From Undecidability Require Import TM.Code.ProgrammingTools LM_heap_def.
From Undecidability.LAM Require Import TM.Alphabets.
From Undecidability.LAM.TM Require Import CaseCom LookupTM JumpTargetTM.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Code.ListTM TM.Code.CaseList TM.Code.CasePair TM.Code.CaseSum.
Local Arguments plus : simpl never.
Local Arguments mult : simpl never.
Local Hint Resolve isRight_isRight_size.
Here we compose the Lookup and JumpTarget machines.
Section StepMachine.
Implicit Types H : Heap.
Implicit Types T V : list HClos.
Implicit Types a b c : HAdd.
Implicit Types g : HClos.
Implicit Types (P Q : Pro).
The machine operates on lists of closures and on a heap, so we need a closure-list alphabet and a heap alphabet.
Variable sigStep : finType.
Variable retr_closures_step : Retract (sigList sigHClos) sigStep.
Variable retr_heap_step : Retract sigHeap sigStep.
Variable retr_closures_step : Retract (sigList sigHClos) sigStep.
Variable retr_heap_step : Retract sigHeap sigStep.
Local Definition retr_clos_step : Retract sigHClos sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_closures_step _.
Definition retr_pro_clos : Retract sigPro sigHClos := _.
Local Definition retr_pro_step : Retract sigPro sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_clos_step retr_pro_clos.
Local Definition retr_tok_step : Retract sigCom sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_pro_step _.
Local Definition retr_nat_clos_ad : Retract sigNat sigHClos := Retract_sigPair_X _ (Retract_id _).
Local Definition retr_nat_step_clos_ad : Retract sigNat sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_clos_step retr_nat_clos_ad.
Local Definition retr_nat_clos_var : Retract sigNat sigHClos := Retract_sigPair_Y _ _.
Local Definition retr_nat_step_clos_var : Retract sigNat sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_clos_step retr_nat_clos_var.
Definition retr_pro_clos : Retract sigPro sigHClos := _.
Local Definition retr_pro_step : Retract sigPro sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_clos_step retr_pro_clos.
Local Definition retr_tok_step : Retract sigCom sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_pro_step _.
Local Definition retr_nat_clos_ad : Retract sigNat sigHClos := Retract_sigPair_X _ (Retract_id _).
Local Definition retr_nat_step_clos_ad : Retract sigNat sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_clos_step retr_nat_clos_ad.
Local Definition retr_nat_clos_var : Retract sigNat sigHClos := Retract_sigPair_Y _ _.
Local Definition retr_nat_step_clos_var : Retract sigNat sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_clos_step retr_nat_clos_var.
Instance of the Lookup and JumpTarget machine
Cons a closure to a closure list, if the programm of the closure is not empty, and reset the program but not the address of the closure
Definition TailRec_size (T : list HClos) (P : Pro) (a : HAdd) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 3 :=
match P with
| nil => [| id; Reset_size P; id|]
| c :: P' => [| Constr_cons_size (a,P); Constr_pair_size a >> Reset_size (a,P); id |]
Definition TailRec_Rel : pRel sigStep^+ unit 3 :=
ignoreParam (
fun tin tout =>
forall T P a (s0 s1 s2 : nat),
tin[@Fin0] ≃(;s0) T ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃(retr_pro_step;s1) P ->
tin[@Fin2] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad;s2) a ->
tout[@Fin0] ≃(;TailRec_size T P a @>Fin0 s0) tailRecursion (a, P) T /\
isRight_size tout[@Fin1] (TailRec_size T P a @>Fin1 s1) /\
tout[@Fin2] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad; TailRec_size T P a @>Fin2 s2) a
Definition TailRec : pTM sigStep^+ unit 3 :=
If (IsNil sigCom_fin ⇑ retr_pro_step @ [|Fin1|])
(Reset _ @ [|Fin1|])
(Constr_pair sigHAdd_fin sigPro_fin ⇑ retr_clos_step @ [|Fin2; Fin1|];;
Constr_cons sigHClos_fin ⇑ _ @ [|Fin0; Fin1|];;
Reset _ @ [|Fin1|]).
Lemma TailRec_Realise : TailRec ⊨ TailRec_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold TailRec. TM_Correct.
- apply Reset_Realise with (I := retr_pro_step).
- apply Reset_Realise with (I := retr_clos_step).
intros tin ((), tout) H. intros T P a s0 s1 s2 HEncT HEncP HEncA.
unfold TailRec_size.
destruct H; TMSimp.
- modpon H. destruct P as [ | c P']; auto; modpon H. modpon H0. repeat split; auto.
- modpon H. destruct P as [ | c P']; auto; modpon H.
specialize (H0 a (c :: P')). modpon H0.
specialize (H1 T (a, c :: P')). modpon H1.
specialize H2 with (x := (a, c :: P')). modpon H2.
repeat split; auto.
Local Arguments TailRec_size : simpl never.
Local Arguments tailRecursion : simpl never.
Definition TailRec_steps P a :=
match P with
| nil => 1 + IsNil_steps + Reset_steps nil
| t::P => 1 + IsNil_steps + 1 + Constr_pair_steps a + 1 + Constr_cons_steps (a,t::P) + Reset_steps (a, t :: P)
Definition TailRec_T : tRel sigStep^+ 3 :=
fun tin k =>
exists T P a, tin[@Fin0] ≃ T /\
tin[@Fin1] ≃(retr_pro_step) P /\
tin[@Fin2] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad) a /\
TailRec_steps P a <= k.
Lemma TailRec_Terminates : projT1 TailRec ↓ TailRec_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold TailRec. TM_Correct.
- apply Reset_Terminates with (I := retr_pro_step).
- apply Reset_Terminates with (I := retr_clos_step).
intros tin k (T&P&a&HEncT&HEncP&HEncA&Hk). unfold TailRec_steps in Hk.
destruct P as [ | t P]; cbn.
- exists (IsNil_steps), (Reset_steps nil). repeat split; try omega.
intros tmid b (HIsNil&IsNilInj); TMSimp. modpon HIsNil. destruct b; auto; modpon HIsNil. eauto.
- exists (IsNil_steps), (1 + Constr_pair_steps a + 1 + Constr_cons_steps (a,t::P) + Reset_steps (a, (t::P))).
repeat split; try omega.
intros tmid b (HIsNil&IsNilInj); TMSimp. modpon HIsNil. destruct b; auto; modpon HIsNil.
exists (Constr_pair_steps a), (1 + Constr_cons_steps (a,t::P) + Reset_steps (a,t::P)). repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf; cbn. eexists; split. simpl_surject; contains_ext. reflexivity. }
intros tmid0 () (HPair&HPairInj); TMSimp.
specialize (HPair a (t::P)); modpon HPair.
exists (Constr_cons_steps (a,t::P)), (Reset_steps (a,t::P)). repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf; cbn. do 2 eexists; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid1 () (HCons&HConsInj); TMSimp. specialize (HCons T (a,t::P)). modpon HCons.
exists (a, t :: P). split; eauto.
Like TailRec, but doesn't check whether the program is empty, and resets a and Q
Definition ConsClos_size (T : list HClos) (Q : Pro) (a : HAdd) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 3 :=
[| Constr_cons_size (a,Q); Reset_size a; Constr_pair_size a >> Reset_size (a, Q) |].
Definition ConsClos_Rel : pRel sigStep^+ unit 3 :=
ignoreParam (
fun tin tout =>
forall T Q a (s0 s1 s2 : nat),
tin[@Fin0] ≃(;s0) T ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad;s1) a ->
tin[@Fin2] ≃(retr_pro_step;s2) Q ->
tout[@Fin0] ≃(;ConsClos_size T Q a @>Fin0 s0) (a, Q) :: T /\
isRight_size tout[@Fin1] (ConsClos_size T Q a @>Fin1 s1) /\
isRight_size tout[@Fin2] (ConsClos_size T Q a @>Fin2 s2)
Definition ConsClos : pTM sigStep^+ unit 3 :=
Constr_pair sigHAdd_fin sigPro_fin ⇑ retr_clos_step @ [|Fin1; Fin2|];;
Constr_cons sigHClos_fin ⇑ _ @ [|Fin0; Fin2|];;
Reset _ @ [|Fin2|];;
Reset _ @ [|Fin1|].
Lemma ConsClos_Realise : ConsClos ⊨ ConsClos_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold ConsClos. TM_Correct.
- apply Reset_Realise with (I := retr_clos_step).
- apply Reset_Realise with (I := retr_nat_step_clos_ad).
intros tin ((), tout) H. intros T Q a s0 s1 s2 HEncT HEncA HEncQ.
specialize (H a Q). modpon H. specialize (H0 T (a, Q)). modpon H0. specialize H1 with (x := (a, Q)). modpon H1. modpon H2. repeat split; auto.
Local Arguments ConsClos_size : simpl never.
Definition ConsClos_steps Q a :=
3 + Constr_pair_steps a + Constr_cons_steps (a,Q) + Reset_steps (a,Q) + Reset_steps a.
Definition ConsClos_T : tRel sigStep^+ 3 :=
fun tin k =>
exists T Q a,
tin[@Fin0] ≃ T /\
tin[@Fin1] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad) a /\
tin[@Fin2] ≃(retr_pro_step) Q /\
ConsClos_steps Q a <= k.
Lemma ConsClos_Terminates : projT1 ConsClos ↓ ConsClos_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold ConsClos. TM_Correct.
- apply Reset_Realise with (I := retr_clos_step).
- apply Reset_Terminates with (I := retr_clos_step).
- apply Reset_Terminates with (I := retr_nat_step_clos_ad).
intros tin k. intros (T&Q&a&HEncT&HEnca&HEncQ&Hk). unfold ConsClos_steps in Hk.
exists (Constr_pair_steps a), (1 + Constr_cons_steps (a,Q) + 1 + Reset_steps (a,Q) + Reset_steps a).
cbn; repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf; cbn. exists a. repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid () (HPair&HPairInj); TMSimp. modpon HPair.
exists (Constr_cons_steps (a,Q)), (1 + Reset_steps (a,Q) + Reset_steps a).
cbn; repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf; cbn. exists T, (a, Q). repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid0 () (HCons&HConsInj); TMSimp. specialize (HCons T (a,Q)); modpon HCons.
exists (Reset_steps (a,Q)), (Reset_steps a).
cbn; repeat split; try omega; eauto.
intros tmid1 () (HReset&HResetInj); TMSimp. clear HReset.
exists a. split; eauto.
Definition Step_lam_size (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (P : Pro) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 10 :=
match jumpTarget 0 [] P with
| Some (Q, P') =>
(JumpTarget_size P @>> [|Fin3; Fin6; Fin7; Fin8; Fin9|]) >>> (TailRec_size T P' a @>> [|Fin0; Fin3; Fin4|]) >>> (ConsClos_size V Q a @>> [|Fin1; Fin4; Fin6|])
| _ => default
Definition Step_lam_Rel : pRel sigStep^+ bool 10 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (P : Pro) (s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 : nat) (sr : Vector.t nat 5),
let size := Step_lam_size T V H a P in
tin[@Fin0] ≃(;s0) T ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃(;s1) V ->
tin[@Fin2] ≃(;s2) H ->
tin[@Fin3] ≃(retr_pro_step;s3) P ->
tin[@Fin4] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad;s4) a ->
(forall i : Fin.t 5, isRight_size tin[@FinR 5 i] sr[@i]) ->
match yout with
| true =>
exists (P' Q : Pro),
jumpTarget 0 [] P = Some (Q, P') /\
tout[@Fin0] ≃(;size@>Fin0 s0) tailRecursion (a, P') T /\
tout[@Fin1] ≃(;size@>Fin1 s1) (a, Q) :: V /\
tout[@Fin2] ≃(;size@>Fin2 s2) H /\
(forall i : Fin.t 7, isRight_size tout[@FinR 3 i] (size@>(FinR 3 i) (s3:::s4:::sr)[@i]))
| false => jumpTarget 0 [] P = None
Definition Step_lam : pTM sigStep^+ bool 10 :=
If (JumpTarget ⇑ retr_pro_step @ [|Fin3; Fin6; Fin7; Fin8; Fin9|])
(Return (TailRec @ [|Fin0; Fin3; Fin4|];;
ConsClos @ [|Fin1; Fin4; Fin6|])
(Return Nop false).
Lemma Step_lam_Realise : Step_lam ⊨ Step_lam_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold Step_lam. TM_Correct.
- apply JumpTarget_Realise.
- apply TailRec_Realise.
- apply ConsClos_Realise.
intros tin (yout, tout) H. cbn. intros T V heap a P s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 sr HEncT HEncV HEncHeap HEncP HEncA HInt.
destruct H; TMSimp.
{ rename H into HJumpTarget, H0 into HTailRec, H1 into HConsClos.
modpon HJumpTarget.
instantiate (1 := [|_;_;_|]).
intros i; destruct_fin i; cbn; simpl_surject; auto.
destruct HJumpTarget as (P'&Q'&HJumpTarget); modpon HJumpTarget.
unfold Step_lam_size; rewrite HJumpTarget.
modpon HTailRec.
modpon HConsClos.
do 2 eexists; repeat split; eauto.
- generalize (HInt Fin0) (HJumpTarget2 Fin0); generalize (HJumpTarget2 Fin1); generalize (HJumpTarget2 Fin2); cbn; TMSimp_goal.
intros; simpl_surject.
destruct_fin i; TMSimp_goal; cbn; auto.
+ isRight_mono. cbn. now rewrite !vector_tl_nth.
+ isRight_mono. cbn. now rewrite !vector_tl_nth.
modpon H.
{ instantiate (1 := [|_;_;_|]).
intros i; destruct_fin i; cbn; simpl_surject; auto. }
Definition Step_lam_steps_JumpTarget P a :=
match jumpTarget 0 [] P with
| Some (Q', P') =>
1 + TailRec_steps P' a + ConsClos_steps Q' a
| None => 0
Definition Step_lam_steps P a := 1 + JumpTarget_steps P + Step_lam_steps_JumpTarget P a.
Definition Step_lam_T : tRel sigStep^+ 10 :=
fun tin k =>
exists (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (P : Pro),
tin[@Fin0] ≃ T /\
tin[@Fin1] ≃ V /\
tin[@Fin2] ≃ H /\
tin[@Fin3] ≃(retr_pro_step) P /\
tin[@Fin4] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad) a /\
(forall i : Fin.t 5, isRight tin[@FinR 5 i]) /\
Step_lam_steps P a <= k.
Lemma Step_lam_Terminates : projT1 Step_lam ↓ Step_lam_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold Step_lam. TM_Correct.
- apply JumpTarget_Realise.
- apply JumpTarget_Terminates.
- apply TailRec_Realise.
- apply TailRec_Terminates.
- apply ConsClos_Terminates.
intros tin k. intros (T&V&H&a&P&HEncT&HEncV&HEncH&HEncP&HEncA&HInt&Hk). unfold Step_lam_steps in Hk.
exists (JumpTarget_steps P), (Step_lam_steps_JumpTarget P a). cbn; repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf; cbn. do 1 eexists; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto.
- apply HInt.
- intros i; destruct_fin i; cbn; simpl_surject; TMSimp_goal; eauto; apply HInt. }
intros tmid ymid (HJump&HJumpInj); TMSimp. modpon HJump.
instantiate (1 := [|_;_;_|]).
intros i.
generalize (HInt Fin0); generalize (HInt Fin1); generalize (HInt Fin2); intros.
destruct_fin i; cbn; simpl_surject; TMSimp_goal; eauto.
destruct ymid.
destruct HJump as (P'&Q'&HJump); modpon HJump.
unfold Step_lam_steps_JumpTarget. rewrite HJump.
exists (TailRec_steps P' a), (ConsClos_steps Q' a). cbn; repeat split; try omega. hnf; cbn; eauto 7.
intros tmid0 () (HTailRec&HTailRecInj); TMSimp. modpon HTailRec.
hnf; cbn. eauto 7.
{ omega. }
Definition Put_size (H : Heap) (g : HClos) (b : HAdd) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 6 :=
[| Length_size H @>Fin0 >> MoveValue_size_y (H++[Some(g,b)]) H;
Reset_size g;
Constr_pair_size g >> pred >> Reset_size (Some(g,b));
Length_size H @>Fin1;
Length_size H @>Fin2 >> pred >> Constr_cons_size (Some(g,b)) >> App'_size H >> MoveValue_size_x (H++[Some(g,b)]);
Length_size H @>Fin3
Definition Put_Rel : pRel sigStep^+ unit 6 :=
ignoreParam (
fun tin tout =>
forall (H : Heap) (g : HClos) (b : HAdd) (s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 : nat),
let size := Put_size H g b in
tin[@Fin0] ≃(;s0) H ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃(retr_clos_step;s1) g ->
tin[@Fin2] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad;s2) b ->
isRight_size tin[@Fin3] s3 -> isRight_size tin[@Fin4] s4 -> isRight_size tin[@Fin5] s5 ->
tout[@Fin0] ≃(;size @>Fin0 s0) H ++ [Some (g,b)] /\
isRight_size tout[@Fin1] (size @>Fin1 s1) /\
isRight_size tout[@Fin2] (size @>Fin2 s2) /\
tout[@Fin3] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad; size @>Fin3 s3) length H /\
isRight_size tout[@Fin4] (size @>Fin4 s4) /\
isRight_size tout[@Fin5] (size @>Fin5 s5)
Local Definition retr_nat_step_hent : Retract sigNat sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_heap_step retr_nat_heap_entry.
Local Definition retr_clos_step_hent : Retract sigHClos sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_heap_step retr_clos_heap.
Local Definition retr_hent'_step : Retract sigHEntr' sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_heap_step retr_hent'_heap.
Local Definition retr_hent_step : Retract sigHEntr sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_heap_step retr_hent_heap.
Definition Put : pTM sigStep^+ unit 6 :=
Length retr_heap_step retr_nat_step_clos_ad @ [|Fin0; Fin3; Fin4; Fin5|];;
Constr_nil sigHEntr_fin ⇑ _ @ [|Fin4|];;
Translate retr_nat_step_clos_ad retr_nat_step_hent @ [|Fin2|];;
Translate retr_clos_step retr_clos_step_hent @ [|Fin1|];;
Constr_pair sigHClos_fin sigHAdd_fin ⇑ retr_hent'_step @ [|Fin1; Fin2|];;
Constr_Some sigHEntr'_fin ⇑ retr_hent_step @ [|Fin2|];;
Constr_cons sigHEntr_fin ⇑ _ @ [|Fin4; Fin2|];;
App' sigHEntr_fin ⇑ _ @ [|Fin0; Fin4|];;
MoveValue _ @ [|Fin4; Fin0|];;
Reset _ @ [|Fin2|];;
Reset _ @ [|Fin1|].
Lemma Put_Realise : Put ⊨ Put_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold Put. TM_Correct.
- apply Length_Computes with (X := HEntr).
- apply Translate_Realise with (X := nat).
- apply Translate_Realise with (X := HClos).
- apply App'_Realise with (X := HEntr).
- apply MoveValue_Realise with (X := Heap) (Y := Heap).
- apply Reset_Realise with (I := retr_hent_step).
- apply Reset_Realise with (I := retr_clos_step_hent).
intros tin ((), tout) H. cbn. intros heap g b s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 HEncHeap HEncG HEncB HRigh3 HRight4 HRight5.
TMSimp. rename H into HLength; rename H0 into HNil; rename H1 into HTranslate; rename H2 into HTranslate'; rename H3 into HPair; rename H4 into HSome; rename H5 into HCons; rename H6 into HApp; rename H7 into HMove; rename H8 into HReset; rename H9 into HReset'.
modpon HLength.
modpon HNil.
modpon HTranslate.
modpon HTranslate'.
modpon HPair.
specialize (HSome (g, b)). modpon HSome. cbn in *.
specialize (HCons [] (Some (g, b))). modpon HCons.
modpon HApp.
modpon HMove.
specialize HReset with (x := (Some (g, b))). modpon HReset.
modpon HReset'.
repeat split; auto.
Local Arguments Put_size : simpl never.
Definition Put_steps H g b :=
10 + Length_steps H + Constr_nil_steps + Translate_steps b + Translate_steps g + Constr_pair_steps g + Constr_Some_steps +
Constr_cons_steps (Some (g, b)) + App'_steps H + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) + Reset_steps g.
Definition Put_T : tRel sigStep ^+ 6 :=
fun tin k =>
exists (H : Heap) (g : HClos) (b : HAdd),
tin[@Fin0] ≃ H /\
tin[@Fin1] ≃(retr_clos_step) g /\
tin[@Fin2] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad) b /\
isRight tin[@Fin3] /\ isRight tin[@Fin4] /\ isRight tin[@Fin5] /\
Put_steps H g b <= k.
Lemma Put_Terminates : projT1 Put ↓ Put_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold Put. TM_Correct.
- apply Length_Computes with (X := HEntr).
- apply Length_Terminates with (X := HEntr).
- apply Translate_Realise with (X := nat).
- apply Translate_Terminates with (X := nat).
- apply Translate_Realise with (X := HClos).
- apply Translate_Terminates with (X := HClos).
- apply App'_Realise with (X := HEntr).
- apply App'_Terminates with (X := HEntr).
- apply MoveValue_Realise with (X := Heap) (Y := Heap).
- apply MoveValue_Terminates with (X := Heap) (Y := Heap).
- apply Reset_Realise with (cX := Encode_map Encode_HEntr retr_hent_step).
- apply Reset_Terminates with (I := retr_hent_step).
- apply Reset_Terminates with (I := retr_clos_step_hent).
intros tin k. intros (H&g&b&HEncH&HEncG&HEncB&HRight3&HRight4&HRight5&Hk). unfold Put_steps in Hk.
exists (Length_steps H),
(1 + Constr_nil_steps + 1 + Translate_steps b + 1 + Translate_steps g + 1 + Constr_pair_steps g + 1 + Constr_Some_steps +
1 + Constr_cons_steps (Some (g, b)) + 1 + App'_steps H + 1 + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + 1 + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) +
Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try omega. now hnf; cbn; eauto 10.
intros tmid () (HLength&HLengthInj); TMSimp. modpon HLength.
exists (Constr_nil_steps),
(1 + Translate_steps b + 1 + Translate_steps g + 1 + Constr_pair_steps g + 1 + Constr_Some_steps +
1 + Constr_cons_steps (Some (g, b)) + 1 + App'_steps H + 1 + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + 1 + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) +
Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try omega.
intros tmid0 () (HNil&HNilInj); TMSimp. modpon HNil. simpl_surject.
exists (Translate_steps b),
(1 + Translate_steps g + 1 + Constr_pair_steps g + 1 + Constr_Some_steps + 1 + Constr_cons_steps (Some (g, b)) +
1 + App'_steps H + 1 + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + 1 + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) + Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try omega. now hnf; cbn; eexists; split; eauto.
intros tmid1 () (HTranslate&HTranslateInj); TMSimp. modpon HTranslate.
exists (Translate_steps g),
(1 + Constr_pair_steps g + 1 + Constr_Some_steps + 1 + Constr_cons_steps (Some (g, b)) +
1 + App'_steps H + 1 + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + 1 + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) + Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try omega. now hnf; cbn; eauto.
intros tmid2 () (HTranslate'&HTranslateInj'); TMSimp. modpon HTranslate'.
exists (Constr_pair_steps g),
(1 + Constr_Some_steps + 1 + Constr_cons_steps (Some (g, b)) +
1 + App'_steps H + 1 + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + 1 + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) + Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf; cbn; eexists; split; simpl_surject; eauto; contains_ext. }
intros tmid3 () (HPair&HPairInj); TMSimp. modpon HPair.
exists (Constr_Some_steps),
(1 + Constr_cons_steps (Some (g, b)) + 1 + App'_steps H + 1 + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + 1 +
Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) + Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try omega.
intros tmid4 () (HSome&HSomeInj); TMSimp. specialize (HSome (g,b)); modpon HSome.
exists (Constr_cons_steps (Some (g, b))),
(1 + App'_steps H + 1 + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + 1 + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) + Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try omega.
{ do 2 eexists; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid5 () (HCons&HConsInj); TMSimp. specialize (HCons [] (Some (g,b))); modpon HCons.
exists (App'_steps H), (1 + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + 1 + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) + Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf; cbn. do 2 eexists; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid6 () (HApp&HAppInj); TMSimp. modpon HApp.
exists (MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H), (1 + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) + Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf; cbn. do 2 eexists; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid7 () (HMove&HMoveInj); TMSimp. modpon HMove.
exists (Reset_steps (Some (g, b))), (Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf; cbn. exists (Some (g, b)). split; eauto. }
intros tmid8 () (HReset&HResetInj); TMSimp. specialize HReset with (x := (Some (g,b))); modpon HReset.
{ hnf; cbn. exists g. repeat split; eauto. }
Definition Step_app_size (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (P : Pro) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 11 :=
match V with
| g :: (b, Q) :: V' =>
([|CaseList_size0 g; CaseList_size1 g|] @>> [|Fin1;Fin5|]) >>>
([|CaseList_size0 (b,Q); CaseList_size1 (b,Q)|] @>> [|Fin1;Fin6|]) >>>
([|CasePair_size0 b; CasePair_size1 b|] @>> [|Fin6;Fin7|]) >>>
(TailRec_size T P a @>> [|Fin0; Fin3; Fin4|]) >>>
([|Reset_size a|] @>> [|Fin4|]) >>>
(Put_size H g b @>> [|Fin2; Fin5; Fin7; Fin8; Fin9; Fin10|]) >>>
(ConsClos_size (tailRecursion (a,P) T) Q (length H) @>> [|Fin0; Fin8; Fin6|])
| _ => default
Definition Step_app_Rel : pRel sigStep^+ bool 11 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (P : Pro) (s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 : nat) (sr : Vector.t nat 6),
let size := Step_app_size T V H a P in
tin[@Fin0] ≃(;s0) T ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃(;s1) V ->
tin[@Fin2] ≃(;s2) H ->
tin[@Fin3] ≃(retr_pro_step;s3) P ->
tin[@Fin4] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad;s4) a ->
(forall i : Fin.t 6, isRight_size tin[@FinR 5 i] sr[@i]) ->
match yout, V with
| true, g :: (b, Q) :: V =>
let (c, H') := put H (Some (g, b)) in
tout[@Fin0] ≃(;size@>Fin0 s0) (c, Q) :: tailRecursion (a, P) T /\
tout[@Fin1] ≃(;size@>Fin1 s1) V /\
tout[@Fin2] ≃(;size@>Fin2 s2) H' /\
(forall i : Fin.t 8, isRight_size tout[@FinR 3 i] (size @>(FinR 3 i) (s3:::s4:::sr)[@i]))
| false, [] => True
| false, [_] => True
| _, _ => False
Definition Step_app : pTM sigStep^+ bool 11 :=
If (CaseList sigHClos_fin ⇑ _ @ [|Fin1; Fin5|])
(If (CaseList sigHClos_fin ⇑ _ @ [|Fin1; Fin6|])
(Return (CasePair sigHAdd_fin sigPro_fin ⇑ retr_clos_step @ [|Fin6; Fin7|];;
TailRec @ [|Fin0; Fin3; Fin4|];;
Reset _ @ [|Fin4|];;
Put @ [|Fin2; Fin5; Fin7; Fin8; Fin9; Fin10|];;
ConsClos @ [|Fin0; Fin8; Fin6|])
(Return Nop false))
(Return Nop false)
Lemma Step_app_Realise : Step_app ⊨ Step_app_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold Step_app. TM_Correct.
- apply TailRec_Realise.
- apply Reset_Realise with (I := retr_nat_step_clos_ad).
- apply Put_Realise.
- apply ConsClos_Realise.
intros tin (yout, tout) H. cbn. intros T V heap a P s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 sr HEncT HEncV HEncH HEncP HEncA HInt.
TMSimp. rename H into HIf.
destruct HIf; TMSimp.
{ rename H into HCaseList, H0 into HIf'.
modpon HCaseList.
destruct V as [ | g V']; auto; modpon HCaseList.
destruct HIf'; TMSimp. {
rename H into HCaseList'; rename H0 into HCasePair; rename H1 into HTailRec; rename H2 into HReset; rename H3 into HPut; rename H4 into HConsClos.
modpon HCaseList'.
destruct V' as [ | (b, Q) V'']; auto. modpon HCaseList'.
specialize (HCasePair (b,Q)). modpon HCasePair. cbn in *.
modpon HTailRec.
modpon HReset.
modpon HPut.
modpon HConsClos.
repeat split; auto.
- intros i; destruct_fin i; cbn; auto; TMSimp_goal; auto.
+ isRight_mono. cbn. now rewrite !vector_tl_nth.
+ isRight_mono. cbn. now rewrite !vector_tl_nth.
{ modpon H. destruct V'; auto. }
{ modpon H. destruct V; auto. }
Arguments Step_app_size : simpl never.
Definition Step_app_steps_CaseList' g V' H P a :=
match V' with
| nil => 0
| (b, Q) :: V'' =>
4 + CasePair_steps b + TailRec_steps P a + Reset_steps a + Put_steps H g b + ConsClos_steps Q (length H)
Definition Step_app_steps_CaseList V H P a :=
match V with
| nil => 0
| g :: V' => 1 + CaseList_steps V' + Step_app_steps_CaseList' g V' H P a
Definition Step_app_steps V H a P := 1 + CaseList_steps V + Step_app_steps_CaseList V H P a.
Definition Step_app_T : tRel sigStep^+ 11 :=
fun tin k =>
exists (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (P : Pro) (a : HAdd),
tin[@Fin0] ≃ T /\
tin[@Fin1] ≃ V /\
tin[@Fin2] ≃ H /\
tin[@Fin3] ≃(retr_pro_step) P /\
tin[@Fin4] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad) a /\
(forall i : Fin.t 6, isRight tin[@FinR 5 i]) /\
Step_app_steps V H a P <= k.
Lemma Step_app_Terminates : projT1 Step_app ↓ Step_app_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold Step_app. TM_Correct.
- apply TailRec_Realise.
- apply TailRec_Terminates.
- apply Reset_Realise with (I := retr_nat_step_clos_ad).
- apply Reset_Terminates with (I := retr_nat_step_clos_ad).
- apply Put_Realise.
- apply Put_Terminates.
- apply ConsClos_Terminates.
intros tin k. intros (T&V&H&P&a&HEncT&HEncV&HEncH&HEncP&HEncA&HInt&Hk). unfold Step_app_steps in Hk.
exists (CaseList_steps V), (Step_app_steps_CaseList V H P a).
cbn; repeat split; try omega.
{ exists V. repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. apply HInt. }
intros tmid bml1 (HCaseList&HCaseListInj); TMSimp. modpon HCaseList.
destruct bml1, V as [ | g V']; auto; modpon HCaseList.
unfold Step_app_steps_CaseList.
exists (CaseList_steps V'), (Step_app_steps_CaseList' g V' H P a).
cbn; repeat split; try omega.
{ exists V'. repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid1 bml2 (HCaseList'&HCaseListInj'); TMSimp. modpon HCaseList'.
destruct bml2, V' as [ | (b, Q) V'']; auto; modpon HCaseList'.
unfold Step_app_steps_CaseList'.
exists (CasePair_steps b), (1 + TailRec_steps P a + 1 + Reset_steps a + 1 + Put_steps H g b + ConsClos_steps Q (length H)).
cbn; repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf; cbn. exists (b, Q). repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid2 () (HCasePair&HCasePairInj); TMSimp. specialize (HCasePair (b,Q)); modpon HCasePair.
exists (TailRec_steps P a), (1 + Reset_steps a + 1 + Put_steps H g b + ConsClos_steps Q (length H)).
cbn; repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf; cbn. do 3 eexists. repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid3 () (HTailRec&HTailRecInj); TMSimp. modpon HTailRec.
exists (Reset_steps a), (1 + Put_steps H g b + ConsClos_steps Q (length H)).
cbn; repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf; cbn. do 1 eexists. repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid4 () (HReset&HResetInj); TMSimp. modpon HReset.
exists (Put_steps H g b), (ConsClos_steps Q (length H)).
cbn; repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf; cbn. do 3 eexists. repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto; contains_ext. }
intros tmid5 () (HPut&HInjPut); TMSimp. modpon HPut.
{ hnf; cbn. do 3 eexists. repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto; contains_ext. }
Definition Step_var_size (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat) (P : Pro) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 8 :=
match lookup H a n with
| Some g =>
(TailRec_size T P a @>> [|Fin0; Fin3; Fin4|]) >>>
(Lookup_size H a n @>> [|Fin2; Fin4; Fin5; Fin6; Fin7|]) >>>
([|Constr_cons_size g; Reset_size g|] @>> [|Fin1; Fin6|])
| None => default
Definition Step_var_Rel : pRel sigStep^+ bool 8 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat) (P : Pro) (s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 : nat),
let size := Step_var_size T V H a n P in
tin[@Fin0] ≃(;s0) T ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃(;s1) V ->
tin[@Fin2] ≃(;s2) H ->
tin[@Fin3] ≃(retr_pro_step;s3) P ->
tin[@Fin4] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad;s4) a ->
tin[@Fin5] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_var;s5) n ->
isRight_size tin[@Fin6] s6 -> isRight_size tin[@Fin7] s7 ->
match yout with
| true =>
exists (g : HClos),
lookup H a n = Some g /\
tout[@Fin0] ≃(;size@>Fin0 s0) tailRecursion (a, P) T /\
tout[@Fin1] ≃(;size@>Fin1 s1) g :: V /\
tout[@Fin2] ≃(;size@>Fin2 s2) H /\
(forall i : Fin.t 5, isRight_size tout[@FinR 3 i] (size @>(FinR 3 i) [|s3;s4;s5;s6;s7|][@i]))
| false => lookup H a n = None
Definition Step_var : pTM sigStep^+ bool 8 :=
TailRec @ [|Fin0; Fin3; Fin4|];;
If (Step_Lookup @ [|Fin2; Fin4; Fin5; Fin6; Fin7|])
(Return (Constr_cons sigHClos_fin ⇑ _ @ [|Fin1; Fin6|];;
Reset _ @ [|Fin6|])
(Return Nop false).
Local Definition retr_closure_step : Retract sigHClos sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_closures_step _.
Lemma Step_var_Realise : Step_var ⊨ Step_var_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold Step_var. TM_Correct.
- apply TailRec_Realise.
- apply Lookup_Realise.
- apply Reset_Realise with (I := retr_closure_step).
intros tin (yout, tout) H. cbn. intros T V heap a n P s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 HEncT HEncV HEncHeap HEncP HEncA HEncN HRight6 HRight7.
unfold Step_var_size.
TMSimp. rename H into HTailRec, H0 into HIf.
modpon HTailRec.
destruct HIf; TMSimp.
{ rename H into HLookup, H0 into HCons, H1 into HReset.
modpon HLookup. destruct HLookup as (g&HLookup); modpon HLookup. rewrite HLookup.
modpon HCons. modpon HReset.
eexists; repeat split; eauto.
- intros i; destruct_fin i; auto; TMSimp_goal; cbn; rewrite !vector_tl_nth; auto.
{ now modpon H. }
Local Arguments Step_var_size : simpl never.
Definition Step_var_steps_Lookup H a n :=
match lookup H a n with
| None => 0
| Some g => 1 + Constr_cons_steps g + Reset_steps g
Definition Step_var_steps P H a n := 2 + TailRec_steps P a + Lookup_steps H a n + Step_var_steps_Lookup H a n.
Definition Step_var_T : tRel sigStep^+ 8 :=
fun tin k =>
exists (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat) (P : Pro),
tin[@Fin0] ≃ T /\
tin[@Fin1] ≃ V /\
tin[@Fin2] ≃ H /\
tin[@Fin3] ≃(retr_pro_step) P /\
tin[@Fin4] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad) a /\
tin[@Fin5] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_var) n /\
isRight tin[@Fin6] /\ isRight tin[@Fin7] /\
Step_var_steps P H a n <= k.
Lemma Step_var_Terminates : projT1 Step_var ↓ Step_var_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold Step_var. TM_Correct.
- apply TailRec_Realise.
- apply TailRec_Terminates.
- apply Lookup_Realise.
- apply Lookup_Terminates.
- apply Reset_Terminates with (I := retr_closure_step).
intros tin k. intros (T&V&H&a&n&P&HEncT&HEncV&HEncH&HEncP&HEncA&HEncN&HRight6&HRigth7&Hk). unfold Step_var_steps in Hk.
exists (TailRec_steps P a), (1 + Lookup_steps H a n + Step_var_steps_Lookup H a n).
cbn; repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf; cbn. do 3 eexists; repeat split; eauto. }
intros tmid () (HTailRec&HTailRecInj); TMSimp. modpon HTailRec.
exists (Lookup_steps H a n), (Step_var_steps_Lookup H a n).
cbn; repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf; cbn. do 3 eexists; repeat split; eauto. }
intros tmid0 ymid (HLookup&HLookupInj); TMSimp. modpon HLookup.
destruct ymid.
destruct HLookup as (g&HLookup); modpon HLookup.
unfold Step_var_steps_Lookup. rewrite HLookup.
exists (Constr_cons_steps g), (Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf; cbn. do 2 eexists; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid1 () (HCons&HConsInj); TMSimp. modpon HCons.
{ hnf; cbn. do 1 eexists; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
{ omega. }
Local Coercion bool2optunit := fun b : bool => if b then None else Some tt.
Definition Step : pTM sigStep^+ (option unit) 11 :=
(If (CaseList sigHClos_fin ⇑ _ @ [|Fin0; Fin3|])
(CasePair sigHAdd_fin sigPro_fin ⇑ retr_clos_step @ [|Fin3; Fin4|];;
If (CaseList sigCom_fin ⇑ retr_pro_step @ [|Fin3; Fin5|])
(Switch (CaseCom ⇑ retr_tok_step @ [|Fin5|])
(fun t : option ACom =>
match t with
| Some lamAT =>
Step_lam @ [|Fin0; Fin1; Fin2; Fin3; Fin4; Fin5; Fin6; Fin7; Fin8; Fin9|]
| Some appAT =>
| Some retAT =>
Return Nop false
| None =>
Step_var @ [|Fin0; Fin1; Fin2; Fin3; Fin4; Fin5; Fin6; Fin7|]
(Return Nop false))
(Return Nop false)
) bool2optunit.
Definition Step_size (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 11 :=
match T with
| (a, (t :: P)) :: T' =>
([| CaseList_size0 (a, (t::P));
CaseList_size1 (a, (t::P)) >> CasePair_size0 a >> CaseList_size0 t;
CasePair_size1 a;
CaseList_size1 t >> CaseCom_size t |]
@>> [|Fin0; Fin3; Fin4; Fin5|]) >>>
(match t with
| lamT => Step_lam_size T' V H a P @>> [|Fin0; Fin1; Fin2; Fin3; Fin4; Fin5; Fin6; Fin7; Fin8; Fin9|]
| appT => Step_app_size T' V H a P
| retT => default
| varT n => Step_var_size T' V H a n P @>> [|Fin0; Fin1; Fin2; Fin3; Fin4; Fin5; Fin6; Fin7|]
| _ => Vector.const id _
Definition Step_Rel : pRel sigStep^+ (option unit) 11 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall (T V : list HClos) (H: Heap) (s0 s1 s2 : nat) (sr : Vector.t nat 8),
let size := Step_size T V H in
tin[@Fin0] ≃(;s0) T ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃(;s1) V ->
tin[@Fin2] ≃(;s2) H ->
(forall i : Fin.t 8, isRight_size tin[@FinR 3 i] (sr[@i])) ->
match yout with
| None =>
exists T' V' H',
step (T,V,H) (T',V',H') /\
tout[@Fin0] ≃(;size@>Fin0 s0) T' /\
tout[@Fin1] ≃(;size@>Fin1 s1) V' /\
tout[@Fin2] ≃(;size@>Fin2 s2) H' /\
(forall i : Fin.t 8, isRight_size tout[@FinR 3 i] (size@>(FinR 3 i) sr[@i]))
| Some tt =>
halt_state (T,V,H) /\
match T with
| nil =>
tout[@Fin0] ≃(;size@>Fin0 s0) (@nil HClos) /\
tout[@Fin1] ≃(;size@>Fin1 s1) V /\
tout[@Fin2] ≃(;size@>Fin2 s2) H /\
(forall i : Fin.t 8, isRight_size tout[@FinR 3 i] (size@>(FinR 3 i) sr[@i]))
| _ => True
Lemma Step_Realise : Step ⊨ Step_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold Step. TM_Correct.
- eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply CaseCom_Sem.
- apply Step_lam_Realise.
- apply Step_app_Realise.
- apply Step_var_Realise.
intros tin (yout, tout) H. cbn. intros T V Heap s0 s1 s2 sr HEncT HEncV HEncHeap HInt.
TMSimp. rename H0 into HIf.
destruct HIf; TMSimp.
{ rename H into HCaseList, H0 into HCasePair, H1 into HIf'.
modpon HCaseList. destruct T as [ | (a, P) T' ]; auto; modpon HCaseList.
specialize (HCasePair (a, P)); modpon HCasePair.
destruct HIf'; TMSimp.
{ rename H into HCaseList', H0 into HCaseCom, H1 into HCase.
modpon HCaseList'. destruct P as [ | t P']; auto; modpon HCaseList'.
modpon HCaseCom. destruct ymid0 as [ [ | | ] | ], t; auto; simpl_surject; cbn in *.
destruct HCase as (->&(?&->)); cbn. split; auto. hnf. intros s HStep. inv HStep.
rename HCase into HStepLam. modpon HStepLam; TMSimp_goal; eauto; try contains_ext.
{ instantiate (1 := [|_;_;_;_;_|]).
intros i; destruct_fin i; auto; TMSimp_goal; cbn.
all: try apply HInt.
apply HCaseCom. }
destruct ymid.
- cbn. destruct HStepLam as (jump_P&jump_Q&HStepLam); modpon HStepLam.
do 3 eexists. repeat split; eauto.
+ econstructor. eauto.
+ contains_ext. now rewrite !vector_tl_nth.
+ contains_ext. now rewrite !vector_tl_nth.
+ generalize (HStepLam4 Fin0); generalize (HStepLam4 Fin1); generalize (HStepLam4 Fin2); generalize (HStepLam4 Fin3); generalize (HStepLam4 Fin4); generalize (HStepLam4 Fin5); generalize (HStepLam4 Fin6); cbn; TMSimp_goal; intros.
destruct_fin i; TMSimp_goal; cbn; auto; try rewrite HStepLam0 by vector_not_in; TMSimp_goal; try rewrite !vector_tl_nth; auto.
* apply HInt.
- cbn. split; auto. intros s' HStep. inv HStep. congruence.
rename HCase into HStepApp. cbn in HStepApp.
cbv [put] in *. modpon HStepApp; TMSimp_goal; eauto; try contains_ext.
{ instantiate (1 := [|_;_;_;_;_;_|]).
intros i; destruct_fin i; auto; TMSimp_goal; auto.
all: try apply HInt.
apply HCaseCom. }
destruct ymid; cbn.
- destruct V as [ | g V']; auto.
destruct V' as [ | (b, Q) V'']; auto. modpon HStepApp.
do 3 eexists. repeat split; eauto.
+ econstructor. reflexivity.
+ generalize (HStepApp2 Fin0); generalize (HStepApp2 Fin1); generalize (HStepApp2 Fin2); generalize (HStepApp2 Fin3); generalize (HStepApp2 Fin4); generalize (HStepApp2 Fin5); generalize (HStepApp2 Fin6); generalize (HStepApp2 Fin7); cbn; TMSimp_goal; intros.
destruct_fin i; TMSimp_goal; cbn; auto; try rewrite HStepLam0 by vector_not_in; TMSimp_goal; try rewrite !vector_tl_nth; auto.
- split; auto. intros s' HStep. now inv HStep.
rename HCase into HStepVar. modpon HStepVar; TMSimp_goal; eauto; try contains_ext.
destruct ymid; cbn.
- destruct HStepVar as (g&HStepVar); modpon HStepVar.
do 3 eexists; repeat split; eauto.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ contains_ext. now rewrite !vector_tl_nth.
+ contains_ext. now rewrite !vector_tl_nth.
+ generalize (HStepVar4 Fin0); generalize (HStepVar4 Fin1); generalize (HStepVar4 Fin2); generalize (HStepVar4 Fin3); generalize (HStepVar4 Fin4); cbn; TMSimp_goal; intros.
simpl_not_in. destruct_fin i; cbn; auto; TMSimp_goal; auto.
all: try rewrite !vector_tl_nth; try apply HInt.
all: isRight_mono.
- split; auto. intros s' HStep. inv HStep. congruence.
modpon H. destruct P; auto. split; auto. intros s HStep. now inv HStep.
modpon H. destruct T; auto. modpon H. split; auto. intros s HStep. now inv HStep.
repeat split; eauto.
intros i; destruct_fin i; TMSimp_goal; cbn in *; auto. all: apply HInt.
Global Arguments Step_size : simpl never.
Definition Step_steps_CaseCom a t P' V H :=
match t with
| varT n => Step_var_steps P' H a n
| appT => Step_app_steps V H a P'
| lamT => Step_lam_steps P' a
| retT => 0
Definition Step_steps_CaseList' a P V H :=
match P with
| nil => 0
| t :: P' => 1 + CaseCom_steps + Step_steps_CaseCom a t P' V H
Definition Step_steps_CaseList T V H :=
match T with
| nil => 0
| (a,P) :: T' => 2 + CasePair_steps a + CaseList_steps P + Step_steps_CaseList' a P V H
Definition Step_steps T V H :=
1 + CaseList_steps T + Step_steps_CaseList T V H.
Definition Step_T : tRel sigStep^+ 11 :=
fun tin k =>
exists (T V : list HClos) (H: Heap),
tin[@Fin0] ≃ T /\
tin[@Fin1] ≃ V /\
tin[@Fin2] ≃ H /\
(forall i : Fin.t 8, isRight tin[@FinR 3 i]) /\
Step_steps T V H <= k.
Lemma Step_Terminates : projT1 Step ↓ Step_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold Step. TM_Correct.
- eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply CaseCom_Sem.
- eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn. apply CaseCom_Sem.
- apply Step_lam_Terminates.
- apply Step_app_Terminates.
- apply Step_var_Terminates.
intros tin k (T&V&H&HEncT&HEncV&HEncH&HInt&Hk). unfold Step_steps in Hk.
exists (CaseList_steps T), (Step_steps_CaseList T V H). cbn; repeat split; try omega.
{ do 1 eexists; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. apply HInt. }
intros tmid bif (HCaseList&HCaseListInj); TMSimp. modpon HCaseList.
destruct bif, T as [ | (a,P) T']; cbn; auto; modpon HCaseList.
exists (CasePair_steps a), (1 + CaseList_steps P + Step_steps_CaseList' a P V H). cbn; repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf; cbn. exists (a, P); repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid0 () (HCasePair&HCasePairInj); TMSimp. specialize (HCasePair (a,P)). modpon HCasePair. cbn in *.
exists (CaseList_steps P), (Step_steps_CaseList' a P V H). cbn; repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf; cbn. exists P; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid1 bif (HCaseList'&HCaseListInj'); TMSimp. modpon HCaseList'.
destruct bif, P as [ | t P']; auto; modpon HCaseList'. cbn.
exists (CaseCom_steps), (Step_steps_CaseCom a t P' V H). cbn; repeat split; try omega.
intros tmid2 ymid (HCaseCom&HCaseComInj); TMSimp. modpon HCaseCom.
destruct ymid as [ [ | | ] | ]; destruct t; cbn; auto; simpl_surject.
- hnf; cbn. do 5 eexists; repeat split; TMSimp_goal; eauto. intros i; destruct_fin i; cbn; TMSimp_goal; auto.
- hnf; cbn. do 5 eexists; repeat split; TMSimp_goal; eauto. intros i; destruct_fin i; cbn; TMSimp_goal; auto.
- hnf; cbn. do 6 eexists; repeat split; TMSimp_goal; eauto.
End StepMachine.