From Undecidability.TM Require Import TM ProgrammingTools.
From Complexity.TM Require Import Code.Decode.

From Complexity.TM Require Single.EncodeTapesInvariants .
Require Import FunInd Lia Ring Arith Program.Wf.
Import EncodeTapes EncodeTapesInvariants.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import BaseLists.

Lemma tape_encode_injective sig (t t' : tape sig): encode_tape t = encode_tape t' -> t = t'.
  intros H. specialize (f_equal (fun l => hd_error (rev l)) H ) as Hlast. cbn in Hlast.
  destruct t;destruct t';cbn in H,Hlast|-*;inv H;repeat (autorewrite with list in Hlast;cbn in Hlast);inv Hlast.
  -eapply app_inv_tail in H2. apply map_injective in H2. congruence. now intros ? ? [=].
  -apply (f_equal (@rev _)) in H1. autorewrite with list in H1. cbn in H1.
   rewrite !map_rev,!rev_involutive in H1. inv H1. apply map_injective in H2. congruence. now intros ? ? [=].
  -rewrite <- (rev_involutive l), <- (rev_involutive l1);revert H1.
   generalize (rev l1), (rev l);clear l l1;intros t t' Heq.
   induction t in t',Heq|-*. all:destruct t';cbn in Heq;revert Heq. 2,3:now intros [=].
   +intros [= -> Heq].
    eapply app_inv_tail in Heq. apply map_injective in Heq. congruence. now intros ? ? [=].
   +intros [= -> Heq]. cbn. apply IHt in Heq as [= <- <- <-]. easy.

Lemma tape_encode_prefixInjective sig: prefixInjective (Encode_tape sig).
  unfold encode;cbn.
  enough (H:(forall x x' : tape sig,
            | encode_tape x | <= | encode_tape x' | ->
                                                   forall t t' : list (sigTape sig), encode_tape x ++ t = encode_tape x' ++ t' -> x = x')).
  {intros x x'. decide (length (encode_tape x) <= length (encode_tape x')). now apply H.
   intros. symmetry. eapply H. nia. now setoid_rewrite H0. }
  intros x x' Hle t t' H.
  specialize encode_tape_invariants with (t0:=x) as [-> | (b__L&b__R&t__x&Hx&Hsymb__x&Hmark__x&neq__x)]. now destruct x';inv H.
  specialize encode_tape_invariants with (t0:=x') as [-> | (b__L'&b__R'&t__x'&Hx'&Hsymb__x'&Hmark__x'&neq__x')]. now destruct x;inv H.
  assert (Hl_eq:| encode_tape x | = | encode_tape x' |).
  { decide (| encode_tape x | < | encode_tape x' |) as [Hlt | Hlt]. 2:nia. exfalso.
    rewrite Hx, Hx' in Hlt. cbn in Hlt. apply lt_S_n in Hlt. autorewrite with list in Hlt. apply Nat.add_lt_mono_r in Hlt.
    assert (Hlast:nth_error (encode_tape x ++ t) (1 + | t__x |) = Some (RightBlank b__R)).
    { rewrite Hx. rewrite nth_error_app1. 2:now cbn;autorewrite with list;cbn;nia.
      setoid_rewrite (nth_error_app2 (LeftBlank b__L :: t__x)). 2:cbn;nia.
      replace ((1 + (| t__x |) - (| LeftBlank b__L :: t__x |))) with 0 by (cbn;nia). easy.
    rewrite H, Hx' in Hlast.
    rewrite nth_error_app1 in Hlast. 2:now cbn;autorewrite with list;cbn;nia.
    cbn in Hlast. setoid_rewrite nth_error_app1 in Hlast. 2:nia.
    ediscriminate (Hsymb__x' (RightBlank _)). eapply nth_error_In;eassumption.
  specialize (f_equal (firstn (| encode_tape x |)) H) as Heq. rewrite Hl_eq in Heq at 2.
  rewrite !firstn_app , !Nat.sub_diag, !firstn_all in Heq. apply app_inv_tail in Heq.
  rewrite <- Heq in *. clear Hle Hl_eq Hmark__x'.
  now apply tape_encode_injective.

Module CheckEncodesTape.
  Section checkEncodesTape.

    Import Mono Multi Copy Switch If Combinators.

    Context (sig : Type) (tau:finType) {I : Retract (sigTape sig) tau}.

    Local Remove Hints Retract_id : typeclass_instances.

    Notation sig__M := (sigTape sig).

    Let Rel : pRel tau bool 1 := ContainsEncoding.Rel (Encode_tape sig) Retr_f.

    Definition M__step : bool*bool -> pTM tau ((bool*bool) + bool) 1 :=
      fun '(haveSeenMark,haveSeenSymbol) =>
          (fun x =>
             match Option.bind Retr_g x with
               None => Return Nop (inr false)
             | Some c =>
               if (isMarked c && haveSeenMark) || isNilBlank c || isLeftBlank c || isVoidBlank c
               then Return Nop (inr (isVoidBlank c && (xorb haveSeenMark (isMarked c)) && haveSeenSymbol))
               else Return (Move Rmove) (inl (haveSeenMark || isMarked c,haveSeenSymbol || isSymbol c))

We can do it as function here, althought that is not the prefered way. Instead, just define a "pretty" version o the relation you realise, then you don;t have to worry about termination
    Definition f__step bs t : (bool * bool + bool) * tape tau :=
      let (haveSeenMark,haveSeenSymbol) := (fst bs,snd bs) in
      match Option.bind Retr_g (current t) with
        None => (inr false,t)
      | Some c =>
        if (isMarked c && haveSeenMark) || isNilBlank c || isLeftBlank c || isVoidBlank c
        then (inr (isVoidBlank c && (xorb haveSeenMark (isMarked c)) && haveSeenSymbol),t)
        else (inl (haveSeenMark || isMarked c,haveSeenSymbol || isSymbol c),tape_move_right t)

    Definition M' (bs : bool*bool) :=
      StateWhile M__step bs.

    Function f' bs (t : tape tau) { measure rlength t } : (bool * tape tau) :=
      let r := f__step bs t in
      match fst r with
        inl bs' => f' bs' (snd r)
      | inr b => (b,(snd r))
      unfold f__step. intros [haveSeenMark haveSeenSymbol] [ | | | ? c' t__R] ?;cbn.
      1-3:now intros [=].
      destruct (Retr_g c') as [ c | ]. 2:now intros [= <-].
      destruct c as [ [] | [] | | | ];cbn. all:try solve [inversion 1].
      1-4:destruct haveSeenMark;cbn.
      all:intros [= <-]. all:destruct t__R;cbn. all:nia.

    Definition M : pTM tau bool 1:=
      If (Relabel ReadChar (fun c => Option.apply isLeftBlank false (Option.bind Retr_g c)))
         (Switch ReadChar (fun c => Move Rmove;; M' (Option.apply (@isMarked _) false (Option.bind Retr_g c),false)))
         (Relabel ReadChar (fun c => Option.apply isNilBlank false (Option.bind Retr_g c))).

    Definition f (t : tape tau) : (bool*tape tau) :=
      match Option.bind Retr_g (current t) with
        None => (false,t)
      | Some c =>
        if isLeftBlank c then f' (isMarked c,false) (tape_move_right t)
        else (isNilBlank c, t)


    Lemma Realises__step bs : M__step bs (fun t '(y,t')=> f__step bs t[@Fin0] = (y,t'[@Fin0])).
      destruct bs as (seenMark, seenSymbol). eapply Realise_monotone.
      { unfold M__step;cbn. apply Switch_Realise. now TM_Correct.
        introsSwitch c'. destructBoth (Option.bind Retr_g (rT:=sig__M) c') as [c | ]. 2:now TM_Correct.
        destructBoth (isMarked c && seenMark || isNilBlank c || isLeftBlank c || isVoidBlank c). all:TM_Correct.
      hnf;cbn. intros t (y&t') (?&?&[-> -> ]&H);revert H.
      destruct Option.bind. 2:{ cbn. now intros (->&_&->). }
      destruct _. all:cbn. all:intros (->&_&->). all:easy.

    Lemma Terminates__step bs : projT1 (M__step bs) (fun _ k => 3 <= k).
      destruct bs as (seenMark, seenSymbol). eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
      { unfold M__step;cbn. apply Switch_TerminatesIn. 1,2:now TM_Correct.
        introsSwitch c'. destructBoth (Option.bind Retr_g (rT:=sig__M) c') as [c | ]. 2:now TM_Correct.
        destructBoth (isMarked c && seenMark || isNilBlank c || isLeftBlank c || isVoidBlank c). all:TM_Correct.
      hnf;cbn. intros t y Hy. infTer 3. rewrite <- Hy.
      2:{ intros ? ? [-> ->]. destruct Option.bind. 2:lia. destruct _. 2:reflexivity. nia. }

    Lemma Realises_intern : M (fun tin '(b,tout) => f tin[@Fin0] = (b,tout[@Fin0])).
      eapply Realise_monotone.
      { unfold M. TM_Correct_step. 1,3:now TM_Correct.
        apply Switch_Realise. now TM_Correct.
        cbn;intros c. TM_Correct_step. now TM_Correct.
        unfold M'.
        eapply Realise_monotone with
            (R:= fun t '(y,t')=> f' (Option.apply (@isMarked _) false (Option.bind Retr_g (rT:=sig__M) c), false) t[@Fin0] = (y,t'[@Fin0])).
        { eapply StateWhile_Realise. now eapply Realises__step. }
        generalize (Option.apply (@isMarked _) false (Option.bind Retr_g c), false) as bs. clear c.
        apply StateWhileInduction. all:cbn - [f__step].
        -intros t bs b' t'. rewrite f'_equation. intros ->. reflexivity.
        -intros t bs bs' t' t'' v'. rewrite f'_equation with (t:=t[@Fin0]). intros -> <-. reflexivity.
      intros t (y&t1) [H |H];revert H.
      all:intros (?&(?&H1&->&->)&H);revert H.
      -intros (?&?&[-> ->]&_&t2&Ht2&<-).
       unfold f. destruct Option.bind . 2:now inv H1.
       cbn in H1. rewrite <- H1. cbn. congruence.
      -intros (?&->&->&->). unfold f.
       destruct Option.bind . 2:easy.
       cbn in *. now rewrite <- H1.

    Definition Ter : tRel tau 1:=
      fun t k => 4 * (| right (t[@Fin0]) |) + 9 <= k.

    Lemma Terminates : projT1 M Ter.
      eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
      { unfold M. TM_Correct_step. 1,2,4:TM_Correct.
        apply Switch_TerminatesIn. 1,2:TM_Correct.
        cbn;intros c. TM_Correct_step. 1,2:now TM_Correct.
        unfold M'.
        eapply TerminatesIn_monotone. 1:{ TM_Correct_step. now eapply Realises__step. now apply Terminates__step. }
        evar (c0:nat).
        evar (time : nat -> nat). [time]:intros n0.
        apply StateWhileCoInduction with (T:= fun _ t k => time (| right (t[@Fin0]) | + Option.apply (fun _ => 1) 0 (current (t[@Fin0]))) +c0 <= k). all:cbn - [f__step].
        -intros l t k Hk. infTer 2. intros y' t'.
         unfold f__step. destruct Option.bind eqn:Hc.
         2:{intros [= <- _]; rewrite <- Hk. enough (3 <= c0). now nia. shelve. }
         destruct _ eqn:Hs. all: intros [= <- Ht']. 1:{ enough (3 <= c0). now nia. shelve. }
         rewrite <- Ht'. infTer 2. rewrite <- Hk.
         destruct t[@Fin0] as [ | | | ? ? t__R]. 1-3:easy. destruct t__R;cbn - [plus mult];ring_simplify.
         [time]:refine (n0*4). all:unfold time. all:ring_simplify. all: nia.
      } Unshelve. [c0]:exact 3. 2-3:subst c0;nia.
      cbn. intros ? ? HT. infTer 5.
      2:{ intros t ? (?&->&->&<-). destruct _.
          { infTer 5. intros ? ? [-> ->]. infTer 5. intros ? ? ->. reflexivity. }
      ring_simplify. hnf in HT. rewrite <- HT.
      destruct (x[@Fin0]) as [ | | | ? ? t__R];cbn - [plus mult];ring_simplify. 1-3:nia.
      destruct t__R;cbn - [plus mult];nia.

    Lemma f'_spec (seenMark seenSymbol b : bool) (c:tau) t__L' t__L t__R res tin:
      (length (filter (@isMarked _) (t__L'++[LeftBlank b])) = if seenMark then 1 else 0)
      -> (forall x, x el t__L' -> isSymbol x = true)
      -> reflect (t__L' <> []) seenSymbol
      -> tin = (midtape (map Retr_f (t__L'++[LeftBlank b])++t__L) c t__R)
      -> res = f' (seenMark,seenSymbol) tin
      -> (if fst res then
           exists (x:tape sig) t__R1 (t__R2 : list tau) c',
             t__R = map Retr_f t__R1++t__R2
             /\ c = Retr_f c'
             /\ encode_tape x = LeftBlank b :: rev t__L'++c'::t__R1
             /\ snd res = midtape (tail (rev (map Retr_f t__R1)++[c])++map Retr_f (t__L'++[LeftBlank b])++t__L) (hd c (rev (map Retr_f t__R1)++[c])) t__R2
           (forall x t__R1 (t__R2 : list tau) c',
             t__R = map Retr_f t__R1++t__R2 ->
             c = Retr_f c' ->
             encode_tape x <> LeftBlank b :: rev t__L'++c'::t__R1)) /\ exists k, snd res = nat_rect _ tin (fun _ => @tape_move_right _) k.
      rewrite map_app;cbn.
      remember (length t__R) as n0 eqn: Hn0. revert tin t__R Hn0 t__L' c res seenMark seenSymbol.
      induction n0 as [n0 IH] using lt_wf_ind. intros ? ? -> ? ? res ? ?;cbn in *.
      intros H__seenMark H__symbs H__seenSymbol -> Hres.
      rewrite f'_equation in Hres. remember (f__step _ _) as f eqn:Hf. unfold f__step in Hf;cbn in Hf.
      destruct (Retr_g c) as [ [] | ] eqn:Hgc ;cbn. 1-3,6:clear IH.
      -cbn in Hf. rewrite orb_true_r in Hf;cbn in Hf. subst f;cbn in Hres;subst res. cbn.
       split. 2:exists 0;now auto.
       intros ? ? ? ? -> [= ->] ((init__R&b__R&H__R&Hsym)&Hmarks&Hlength)%encode_tape_invariants_partial;cbn in *. 2:now setoid_rewrite <- in_rev.
       retract_adjoint. inv Hgc. destruct init__R;inv H__R. ediscriminate (Hsym (LeftBlank _)). easy.
      -cbn in Hf. rewrite !orb_true_r in Hf. subst f. revert Hres. cbn.
       destruct marked;cbn in *. destruct seenMark;cbn in *. all:intros ->;cbn. 3:destruct seenMark;cbn. 2,3:destruct seenSymbol;cbn.
       +split. 2:exists 0;split;now auto.
        intros ? ? ? ? -> [= ->] ((init__R&b__R&H__R&Hsym)&Hmarks&Hlength)%encode_tape_invariants_partial;cbn in *. 2:now setoid_rewrite <- in_rev.
        retract_adjoint. inv Hgc. cbn in Hmarks;autorewrite with list in *. nia.
       +edestruct invert_symbols_0_marked with (t:= t__L') as (t__R2&->).
        1,2:autorewrite with list in *. now nia. now intros;eapply H__symbs.
        destruct b. 1:{exfalso. autorewrite with list in H__seenMark. now cbn in H__seenMark;nia. }
        destruct t__R2 as [ | c' cs] eqn:Htp. 1:{exfalso. inversion H__seenSymbol. easy. }
        apply retract_g_inv in Hgc as ->.
        split. 2:exists 0;split;now auto.
        eexists (rightof _ _),[],_,_. repeat eapply conj. 1,2,4:reflexivity. cbn.
        autorewrite with list;cbn. setoid_rewrite <- map_rev with (l:=cs) at 2. easy.
       +split. 2:exists 0;split;now auto.
        intros ? ? ? ? -> [= ->] ((init__R&b__R&H__R&Hsym)&Hmarks&Hlength)%encode_tape_invariants_partial;cbn in *. 2:now setoid_rewrite <- in_rev.
        retract_adjoint. inv Hgc.
        destruct t__L'. all:inv H__seenSymbol. 2:now apply H. cbn in *;autorewrite with list in *.
        destruct init__R;inv H__R. 2:{ ediscriminate (Hsym (RightBlank _)). easy. }
        cbn in *. nia.
       +destruct b.
        *edestruct invert_symbols_0_marked with (t:= t__L') as (t__R2&->).
         1,2:autorewrite with list in *;cbn in *. now nia. now intros;eapply H__symbs.
         destruct t__R2 eqn:?. 1:{exfalso. inversion H__seenSymbol. easy. }
         destruct (rev t__R2) eqn:Htp. 1:{exfalso. subst. revert Htp. length_not_eq. }
         apply retract_g_inv in Hgc as ->.
         split. 2:exists 0;split;now auto.
         eexists (leftof _ _),[],_,_. repeat eapply conj. 1,2,4:reflexivity. rewrite <- Heql. cbn.
         setoid_rewrite <- map_rev with (l:=t__R2). now rewrite Htp.
        *edestruct @invert_symbols_1_marked with (t:= t__L') as (?&?&?&->).
         1,2:autorewrite with list in *;cbn in *. now nia. now intros;eapply H__symbs.
         apply retract_g_inv in Hgc as ->.
         split. 2:exists 0;split;now auto.
         eexists (midtape _ _ _),[],_,_. repeat eapply conj. 1,2,4:reflexivity. cbn.
         repeat (autorewrite with list;cbn). setoid_rewrite map_rev. easy.
       +split. 2:exists 0;split;now auto. intros ? ? ? ? -> [= -> ] ((init__R&b__R&H__R&Hsym)&Hmarks&Hlength)%encode_tape_invariants_partial;cbn in *.
        2:now setoid_rewrite <- in_rev. retract_adjoint. inv Hgc.
        destruct init__R;inv H__R. 2:{ ediscriminate (Hsym (RightBlank _)). easy. }
        cbn in *. assert (t__L' = []) as ->. 1:{ destruct t__L'. easy. inversion H__seenSymbol. destruct H. easy. }
        cbn in *;nia.
       +split. 2:exists 0;split;now auto. intros ? ? ? ? -> [= ->] ((init__R&b__R&H__R&Hsym)&Hmarks&Hlength)%encode_tape_invariants_partial;cbn in *.
        2:now setoid_rewrite <- in_rev. retract_adjoint. inv Hgc.
        destruct init__R;inv H__R. 2:{ ediscriminate (Hsym (RightBlank _)). easy. }
        cbn in *. autorewrite with list in *. nia.
      -cbn in Hf; rewrite orb_true_r in Hf; cbn in Hf. subst f;cbn in Hres;subst res;cbn.
       split. 2:exists 0;split;now auto.
       intros ? ? ? ? -> [= ->]((init__R&b__R&H__R&Hsym)&Hmarks&Hlength)%encode_tape_invariants_partial;cbn in *. 2:now setoid_rewrite <- in_rev.
        retract_adjoint. inv Hgc.
       destruct init__R;inv H__R. discriminate (Hsym (NilBlank)). easy.
      -subst f res;cbn. split. 2:exists 0;split;now auto. intros ? ? ? ? _ ->. edestruct (retract_g_None Hgc). easy.
      -revert Hf Hres. cbn. destruct seenMark;cbn.
       {clear IH. intros -> ->;cbn.
        split. 2:exists 0;split;now auto.
        intros ? ? ? ? -> [= ->]((init__R&b__R&H__R&Hsym)&Hmarks&Hlength)%encode_tape_invariants_partial;cbn in *. 2:now setoid_rewrite <- in_rev.
        retract_adjoint. inv Hgc. cbn in *.
        autorewrite with list in *. nia.
       } intros ->;cbn.
       destruct t__R.
       { clear IH. cbn. rewrite f'_equation;cbn.
         intros ->;cbn. split. 2:exists 1;split;now auto.
         intros ? ? ? ? Hnil [= ->] ((init__R&b__R&H__R&Hsym)&Hmarks&Hlength)%encode_tape_invariants_partial;cbn in *.
         2:now setoid_rewrite <- in_rev. retract_adjoint. inv Hgc.
         destruct init__R;inv H__R. length_not_eq in Hnil.
       cbn. intros H.
       autorewrite with list in H__seenMark. destruct b;cbn in H__seenMark. now nia.
       specialize IH with (t__L' := MarkedSymbol s :: t__L');cbn in IH. erewrite <- !(retract_g_inv Hgc) in IH.
       pose (H' := H);eapply IH in H';clear IH.
       3,7:reflexivity. 2:nia. 2:now autorewrite with list in *;nia. 2:now intros ? [<- | ];eauto.
       2:now rewrite orb_true_r;constructor.
       destruct res as [[] t'];cbn in *.
       +destruct H' as [(x&t__R1&t__R2&c'&->&->&Hx&->) Hres].
        split. 2:{ destruct Hres as (k&->). exists (S k). now rewrite nat_rect_succ_r. } clear Hres.
        eexists x,(_::t__R1),t__R2,_.
        repeat (cbn in Hx|-*;autorewrite with list in Hx|-* ).
        apply retract_g_inv in Hgc as ->.
        split. 2:split. 3:split.
        1,2:reflexivity. easy.
        destruct (rev (map Retr_f t__R1));cbn;now autorewrite with list.
       +split. 2:{ destruct H' as [_ [k H']]. exists (S k). now rewrite nat_rect_succ_r. }
        intros x ? ? ? H__R [= ->] Hx. specialize encode_tape_invariants_partial with (1:=Hx) as ((init__R&b__R&H__R'&Hsym)&Hmarks&Hlength);cbn in *. now setoid_rewrite <- in_rev.
        retract_adjoint. inv Hgc.
        destruct init__R;inv H__R'.
        destruct (init__R ++ [RightBlank b__R]) eqn:eq. now length_not_eq in eq. revert H__R;intros [= -> ->].
        eapply H'. 1,2:easy. rewrite Hx;cbn;autorewrite with list;cbn. reflexivity.
      -revert Hf Hres. cbn. intros ->;cbn.
       destruct t__R.
       { clear IH. cbn. rewrite f'_equation;cbn.
         intros ->;cbn. split. 2:{ cbn. now exists 1. }
         intros ? ? ? ? Hnil [= ->] ((init__R&b__R&H__R&Hsym)&Hmarks&Hlength)%encode_tape_invariants_partial;cbn in *.
         retract_adjoint. inv Hgc.
         2:now setoid_rewrite <- in_rev. destruct t__R1. 2:easy. destruct init__R. 2:length_not_eq in H__R. inv H__R.
       cbn;intros H.
       specialize IH with (t__L' := UnmarkedSymbol s :: t__L');cbn in IH. erewrite <- !(retract_g_inv Hgc) in IH.
       pose (H' := H);eapply IH in H';clear IH.
       3,7:reflexivity. 2:lia. 3:now intros ? [<- | ];eauto. 3:now rewrite orb_true_r;constructor.
       2:{ autorewrite with list in *. destruct seenMark;cbn in *;nia. }
       destruct H' as [H' Hres].
       split. 2:{ destruct Hres as (k&->). exists (S k). now rewrite nat_rect_succ_r. } clear Hres.
       destruct res as [[] t'];cbn in *.
       +destruct H' as (x&t__R1&t__R2&c'&->&->&Hx&->).
        apply retract_g_inv in Hgc as ->.
        eexists x,(_::t__R1),t__R2,_. cbn.
        repeat (cbn in Hx|-*;autorewrite with list in Hx|-* ). split. 2:split. 3:split. 1,2:reflexivity. easy.
        destruct (rev (map Retr_f t__R1));cbn;now autorewrite with list.
       +intros x ? ? ? H__R [= ->] Hx. specialize encode_tape_invariants_partial with (1:=Hx) as ((init__R&b__R&H__R'&Hsym)&Hmarks&Hlength);cbn in *. now setoid_rewrite <- in_rev.
        retract_adjoint. inv Hgc.
        setoid_rewrite <- app_assoc in H'. cbn in H'.
        destruct t__R1;inv H__R. 1:{ destruct init__R. easy. length_not_eq in H__R'. }
        eapply H'. 1,2:reflexivity. now rewrite Hx.

    Lemma f_spec t b t':
      f t = (b,t')
      -> Rel [|t|] (b,[|t'|]).
      unfold f,Rel;cbn. rewrite ContainsEncoding.legacy_iff. 2:now intros []. destruct Option.bind eqn:Hcur.
      2:{ intros [= <- <-];cbn;split. 2:now exists 0. intros ? ? ?. destruct x;cbn;eexists _,_;(split;[reflexivity| ]). all:intros ->;cbn in Hcur. all:now rewrite retract_g_adjoint in Hcur. }
      destruct t as [ | | | t__L s' t__R];cbn in *. 1-3:now inversion Hcur.
      apply retract_g_inv in Hcur as ->.
      unfold ContainsEncoding.Rel. cbn.
      destruct isLeftBlank eqn:H__LB.
      2:destruct isNilBlank eqn:H__NB.
      2:{ intros [= <- <- ]. destruct s;inv H__NB. split. 2:now eexists 0. eexists (@niltape _),t__L,t__R;cbn.
          split. eexists _, nil;cbn. easy. eexists nil,_;cbn. easy. }
      2:{ intros [= <- <- ]. split. 2:now eexists 0. intros ? x ?. destruct x;cbn;eexists _,_;(split;[reflexivity | ]).
          all:intros [= <- ->%retract_f_injective ->]. all:easy. }
      destruct s;inv H__LB.
      destruct t__R. 1:{ cbn. rewrite f'_equation. cbn. intros [= <- <-]. split. 2:{now exists 1. } intros ? x ?.
                       destruct x;cbn;eexists _,_;(split;[reflexivity | ]). all:intros [= <- ?%retract_f_injective ?]. easy. all:revert H0. all:length_not_eq. }
      intros H';symmetry in H'. assert (H:=H'). revert H. eintros [H Hres]%(f'_spec (t__L':=[])). 5:reflexivity.
      2:now destruct marked;cbn;nia. 2:easy. 2:now constructor.
        split. 2:{ cbn in Hres;destruct Hres as (k&->). exists (S k). now rewrite nat_rect_succ_r. } clear Hres.
      destruct b;cbn in H.
      -destruct H as (x&t__R1&t__R2&c'&->& -> &Hx&->).
       eexists _,_,_;split.
       +rewrite Hx;cbn. do 3 eexists. easy. cbn. eauto.
       +destruct (exists_last (l:=encode_tape x)) as (?&?&eqx). congruence. rewrite eqx in *.
        repeat eexists.
        apply (f_equal (fun t => rev (map (Retr_f (Y:=tau)) t))) in Hx. cbn in Hx.
        autorewrite with list in Hx;cbn in Hx. f_equal.

        *rewrite (app_comm_cons' _ _ (Retr_f (LeftBlank marked))). rewrite <- tl_app. 2: length_not_eq.
         rewrite <- app_assoc. cbn. rewrite <- Hx. cbn. now rewrite map_rev.
        *apply (f_equal (hd (Retr_f c'))) in Hx. destruct rev;cbn in *. all: easy.
      -hnf. intros ? x ?.
       destruct encode_tape eqn:eqx. now destruct x.
       do 3 eexists. cbn. easy. intros [= <- <-%retract_f_injective H''].
       destruct l. 1:{ destruct x;cbn in eqx;try now inv eqx. all:length_not_eq in eqx. }
       inv H''. eapply H. 1,2:reflexivity. eassumption.

    Lemma Realise : M Rel.
      eapply Realise_monotone. now apply Realises_intern. intros t [? t'] ?%f_spec.
      unfold tapes in *.
      destruct_vector. easy.

  End checkEncodesTape.
End CheckEncodesTape.