From PslBase Require Import Base FinTypes.
From PslBase Require Import Vectors.Vectors.
From Undecidability.L.Complexity Require Import MorePrelim Problems.Cook.FlatTPR Problems.Cook.FlatPR Reductions.Cook.TPR_to_PR.
Require Import Lia.

*Reduction of FlatTPR to FlatPR
We can completely re-use the construction and correctness results of the TPR-PR reduction, as the reduction does not depend on the alphabet being finite.
Definition FPR_instance (ftpr : FlatTPR) := Build_FlatPR (FlatTPR.Sigma ftpr) 1 3 (FlatTPR.init ftpr) (PR_windows ( ftpr)) ( ftpr) (FlatTPR.steps ftpr).

Lemma FlatTPR_to_FlatPR (ftpr : FlatTPR) : FlatTPRLang ftpr <-> FlatPRLang (FPR_instance ftpr).
  split; intros.
  - destruct H as (H & H0 & sf & H1 & H2 & H3). split; [ | split; [ | exists sf; repeat split]].
    + unfold FlatTPR_wellformed in H. unfold FlatPR_wellformed. cbn in *. unfold PR_windows.
      repeat split; try lia.
      * exists 3. split; easy.
      * apply in_map_iff in H4 as (win' & <- & H4).
        destruct win', prem, conc; cbn in *. easy.
      * apply in_map_iff in H4 as (win' & <- & H4).
        destruct win', prem, conc; cbn in *. easy.
      * setoid_rewrite Nat.mul_1_r. eauto.
    + destruct H0 as (F1 & F2 & F3). repeat split.
      * apply F1.
      * apply F2.
      * cbn in H0. unfold PR_windows in H0.
        apply in_map_iff in H0 as (win' & <- & H0). cbn. destruct win', prem, conc; cbn.
        apply F3 in H0. destruct H0 as ((G1 & G2 & G3) & _). unfold list_ofFlatType; intros. cbn in *.
        repeat match goal with
          |[H : ?a \/ ?b |- _] => destruct H
          | [H : False |- _] => destruct H
        end; subst; eauto.
      * cbn in H0. unfold PR_windows in H0.
        apply in_map_iff in H0 as (win' & <- & H0). cbn. destruct win', prem, conc; cbn.
        apply F3 in H0. destruct H0 as (_ & (G1 & G2 & G3)). unfold list_ofFlatType; intros. cbn in *.
        repeat match goal with
          |[H : ?a \/ ?b |- _] => destruct H
          | [H : False |- _] => destruct H
        end; subst; eauto.
    + apply H1.
    + clear H1 H3. cbn in *. apply relpower_valid_agree, H2. apply H.
    + apply final_agree, H3. now apply TPR.relpower_valid_length_inv in H2.
  - destruct H as (H & H0 & sf & H1 & H2 & H3). split; [ | split; [ | exists sf; repeat split]].
    + clear H1 H2 H3. destruct H as (_ & _ & _ & F0 & _ & _).
      unfold FlatTPR_wellformed. easy.
    + clear H1 H2 H3. destruct H0 as (F1 & F2 & F3).
      split; [ | split].
      * cbn in F1; apply F1.
      * cbn in F2. unfold FlatTPR.isValidFlatFinal. apply F2.
      * intros [prem conc]. specialize (F3 (Build_PRWin prem conc)).
        cbn in F3. intros H1. unfold PR_windows in F3. rewrite in_map_iff in F3.
        assert (exists x, TPRWin_to_PRWin x = Build_PRWin prem conc /\ x el ftpr) as H2.
        { exists (prem / conc). cbn. eauto. }
        apply F3 in H2. destruct H2 as (H2 & H3). destruct prem, conc. cbn in *.
        unfold list_ofFlatType in H2, H3. unfold ofFlatType in *. repeat split; cbn; eauto.
    + apply H1.
    + clear H1 H3. cbn in H2. apply relpower_valid_agree, H2. apply H.
    + eapply final_agree, H3. now apply relpower_valid_length_inv in H2.

From Undecidability.L.Tactics Require Import LTactics GenEncode.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import LProd LOptions LLNat LLists.
From Undecidability.L.Complexity Require Import PolyBounds.

Section fixX.
  Variable (X : Type).
  Context `{X_registered : registered X}.

  Definition c__TPRWinToPRWin := FlatTPR.cnst_prem + 2 * c__TPRWinPToList + FlatTPR.cnst_conc + 3.
  Global Instance term_TPRWin_to_PRWin : computableTime' (@TPRWin_to_PRWin X) (fun _ _ => (c__TPRWinToPRWin, tt)).
    extract. unfold c__TPRWinToPRWin. solverec.

  Definition c__TPRWinToPRWinSize := c__listsizeCons * 6 + c__listsizeNil *2.
  Lemma TPRWin_to_PRWin_size (w : TPRWin X): size (enc (TPRWin_to_PRWin w)) <= size (enc (w)) + c__TPRWinToPRWinSize.
    unfold TPRWin_to_PRWin, c__TPRWinToPRWinSize. rewrite PRWin_enc_size.
    rewrite TPRWin_enc_size. destruct w. destruct prem, conc.
    rewrite !size_list. rewrite !TPRWinP_enc_size. cbn -[Nat.add Nat.mul]. nia.

  Definition c__PRWindows := 2.
  Definition PR_windows_time (w : list (TPRWin X)) := map_time (fun _ : TPRWin X => c__TPRWinToPRWin) w + c__PRWindows.
  Global Instance term_PR_windows : computableTime' (@PR_windows X) (fun w _ => (PR_windows_time w, tt)).
    extract. solverec. unfold PR_windows_time, c__PRWindows; solverec.

  Definition c__PRWindowsBound := (c__TPRWinToPRWin + 1) * (c__map + 1).
  Definition poly__PRWindows n := (n+1) * c__PRWindowsBound + c__PRWindows.
  Lemma PR_windows_time_bound w : PR_windows_time w <= poly__PRWindows (size (enc w)).
    unfold PR_windows_time. unfold poly__PRWindows, c__PRWindowsBound.
    rewrite (map_time_bound_env (Y := unit) (X := (TPRWin X)) (fT := fun _ _ => c__TPRWinToPRWin) (f__bound := fun n => c__TPRWinToPRWin)).
    3: easy.
    2: {
      - intros _ _. reflexivity.
      - smpl_inO.
    rewrite list_size_length. nia.

  Lemma PRWindows_poly : monotonic poly__PRWindows /\ inOPoly poly__PRWindows.
    split; unfold poly__PRWindows; smpl_inO.

  Definition PR_windows_size (w : list (TPRWin X)): size (enc (PR_windows w)) <= size (enc (w)) + (|w|) * c__TPRWinToPRWinSize.
    unfold PR_windows. rewrite size_list.
    induction w; cbn -[Nat.add Nat.mul].
    - easy.
    - rewrite <- Nat.add_assoc. rewrite IHw. rewrite TPRWin_to_PRWin_size.
      rewrite list_size_cons. nia.
End fixX.

Definition c__FPR_instance := FlatTPR.c__Sigma + FlatTPR.c__init + FlatTPR.c__windows + FlatTPR.c__final + FlatTPR.c__steps + 12.
Definition FPR_instance_time (fpr : FlatTPR) := c__FPR_instance + PR_windows_time ( fpr).
Instance term_FPR_instance : computableTime' FPR_instance (fun fpr _ => (FPR_instance_time fpr, tt)).
  extract. solverec. unfold FPR_instance_time, c__FPR_instance. solverec.

Lemma FlatTPR_to_FlatPR_poly : reducesPolyMO (unrestrictedP FlatTPRLang) (unrestrictedP FlatPRLang).
  apply reducesPolyMO_intro_unrestricted with (f := FPR_instance).
  - exists (fun n => c__FPR_instance + poly__PRWindows n).
    + extract. solverec. rewrite PR_windows_time_bound.
      poly_mono PRWindows_poly.
      2: (replace_le (size (enc ( x))) with (size (enc x)) by (rewrite FlatTPR_enc_size; lia)); reflexivity. unfold c__FPR_instance; lia.
    + smpl_inO. apply PRWindows_poly.
    + smpl_inO. apply PRWindows_poly.
    + evar (f : nat -> nat). exists f. repeat split.
      * intros fpr. unfold FPR_instance. rewrite FlatPR_enc_size; cbn.
        rewrite PR_windows_size. rewrite list_size_length.
        rewrite (size_nat_enc 1). rewrite (size_nat_enc 3).
        instantiate (f := fun n => (1 + c__TPRWinToPRWinSize) * n + 4 * c__natsizeS + 2 * c__natsizeO + 9). subst f.
        rewrite FlatTPR_enc_size. cbn -[Nat.add Nat.mul]. nia.
      * subst f. smpl_inO.
      * subst f. smpl_inO.
  - apply FlatTPR_to_FlatPR.