From PslBase Require Import Base.
From PslBase Require Import Vectors.Vectors.
Require Import Undecidability.L.Complexity.MorePrelim.
From Undecidability.L.Complexity.Problems.Cook Require Import BinaryPR FlatPR.
From Undecidability.L.Complexity.Reductions.Cook Require Import UniformHomomorphisms PR_to_BinaryPR.
Require Import Lia.

Reduction of FlatPR to BinaryPR

Section fixInstanceA.

  Variable (fpr : FlatPR).

  Notation Sigma := (Sigma fpr).
  Notation offset := (offset fpr).
  Notation width := (width fpr).
  Notation init := (init fpr).
  Notation windows := (windows fpr).
  Notation final := (final fpr).
  Notation steps := (steps fpr).

  Context (A : FlatPR_wellformed fpr).
  Context (B : isValidFlattening fpr).
  Context (A1 : Sigma > 0).
  Definition hflat := canonicalHom (hNat Sigma).

  Definition hoffset := Sigma * offset.
  Definition hwidth := Sigma * width.
  Definition hinit := hflat init.
  Definition hwindow win := match win with Build_PRWin prem conc => Build_PRWin (hflat prem) (hflat conc) end.
  Definition hwindows := map hwindow windows.
  Definition hfinal := map hflat final.
  Definition hsteps := steps.

  Definition hBinaryPR := @BinaryPR.Build_BinaryPR hoffset hwidth hinit hwindows hfinal hsteps.

  Variable (pr : PR).
  Variable (isFlattening : isFlatPROf fpr pr).

  Definition finhBinaryPR := PR_to_BinaryPR.hBinaryPR pr.

  Lemma isFlatListOf_hom_agree l L : isFlatListOf l L -> hflat l = @h pr L.
    destruct isFlattening.
    intros. rewrite H. unfold h, PR_homomorphisms.h.
    unfold h', hflat. rewrite <- HSigma.
    unfold canonicalHom. now rewrite map_map.

  Lemma isFlatPRWinOf_hom_agree w W : isFlatPRWinOf w W -> hwindow w = PR_homomorphisms.hwindow (@h' pr) W.
    intros. destruct w, W. cbn.
    erewrite isFlatListOf_hom_agree; [ | apply H].
    erewrite isFlatListOf_hom_agree; [ | apply H].

  Lemma isFlatWindowsOf_hom_agree: hwindows === PR_homomorphisms.hwindows (@h' pr).
    split; intros a H;
    [unfold hwindows in H | unfold PR_homomorphisms.hwindows in H]; apply in_map_iff in H as (win & <- & H); apply isFlattening in H as (win' & H & H1);
      apply isFlatPRWinOf_hom_agree in H1; apply in_map_iff; eauto.

  Lemma isFlatFinalOf_hom_agree: hfinal === PR_homomorphisms.hfinal (@h' pr).
    split; intros a H; [unfold hfinal in H | unfold PR_homomorphisms.hfinal in H];
    apply in_map_iff in H as (subs & <- & H); apply isFlattening in H as (subs' & H & H1);
      apply isFlatListOf_hom_agree in H1; apply in_map_iff; eauto.

  Lemma BinaryPR_instances_wf_equivalent : BinaryPR_wellformed finhBinaryPR <-> BinaryPR_wellformed hBinaryPR.
    destruct isFlattening.
    unfold BinaryPR_wellformed. cbn. unfold PR_homomorphisms.hwidth, PR_homomorphisms.hoffset, hwidth, hoffset.
    rewrite <- !HSigma, <- !HWidth, <- !HOffset.
    split; intros (H1 & H2 & H3 & H4 &H5 & H6); repeat match goal with [ |- _ /\ _] => split end; try easy.
    - unfold hinit. erewrite isFlatListOf_hom_agree; [ | easy]. apply H4.
    - intros. rewrite (isFlatWindowsOf_hom_agree) in H. easy.
    - unfold hinit. erewrite isFlatListOf_hom_agree; [ | easy]. apply H6.
    - unfold hinit in H4. erewrite isFlatListOf_hom_agree in H4; [ | easy]. apply H4.
    - intros. rewrite <- (isFlatWindowsOf_hom_agree) in H. easy.
    - unfold hinit in H6. erewrite isFlatListOf_hom_agree in H6; [ | easy]. apply H6.

  Lemma BinaryPR_instances_equivalent : BinaryPRLang finhBinaryPR <-> BinaryPRLang hBinaryPR.
    unfold BinaryPRLang. destruct isFlattening.
    cbn. unfold PR_homomorphisms.hwidth, PR_homomorphisms.hoffset, hwidth, hoffset, PR_homomorphisms.hsteps, hsteps.
    rewrite <- !HSigma, <- !HWidth, <- !HOffset, <- !HSteps.
    unfold hinit, PR_homomorphisms.hinit. setoid_rewrite isFlatListOf_hom_agree; [ | easy | easy].

    split; intros (Hwf & sf & H1 & H2 );
    (split; [ apply BinaryPR_instances_wf_equivalent, Hwf| exists sf; split ]).
    - eapply relpower_congruent. 2: apply H1. intros. eapply valid_windows_equivalent.
      apply isFlatWindowsOf_hom_agree.
    - eapply satFinal_final_equivalent. 2: apply H2. apply isFlatFinalOf_hom_agree.
    - eapply relpower_congruent. 2: apply H1. intros. eapply valid_windows_equivalent.
      symmetry. apply isFlatWindowsOf_hom_agree.
    - eapply satFinal_final_equivalent. 2: apply H2. symmetry. apply isFlatFinalOf_hom_agree.
End fixInstanceA.

Definition trivialNoInstance := Build_BinaryPR 0 0 [] [] [] 0.
Lemma trivialNoInstance_isNoInstance : not (BinaryPRLang trivialNoInstance).
  intros (H & _). destruct H as (H & _). cbn in H. lia.

Definition reduction (fpr : FlatPR) :=
  if FlatPR_wf_dec fpr && isValidFlattening_dec fpr then hBinaryPR fpr else trivialNoInstance.

Lemma FlatPR_to_BinaryPR (fpr : FlatPR) : FlatPRLang fpr <-> BinaryPRLang (reduction fpr).
  split; intros.
  - destruct H as (H1 & Hwf & H2).
    unfold reduction.
    rewrite (proj2 (FlatPR_wf_dec_correct _) H1).
    rewrite (proj2 (isValidFlattening_dec_correct _) Hwf).
    specialize (unflattenPR Hwf) as (pr & H3).
    eapply BinaryPR_instances_equivalent; [ apply H3 | ].
    apply isFlatPROf_equivalence in H3.
    enough (PRLang pr).
    { specialize (PR_to_BinaryPR pr) as H4. unfold PR_to_BinaryPR.reduction in H4.
      enough (PR_wf_dec pr = true) as H5 by (rewrite H5 in H4; apply H4, H).
      destruct H as (H & _ & _). apply PR_wf_dec_correct, H.
    apply H3; easy.
  - unfold reduction in H. destruct (FlatPR_wf_dec) eqn:H1, (isValidFlattening_dec) eqn:H2.
    2-4: cbn in H; now apply trivialNoInstance_isNoInstance in H.
    cbn in H. apply isValidFlattening_dec_correct in H2. apply FlatPR_wf_dec_correct in H1.
    specialize (unflattenPR H2) as (pr & H3). eapply isFlatPROf_equivalence; [ apply H3 | ].
    apply PR_to_BinaryPR. unfold PR_to_BinaryPR.reduction.
    enough (PR_wf_dec pr = true) as -> by now eapply BinaryPR_instances_equivalent.
    eapply PR_wf_dec_correct, isFlatPROf_wf_equivalent; easy.

From Undecidability.L.Tactics Require Import LTactics GenEncode.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import LProd LOptions LBool LLNat LLists.
From Undecidability.L.Complexity Require Import PolyBounds.

Section fixX.
  Context {X : Type}.
  Context `{H: registered X}.

  Definition c__repEl2 := 5.
  Definition c__repEl := c__repEl2 + 7.
  Definition repEl_time (n: nat) := (n +1) * c__repEl.
  Global Instance term_repEl : computableTime' (@repEl X) (fun n _ => (c__repEl2, fun e _ => (repEl_time n, tt))).
    extract. solverec. all: unfold repEl_time, c__repEl, c__repEl2; solverec.

  Lemma repEl_time_mono : monotonic repEl_time.
    unfold repEl_time; smpl_inO.

  Definition poly__repEl n := (n+1) * c__repEl.
  Lemma repEl_time_bound n : repEl_time n <= poly__repEl (size (enc n)).
    unfold repEl_time, poly__repEl. replace_le n with (size (enc n)) by (apply size_nat_enc_r) at 1. lia.
  Lemma repEl_poly : monotonic poly__repEl /\ inOPoly poly__repEl.
    unfold poly__repEl; split; smpl_inO.
End fixX.

Fact sub_time_bound_l n m: sub_time n m <= (n + 1) * c__sub.
  unfold sub_time. nia.
Fact sub_time_bound_r n m : sub_time n m <= (m + 1) * c__sub.
  unfold sub_time. nia.

Definition c__hNat := 2 * (c__leb2 + 2 * c__repEl2 + 18 + 2* c__app + 2 * c__sub + 2 * c__sub1).
Definition hNat_time sig n := (leb_time (S n) sig + repEl_time sig + sig + 1) * c__hNat.
Instance term_hNat : computableTime' hNat (fun sig _ => (1, fun n _ => (hNat_time sig n, tt))).
  specialize (repEl_time_mono) as H1. unfold monotonic in H1.
  extract. solverec.
  - setoid_rewrite sub_time_bound_r at 2. rewrite repEl_length.
    apply leb_iff in H. rewrite H1 with (x' := x) by lia. setoid_rewrite H1 with (x' := x) at 2. 2: lia.
    replace_le x0 with x by lia at 3.
    rewrite sub_time_bound_l.
    unfold hNat_time, c__hNat. cbn[Nat.add]. unfold c__sub1, c__sub. nia.
  - cbn[Nat.add]. unfold hNat_time, c__hNat. apply Nat.leb_gt in H.
    unfold repEl_time. nia.

Definition c__hNatBound := (c__leb + 1) * (c__hNat + 1).
Definition poly__hNat n := (poly__repEl n + n + 1) * c__hNatBound.
Lemma hNat_time_bound sig n: hNat_time sig n <= poly__hNat (size (enc sig)).
  unfold hNat_time. rewrite leb_time_bound_r.
  unfold poly__hNat, c__hNatBound. rewrite repEl_time_bound. rewrite size_nat_enc_r with (n := sig) at 3.
Lemma hNat_poly : monotonic poly__hNat /\ inOPoly poly__hNat.
  unfold poly__hNat; split; smpl_inO; apply repEl_poly.

Definition c__hflat := c__Sigma + 3.
Definition hflat_time (fpr : FlatPR) (l : list nat) := map_time (fun m => hNat_time (Sigma fpr) m) l + concat_time (map (hNat (Sigma fpr)) l) + c__hflat.
Instance term_hflat : computableTime' hflat (fun fpr _ => (1, fun l _ => (hflat_time fpr l, tt))).
  unfold hflat. unfold canonicalHom. extract. solverec.
  unfold hflat_time, c__hflat. solverec.

Definition c__hNatSize := c__listsizeCons + c__sizeBool + c__listsizeNil.
Lemma hNat_size_bound sig n: size (enc (hNat sig n)) <= (sig + 1) * c__hNatSize.
  specialize (list_size_of_el (l := (hNat sig n)) (k := c__sizeBool)) as H1.
  rewrite H1. 2: { intros. apply size_bool. }
  rewrite hNat_length. unfold c__hNatSize. nia.

Lemma map_hNat_size_bound sig l : size (enc (map (hNat sig) l)) <= (|l|) * (sig + 1) * c__hNatSize + c__listsizeCons * (|l|) + c__listsizeNil.
  erewrite list_size_of_el.
  2: { intros a H%in_map_iff. destruct H as (n & <- & H). apply hNat_size_bound. }
  rewrite map_length. lia.

Definition poly__hflat n := (n + 1) * (poly__hNat n + 1) * (c__map + 1) + (n * (n + 1) * c__hNatSize + c__listsizeCons * n + c__listsizeNil + 1) * c__concat + c__hflat.
Lemma hflat_time_bound fpr l : hflat_time fpr l <= poly__hflat (size (enc fpr) + size (enc l)).
  unfold hflat_time. rewrite map_time_bound_env.
  2: {
    split; [ intros | ].
    - rewrite hNat_time_bound. poly_mono hNat_poly. 2: apply Nat.le_add_r with (m := size (enc ele)). reflexivity.
    - apply hNat_poly.
  poly_mono hNat_poly.
  2: (replace_le (size (enc (Sigma fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatPR_enc_size; lia)); reflexivity.

  rewrite concat_time_bound. poly_mono concat_poly.
  2: {
    rewrite map_hNat_size_bound. rewrite list_size_length.
    replace_le (Sigma fpr) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite size_nat_enc_r with (n := Sigma fpr); rewrite FlatPR_enc_size; lia).
  unfold poly__concat.
  rewrite list_size_length.
  replace_le (size (enc l)) with (size (enc fpr) + size (enc l)) by lia at 1.
  replace_le (size (enc l)) with (size (enc fpr) + size (enc l)) by lia at 3.
  replace_le (size (enc fpr)) with (size (enc fpr) + size (enc l)) by lia at 4.
  replace_le (size (enc l)) with (size (enc fpr) + size (enc l)) by lia at 5.
  generalize (size (enc fpr) + size (enc l)). intros n.
  unfold poly__hflat. nia.
Lemma hflat_poly : monotonic poly__hflat /\ inOPoly poly__hflat.
  split; unfold poly__hflat; smpl_inO; apply hNat_poly.

Lemma hflat_length fpr l : |hflat fpr l| = (Sigma fpr) * |l|.
  induction l; cbn; [lia | ].
  rewrite app_length, hNat_length. unfold hflat, canonicalHom in IHl. rewrite IHl.

Definition c__hflatSize := c__listsizeCons + c__sizeBool.
Lemma hflat_size_bound fpr l : size (enc (hflat fpr l)) <= c__hflatSize * (|l|) * (Sigma fpr) + c__listsizeNil.
  rewrite list_size_of_el by (intros; apply size_bool).
  rewrite hflat_length. unfold c__hflatSize. nia.

Definition c__hwindow := 9.
Definition hwindow_time (fpr : FlatPR) (win : PRWin nat) := hflat_time fpr (prem win) + hflat_time fpr (conc win) + c__hwindow.
Instance term_hwindow : computableTime' hwindow (fun fpr _ => (1, fun win _ => (hwindow_time fpr win, tt))).
  extract. solverec. unfold hwindow_time, c__hwindow. solverec.

Definition poly__hwindow n := poly__hflat n + poly__hflat n + c__hwindow.
Lemma hwindow_time_bound fpr win : hwindow_time fpr win <= poly__hwindow (size (enc fpr) + size (enc win)).
  unfold hwindow_time. rewrite !hflat_time_bound.
  unfold poly__hwindow.
  poly_mono hflat_poly. 2: { replace_le (size (enc (prem win))) with (size (enc win)) by (rewrite PRWin_enc_size; lia). reflexivity. }
  poly_mono hflat_poly at 2. 2: { replace_le (size (enc (conc win))) with (size (enc win)) by (rewrite PRWin_enc_size; lia). reflexivity. }
Lemma hwindow_poly : monotonic poly__hwindow /\ inOPoly poly__hwindow.
  unfold poly__hwindow; split; smpl_inO; apply hflat_poly.

Definition c__hwindowSize1 := c__listsizeNil + c__listsizeNil + c__sizePRWin.
Definition c__hwindowSize2 := 2 * c__hflatSize.
Lemma hwindow_size_bound fpr win :
  FlatPR_wellformed fpr
  -> win el windows fpr -> size (enc (hwindow fpr win)) <= c__hwindowSize2 * (Sigma fpr) * (width fpr) + c__hwindowSize1.
  intros (_ & _ & _ & _ & winWf & _) (H1 & H2)%winWf.
  unfold hwindow. destruct win. rewrite PRWin_enc_size.
  cbn -[Nat.mul Nat.add] in *. rewrite !hflat_size_bound, H1, H2.
  unfold c__hwindowSize1, c__hwindowSize2. solverec.

Definition c__hwindows := c__windows + 3.
Definition hwindows_time (fpr : FlatPR) := map_time (fun w => hwindow_time fpr w) (windows fpr) + c__hwindows.
Instance term_hwindows : computableTime' hwindows (fun fpr _ => (hwindows_time fpr, tt)).
  extract. solverec. unfold hwindows_time, c__hwindows. solverec.

Definition c__hwindowsBound := (c__hwindows + 1) * (c__map + 1).
Definition poly__hwindows n := ((n + 1) * (poly__hwindow (n+ n) + 1) + 1) * c__hwindowsBound.
Lemma hwindows_time_bound fpr : hwindows_time fpr <= poly__hwindows (size (enc fpr)).
  unfold hwindows_time.
  rewrite map_time_bound_env. 2: split; [ intros; apply hwindow_time_bound | apply hwindow_poly].
  rewrite list_size_length.
  replace_le (size (enc (windows fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatPR_enc_size; lia) at 1.
  poly_mono hwindow_poly.
  2: { replace_le (size (enc (windows fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatPR_enc_size; lia) at 1. reflexivity. }
  unfold poly__hwindows, c__hwindowsBound. nia.
Lemma hwindows_poly : monotonic poly__hwindows /\ inOPoly poly__hwindows.
  unfold poly__hwindows; split; smpl_inO.
  - apply hwindow_poly.
  - eapply inOPoly_comp; [apply hwindow_poly | apply hwindow_poly | smpl_inO].

Definition c__hwindowsSize1 := c__hwindowSize1 + c__listsizeNil.
Definition c__hwindowsSize2 := c__hwindowSize2 + c__hwindowSize1 + c__listsizeCons.
Lemma hwindows_size_bound fpr :
  FlatPR_wellformed fpr
  -> size (enc (hwindows fpr)) <= c__hwindowsSize2 * (Sigma fpr + 1) * (width fpr) * (|windows fpr|) + c__hwindowsSize1.
  intros wf. unfold hwindows. rewrite list_size_of_el.
  2: { intros win (win' & <- & H2)%in_map_iff. rewrite hwindow_size_bound; [ reflexivity | easy | easy]. }
  rewrite map_length.
  destruct wf as (H1 & _). unfold c__hwindowsSize1, c__hwindowsSize2. destruct (width fpr); [nia | ].

Definition c__hfinal := c__final + 3.
Definition hfinal_time (fpr : FlatPR) := map_time (fun l => hflat_time fpr l) (final fpr) + c__hfinal.
Instance term_hfinal : computableTime' hfinal (fun fpr _ => (hfinal_time fpr, tt)).
  extract. solverec. unfold hfinal_time, c__hfinal; solverec.

Definition c__hfinalBound := (c__hfinal + 1) * (c__map + 1).
Definition poly__hfinal n := ((n + 1) * (poly__hflat (n+ n) + 1) + 1) * c__hfinalBound.
Lemma hfinal_time_bound fpr : hfinal_time fpr <= poly__hfinal (size (enc fpr)).
  unfold hfinal_time.
  rewrite map_time_bound_env. 2: split; [ intros; apply hflat_time_bound | apply hflat_poly].
  rewrite list_size_length.
  replace_le (size (enc (final fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatPR_enc_size; lia) at 1.
  poly_mono hflat_poly.
  2: { replace_le (size (enc (final fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatPR_enc_size; lia) at 1. reflexivity. }
  unfold poly__hfinal, c__hfinalBound. nia.
Lemma hfinal_poly : monotonic poly__hfinal /\ inOPoly poly__hfinal.
  unfold poly__hfinal; split; smpl_inO.
  - apply hflat_poly.
  - eapply inOPoly_comp; [apply hflat_poly | apply hflat_poly | smpl_inO].

Definition c__hfinalSize := c__listsizeNil + c__listsizeCons.
Lemma hfinal_size_bound fpr : size (enc (hfinal fpr)) <= c__hflatSize * (Sigma fpr) * size (enc (final fpr))^2+ c__hfinalSize * size (enc (final fpr)) + c__listsizeNil.
  unfold hfinal. rewrite list_size_of_el.
  2: { intros l (l' & <- & H1)%in_map_iff. rewrite hflat_size_bound.
       rewrite list_size_length. rewrite list_el_size_bound by apply H1. reflexivity.
  rewrite map_length, list_size_length. unfold c__hfinalSize. cbn [Nat.pow]. nia.

Definition c__hBinaryPR := 2 * c__Sigma + c__offset + c__width + c__init + c__windows + c__steps + 2 * c__mult1 + 2 * c__mult + 8.
Definition c__hBinaryPR2 := 2 * c__mult + 1.
Definition hBinaryPR_time (fpr : FlatPR) := c__hBinaryPR2 * (Sigma fpr * offset fpr + Sigma fpr * width fpr + Sigma fpr + hflat_time fpr (init fpr) + hwindows_time fpr + hfinal_time fpr) + c__hBinaryPR.
Instance term_hBinaryPR : computableTime' hBinaryPR (fun fpr _ => (hBinaryPR_time fpr, tt)).
  unfold hBinaryPR. unfold hoffset, hwidth, hsteps, hinit.
  extract. solverec. unfold mult_time.
  unfold hBinaryPR_time, c__hBinaryPR, c__hBinaryPR2. leq_crossout.

Definition poly__hBinaryPR n := c__hBinaryPR2 * (2 * n * n + n + poly__hflat (n +n) + poly__hwindows n + poly__hfinal n) + c__hBinaryPR.
Lemma hBinaryPR_time_bound fpr : hBinaryPR_time fpr <= poly__hBinaryPR (size (enc fpr)).
  unfold hBinaryPR_time.
  replace_le (Sigma fpr) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite size_nat_enc_r, FlatPR_enc_size; lia).
  replace_le (offset fpr) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite size_nat_enc_r, FlatPR_enc_size; lia).
  replace_le (width fpr) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite size_nat_enc_r, FlatPR_enc_size; lia).
  rewrite hflat_time_bound.
  poly_mono hflat_poly.
  2: { (replace_le (size (enc (init fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatPR_enc_size; lia)); reflexivity. }
  rewrite hfinal_time_bound. rewrite hwindows_time_bound.
  unfold poly__hBinaryPR. nia.
Lemma hBinaryPR_poly : monotonic poly__hBinaryPR /\ inOPoly poly__hBinaryPR.
  split; unfold poly__hBinaryPR; smpl_inO. all: try solve [apply hflat_poly | apply hwindows_poly | apply hfinal_poly ].
  eapply inOPoly_comp; [apply hflat_poly | apply hflat_poly | smpl_inO].

Proposition nat_mul_size_bound n m : size (enc (n * m)) <= size (enc n) * size (enc m).
  rewrite !size_nat_enc. unfold c__natsizeS, c__natsizeO; nia.

Definition c__hBinaryPRSize := c__hflatSize + c__hwindowsSize2 + c__hfinalSize + 1.
Definition c__hBinaryPRSize2 := 2 * c__listsizeNil + c__hwindowsSize1 + 8.
Lemma hBinaryPR_size_bound fpr :
  FlatPR_wellformed fpr -> size (enc (hBinaryPR fpr)) <= c__hBinaryPRSize * (size (enc fpr) + 1) ^3 + c__hBinaryPRSize2.
  intros Hwf. unfold hBinaryPR. rewrite BinaryPR_enc_size; cbn -[Nat.mul Nat.add].
  unfold hoffset, hwidth, hsteps. rewrite !nat_mul_size_bound.
  unfold hinit. rewrite hflat_size_bound.
  rewrite hwindows_size_bound, hfinal_size_bound by easy.
  rewrite !list_size_length.
  replace_le (Sigma fpr) with (size (enc (Sigma fpr))) by (rewrite size_nat_enc; unfold c__natsizeS; nia) at 4.
  replace_le (Sigma fpr) with (size (enc (Sigma fpr))) by (rewrite size_nat_enc; unfold c__natsizeS; nia) at 5.
  replace_le (Sigma fpr) with (size (enc (Sigma fpr))) by (rewrite size_nat_enc; unfold c__natsizeS; nia) at 3.
  replace_le (width fpr) with (size (enc (width fpr))) by (rewrite size_nat_enc; unfold c__natsizeS; nia) at 2.

  specialize (FlatPR_enc_size fpr) as H.
  replace_le (size (enc (Sigma fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite H; nia).
  replace_le (size (enc (offset fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite H; nia).
  replace_le (size (enc (width fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite H; nia).
  replace_le (size (enc (init fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite H; nia).
  replace_le (size (enc (windows fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite H; nia).
  replace_le (size (enc (steps fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite H; nia).
  replace_le (size (enc (final fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite H; nia).

  unfold c__hBinaryPRSize, c__hBinaryPRSize2. cbn [Nat.pow]. leq_crossout.

Definition c__reduction := 9.
Definition reduction_time (fpr : FlatPR) := FlatPR_wf_dec_time fpr + isValidFlattening_dec_time fpr + hBinaryPR_time fpr + c__reduction.
Local Instance term_reduction : computableTime' reduction (fun fpr _ => (reduction_time fpr, tt)).
  extract. solverec. all: unfold reduction_time, c__reduction; solverec.

Definition poly__reduction n := poly__FlatPRWfDec n + poly__isValidFlatteningDec n + poly__hBinaryPR n + c__reduction.
Lemma reduction_time_bound fpr : reduction_time fpr <= poly__reduction (size (enc fpr)).
  unfold reduction_time, poly__reduction.
  rewrite FlatPR_wf_dec_time_bound, isValidFlattening_dec_time_bound, hBinaryPR_time_bound. lia.
Lemma reduction_poly : monotonic poly__reduction /\ inOPoly poly__reduction.
  split; unfold poly__reduction; smpl_inO.
  all: try solve [ apply FlatPR_wf_dec_poly | apply isValidFlatteningDec_poly | apply hBinaryPR_poly].

Lemma reduction_size_bound : {f | (forall fpr, size (enc (reduction fpr)) <= f (size (enc fpr))) /\ inOPoly f /\ monotonic f}.
  exists (fun n => c__hBinaryPRSize * (n + 1)^3 + c__hBinaryPRSize2 + 32).
  split; [ | split].
  - intros fpr. unfold reduction. destruct andb eqn:H1.
    + apply andb_true_iff in H1 as (H1%FlatPR_wf_dec_correct & _).
      rewrite hBinaryPR_size_bound by apply H1. easy.
    + unfold trivialNoInstance. rewrite BinaryPR_enc_size. cbn -[Nat.mul Nat.add].
      rewrite !size_nat_enc. rewrite !size_list. cbn. nia.
  - unfold Nat.pow. smpl_inO.
  - smpl_inO.

Lemma FlatPR_to_BinaryPR_poly : reducesPolyMO (unrestrictedP FlatPRLang) (unrestrictedP BinaryPRLang).
  apply reducesPolyMO_intro_unrestricted with (f := reduction).
  - exists poly__reduction.
    + extract. solverec.
      all: specialize (reduction_time_bound x) as H1; unfold reduction_time, c__reduction in H1; nia.
    + apply reduction_poly.
    + apply reduction_poly.
    + destruct (reduction_size_bound) as (f & H1 & H2 & H3). exists f; auto.
  - apply FlatPR_to_BinaryPR.