From Undecidability.L Require Import Tactics.LTactics Datatypes.LNat Datatypes.Lists Functions.EqBool.
From Complexity Require Import TMflat.
From Undecidability Require Import TM_facts TM.TMEncoding.
From Complexity Require Import L.TM.TMunflatten.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.FiniteTypes Require FiniteFunction.
From Undecidability Require Import Functions.FinTypeLookup.
Lemma size_flatTape (sig : finType) (t' : tape sig):
size (enc (mapTape index t')) <= sizeOfTape t' * (Cardinality.Cardinality sig * 4+9) + 17.
unfold enc, encodable_tape_enc,sizeOfTape,tapeToList.
destruct t';cbn [mapTape size length].
all:ring_simplify. nia.
all:setoid_rewrite size_nat_enc.
all:simpl_list;cbn [length].
all:setoid_rewrite size_list.
all: rewrite !sumn_le_bound with (c:=Cardinality.Cardinality sig*4 + 9).
2,4,6,7:now intros ? (?&<-&(?&<-&?)%in_map_iff)%in_map_iff;
rewrite size_nat_enc,index_leq;
unfold Cardinality.Cardinality, c__listsizeNil, c__listsizeCons, c__natsizeS, c__natsizeO; easy.
all:rewrite !map_length.
all:rewrite index_leq; unfold Cardinality.Cardinality.
all: unfold c__natsizeS, c__natsizeO, c__listsizeNil.
Lemma size_flatTapes (sig : finType) (n : nat) (t:list (tape nat)) (t' : Vector.t (tape sig) n):
isFlatteningTapesOf t t'
-> size (enc t) <= n * sizeOfmTapes t' * (Cardinality.Cardinality sig * 4 + 9) + n * 22 + 4.
intro R__tapes. inv R__tapes.
unfold sizeOfmTapes,mapTapes.
rewrite size_list.
rewrite Vector.fold_left_right_assoc_eq. 2:intros;nia.
induction n.
-rewrite !destruct_vector_nil with (v:=t').
cbn. easy.
-edestruct destruct_vector_cons with (v:=t') as (?&?&->).
cbn - [mult]. fold (Vector.to_list ( (mapTape index) x0)).
specialize (IHn x0).
rewrite size_flatTape.
set (a := sumn _) in *. set (b := VectorDef.fold_right _ _ _) in *. set (c := Cardinality.Cardinality _) in *.
set (d:=sizeOfTape _).
enough (a <= n * b * (c * 4 + 9) + n * 22) as ->.
2: { unfold c__listsizeCons, c__listsizeNil in *. nia. }
unfold c__listsizeNil, c__listsizeCons in *.
repeat eapply Nat.max_case_strong;intros ?.
+ nia.
+ Unset Simplex. rewrite H. nia.
Lemma sizeoftape_maptape_eq sig sig' (f:sig -> sig') t:
sizeOfTape (mapTape f t) = sizeOfTape t.
destruct t;cbn. all:repeat (cbn;simpl_list). all:lia.
Fixpoint sizeOfmTapesFlat sig (ts : list (tape sig)) : nat :=
match ts with
[] => 0
| t::ts => max (sizeOfTape t) (sizeOfmTapesFlat ts)
Lemma sizeOfmTapesFlat_eq (sig : finType) (n : nat) (ts:list (tape nat)) (ts' : Vector.t (tape sig) n):
isFlatteningTapesOf ts ts'
-> sizeOfmTapesFlat ts = sizeOfmTapes ts'.
intro R__tapes. inv R__tapes.
unfold sizeOfmTapes,mapTapes.
rewrite Vector.fold_left_right_assoc_eq. 2:intros;nia.
induction n.
-rewrite !destruct_vector_nil with (v:=ts').
cbn. easy.
-edestruct destruct_vector_cons with (v:=ts') as (?&?&->).
cbn - [mult]. fold (Vector.to_list ( (mapTape index) x0)).
specialize (IHn x0). rewrite IHn,sizeoftape_maptape_eq. lia.
Lemma isFlatteningTransOf_eq st sig' n trans trans' s v:
isFlatteningTransOf (st:=st) (sig:=sig') (n:=n) trans trans' ->
(let (s',v'):= trans' (s,v) in
(index s', map (map_fst (option_map index)) (Vector.to_list v'))) = FinTypeLookup.lookup (index s,map (option_map index) (Vector.to_list v)) trans (index s, repeat (None,Nmove) n).
intros [H1 H2].
destruct trans' as [s' v'] eqn:eq.
erewrite lookup_sound'.
-intros [s0 v0] [s1 v1] [s2 v2] T1 T2.
apply H1 in T1 as (?&?&?&?&Ht&->&->&->&->).
apply H1 in T2 as (?&?&?&?&Ht'&<-%injective_index&->&H'%map_injective&->).
2:{intros [] [] [=];f_equal. now eapply injective_index. }
eapply vector_to_list_inj in H' as <-.
-specialize (H2 s v) as H2'. rewrite eq in H2'.
destruct H2' as [ | (<-&->) ]. easy.
edestruct lookup_complete with (A:= (nat * list (option nat))%type) (B:= (nat * list (option nat * move))%type) as [H'|H'].
2:{right. split.
+intros ? ?.
eapply H'. eexists. eassumption.
+f_equal. unfold Vector.to_list.
induction n;cbn. all:easy.
edestruct lookup as [] eqn:eq' in H'.
specialize H1 with (1:=H') as (?&?&?&?&Ht&<-%injective_index&->&H'''%map_injective&->).
2:{intros [] [] [=];f_equal. now eapply injective_index. }
eapply vector_to_list_inj in H''' as <-. rewrite eq in Ht. inv Ht.
repeat econstructor.
Definition zipWith {X Y Z} (f:X -> Y->Z) :=
fix zipWith (xs:list X) (ys:list Y) : list Z :=
match xs,ys with
x::xs,y::ys => f x y :: zipWith xs ys
| _,_ => []
Lemma doAct_multiFlat (sig:finType) n acts t (t' : tapes sig n):
isFlatteningTapesOf t t' ->
isFlatteningTapesOf (zipWith (doAct (sig:=nat)) t (map (map_fst (option_map index)) (Vector.to_list acts))) (doAct_multi t' acts).
intros H. inv H. rewrite isFlatteningTapesOf_iff.
induction n in *|-*.
-rewrite !destruct_vector_nil with (v:=t').
rewrite !destruct_vector_nil with (v:=acts). easy.
-destruct destruct_vector_cons with (v:=t') as (?&?&->).
destruct destruct_vector_cons with (v:=acts) as (?&?&->).
setoid_rewrite IHn. f_equal.
destruct x,x1 as [[] []]; cbn - [tape_move_left tape_move_right]. all:try easy.
all:try (setoid_rewrite <- mapTape_move_right || rewrite <- mapTape_move_left). all:cbn. all:easy.
Definition stepFlat (trans:list (nat * list (option nat) * (nat * list (option nat * move)))) (c:mconfigFlat) : mconfigFlat :=
let (news, actions) := lookup (fst c, map (@current _) (snd c)) trans (fst c, repeat (None, Nmove) (length (snd c)))
in (news,(zipWith (@doAct _) (snd c) actions)).
Lemma current_charsFlat_eq (sig:finType) n t (t': tapes sig n):
isFlatteningTapesOf t t' ->
map (current (Σ:=nat)) t = map ((option_map index)) (Vector.to_list (current_chars t')).
intros H. inv H. induction n in *|-*.
-rewrite !destruct_vector_nil with (v:=t'). easy.
-destruct destruct_vector_cons with (v:=t') as (?&?&->). cbn. setoid_rewrite IHn.
unfold current_chars. cbn. f_equal.
destruct x; easy.
Lemma stepFlat_eq sig' n (M': TM sig' n) (trans:list (nat * list (option nat) * (nat * list (option nat * move)))) (c:mconfigFlat) c':
isFlatteningTransOf (sig:=sig') (n:=n) trans (TM.TM.trans (m:=M')) ->
isFlatteningConfigOf c c' ->
isFlatteningConfigOf (stepFlat trans c) (step (M:=M') c').
intros Htrans H. inv H.
unfold stepFlat, step. cbn [fst snd cstate ctapes] in *.
erewrite current_charsFlat_eq. 2:easy.
replace (length t) with n.
2:{inv Ht. destruct c'. now rewrite LVector.to_list_length. }
erewrite <-isFlatteningTransOf_eq. 2:easy.
destruct TM.trans. apply isFlatteningConfigOf_iff;do 2 econstructor.
apply doAct_multiFlat;eauto.
now econstructor.
Definition haltConfFlat (l : list bool) (c:mconfigFlat) : bool := nth (fst c) l false.
Definition loopMflat M := loop (stepFlat M.(TMflat.trans)) (haltConfFlat M.(TMflat.halt)).
Lemma loopMflat_correct (sig : finType) (n : nat) M (M' : TM sig n) k c c':
isFlatteningTMOf M M' ->
isFlatteningConfigOf c c' ->
match loopMflat M c k,loopM (M:=M') c' k with
None,None => True
| Some r,Some r' => isFlatteningConfigOf r r'
| _,_ => False
intros HM Hc. unfold loopM,loopMflat.
induction k in Hc,c,c'|-*.
destruct HM. destruct R__halt. unfold haltConfFlat,haltConf.
inv Hc;cbn [fst snd].
rewrite R__halt. destruct halt. 2:easy.
econstructor. all:easy.
destruct HM. destruct R__halt. unfold haltConfFlat,haltConf.
inversion Hc;cbn [fst snd]. subst.
rewrite R__halt. destruct halt. easy.
eapply stepFlat_eq in Hc. 2:eassumption. eapply IHk in Hc as H'.
fold (haltConfFlat (TMflat.halt M)). fold (haltConf (M:=M')).
do 2 destruct loop. all:easy.
Lemma initFlat_correct sig n M (M' : TM sig n) t t':
isFlatteningTMOf M M' ->
isFlatteningTapesOf t t' ->
isFlatteningConfigOf (M.(TMflat.start), t) (initc M' t').
intros. eapply isFlatteningConfigOf_iff;do 2 econstructor. eassumption.
inv H. cbn. congruence.
Definition execFlatTM M t n :=
if isValidFlatTM M then
if isValidFlatTapes M.(sig) M.(TMflat.tapes) t
then loopMflat M (M.(TMflat.start),t) n
else None
else None.
Lemma execFlatTM_correct M t k c :
execFlatTM M t k = Some c <->
(exists sig n (M':TM sig n) c0 c',
isFlatteningTMOf M M'
/\ isFlatteningConfigOf (M.(TMflat.start),t) c0
/\ loopM (M:=M') c0 k = Some c'
/\ isFlatteningConfigOf c c').
unfold execFlatTM.
destruct (isValidFlatTM_spec M);cbn [andb].
2:{ cbn. split. easy. intros (?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?). exfalso. eauto using isFlattening_is_valid. }
-apply unflattenTM_correct in v.
pose (sig' := (finType_CS (Fin.t (sig M)))).
pose (states' := state (unflattenTM M)). cbn [unflattenTM states] in states'.
rewrite <- Fin_cardinality with (n:=sig M) at 1. fold sig'.
destruct isValidFlatTapes eqn:H';cbn [andb]. 2:easy. apply isUnflattableTapes in H' as (t'&Ht).
cbn [negb].
assert (def : states') by (eapply (@Fin.of_nat_lt 0) ;nia).
eapply initFlat_correct in Ht. 2:eauto.
assert (H'' := loopMflat_correct k v Ht).
intros Hloop. rewrite Hloop in H''.
destruct loopM eqn:HloopM.
all:now eauto 10.
-intros (?&?&?&?&?&HM&Hinit&HloopM&?). inversion HM.
inversion Hinit. subst. rewrite H1.
erewrite eq__sig,flatteningTapeIsValid. 2:eassumption.
destruct (Nat.ltb_spec0 (index (cstate x2)) (TMflat.states M)).
2:{exfalso. apply n. rewrite eq__states. eapply index_le. }
eassert (H'':=loopMflat_correct k HM Hinit).
rewrite HloopM in H''. destruct loopMflat. 2:easy.
destruct c,m. inv Ht.
inv H''. inv H. do 2 f_equal.
inv Ht0. inv Ht. easy.
From Complexity Require Import TMflat.
From Undecidability Require Import TM_facts TM.TMEncoding.
From Complexity Require Import L.TM.TMunflatten.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.FiniteTypes Require FiniteFunction.
From Undecidability Require Import Functions.FinTypeLookup.
Lemma size_flatTape (sig : finType) (t' : tape sig):
size (enc (mapTape index t')) <= sizeOfTape t' * (Cardinality.Cardinality sig * 4+9) + 17.
unfold enc, encodable_tape_enc,sizeOfTape,tapeToList.
destruct t';cbn [mapTape size length].
all:ring_simplify. nia.
all:setoid_rewrite size_nat_enc.
all:simpl_list;cbn [length].
all:setoid_rewrite size_list.
all: rewrite !sumn_le_bound with (c:=Cardinality.Cardinality sig*4 + 9).
2,4,6,7:now intros ? (?&<-&(?&<-&?)%in_map_iff)%in_map_iff;
rewrite size_nat_enc,index_leq;
unfold Cardinality.Cardinality, c__listsizeNil, c__listsizeCons, c__natsizeS, c__natsizeO; easy.
all:rewrite !map_length.
all:rewrite index_leq; unfold Cardinality.Cardinality.
all: unfold c__natsizeS, c__natsizeO, c__listsizeNil.
Lemma size_flatTapes (sig : finType) (n : nat) (t:list (tape nat)) (t' : Vector.t (tape sig) n):
isFlatteningTapesOf t t'
-> size (enc t) <= n * sizeOfmTapes t' * (Cardinality.Cardinality sig * 4 + 9) + n * 22 + 4.
intro R__tapes. inv R__tapes.
unfold sizeOfmTapes,mapTapes.
rewrite size_list.
rewrite Vector.fold_left_right_assoc_eq. 2:intros;nia.
induction n.
-rewrite !destruct_vector_nil with (v:=t').
cbn. easy.
-edestruct destruct_vector_cons with (v:=t') as (?&?&->).
cbn - [mult]. fold (Vector.to_list ( (mapTape index) x0)).
specialize (IHn x0).
rewrite size_flatTape.
set (a := sumn _) in *. set (b := VectorDef.fold_right _ _ _) in *. set (c := Cardinality.Cardinality _) in *.
set (d:=sizeOfTape _).
enough (a <= n * b * (c * 4 + 9) + n * 22) as ->.
2: { unfold c__listsizeCons, c__listsizeNil in *. nia. }
unfold c__listsizeNil, c__listsizeCons in *.
repeat eapply Nat.max_case_strong;intros ?.
+ nia.
+ Unset Simplex. rewrite H. nia.
Lemma sizeoftape_maptape_eq sig sig' (f:sig -> sig') t:
sizeOfTape (mapTape f t) = sizeOfTape t.
destruct t;cbn. all:repeat (cbn;simpl_list). all:lia.
Fixpoint sizeOfmTapesFlat sig (ts : list (tape sig)) : nat :=
match ts with
[] => 0
| t::ts => max (sizeOfTape t) (sizeOfmTapesFlat ts)
Lemma sizeOfmTapesFlat_eq (sig : finType) (n : nat) (ts:list (tape nat)) (ts' : Vector.t (tape sig) n):
isFlatteningTapesOf ts ts'
-> sizeOfmTapesFlat ts = sizeOfmTapes ts'.
intro R__tapes. inv R__tapes.
unfold sizeOfmTapes,mapTapes.
rewrite Vector.fold_left_right_assoc_eq. 2:intros;nia.
induction n.
-rewrite !destruct_vector_nil with (v:=ts').
cbn. easy.
-edestruct destruct_vector_cons with (v:=ts') as (?&?&->).
cbn - [mult]. fold (Vector.to_list ( (mapTape index) x0)).
specialize (IHn x0). rewrite IHn,sizeoftape_maptape_eq. lia.
Lemma isFlatteningTransOf_eq st sig' n trans trans' s v:
isFlatteningTransOf (st:=st) (sig:=sig') (n:=n) trans trans' ->
(let (s',v'):= trans' (s,v) in
(index s', map (map_fst (option_map index)) (Vector.to_list v'))) = FinTypeLookup.lookup (index s,map (option_map index) (Vector.to_list v)) trans (index s, repeat (None,Nmove) n).
intros [H1 H2].
destruct trans' as [s' v'] eqn:eq.
erewrite lookup_sound'.
-intros [s0 v0] [s1 v1] [s2 v2] T1 T2.
apply H1 in T1 as (?&?&?&?&Ht&->&->&->&->).
apply H1 in T2 as (?&?&?&?&Ht'&<-%injective_index&->&H'%map_injective&->).
2:{intros [] [] [=];f_equal. now eapply injective_index. }
eapply vector_to_list_inj in H' as <-.
-specialize (H2 s v) as H2'. rewrite eq in H2'.
destruct H2' as [ | (<-&->) ]. easy.
edestruct lookup_complete with (A:= (nat * list (option nat))%type) (B:= (nat * list (option nat * move))%type) as [H'|H'].
2:{right. split.
+intros ? ?.
eapply H'. eexists. eassumption.
+f_equal. unfold Vector.to_list.
induction n;cbn. all:easy.
edestruct lookup as [] eqn:eq' in H'.
specialize H1 with (1:=H') as (?&?&?&?&Ht&<-%injective_index&->&H'''%map_injective&->).
2:{intros [] [] [=];f_equal. now eapply injective_index. }
eapply vector_to_list_inj in H''' as <-. rewrite eq in Ht. inv Ht.
repeat econstructor.
Definition zipWith {X Y Z} (f:X -> Y->Z) :=
fix zipWith (xs:list X) (ys:list Y) : list Z :=
match xs,ys with
x::xs,y::ys => f x y :: zipWith xs ys
| _,_ => []
Lemma doAct_multiFlat (sig:finType) n acts t (t' : tapes sig n):
isFlatteningTapesOf t t' ->
isFlatteningTapesOf (zipWith (doAct (sig:=nat)) t (map (map_fst (option_map index)) (Vector.to_list acts))) (doAct_multi t' acts).
intros H. inv H. rewrite isFlatteningTapesOf_iff.
induction n in *|-*.
-rewrite !destruct_vector_nil with (v:=t').
rewrite !destruct_vector_nil with (v:=acts). easy.
-destruct destruct_vector_cons with (v:=t') as (?&?&->).
destruct destruct_vector_cons with (v:=acts) as (?&?&->).
setoid_rewrite IHn. f_equal.
destruct x,x1 as [[] []]; cbn - [tape_move_left tape_move_right]. all:try easy.
all:try (setoid_rewrite <- mapTape_move_right || rewrite <- mapTape_move_left). all:cbn. all:easy.
Definition stepFlat (trans:list (nat * list (option nat) * (nat * list (option nat * move)))) (c:mconfigFlat) : mconfigFlat :=
let (news, actions) := lookup (fst c, map (@current _) (snd c)) trans (fst c, repeat (None, Nmove) (length (snd c)))
in (news,(zipWith (@doAct _) (snd c) actions)).
Lemma current_charsFlat_eq (sig:finType) n t (t': tapes sig n):
isFlatteningTapesOf t t' ->
map (current (Σ:=nat)) t = map ((option_map index)) (Vector.to_list (current_chars t')).
intros H. inv H. induction n in *|-*.
-rewrite !destruct_vector_nil with (v:=t'). easy.
-destruct destruct_vector_cons with (v:=t') as (?&?&->). cbn. setoid_rewrite IHn.
unfold current_chars. cbn. f_equal.
destruct x; easy.
Lemma stepFlat_eq sig' n (M': TM sig' n) (trans:list (nat * list (option nat) * (nat * list (option nat * move)))) (c:mconfigFlat) c':
isFlatteningTransOf (sig:=sig') (n:=n) trans (TM.TM.trans (m:=M')) ->
isFlatteningConfigOf c c' ->
isFlatteningConfigOf (stepFlat trans c) (step (M:=M') c').
intros Htrans H. inv H.
unfold stepFlat, step. cbn [fst snd cstate ctapes] in *.
erewrite current_charsFlat_eq. 2:easy.
replace (length t) with n.
2:{inv Ht. destruct c'. now rewrite LVector.to_list_length. }
erewrite <-isFlatteningTransOf_eq. 2:easy.
destruct TM.trans. apply isFlatteningConfigOf_iff;do 2 econstructor.
apply doAct_multiFlat;eauto.
now econstructor.
Definition haltConfFlat (l : list bool) (c:mconfigFlat) : bool := nth (fst c) l false.
Definition loopMflat M := loop (stepFlat M.(TMflat.trans)) (haltConfFlat M.(TMflat.halt)).
Lemma loopMflat_correct (sig : finType) (n : nat) M (M' : TM sig n) k c c':
isFlatteningTMOf M M' ->
isFlatteningConfigOf c c' ->
match loopMflat M c k,loopM (M:=M') c' k with
None,None => True
| Some r,Some r' => isFlatteningConfigOf r r'
| _,_ => False
intros HM Hc. unfold loopM,loopMflat.
induction k in Hc,c,c'|-*.
destruct HM. destruct R__halt. unfold haltConfFlat,haltConf.
inv Hc;cbn [fst snd].
rewrite R__halt. destruct halt. 2:easy.
econstructor. all:easy.
destruct HM. destruct R__halt. unfold haltConfFlat,haltConf.
inversion Hc;cbn [fst snd]. subst.
rewrite R__halt. destruct halt. easy.
eapply stepFlat_eq in Hc. 2:eassumption. eapply IHk in Hc as H'.
fold (haltConfFlat (TMflat.halt M)). fold (haltConf (M:=M')).
do 2 destruct loop. all:easy.
Lemma initFlat_correct sig n M (M' : TM sig n) t t':
isFlatteningTMOf M M' ->
isFlatteningTapesOf t t' ->
isFlatteningConfigOf (M.(TMflat.start), t) (initc M' t').
intros. eapply isFlatteningConfigOf_iff;do 2 econstructor. eassumption.
inv H. cbn. congruence.
Definition execFlatTM M t n :=
if isValidFlatTM M then
if isValidFlatTapes M.(sig) M.(TMflat.tapes) t
then loopMflat M (M.(TMflat.start),t) n
else None
else None.
Lemma execFlatTM_correct M t k c :
execFlatTM M t k = Some c <->
(exists sig n (M':TM sig n) c0 c',
isFlatteningTMOf M M'
/\ isFlatteningConfigOf (M.(TMflat.start),t) c0
/\ loopM (M:=M') c0 k = Some c'
/\ isFlatteningConfigOf c c').
unfold execFlatTM.
destruct (isValidFlatTM_spec M);cbn [andb].
2:{ cbn. split. easy. intros (?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?). exfalso. eauto using isFlattening_is_valid. }
-apply unflattenTM_correct in v.
pose (sig' := (finType_CS (Fin.t (sig M)))).
pose (states' := state (unflattenTM M)). cbn [unflattenTM states] in states'.
rewrite <- Fin_cardinality with (n:=sig M) at 1. fold sig'.
destruct isValidFlatTapes eqn:H';cbn [andb]. 2:easy. apply isUnflattableTapes in H' as (t'&Ht).
cbn [negb].
assert (def : states') by (eapply (@Fin.of_nat_lt 0) ;nia).
eapply initFlat_correct in Ht. 2:eauto.
assert (H'' := loopMflat_correct k v Ht).
intros Hloop. rewrite Hloop in H''.
destruct loopM eqn:HloopM.
all:now eauto 10.
-intros (?&?&?&?&?&HM&Hinit&HloopM&?). inversion HM.
inversion Hinit. subst. rewrite H1.
erewrite eq__sig,flatteningTapeIsValid. 2:eassumption.
destruct (Nat.ltb_spec0 (index (cstate x2)) (TMflat.states M)).
2:{exfalso. apply n. rewrite eq__states. eapply index_le. }
eassert (H'':=loopMflat_correct k HM Hinit).
rewrite HloopM in H''. destruct loopMflat. 2:easy.
destruct c,m. inv Ht.
inv H''. inv H. do 2 f_equal.
inv Ht0. inv Ht. easy.