4 : nat) :=
max_list_rec s4 (map (fun p : option sigM * (bool * nat) * (option sigM * move * (bool * nat)) => size (fst p) + 1) (lookup_hd (current tp, (false, index q)) (graph_of_TM M))).
Definition Univ_Step_size_bound5 (s5 : nat) :=
max s5 (size (graph_of_TM M) + 1).
Lemma state_index_lt (q : state M) :
index q < number_of_states M.
Proof. apply index_le. Qed.
Lemma state_index_le (q : state M) :
index q <= number_of_states M.
Proof. apply Nat.lt_le_incl. apply state_index_lt. Qed.
Lemma size_state_lt (q : state M) (halt : bool) :
size (halt, index q) < number_of_states M + 2.
rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize; cbn. rewrite Encode_bool_hasSize. rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize.
pose proof state_index_lt q. nia.
Lemma size_state_le (q : state M) (halt : bool) :
size (halt, index q) <= number_of_states M + 2.
Proof. apply Nat.lt_le_incl. apply size_state_lt. Qed.
Lemma Univ_Step_size_bound2_lt (q q' : state M) (s2 : nat) :
Univ_Step_size_bound2 q q' s2 < max (s2 + number_of_states M + 2) (number_of_states M + 3).
pose proof state_index_lt q. pose proof state_index_lt q'.
unfold Univ_Step_size_bound2. nia.
Import Univ.Univ.
We only consider the case where halt q = false. No assertions about tape 0 (the object tape).
Lemma Univ_Step_size_nice (tp : tape sigM) (q : state M) :
let space := Univ_Step_size tp q in
let (q', act) := trans (q, [|current tp|]) in
let act := act[@Fin0] in
let tp' := doAct tp act in
halt q = false ->
True /\
(forall (s1 : nat), space @>Fin1 s1 = s1) /\
(forall (s2 : nat), space @>Fin2 s2 + size (halt q', index q') = Univ_Step_size_bound2 q q' s2) /\
(forall (s3 : nat), space @>Fin3 s3 = Univ_Step_size_bound3 tp act q s3) /\
(forall (s4 : nat), space @>Fin4 s4 = Univ_Step_size_bound4 tp q s4) /\
(forall (s5 : nat), space @>Fin5 s5 = Univ_Step_size_bound5 s5).
unfold Univ_Step_size; cbn.
pose proof lookup_graph tp q as LLookup.
destruct trans as [q' act] eqn:E.
intros HHalt. rewrite HHalt in *.
destruct_vector; rename h into act.
pose proof (Lookup_size_nice _ _ LLookup) as (HL0&HL1&HL2&HL3&HL4).
repeat split; intros; cbn in *; cbv [id].
- rewrite CasePair_size0_nice. rewrite HL1. rewrite Constr_pair_size_nice. unfold Univ_Step_size_bound2.
rewrite !Encode_graph_x_hasSize. rewrite Encode_graph_y_hasSize. rewrite Encode_state_hasSize. nia.
- unfold DoAction_size. rewrite Reset_size_nice. rewrite CasePair_size1_nice'. rewrite HL2.
rewrite Reset_size_nice. now setoid_rewrite IsFinal_Readcurrent_size_nice.
- now rewrite HL3.
- now rewrite HL4.
Local Arguments Univ_Step_size : simpl never.
let space := Univ_Step_size tp q in
let (q', act) := trans (q, [|current tp|]) in
let act := act[@Fin0] in
let tp' := doAct tp act in
halt q = false ->
True /\
(forall (s1 : nat), space @>Fin1 s1 = s1) /\
(forall (s2 : nat), space @>Fin2 s2 + size (halt q', index q') = Univ_Step_size_bound2 q q' s2) /\
(forall (s3 : nat), space @>Fin3 s3 = Univ_Step_size_bound3 tp act q s3) /\
(forall (s4 : nat), space @>Fin4 s4 = Univ_Step_size_bound4 tp q s4) /\
(forall (s5 : nat), space @>Fin5 s5 = Univ_Step_size_bound5 s5).
unfold Univ_Step_size; cbn.
pose proof lookup_graph tp q as LLookup.
destruct trans as [q' act] eqn:E.
intros HHalt. rewrite HHalt in *.
destruct_vector; rename h into act.
pose proof (Lookup_size_nice _ _ LLookup) as (HL0&HL1&HL2&HL3&HL4).
repeat split; intros; cbn in *; cbv [id].
- rewrite CasePair_size0_nice. rewrite HL1. rewrite Constr_pair_size_nice. unfold Univ_Step_size_bound2.
rewrite !Encode_graph_x_hasSize. rewrite Encode_graph_y_hasSize. rewrite Encode_state_hasSize. nia.
- unfold DoAction_size. rewrite Reset_size_nice. rewrite CasePair_size1_nice'. rewrite HL2.
rewrite Reset_size_nice. now setoid_rewrite IsFinal_Readcurrent_size_nice.
- now rewrite HL3.
- now rewrite HL4.
Local Arguments Univ_Step_size : simpl never.
For the Loop, we first write the exact bounds as fixpoints, we can simplify afterwards
Bound for tape 2
Example Univ_Step_tape2_twice (tp : tape sigM) (q : state M) (s2 : nat) :
halt q = false ->
let (q', a) := trans (q, [|current tp|]) in
let tp' := doAct tp a[@Fin0] in
let (q'', a') := trans (q', [|current tp'|]) in
halt q' = false ->
Univ_Step_size tp' q' @> Fin2 (Univ_Step_size tp q @>Fin2 s2) + size (halt q'', index q'') =
max (s2 + index q + 2) (max (index q) (max (index q') (index q'')) + 3).
intros Hhalt.
pose proof (Univ_Step_size_nice tp q). cbn in *.
destruct (trans (q, _)) as (q', a) eqn:Et1. cbn.
pose proof (Univ_Step_size_nice (doAct tp a[@Fin0]) q'). cbn in *.
destruct (trans (q', _)) as (q'', a') eqn:Et2. cbn in *.
intros Hhalt'.
specialize (H Hhalt) as (_&_&HC&_). specialize (H0 Hhalt') as (_&_&HC'&_).
rewrite HC'.
unfold Univ_Step_size_bound2.
replace ((Univ_Step_size tp q)[@Fin2] s2 + index q' + 2) with (Univ_Step_size tp q @>Fin2 s2 + size (halt q', index q')).
2:{ rewrite Encode_state_hasSize. nia. }
rewrite HC.
unfold Univ_Step_size_bound2.
Example Univ_Step_tape2_trice (tp : tape sigM) (q : state M) (s2 : nat) :
halt q = false ->
let (q', a) := trans (q, [|current tp|]) in
let tp' := doAct tp a[@Fin0] in
let (q'', a') := trans (q', [|current tp'|]) in
let tp'' := doAct tp' a'[@Fin0] in
let (q''', a') := trans (q'', [|current tp''|]) in
halt q' = false ->
halt q'' = false ->
Univ_Step_size tp'' q'' @>Fin2 (Univ_Step_size tp' q' @> Fin2 (Univ_Step_size tp q @>Fin2 s2)) + size (halt q''', index q''') =
max (s2 + index q + 2) (max (index q) (max (index q') (max (index q'') (index q'''))) + 3).
intros Hhalt.
pose proof (Univ_Step_size_nice tp q). cbn in *.
destruct (trans (q, _)) as (q', a) eqn:Et1. cbn.
pose proof (Univ_Step_size_nice (doAct tp a[@Fin0]) q'). cbn in *.
destruct (trans (q', _)) as (q'', a') eqn:Et2. cbn in *.
pose proof (Univ_Step_size_nice (doAct (doAct tp a[@Fin0]) a'[@Fin0]) q''). cbn in *.
destruct (trans (q'', _)) as (q''', a'') eqn:Et3. cbn in *.
intros Hhalt' Hhalt''.
specialize (H Hhalt) as (_&_&HC&_). specialize (H0 Hhalt') as (_&_&HC'&_). specialize (H1 Hhalt'') as (_&_&HC''&_).
rewrite HC''.
unfold Univ_Step_size_bound2.
replace ((Univ_Step_size (doAct tp a[@Fin0]) q')[@Fin2] ((Univ_Step_size tp q)[@Fin2] s2) + index q'' + 2) with (((Univ_Step_size (doAct tp a[@Fin0]) q')[@Fin2] ((Univ_Step_size tp q)[@Fin2] s2) + size (halt q'', index q''))).
2:{ rewrite Encode_state_hasSize. nia. }
rewrite HC'.
unfold Univ_Step_size_bound2.
replace ((Univ_Step_size tp q)[@Fin2] s2 + index q' + 2) with (Univ_Step_size tp q @>Fin2 s2 + size (halt q', index q')).
2:{ rewrite Encode_state_hasSize. nia. }
rewrite HC.
unfold Univ_Step_size_bound2.
We could continue this here; but let's rather write this series as fixpoint instead.
The series looks like max (s2 + index q0 + 2) (max* index q0, index q1, ..., index qk + 3).
Why not write a function execution that yields a list of configurations? We can then simply apply max_list_rec on this list to get the exact bound
Fixpoint execution (q : state M) (tp : tape sigM) (k : nat) : list (state M * tape sigM) :=
match k with
| 0 => [(q, tp)]
| S k' => if halt q then [(q, tp)]
else let (q', act) := trans (q, [|current tp|]) in
(q, tp) :: execution q' (doAct tp act[@Fin0]) k'
Definition Univ_size_bound2 (q : state M) (tp : tape sigM) (k : nat) (s2 : nat) :=
max_list_rec (s2 + index q + 2) (map (fun '(q', tp') => index q' + 3) (execution q tp k)).
match k with
| 0 => [(q, tp)]
| S k' => if halt q then [(q, tp)]
else let (q', act) := trans (q, [|current tp|]) in
(q, tp) :: execution q' (doAct tp act[@Fin0]) k'
Definition Univ_size_bound2 (q : state M) (tp : tape sigM) (k : nat) (s2 : nat) :=
max_list_rec (s2 + index q + 2) (map (fun '(q', tp') => index q' + 3) (execution q tp k)).
Bound for tape 3
This is a better definition for tape 3, because we have two parts: one part that can be upper-bounded, and one that only depends on s3
Lemma Univ_Step_size_bound3_better tp q act s3 :
Univ_Step_size_bound3 tp act q s3 =
max (max_list_rec (size act + 1)
(map (fun p : option sigM * (bool * nat) * (option sigM * move * (bool * nat)) => size p + 1) (lookup_hd (current tp, (false, index q)) (graph_of_TM M))))
(Init.Nat.max s3 2).
unfold Univ_Step_size_bound3. rewrite <- !max_list_rec_max''.
f_equal. nia.
Univ_Step_size_bound3 tp act q s3 =
max (max_list_rec (size act + 1)
(map (fun p : option sigM * (bool * nat) * (option sigM * move * (bool * nat)) => size p + 1) (lookup_hd (current tp, (false, index q)) (graph_of_TM M))))
(Init.Nat.max s3 2).
unfold Univ_Step_size_bound3. rewrite <- !max_list_rec_max''.
f_equal. nia.
We use a global upper bound for tape 4, because this is should be much easier here. (The upper bound never changes, and this is an internal tape.)
Definition Univ_size_bound3 (s3 : nat) :=
max_list_rec (max s3 2) (map (fun p : option sigM * (bool * nat) * (option sigM * move * (bool * nat)) => size p + 1) (graph_of_TM M)).
Lemma graph_of_TM_In'' (s s' : option sigM) (b b' : bool) (qi qi' : nat) (q q' : state M) (m : move) :
trans (q, [|s|]) = (q', [|(s', m)|]) ->
qi = index q ->
b = halt q ->
qi' = index q' ->
b' = halt q' ->
In ((s, (b, qi)), (s', m, (b', qi'))) (graph_of_TM M).
intros. subst. cbn in *.
unfold graph_of_TM.
eapply in_map_iff.
eexists (_, _, (_, _, _)).
cbv [map_pair]. cbn -[graph_of_fun]. split.
- f_equal.
- replace (s', m, q') with (graph_function (s, q)).
2:{ unfold graph_function. now rewrite H. }
apply graph_of_fun_In.
Local Lemma helper_lemma_without_name3 (o w : option sigM) (b b' : bool) (x x' : state M) (m : move) (s3 : nat) :
trans (x, [|o|]) = (x', [|(w, m)|]) ->
size (o, (b, index x), (w, m, (b', index x'))) + 1 <= Univ_size_bound3 s3.
apply max_list_rec_ge_el.
apply in_map_iff.
eexists ((o, (halt x, index x)), ((w, m), (halt x', index x'))); cbn. split.
- repeat (rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize; cbn). f_equal.
- destruct_vector. eapply graph_of_TM_In''; eauto.
Local Lemma helper_lemma_without_name3' (act : option sigM * move) (s3 : nat) :
Init.Nat.max (Init.Nat.max (Init.Nat.max s3 2) (size act + 1)) 2 <=
max_list_rec (Init.Nat.max s3 2) (map (fun p : option sigM * (bool * nat) * (option sigM * move * (bool * nat)) => size p + 1) (graph_of_TM M)).
rewrite Encode_action_hasSize.
transitivity (max s3 2); [nia| ].
apply max_list_rec_ge.
max_list_rec (max s3 2) (map (fun p : option sigM * (bool * nat) * (option sigM * move * (bool * nat)) => size p + 1) (graph_of_TM M)).
Lemma graph_of_TM_In'' (s s' : option sigM) (b b' : bool) (qi qi' : nat) (q q' : state M) (m : move) :
trans (q, [|s|]) = (q', [|(s', m)|]) ->
qi = index q ->
b = halt q ->
qi' = index q' ->
b' = halt q' ->
In ((s, (b, qi)), (s', m, (b', qi'))) (graph_of_TM M).
intros. subst. cbn in *.
unfold graph_of_TM.
eapply in_map_iff.
eexists (_, _, (_, _, _)).
cbv [map_pair]. cbn -[graph_of_fun]. split.
- f_equal.
- replace (s', m, q') with (graph_function (s, q)).
2:{ unfold graph_function. now rewrite H. }
apply graph_of_fun_In.
Local Lemma helper_lemma_without_name3 (o w : option sigM) (b b' : bool) (x x' : state M) (m : move) (s3 : nat) :
trans (x, [|o|]) = (x', [|(w, m)|]) ->
size (o, (b, index x), (w, m, (b', index x'))) + 1 <= Univ_size_bound3 s3.
apply max_list_rec_ge_el.
apply in_map_iff.
eexists ((o, (halt x, index x)), ((w, m), (halt x', index x'))); cbn. split.
- repeat (rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize; cbn). f_equal.
- destruct_vector. eapply graph_of_TM_In''; eauto.
Local Lemma helper_lemma_without_name3' (act : option sigM * move) (s3 : nat) :
Init.Nat.max (Init.Nat.max (Init.Nat.max s3 2) (size act + 1)) 2 <=
max_list_rec (Init.Nat.max s3 2) (map (fun p : option sigM * (bool * nat) * (option sigM * move * (bool * nat)) => size p + 1) (graph_of_TM M)).
rewrite Encode_action_hasSize.
transitivity (max s3 2); [nia| ].
apply max_list_rec_ge.
Bound for tape 4
Definition Univ_size_bound4 (s4 : nat) :=
max_list_rec s4 (map (fun (p : option sigM * (bool * nat) * (option sigM * move * (bool * nat))) => size (fst p) + 1) (graph_of_TM M)).
This lemma is needed in the induction step for tape 4
Local Lemma helper_lemma_without_name4 (o : option sigM) (b : bool) (x : state M) s4 :
size (o, (b, index x)) + 1 <= max_list_rec s4 (map (fun p : option sigM * (bool * nat) * (option sigM * move * (bool * nat)) => size (fst p) + 1) (graph_of_TM M)).
apply max_list_rec_ge_el.
apply in_map_iff.
destruct (trans (x, [|o|])) as [q' a] eqn:Et.
eexists ((o, (halt x, index x)), (a[@Fin0], (halt q', index q'))); cbn. split.
- auto.
- destruct_vector. rename h into a. destruct a as [w m]. cbn in *.
eapply graph_of_TM_In''; eauto.
size (o, (b, index x)) + 1 <= max_list_rec s4 (map (fun p : option sigM * (bool * nat) * (option sigM * move * (bool * nat)) => size (fst p) + 1) (graph_of_TM M)).
apply max_list_rec_ge_el.
apply in_map_iff.
destruct (trans (x, [|o|])) as [q' a] eqn:Et.
eexists ((o, (halt x, index x)), (a[@Fin0], (halt q', index q'))); cbn. split.
- auto.
- destruct_vector. rename h into a. destruct a as [w m]. cbn in *.
eapply graph_of_TM_In''; eauto.
Bound for tape 5 is the same as in the step, i.e. the size of the lookup table
Lemma Univ_size_nice' (k : nat) (tp : tape sigM) (q : state M) (tp_final : tape sigM) (q_final : state M) :
let space := Univ_size tp q k in
loopM (mk_mconfig q [|tp|]) k = Some (mk_mconfig q_final [|tp_final|]) ->
True /\
(forall (s1 : nat), space @>Fin1 s1 = s1) /\
(forall (s2 : nat), space @>Fin2 s2 + size (halt q_final, index q_final) <= Univ_size_bound2 q tp k s2) /\
(forall (s3 : nat), space @>Fin3 s3 <= Univ_size_bound3 s3) /\
(forall (s4 : nat), space @>Fin4 s4 <= Univ_size_bound4 s4) /\
(forall (s5 : nat), space @>Fin5 s5 <= Univ_Step_size_bound5 s5).
cbn. revert tp q tp_final q_final. induction k as [ | k' IH]; intros; cbn in *.
unfold haltConf in H. cbn in *. destruct (halt q) eqn:Eh; inv H. repeat split; intros.
- unfold Univ_Step_size; cbn. rewrite Eh. cbn. auto.
- unfold Univ_Step_size; cbn. rewrite Eh. cbn.
cbv [id]. rewrite Encode_state_hasSize. nia.
- unfold Univ_Step_size; cbn. rewrite Eh. cbn. rewrite IsFinal_size_nice. unfold Univ_size_bound3. apply max_list_rec_ge.
- unfold Univ_Step_size; cbn. rewrite Eh. cbn. cbv [id]. unfold Univ_size_bound4. apply max_list_rec_ge.
- unfold Univ_Step_size; cbn. rewrite Eh. cbn. auto. cbv [id]. unfold Univ_Step_size_bound5. nia.
unfold haltConf in *. cbn in *. destruct (halt q) eqn:Eh.
{ inv H.
repeat split; intros.
- unfold Univ_Step_size; cbn. rewrite Eh. cbn. auto.
- unfold Univ_Step_size; cbn. rewrite Eh. cbn. auto.
cbv [id]. rewrite Encode_state_hasSize. nia.
- unfold Univ_Step_size; cbn. rewrite Eh. cbn. rewrite IsFinal_size_nice. unfold Univ_size_bound3. apply max_list_rec_ge.
- unfold Univ_Step_size; cbn. rewrite Eh. cbn. cbv [id]. unfold Univ_size_bound4. apply max_list_rec_ge.
- unfold Univ_Step_size; cbn. rewrite Eh. cbn. auto. cbv [id]. unfold Univ_Step_size_bound5. nia.
unfold step; cbn.
unfold step in H.
pose proof @Univ_Step_size_nice tp q as HS. cbn in HS.
destruct trans as [q' act] eqn:Etrans. destruct_vector; rename h into act. cbn in *.
specialize IH with (1 := H) as (_&IH1&IH2&IH3&IH4&IH5).
specialize HS with (1 := Eh) as (_&HS1&HS2&HS3&HS4&HS5).
repeat split; intros.
- rewrite IH1. now rewrite HS1. - rewrite IH2.
destruct k' as [ | k'']; cbn in *.
+ replace ((Univ_Step_size tp q)[@Fin2] s2 + index q' + 2) with (Univ_Step_size tp q @>Fin2 s2 + size (halt q', index q')).
2:{ rewrite Encode_state_hasSize. nia. }
rewrite HS2. unfold Univ_Step_size_bound2. nia.
+ destruct (halt q') eqn:Eh'.
* replace ((Univ_Step_size tp q)[@Fin2] s2 + index q' + 2) with (Univ_Step_size tp q @>Fin2 s2 + size (halt q', index q')).
2:{ rewrite Encode_state_hasSize. nia. }
rewrite HS2. unfold Univ_Step_size_bound2. cbn. nia.
* auto. destruct (trans (q', _)) as [q'' a''] eqn:Etrans'; cbn in *.
replace ((Univ_Step_size tp q)[@Fin2] s2 + index q' + 2) with (Univ_Step_size tp q @>Fin2 s2 + size (halt q', index q')).
2:{ rewrite Encode_state_hasSize. nia. }
rewrite HS2. unfold Univ_Step_size_bound2. cbn.
enough ((Init.Nat.max (index q' + 3) (Init.Nat.max (s2 + index q + 2) (Init.Nat.max (index q) (index q') + 3))) = (Init.Nat.max (index q' + 3) (Init.Nat.max (index q + 3) (s2 + index q + 2)))) as -> by auto. nia. - rewrite IH3. rewrite HS3.
apply max_list_rec_lower_bound.
+ unfold Univ_size_bound3. unfold Univ_Step_size_bound3. rewrite <- !max_list_rec_max''.
apply max_list_rec_lower_bound.
* apply helper_lemma_without_name3'.
* intros ? (((?&?&?)&(?&?)&?&?) &<-& (?&?&<-&<-&?) % lookup_hd_incl % graph_of_TM_In') % in_map_iff; cbn in *. now apply helper_lemma_without_name3.
+ intros ? (((?&?&?)&(?&?)&?&?) &<-& (?&?&<-&<-&?) % graph_of_TM_In') % in_map_iff; cbn in *. now apply helper_lemma_without_name3.
- rewrite IH4. rewrite HS4. unfold Univ_size_bound4.
apply max_list_rec_lower_bound.
+ apply max_list_rec_lower_bound.
* apply max_list_rec_ge.
* intros ? (((?&?&?)&(?&?)&?&?) &<-& (?&?&<-&<-&?) % lookup_hd_incl % graph_of_TM_In') % in_map_iff; cbn in *. apply helper_lemma_without_name4.
+ intros ? (((?&?&?)&(?&?)&?&?) &<-& (?&?&<-&<-&?) % graph_of_TM_In') % in_map_iff; cbn in *. apply helper_lemma_without_name4.
- rewrite IH5. rewrite HS5. unfold Univ_Step_size_bound5. nia.
Some simplifications: Tape 0 is the object tape, it needs no bound. Tape 1 is constant, it contains the graph Tapes 2-5 are bounded by a constant that depends only on graph_of_TM M. But we don't forget that tape 2 has the output state on it's tape
Definition Univ_size_bound (s : nat) := max (size (graph_of_TM M) + 1) s.
Lemma Encode_list_hasSize_ge2 (sigX X : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (xs : list X) :
xs <> nil ->
2 <= Encode_list_size xs.
destruct xs as [ | x xs].
- now intros [].
- intros _. cbn. rewrite <- Encode_list_hasSize_ge1. nia.
Lemma Encode_graph_hasSize_ge2 : 2 <= size (graph_of_TM M).
Proof. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge2. apply graph_of_TM_not_nil. Qed.
Lemma tam (a b : nat) : a < b -> a + 1 <= b. Proof. nia. Qed.
Lemma tamtam (q : state M) :
index q + 2 <= size (graph_of_TM M).
setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize.
transitivity ((size (index q)) + 1). rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize. nia.
apply tam.
destruct (trans (q, [|None|])) as [q' a] eqn:E.
destruct_vector. destruct h as [m w].
erewrite <- BaseCode.Encode_list_hasSize_el; swap 1 2.
- eapply graph_of_TM_In''; eauto.
- repeat (setoid_rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize; cbn).
setoid_rewrite Encode_Finite_hasSize. nia.
Lemma Univ_size_nice (k : nat) (tp : tape sigM) (q : state M) (tp_final : tape sigM) (q_final : state M) :
let space := Univ_size tp q k in
loopM (mk_mconfig q [|tp|]) k = Some (mk_mconfig q_final [|tp_final|]) ->
True /\
(forall (s1 : nat), space @>Fin1 s1 = s1) /\
(forall (s2 : nat), space @>Fin2 s2 + size (halt q_final, index q_final) <= Univ_size_bound s2 + size (halt q, index q)) /\
(forall (s3 : nat), space @>Fin3 s3 <= Univ_size_bound s3) /\
(forall (s4 : nat), space @>Fin4 s4 <= Univ_size_bound s4) /\
(forall (s5 : nat), space @>Fin5 s5 <= Univ_size_bound s5).
cbn. intros H.
pose proof (Univ_size_nice' H) as (_&H1&H2&H3&H4&H5).
repeat split; intros.
- now rewrite H1.
- unfold Univ_size_bound, Univ_size_bound4.
rewrite H2. unfold Univ_size_bound, Univ_size_bound2.
apply max_list_rec_lower_bound.
+ rewrite Encode_state_hasSize. nia.
+ intros ? (?&<-&?)%in_map_iff; cbn.
destruct x0. cbn in *. clear H0.
apply le_plus_trans.
rewrite <- Nat.le_max_l.
enough (index e + 2 <= size (graph_of_TM M)) by nia.
apply tamtam.
- rewrite H3. unfold Univ_size_bound, Univ_size_bound3.
apply max_list_rec_lower_bound.
+ enough (2 <= size (graph_of_TM M)) by nia. apply Encode_graph_hasSize_ge2.
+ intros ? (?&<-&?)%in_map_iff.
setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize.
rewrite <- Nat.le_max_l.
apply le_plus_trans. apply tam. now apply BaseCode.Encode_list_hasSize_el.
- rewrite H4. unfold Univ_size_bound, Univ_size_bound4.
apply max_list_rec_lower_bound.
+ enough (2 <= size (graph_of_TM M)) by nia. apply Encode_graph_hasSize_ge2.
+ intros ? (?&<-&?)%in_map_iff.
setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize.
rewrite <- Nat.le_max_l.
apply le_plus_trans. apply tam.
rewrite <- BaseCode.Encode_list_hasSize_el; eauto.
destruct x0. cbn. destruct p.
repeat (setoid_rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize; cbn). setoid_rewrite <- Encode_pair_hasSize.
hnf. ring_simplify.
progress enough (size o + size p + 1 <= size p + size o + size p0) by auto. enough (1 <= size p0) by nia.
destruct p0. destruct p1. repeat (rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize; cbn). rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize. nia.
- rewrite H5. unfold Univ_size_bound, Univ_Step_size_bound5. nia.
End Univ_nice.
Lemma Encode_list_hasSize_ge2 (sigX X : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (xs : list X) :
xs <> nil ->
2 <= Encode_list_size xs.
destruct xs as [ | x xs].
- now intros [].
- intros _. cbn. rewrite <- Encode_list_hasSize_ge1. nia.
Lemma Encode_graph_hasSize_ge2 : 2 <= size (graph_of_TM M).
Proof. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge2. apply graph_of_TM_not_nil. Qed.
Lemma tam (a b : nat) : a < b -> a + 1 <= b. Proof. nia. Qed.
Lemma tamtam (q : state M) :
index q + 2 <= size (graph_of_TM M).
setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize.
transitivity ((size (index q)) + 1). rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize. nia.
apply tam.
destruct (trans (q, [|None|])) as [q' a] eqn:E.
destruct_vector. destruct h as [m w].
erewrite <- BaseCode.Encode_list_hasSize_el; swap 1 2.
- eapply graph_of_TM_In''; eauto.
- repeat (setoid_rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize; cbn).
setoid_rewrite Encode_Finite_hasSize. nia.
Lemma Univ_size_nice (k : nat) (tp : tape sigM) (q : state M) (tp_final : tape sigM) (q_final : state M) :
let space := Univ_size tp q k in
loopM (mk_mconfig q [|tp|]) k = Some (mk_mconfig q_final [|tp_final|]) ->
True /\
(forall (s1 : nat), space @>Fin1 s1 = s1) /\
(forall (s2 : nat), space @>Fin2 s2 + size (halt q_final, index q_final) <= Univ_size_bound s2 + size (halt q, index q)) /\
(forall (s3 : nat), space @>Fin3 s3 <= Univ_size_bound s3) /\
(forall (s4 : nat), space @>Fin4 s4 <= Univ_size_bound s4) /\
(forall (s5 : nat), space @>Fin5 s5 <= Univ_size_bound s5).
cbn. intros H.
pose proof (Univ_size_nice' H) as (_&H1&H2&H3&H4&H5).
repeat split; intros.
- now rewrite H1.
- unfold Univ_size_bound, Univ_size_bound4.
rewrite H2. unfold Univ_size_bound, Univ_size_bound2.
apply max_list_rec_lower_bound.
+ rewrite Encode_state_hasSize. nia.
+ intros ? (?&<-&?)%in_map_iff; cbn.
destruct x0. cbn in *. clear H0.
apply le_plus_trans.
rewrite <- Nat.le_max_l.
enough (index e + 2 <= size (graph_of_TM M)) by nia.
apply tamtam.
- rewrite H3. unfold Univ_size_bound, Univ_size_bound3.
apply max_list_rec_lower_bound.
+ enough (2 <= size (graph_of_TM M)) by nia. apply Encode_graph_hasSize_ge2.
+ intros ? (?&<-&?)%in_map_iff.
setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize.
rewrite <- Nat.le_max_l.
apply le_plus_trans. apply tam. now apply BaseCode.Encode_list_hasSize_el.
- rewrite H4. unfold Univ_size_bound, Univ_size_bound4.
apply max_list_rec_lower_bound.
+ enough (2 <= size (graph_of_TM M)) by nia. apply Encode_graph_hasSize_ge2.
+ intros ? (?&<-&?)%in_map_iff.
setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize.
rewrite <- Nat.le_max_l.
apply le_plus_trans. apply tam.
rewrite <- BaseCode.Encode_list_hasSize_el; eauto.
destruct x0. cbn. destruct p.
repeat (setoid_rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize; cbn). setoid_rewrite <- Encode_pair_hasSize.
hnf. ring_simplify.
progress enough (size o + size p + 1 <= size p + size o + size p0) by auto. enough (1 <= size p0) by nia.
destruct p0. destruct p1. repeat (rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize; cbn). rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize. nia.
- rewrite H5. unfold Univ_size_bound, Univ_Step_size_bound5. nia.
End Univ_nice.