From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import Base.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import Vectors.Vectors.
From Complexity.Libs Require Import CookPrelim.MorePrelim UniformHomomorphisms FlatFinTypes.
From Complexity.NP.SAT.CookLevin Require Import BinaryCC FlatCC CC_to_BinaryCC.
Require Import Lia.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import Vectors.Vectors.
From Complexity.Libs Require Import CookPrelim.MorePrelim UniformHomomorphisms FlatFinTypes.
From Complexity.NP.SAT.CookLevin Require Import BinaryCC FlatCC CC_to_BinaryCC.
Require Import Lia.
Reduction of FlatCC to BinaryCC
logically, we reduce FlatCC to CC and use the reduction of CC to BinaryCC but in order to make the reduction extractable, we give a shortcut reduction which produces instances which are the same up to syntax (like reordering)Correctness
we first do the reduction for well-formed instances satisfying the syntactic requirements
Variable (fpr : FlatCC).
Notation Sigma := (Sigma fpr).
Notation offset := (offset fpr).
Notation width := (width fpr).
Notation init := (init fpr).
Notation cards := (cards fpr).
Notation final := (final fpr).
Notation steps := (steps fpr).
Context (A : FlatCC_wellformed fpr).
Context (B : isValidFlattening fpr).
Context (A1 : Sigma > 0).
we use the hNat base homomorphism from the CC reduction
Definition hflat := canonicalHom (hNat Sigma).
Definition hoffset := Sigma * offset.
Definition hwidth := Sigma * width.
Definition hinit := hflat init.
Definition hcard card := match card with Build_CCCard prem conc => Build_CCCard (hflat prem) (hflat conc) end.
Definition hcards := map hcard cards.
Definition hfinal := map hflat final.
Definition hsteps := steps.
Definition hBinaryCC := @BinaryCC.Build_BinaryCC hoffset hwidth hinit hcards hfinal hsteps.
Definition hoffset := Sigma * offset.
Definition hwidth := Sigma * width.
Definition hinit := hflat init.
Definition hcard card := match card with Build_CCCard prem conc => Build_CCCard (hflat prem) (hflat conc) end.
Definition hcards := map hcard cards.
Definition hfinal := map hflat final.
Definition hsteps := steps.
Definition hBinaryCC := @BinaryCC.Build_BinaryCC hoffset hwidth hinit hcards hfinal hsteps.
We show that if fpr is the flattening of a CC instance pr, then the produced BinaryCC instances are equivalent up to reordering of cards and final strings
Variable (pr : CC).
Variable (isFlattening : isFlatCCOf fpr pr).
Definition finhBinaryCC := CC_to_BinaryCC.hBinaryCC pr.
agreement of produced lists, cards, ...
Lemma isFlatListOf_hom_agree l L : isFlatListOf l L -> hflat l = @h pr L.
destruct isFlattening.
intros. rewrite H. unfold h, CC_homomorphisms.h.
unfold h', hflat. rewrite <- HSigma.
unfold canonicalHom. now rewrite map_map.
Lemma isFlatCCCardOf_hom_agree w W : isFlatCCCardOf w W -> hcard w = CC_homomorphisms.hcard (@h' pr) W.
intros. destruct w, W. cbn.
erewrite isFlatListOf_hom_agree; [ | apply H].
erewrite isFlatListOf_hom_agree; [ | apply H].
Lemma isFlatCardsOf_hom_agree: hcards === CC_homomorphisms.hcards (@h' pr).
split; intros a H;
[unfold hcards in H | unfold CC_homomorphisms.hcards in H];
apply in_map_iff in H as (card & <- & H); apply isFlattening in H as (card' & H & H1);
apply isFlatCCCardOf_hom_agree in H1; apply in_map_iff; eauto.
Lemma isFlatFinalOf_hom_agree: hfinal === CC_homomorphisms.hfinal (@h' pr).
split; intros a H; [unfold hfinal in H | unfold CC_homomorphisms.hfinal in H];
apply in_map_iff in H as (subs & <- & H); apply isFlattening in H as (subs' & H & H1);
apply isFlatListOf_hom_agree in H1; apply in_map_iff; eauto.
destruct isFlattening.
intros. rewrite H. unfold h, CC_homomorphisms.h.
unfold h', hflat. rewrite <- HSigma.
unfold canonicalHom. now rewrite map_map.
Lemma isFlatCCCardOf_hom_agree w W : isFlatCCCardOf w W -> hcard w = CC_homomorphisms.hcard (@h' pr) W.
intros. destruct w, W. cbn.
erewrite isFlatListOf_hom_agree; [ | apply H].
erewrite isFlatListOf_hom_agree; [ | apply H].
Lemma isFlatCardsOf_hom_agree: hcards === CC_homomorphisms.hcards (@h' pr).
split; intros a H;
[unfold hcards in H | unfold CC_homomorphisms.hcards in H];
apply in_map_iff in H as (card & <- & H); apply isFlattening in H as (card' & H & H1);
apply isFlatCCCardOf_hom_agree in H1; apply in_map_iff; eauto.
Lemma isFlatFinalOf_hom_agree: hfinal === CC_homomorphisms.hfinal (@h' pr).
split; intros a H; [unfold hfinal in H | unfold CC_homomorphisms.hfinal in H];
apply in_map_iff in H as (subs & <- & H); apply isFlattening in H as (subs' & H & H1);
apply isFlatListOf_hom_agree in H1; apply in_map_iff; eauto.
equivalence of well-formedness
Lemma BinaryCC_instances_wf_equivalent : BinaryCC_wellformed finhBinaryCC <-> BinaryCC_wellformed hBinaryCC.
destruct isFlattening.
unfold BinaryCC_wellformed. cbn. unfold CC_homomorphisms.hwidth, CC_homomorphisms.hoffset, hwidth, hoffset.
rewrite <- !HSigma, <- !HWidth, <- !HOffset.
split; intros (H1 & H2 & H3 & H4 &H5 & H6); repeat match goal with [ |- _ /\ _] => split end; try easy.
- unfold hinit. erewrite isFlatListOf_hom_agree; [ | easy]. apply H4.
- intros. rewrite (isFlatCardsOf_hom_agree) in H. easy.
- unfold hinit. erewrite isFlatListOf_hom_agree; [ | easy]. apply H6.
- unfold hinit in H4. erewrite isFlatListOf_hom_agree in H4; [ | easy]. apply H4.
- intros. rewrite <- (isFlatCardsOf_hom_agree) in H. easy.
- unfold hinit in H6. erewrite isFlatListOf_hom_agree in H6; [ | easy]. apply H6.
destruct isFlattening.
unfold BinaryCC_wellformed. cbn. unfold CC_homomorphisms.hwidth, CC_homomorphisms.hoffset, hwidth, hoffset.
rewrite <- !HSigma, <- !HWidth, <- !HOffset.
split; intros (H1 & H2 & H3 & H4 &H5 & H6); repeat match goal with [ |- _ /\ _] => split end; try easy.
- unfold hinit. erewrite isFlatListOf_hom_agree; [ | easy]. apply H4.
- intros. rewrite (isFlatCardsOf_hom_agree) in H. easy.
- unfold hinit. erewrite isFlatListOf_hom_agree; [ | easy]. apply H6.
- unfold hinit in H4. erewrite isFlatListOf_hom_agree in H4; [ | easy]. apply H4.
- intros. rewrite <- (isFlatCardsOf_hom_agree) in H. easy.
- unfold hinit in H6. erewrite isFlatListOf_hom_agree in H6; [ | easy]. apply H6.
now the instances are in fact equivalent
Lemma BinaryCC_instances_equivalent : BinaryCCLang finhBinaryCC <-> BinaryCCLang hBinaryCC.
unfold BinaryCCLang. destruct isFlattening.
cbn. unfold CC_homomorphisms.hwidth, CC_homomorphisms.hoffset, hwidth, hoffset, CC_homomorphisms.hsteps, hsteps.
rewrite <- !HSigma, <- !HWidth, <- !HOffset, <- !HSteps.
unfold hinit, CC_homomorphisms.hinit. setoid_rewrite isFlatListOf_hom_agree; [ | easy | easy].
split; intros (Hwf & sf & H1 & H2 );
(split; [ apply BinaryCC_instances_wf_equivalent, Hwf| exists sf; split ]).
- eapply relpower_congruent. 2: apply H1. intros. eapply valid_cards_equivalent.
apply isFlatCardsOf_hom_agree.
- eapply satFinal_final_equivalent. 2: apply H2. apply isFlatFinalOf_hom_agree.
- eapply relpower_congruent. 2: apply H1. intros. eapply valid_cards_equivalent.
symmetry. apply isFlatCardsOf_hom_agree.
- eapply satFinal_final_equivalent. 2: apply H2. symmetry. apply isFlatFinalOf_hom_agree.
End fixInstanceA.
unfold BinaryCCLang. destruct isFlattening.
cbn. unfold CC_homomorphisms.hwidth, CC_homomorphisms.hoffset, hwidth, hoffset, CC_homomorphisms.hsteps, hsteps.
rewrite <- !HSigma, <- !HWidth, <- !HOffset, <- !HSteps.
unfold hinit, CC_homomorphisms.hinit. setoid_rewrite isFlatListOf_hom_agree; [ | easy | easy].
split; intros (Hwf & sf & H1 & H2 );
(split; [ apply BinaryCC_instances_wf_equivalent, Hwf| exists sf; split ]).
- eapply relpower_congruent. 2: apply H1. intros. eapply valid_cards_equivalent.
apply isFlatCardsOf_hom_agree.
- eapply satFinal_final_equivalent. 2: apply H2. apply isFlatFinalOf_hom_agree.
- eapply relpower_congruent. 2: apply H1. intros. eapply valid_cards_equivalent.
symmetry. apply isFlatCardsOf_hom_agree.
- eapply satFinal_final_equivalent. 2: apply H2. symmetry. apply isFlatFinalOf_hom_agree.
End fixInstanceA.
as usual, instances not satisfying the syntactic requirements are just mapped to a trivial no instance
Definition trivialNoInstance := Build_BinaryCC 0 0 [] [] [] 0.
Lemma trivialNoInstance_isNoInstance : not (BinaryCCLang trivialNoInstance).
intros (H & _). destruct H as (H & _). cbn in H. lia.
Definition reduction (fpr : FlatCC) :=
if FlatCC_wf_dec fpr && isValidFlattening_dec fpr then hBinaryCC fpr else trivialNoInstance.
Lemma FlatCC_to_BinaryCC (fpr : FlatCC) : FlatCCLang fpr <-> BinaryCCLang (reduction fpr).
split; intros.
- destruct H as (H1 & Hwf & H2).
unfold reduction.
rewrite (proj2 (FlatCC_wf_dec_correct _) H1).
rewrite (proj2 (isValidFlattening_dec_correct _) Hwf).
specialize (unflattenCC Hwf) as (pr & H3).
eapply BinaryCC_instances_equivalent; [ apply H3 | ].
apply isFlatCCOf_equivalence in H3.
enough (CCLang pr).
{ specialize (CC_to_BinaryCC pr) as H4. unfold CC_to_BinaryCC.reduction in H4.
enough (CC_wf_dec pr = true) as H5 by (rewrite H5 in H4; apply H4, H).
destruct H as (H & _ & _). apply CC_wf_dec_correct, H.
apply H3; easy.
- unfold reduction in H. destruct (FlatCC_wf_dec) eqn:H1, (isValidFlattening_dec) eqn:H2.
2-4: cbn in H; now apply trivialNoInstance_isNoInstance in H.
cbn in H. apply isValidFlattening_dec_correct in H2. apply FlatCC_wf_dec_correct in H1.
specialize (unflattenCC H2) as (pr & H3). eapply isFlatCCOf_equivalence; [ apply H3 | ].
apply CC_to_BinaryCC. unfold CC_to_BinaryCC.reduction.
enough (CC_wf_dec pr = true) as -> by now eapply BinaryCC_instances_equivalent.
eapply CC_wf_dec_correct, isFlatCCOf_wf_equivalent; easy.
Lemma trivialNoInstance_isNoInstance : not (BinaryCCLang trivialNoInstance).
intros (H & _). destruct H as (H & _). cbn in H. lia.
Definition reduction (fpr : FlatCC) :=
if FlatCC_wf_dec fpr && isValidFlattening_dec fpr then hBinaryCC fpr else trivialNoInstance.
Lemma FlatCC_to_BinaryCC (fpr : FlatCC) : FlatCCLang fpr <-> BinaryCCLang (reduction fpr).
split; intros.
- destruct H as (H1 & Hwf & H2).
unfold reduction.
rewrite (proj2 (FlatCC_wf_dec_correct _) H1).
rewrite (proj2 (isValidFlattening_dec_correct _) Hwf).
specialize (unflattenCC Hwf) as (pr & H3).
eapply BinaryCC_instances_equivalent; [ apply H3 | ].
apply isFlatCCOf_equivalence in H3.
enough (CCLang pr).
{ specialize (CC_to_BinaryCC pr) as H4. unfold CC_to_BinaryCC.reduction in H4.
enough (CC_wf_dec pr = true) as H5 by (rewrite H5 in H4; apply H4, H).
destruct H as (H & _ & _). apply CC_wf_dec_correct, H.
apply H3; easy.
- unfold reduction in H. destruct (FlatCC_wf_dec) eqn:H1, (isValidFlattening_dec) eqn:H2.
2-4: cbn in H; now apply trivialNoInstance_isNoInstance in H.
cbn in H. apply isValidFlattening_dec_correct in H2. apply FlatCC_wf_dec_correct in H1.
specialize (unflattenCC H2) as (pr & H3). eapply isFlatCCOf_equivalence; [ apply H3 | ].
apply CC_to_BinaryCC. unfold CC_to_BinaryCC.reduction.
enough (CC_wf_dec pr = true) as -> by now eapply BinaryCC_instances_equivalent.
eapply CC_wf_dec_correct, isFlatCCOf_wf_equivalent; easy.
From Undecidability.L.Tactics Require Import LTactics GenEncode.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import LProd LOptions LBool.
From Complexity.Libs.CookPrelim Require Import PolyBounds.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import LProd LOptions LBool.
From Complexity.Libs.CookPrelim Require Import PolyBounds.
Section fixX.
Context {X : Type}.
Context `{H: encodable X}.
Definition c__repEl2 := 5.
Definition c__repEl := c__repEl2 + 7.
Definition repEl_time (n: nat) := (n +1) * c__repEl.
Global Instance term_repEl : computableTime' (@repEl X) (fun n _ => (c__repEl2, fun e _ => (repEl_time n, tt))).
extract. solverec. all: unfold repEl_time, c__repEl, c__repEl2; solverec.
Lemma repEl_time_mono : monotonic repEl_time.
unfold repEl_time; smpl_inO.
Definition poly__repEl n := (n+1) * c__repEl.
Lemma repEl_time_bound n : repEl_time n <= poly__repEl (size (enc n)).
unfold repEl_time, poly__repEl. replace_le n with (size (enc n)) by (apply size_nat_enc_r) at 1. lia.
Lemma repEl_poly : monotonic poly__repEl /\ inOPoly poly__repEl.
unfold poly__repEl; split; smpl_inO.
End fixX.
Fact sub_time_bound_l n m: sub_time n m <= (n + 1) * c__sub.
unfold sub_time. nia.
Fact sub_time_bound_r n m : sub_time n m <= (m + 1) * c__sub.
unfold sub_time. nia.
Context {X : Type}.
Context `{H: encodable X}.
Definition c__repEl2 := 5.
Definition c__repEl := c__repEl2 + 7.
Definition repEl_time (n: nat) := (n +1) * c__repEl.
Global Instance term_repEl : computableTime' (@repEl X) (fun n _ => (c__repEl2, fun e _ => (repEl_time n, tt))).
extract. solverec. all: unfold repEl_time, c__repEl, c__repEl2; solverec.
Lemma repEl_time_mono : monotonic repEl_time.
unfold repEl_time; smpl_inO.
Definition poly__repEl n := (n+1) * c__repEl.
Lemma repEl_time_bound n : repEl_time n <= poly__repEl (size (enc n)).
unfold repEl_time, poly__repEl. replace_le n with (size (enc n)) by (apply size_nat_enc_r) at 1. lia.
Lemma repEl_poly : monotonic poly__repEl /\ inOPoly poly__repEl.
unfold poly__repEl; split; smpl_inO.
End fixX.
Fact sub_time_bound_l n m: sub_time n m <= (n + 1) * c__sub.
unfold sub_time. nia.
Fact sub_time_bound_r n m : sub_time n m <= (m + 1) * c__sub.
unfold sub_time. nia.
Definition c__hNat := 2 * (c__leb2 + 2 * c__repEl2 + 18 + 2* c__app + 2 * c__sub + 2 * c__sub1).
Definition hNat_time sig n := (leb_time (S n) sig + repEl_time sig + sig + 1) * c__hNat.
Instance term_hNat : computableTime' hNat (fun sig _ => (1, fun n _ => (hNat_time sig n, tt))).
specialize (repEl_time_mono) as H1. unfold monotonic in H1.
extract. solverec.
- setoid_rewrite sub_time_bound_r at 2. rewrite repEl_length.
apply leb_iff in H. rewrite H1 with (x' := x) by lia. setoid_rewrite H1 with (x' := x) at 2. 2: lia.
replace_le x0 with x by lia at 3.
rewrite sub_time_bound_l.
unfold hNat_time, c__hNat. cbn[Nat.add]. unfold c__sub1, c__sub. nia.
- cbn[Nat.add]. unfold hNat_time, c__hNat. apply Nat.leb_gt in H.
unfold repEl_time. lia.
Definition c__hNatBound := (c__leb + 1) * (c__hNat + 1).
Definition poly__hNat n := (poly__repEl n + n + 1) * c__hNatBound.
Lemma hNat_time_bound sig n: hNat_time sig n <= poly__hNat (size (enc sig)).
unfold hNat_time. rewrite leb_time_bound_r.
unfold poly__hNat, c__hNatBound. rewrite repEl_time_bound. rewrite size_nat_enc_r with (n := sig) at 3.
Lemma hNat_poly : monotonic poly__hNat /\ inOPoly poly__hNat.
unfold poly__hNat; split; smpl_inO; apply repEl_poly.
Definition hNat_time sig n := (leb_time (S n) sig + repEl_time sig + sig + 1) * c__hNat.
Instance term_hNat : computableTime' hNat (fun sig _ => (1, fun n _ => (hNat_time sig n, tt))).
specialize (repEl_time_mono) as H1. unfold monotonic in H1.
extract. solverec.
- setoid_rewrite sub_time_bound_r at 2. rewrite repEl_length.
apply leb_iff in H. rewrite H1 with (x' := x) by lia. setoid_rewrite H1 with (x' := x) at 2. 2: lia.
replace_le x0 with x by lia at 3.
rewrite sub_time_bound_l.
unfold hNat_time, c__hNat. cbn[Nat.add]. unfold c__sub1, c__sub. nia.
- cbn[Nat.add]. unfold hNat_time, c__hNat. apply Nat.leb_gt in H.
unfold repEl_time. lia.
Definition c__hNatBound := (c__leb + 1) * (c__hNat + 1).
Definition poly__hNat n := (poly__repEl n + n + 1) * c__hNatBound.
Lemma hNat_time_bound sig n: hNat_time sig n <= poly__hNat (size (enc sig)).
unfold hNat_time. rewrite leb_time_bound_r.
unfold poly__hNat, c__hNatBound. rewrite repEl_time_bound. rewrite size_nat_enc_r with (n := sig) at 3.
Lemma hNat_poly : monotonic poly__hNat /\ inOPoly poly__hNat.
unfold poly__hNat; split; smpl_inO; apply repEl_poly.
Definition c__hflat := c__Sigma + 3.
Definition hflat_time (fpr : FlatCC) (l : list nat) := map_time (fun m => hNat_time (Sigma fpr) m) l + concat_time (map (hNat (Sigma fpr)) l) + c__hflat.
Instance term_hflat : computableTime' hflat (fun fpr _ => (1, fun l _ => (hflat_time fpr l, tt))).
unfold hflat. unfold canonicalHom. extract. solverec.
unfold hflat_time, c__hflat. solverec.
Definition c__hNatSize := c__listsizeCons + c__sizeBool + c__listsizeNil.
Lemma hNat_size_bound sig n: size (enc (hNat sig n)) <= (sig + 1) * c__hNatSize.
specialize (list_size_of_el (l := (hNat sig n)) (k := c__sizeBool)) as H1.
rewrite H1. 2: { intros. apply size_bool. }
rewrite hNat_length. unfold c__hNatSize. nia.
Lemma map_hNat_size_bound sig l : size (enc (map (hNat sig) l)) <= (|l|) * (sig + 1) * c__hNatSize + c__listsizeCons * (|l|) + c__listsizeNil.
erewrite list_size_of_el.
2: { intros a H%in_map_iff. destruct H as (n & <- & H). apply hNat_size_bound. }
rewrite map_length. lia.
Definition poly__hflat n := (n + 1) * (poly__hNat n + 1) * (c__map + 1) + (n * (n + 1) * c__hNatSize + c__listsizeCons * n + c__listsizeNil + 1) * c__concat + c__hflat.
Lemma hflat_time_bound fpr l : hflat_time fpr l <= poly__hflat (size (enc fpr) + size (enc l)).
unfold hflat_time. rewrite map_time_bound_env.
2: {
split; [ intros | ].
- rewrite hNat_time_bound. poly_mono hNat_poly. 2: apply Nat.le_add_r with (m := size (enc ele)). reflexivity.
- apply hNat_poly.
poly_mono hNat_poly.
2: (replace_le (size (enc (Sigma fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia)); reflexivity.
rewrite concat_time_bound. poly_mono concat_poly.
2: {
rewrite map_hNat_size_bound. rewrite list_size_length.
replace_le (Sigma fpr) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite size_nat_enc_r with (n := Sigma fpr); rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia).
unfold poly__concat.
rewrite list_size_length.
replace_le (size (enc l)) with (size (enc fpr) + size (enc l)) by lia at 1 3.
replace_le (size (enc fpr)) with (size (enc fpr) + size (enc l)) by lia at 4.
replace_le (size (enc l)) with (size (enc fpr) + size (enc l)) by lia at 5.
set (size (enc fpr) + size (enc l)).
unfold poly__hflat. nia.
Lemma hflat_poly : monotonic poly__hflat /\ inOPoly poly__hflat.
split; unfold poly__hflat; smpl_inO; apply hNat_poly.
Lemma hflat_length fpr l : |hflat fpr l| = (Sigma fpr) * |l|.
induction l; cbn; [lia | ].
rewrite app_length, hNat_length. unfold hflat, canonicalHom in IHl. rewrite IHl.
Definition c__hflatSize := c__listsizeCons + c__sizeBool.
Lemma hflat_size_bound fpr l : size (enc (hflat fpr l)) <= c__hflatSize * (|l|) * (Sigma fpr) + c__listsizeNil.
rewrite list_size_of_el by (intros; apply size_bool).
rewrite hflat_length. unfold c__hflatSize. nia.
Definition hflat_time (fpr : FlatCC) (l : list nat) := map_time (fun m => hNat_time (Sigma fpr) m) l + concat_time (map (hNat (Sigma fpr)) l) + c__hflat.
Instance term_hflat : computableTime' hflat (fun fpr _ => (1, fun l _ => (hflat_time fpr l, tt))).
unfold hflat. unfold canonicalHom. extract. solverec.
unfold hflat_time, c__hflat. solverec.
Definition c__hNatSize := c__listsizeCons + c__sizeBool + c__listsizeNil.
Lemma hNat_size_bound sig n: size (enc (hNat sig n)) <= (sig + 1) * c__hNatSize.
specialize (list_size_of_el (l := (hNat sig n)) (k := c__sizeBool)) as H1.
rewrite H1. 2: { intros. apply size_bool. }
rewrite hNat_length. unfold c__hNatSize. nia.
Lemma map_hNat_size_bound sig l : size (enc (map (hNat sig) l)) <= (|l|) * (sig + 1) * c__hNatSize + c__listsizeCons * (|l|) + c__listsizeNil.
erewrite list_size_of_el.
2: { intros a H%in_map_iff. destruct H as (n & <- & H). apply hNat_size_bound. }
rewrite map_length. lia.
Definition poly__hflat n := (n + 1) * (poly__hNat n + 1) * (c__map + 1) + (n * (n + 1) * c__hNatSize + c__listsizeCons * n + c__listsizeNil + 1) * c__concat + c__hflat.
Lemma hflat_time_bound fpr l : hflat_time fpr l <= poly__hflat (size (enc fpr) + size (enc l)).
unfold hflat_time. rewrite map_time_bound_env.
2: {
split; [ intros | ].
- rewrite hNat_time_bound. poly_mono hNat_poly. 2: apply Nat.le_add_r with (m := size (enc ele)). reflexivity.
- apply hNat_poly.
poly_mono hNat_poly.
2: (replace_le (size (enc (Sigma fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia)); reflexivity.
rewrite concat_time_bound. poly_mono concat_poly.
2: {
rewrite map_hNat_size_bound. rewrite list_size_length.
replace_le (Sigma fpr) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite size_nat_enc_r with (n := Sigma fpr); rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia).
unfold poly__concat.
rewrite list_size_length.
replace_le (size (enc l)) with (size (enc fpr) + size (enc l)) by lia at 1 3.
replace_le (size (enc fpr)) with (size (enc fpr) + size (enc l)) by lia at 4.
replace_le (size (enc l)) with (size (enc fpr) + size (enc l)) by lia at 5.
set (size (enc fpr) + size (enc l)).
unfold poly__hflat. nia.
Lemma hflat_poly : monotonic poly__hflat /\ inOPoly poly__hflat.
split; unfold poly__hflat; smpl_inO; apply hNat_poly.
Lemma hflat_length fpr l : |hflat fpr l| = (Sigma fpr) * |l|.
induction l; cbn; [lia | ].
rewrite app_length, hNat_length. unfold hflat, canonicalHom in IHl. rewrite IHl.
Definition c__hflatSize := c__listsizeCons + c__sizeBool.
Lemma hflat_size_bound fpr l : size (enc (hflat fpr l)) <= c__hflatSize * (|l|) * (Sigma fpr) + c__listsizeNil.
rewrite list_size_of_el by (intros; apply size_bool).
rewrite hflat_length. unfold c__hflatSize. nia.
Definition c__hcard := 9.
Definition hcard_time (fpr : FlatCC) (card : CCCard nat) := hflat_time fpr (prem card) + hflat_time fpr (conc card) + c__hcard.
Instance term_hcard : computableTime' hcard (fun fpr _ => (1, fun card _ => (hcard_time fpr card, tt))).
extract. solverec. unfold hcard_time, c__hcard. solverec.
Definition poly__hcard n := poly__hflat n + poly__hflat n + c__hcard.
Lemma hcard_time_bound fpr card : hcard_time fpr card <= poly__hcard (size (enc fpr) + size (enc card)).
unfold hcard_time. rewrite !hflat_time_bound.
unfold poly__hcard.
poly_mono hflat_poly. 2: { replace_le (size (enc (prem card))) with (size (enc card)) by (rewrite CCCard_enc_size; lia). reflexivity. }
poly_mono hflat_poly at 2. 2: { replace_le (size (enc (conc card))) with (size (enc card)) by (rewrite CCCard_enc_size; lia). reflexivity. }
Lemma hcard_poly : monotonic poly__hcard /\ inOPoly poly__hcard.
unfold poly__hcard; split; smpl_inO; apply hflat_poly.
Definition c__hcardSize1 := c__listsizeNil + c__listsizeNil + c__sizeCCCard.
Definition c__hcardSize2 := 2 * c__hflatSize.
Lemma hcard_size_bound fpr card :
FlatCC_wellformed fpr
-> card el cards fpr -> size (enc (hcard fpr card)) <= c__hcardSize2 * (Sigma fpr) * (width fpr) + c__hcardSize1.
intros (_ & _ & _ & _ & cardWf & _) (H1 & H2)%cardWf.
unfold hcard. destruct card. rewrite CCCard_enc_size.
cbn -[Nat.mul Nat.add] in *. rewrite !hflat_size_bound, H1, H2.
unfold c__hcardSize1, c__hcardSize2. solverec.
Definition hcard_time (fpr : FlatCC) (card : CCCard nat) := hflat_time fpr (prem card) + hflat_time fpr (conc card) + c__hcard.
Instance term_hcard : computableTime' hcard (fun fpr _ => (1, fun card _ => (hcard_time fpr card, tt))).
extract. solverec. unfold hcard_time, c__hcard. solverec.
Definition poly__hcard n := poly__hflat n + poly__hflat n + c__hcard.
Lemma hcard_time_bound fpr card : hcard_time fpr card <= poly__hcard (size (enc fpr) + size (enc card)).
unfold hcard_time. rewrite !hflat_time_bound.
unfold poly__hcard.
poly_mono hflat_poly. 2: { replace_le (size (enc (prem card))) with (size (enc card)) by (rewrite CCCard_enc_size; lia). reflexivity. }
poly_mono hflat_poly at 2. 2: { replace_le (size (enc (conc card))) with (size (enc card)) by (rewrite CCCard_enc_size; lia). reflexivity. }
Lemma hcard_poly : monotonic poly__hcard /\ inOPoly poly__hcard.
unfold poly__hcard; split; smpl_inO; apply hflat_poly.
Definition c__hcardSize1 := c__listsizeNil + c__listsizeNil + c__sizeCCCard.
Definition c__hcardSize2 := 2 * c__hflatSize.
Lemma hcard_size_bound fpr card :
FlatCC_wellformed fpr
-> card el cards fpr -> size (enc (hcard fpr card)) <= c__hcardSize2 * (Sigma fpr) * (width fpr) + c__hcardSize1.
intros (_ & _ & _ & _ & cardWf & _) (H1 & H2)%cardWf.
unfold hcard. destruct card. rewrite CCCard_enc_size.
cbn -[Nat.mul Nat.add] in *. rewrite !hflat_size_bound, H1, H2.
unfold c__hcardSize1, c__hcardSize2. solverec.
Definition c__hcards := c__cards + 3.
Definition hcards_time (fpr : FlatCC) := map_time (fun w => hcard_time fpr w) (cards fpr) + c__hcards.
Instance term_hcards : computableTime' hcards (fun fpr _ => (hcards_time fpr, tt)).
extract. solverec. unfold hcards_time, c__hcards. solverec.
Definition c__hcardsBound := (c__hcards + 1) * (c__map + 1).
Definition poly__hcards n := ((n + 1) * (poly__hcard (n+ n) + 1) + 1) * c__hcardsBound.
Lemma hcards_time_bound fpr : hcards_time fpr <= poly__hcards (size (enc fpr)).
unfold hcards_time.
rewrite map_time_bound_env. 2: split; [ intros; apply hcard_time_bound | apply hcard_poly].
rewrite list_size_length.
replace_le (size (enc (cards fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia) at 1.
poly_mono hcard_poly.
2: { replace_le (size (enc (cards fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia) at 1. reflexivity. }
unfold poly__hcards, c__hcardsBound. lia.
Lemma hcards_poly : monotonic poly__hcards /\ inOPoly poly__hcards.
unfold poly__hcards; split; smpl_inO.
- apply hcard_poly.
- eapply inOPoly_comp; [apply hcard_poly | apply hcard_poly | smpl_inO].
Definition c__hcardsSize1 := c__hcardSize1 + c__listsizeNil.
Definition c__hcardsSize2 := c__hcardSize2 + c__hcardSize1 + c__listsizeCons.
Lemma hcards_size_bound fpr :
FlatCC_wellformed fpr
-> size (enc (hcards fpr)) <= c__hcardsSize2 * (Sigma fpr + 1) * (width fpr) * (|cards fpr|) + c__hcardsSize1.
intros wf. unfold hcards. rewrite list_size_of_el.
2: { intros card (card' & <- & H2)%in_map_iff. rewrite hcard_size_bound; [ reflexivity | easy | easy]. }
rewrite map_length.
destruct wf as (H1 & _). unfold c__hcardsSize1, c__hcardsSize2. destruct (width fpr); [nia | ].
Definition hcards_time (fpr : FlatCC) := map_time (fun w => hcard_time fpr w) (cards fpr) + c__hcards.
Instance term_hcards : computableTime' hcards (fun fpr _ => (hcards_time fpr, tt)).
extract. solverec. unfold hcards_time, c__hcards. solverec.
Definition c__hcardsBound := (c__hcards + 1) * (c__map + 1).
Definition poly__hcards n := ((n + 1) * (poly__hcard (n+ n) + 1) + 1) * c__hcardsBound.
Lemma hcards_time_bound fpr : hcards_time fpr <= poly__hcards (size (enc fpr)).
unfold hcards_time.
rewrite map_time_bound_env. 2: split; [ intros; apply hcard_time_bound | apply hcard_poly].
rewrite list_size_length.
replace_le (size (enc (cards fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia) at 1.
poly_mono hcard_poly.
2: { replace_le (size (enc (cards fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia) at 1. reflexivity. }
unfold poly__hcards, c__hcardsBound. lia.
Lemma hcards_poly : monotonic poly__hcards /\ inOPoly poly__hcards.
unfold poly__hcards; split; smpl_inO.
- apply hcard_poly.
- eapply inOPoly_comp; [apply hcard_poly | apply hcard_poly | smpl_inO].
Definition c__hcardsSize1 := c__hcardSize1 + c__listsizeNil.
Definition c__hcardsSize2 := c__hcardSize2 + c__hcardSize1 + c__listsizeCons.
Lemma hcards_size_bound fpr :
FlatCC_wellformed fpr
-> size (enc (hcards fpr)) <= c__hcardsSize2 * (Sigma fpr + 1) * (width fpr) * (|cards fpr|) + c__hcardsSize1.
intros wf. unfold hcards. rewrite list_size_of_el.
2: { intros card (card' & <- & H2)%in_map_iff. rewrite hcard_size_bound; [ reflexivity | easy | easy]. }
rewrite map_length.
destruct wf as (H1 & _). unfold c__hcardsSize1, c__hcardsSize2. destruct (width fpr); [nia | ].
Definition c__hfinal := c__final + 3.
Definition hfinal_time (fpr : FlatCC) := map_time (fun l => hflat_time fpr l) (final fpr) + c__hfinal.
Instance term_hfinal : computableTime' hfinal (fun fpr _ => (hfinal_time fpr, tt)).
extract. solverec. unfold hfinal_time, c__hfinal; solverec.
Definition c__hfinalBound := (c__hfinal + 1) * (c__map + 1).
Definition poly__hfinal n := ((n + 1) * (poly__hflat (n+ n) + 1) + 1) * c__hfinalBound.
Lemma hfinal_time_bound fpr : hfinal_time fpr <= poly__hfinal (size (enc fpr)).
unfold hfinal_time.
rewrite map_time_bound_env. 2: split; [ intros; apply hflat_time_bound | apply hflat_poly].
rewrite list_size_length.
replace_le (size (enc (final fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia) at 1.
poly_mono hflat_poly.
2: { replace_le (size (enc (final fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia) at 1. reflexivity. }
unfold poly__hfinal, c__hfinalBound. lia.
Lemma hfinal_poly : monotonic poly__hfinal /\ inOPoly poly__hfinal.
unfold poly__hfinal; split; smpl_inO.
- apply hflat_poly.
- eapply inOPoly_comp; [apply hflat_poly | apply hflat_poly | smpl_inO].
Definition hfinal_time (fpr : FlatCC) := map_time (fun l => hflat_time fpr l) (final fpr) + c__hfinal.
Instance term_hfinal : computableTime' hfinal (fun fpr _ => (hfinal_time fpr, tt)).
extract. solverec. unfold hfinal_time, c__hfinal; solverec.
Definition c__hfinalBound := (c__hfinal + 1) * (c__map + 1).
Definition poly__hfinal n := ((n + 1) * (poly__hflat (n+ n) + 1) + 1) * c__hfinalBound.
Lemma hfinal_time_bound fpr : hfinal_time fpr <= poly__hfinal (size (enc fpr)).
unfold hfinal_time.
rewrite map_time_bound_env. 2: split; [ intros; apply hflat_time_bound | apply hflat_poly].
rewrite list_size_length.
replace_le (size (enc (final fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia) at 1.
poly_mono hflat_poly.
2: { replace_le (size (enc (final fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia) at 1. reflexivity. }
unfold poly__hfinal, c__hfinalBound. lia.
Lemma hfinal_poly : monotonic poly__hfinal /\ inOPoly poly__hfinal.
unfold poly__hfinal; split; smpl_inO.
- apply hflat_poly.
- eapply inOPoly_comp; [apply hflat_poly | apply hflat_poly | smpl_inO].
one could obtain a linear time bound, but a quadratic bound is easier to prove
Definition c__hfinalSize := c__listsizeNil + c__listsizeCons.
Lemma hfinal_size_bound fpr : size (enc (hfinal fpr)) <= c__hflatSize * (Sigma fpr) * size (enc (final fpr))^2+ c__hfinalSize * size (enc (final fpr)) + c__listsizeNil.
unfold hfinal. rewrite list_size_of_el.
2: { intros l (l' & <- & H1)%in_map_iff. rewrite hflat_size_bound.
rewrite list_size_length. rewrite list_el_size_bound by apply H1. reflexivity.
rewrite map_length, list_size_length. unfold c__hfinalSize. cbn [Nat.pow]. lia.
Lemma hfinal_size_bound fpr : size (enc (hfinal fpr)) <= c__hflatSize * (Sigma fpr) * size (enc (final fpr))^2+ c__hfinalSize * size (enc (final fpr)) + c__listsizeNil.
unfold hfinal. rewrite list_size_of_el.
2: { intros l (l' & <- & H1)%in_map_iff. rewrite hflat_size_bound.
rewrite list_size_length. rewrite list_el_size_bound by apply H1. reflexivity.
rewrite map_length, list_size_length. unfold c__hfinalSize. cbn [Nat.pow]. lia.
Definition c__hBinaryCC := 2 * c__Sigma + c__offset + c__width + c__init + c__cards + c__steps + 2 * c__mult1 + 2 * c__mult + 8.
Definition c__hBinaryCC2 := 2 * c__mult + 1.
Definition hBinaryCC_time (fpr : FlatCC) := c__hBinaryCC2 * (Sigma fpr * offset fpr + Sigma fpr * width fpr + Sigma fpr + hflat_time fpr (init fpr) + hcards_time fpr + hfinal_time fpr) + c__hBinaryCC.
Instance term_hBinaryCC : computableTime' hBinaryCC (fun fpr _ => (hBinaryCC_time fpr, tt)).
unfold hBinaryCC. unfold hoffset, hwidth, hsteps, hinit.
extract. solverec. unfold mult_time.
unfold hBinaryCC_time, c__hBinaryCC, c__hBinaryCC2. lia.
Definition poly__hBinaryCC n := c__hBinaryCC2 * (2 * n * n + n + poly__hflat (n +n) + poly__hcards n + poly__hfinal n) + c__hBinaryCC.
Lemma hBinaryCC_time_bound fpr : hBinaryCC_time fpr <= poly__hBinaryCC (size (enc fpr)).
unfold hBinaryCC_time.
replace_le (Sigma fpr) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite size_nat_enc_r, FlatCC_enc_size; lia).
replace_le (offset fpr) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite size_nat_enc_r, FlatCC_enc_size; lia).
replace_le (width fpr) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite size_nat_enc_r, FlatCC_enc_size; lia).
rewrite hflat_time_bound.
poly_mono hflat_poly.
2: { (replace_le (size (enc (init fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia)); reflexivity. }
rewrite hfinal_time_bound. rewrite hcards_time_bound.
unfold poly__hBinaryCC. lia.
Lemma hBinaryCC_poly : monotonic poly__hBinaryCC /\ inOPoly poly__hBinaryCC.
split; unfold poly__hBinaryCC; smpl_inO. all: try solve [apply hflat_poly | apply hcards_poly | apply hfinal_poly ].
eapply inOPoly_comp; [apply hflat_poly | apply hflat_poly | smpl_inO].
Proposition nat_mul_size_bound n m : size (enc (n * m)) <= size (enc n) * size (enc m).
rewrite !size_nat_enc. unfold c__natsizeS, c__natsizeO; lia.
Definition c__hBinaryCCSize := c__hflatSize + c__hcardsSize2 + c__hfinalSize + 1.
Definition c__hBinaryCCSize2 := 2 * c__listsizeNil + c__hcardsSize1 + 8.
Lemma hBinaryCC_size_bound fpr :
FlatCC_wellformed fpr -> size (enc (hBinaryCC fpr)) <= c__hBinaryCCSize * (size (enc fpr) + 1) ^3 + c__hBinaryCCSize2.
intros Hwf. unfold hBinaryCC. rewrite BinaryCC_enc_size; cbn -[Nat.mul Nat.add].
unfold hoffset, hwidth, hsteps. rewrite !nat_mul_size_bound.
unfold hinit. rewrite hflat_size_bound.
rewrite hcards_size_bound, hfinal_size_bound by easy.
rewrite !list_size_length.
replace_le (Sigma fpr) with (size (enc (Sigma fpr))) by (rewrite size_nat_enc; unfold c__natsizeS; lia) at 4 5 3.
replace_le (width fpr) with (size (enc (width fpr))) by (rewrite size_nat_enc; unfold c__natsizeS; lia) at 2.
specialize (FlatCC_enc_size fpr) as H.
replace_le (size (enc (Sigma fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite H; lia).
replace_le (size (enc (offset fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite H; lia).
replace_le (size (enc (width fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite H; lia).
replace_le (size (enc (init fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite H; lia).
replace_le (size (enc (cards fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite H; lia).
replace_le (size (enc (steps fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite H; lia).
replace_le (size (enc (final fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite H; lia).
unfold c__hBinaryCCSize, c__hBinaryCCSize2. cbn [Nat.pow]. lia.
Definition c__hBinaryCC2 := 2 * c__mult + 1.
Definition hBinaryCC_time (fpr : FlatCC) := c__hBinaryCC2 * (Sigma fpr * offset fpr + Sigma fpr * width fpr + Sigma fpr + hflat_time fpr (init fpr) + hcards_time fpr + hfinal_time fpr) + c__hBinaryCC.
Instance term_hBinaryCC : computableTime' hBinaryCC (fun fpr _ => (hBinaryCC_time fpr, tt)).
unfold hBinaryCC. unfold hoffset, hwidth, hsteps, hinit.
extract. solverec. unfold mult_time.
unfold hBinaryCC_time, c__hBinaryCC, c__hBinaryCC2. lia.
Definition poly__hBinaryCC n := c__hBinaryCC2 * (2 * n * n + n + poly__hflat (n +n) + poly__hcards n + poly__hfinal n) + c__hBinaryCC.
Lemma hBinaryCC_time_bound fpr : hBinaryCC_time fpr <= poly__hBinaryCC (size (enc fpr)).
unfold hBinaryCC_time.
replace_le (Sigma fpr) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite size_nat_enc_r, FlatCC_enc_size; lia).
replace_le (offset fpr) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite size_nat_enc_r, FlatCC_enc_size; lia).
replace_le (width fpr) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite size_nat_enc_r, FlatCC_enc_size; lia).
rewrite hflat_time_bound.
poly_mono hflat_poly.
2: { (replace_le (size (enc (init fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite FlatCC_enc_size; lia)); reflexivity. }
rewrite hfinal_time_bound. rewrite hcards_time_bound.
unfold poly__hBinaryCC. lia.
Lemma hBinaryCC_poly : monotonic poly__hBinaryCC /\ inOPoly poly__hBinaryCC.
split; unfold poly__hBinaryCC; smpl_inO. all: try solve [apply hflat_poly | apply hcards_poly | apply hfinal_poly ].
eapply inOPoly_comp; [apply hflat_poly | apply hflat_poly | smpl_inO].
Proposition nat_mul_size_bound n m : size (enc (n * m)) <= size (enc n) * size (enc m).
rewrite !size_nat_enc. unfold c__natsizeS, c__natsizeO; lia.
Definition c__hBinaryCCSize := c__hflatSize + c__hcardsSize2 + c__hfinalSize + 1.
Definition c__hBinaryCCSize2 := 2 * c__listsizeNil + c__hcardsSize1 + 8.
Lemma hBinaryCC_size_bound fpr :
FlatCC_wellformed fpr -> size (enc (hBinaryCC fpr)) <= c__hBinaryCCSize * (size (enc fpr) + 1) ^3 + c__hBinaryCCSize2.
intros Hwf. unfold hBinaryCC. rewrite BinaryCC_enc_size; cbn -[Nat.mul Nat.add].
unfold hoffset, hwidth, hsteps. rewrite !nat_mul_size_bound.
unfold hinit. rewrite hflat_size_bound.
rewrite hcards_size_bound, hfinal_size_bound by easy.
rewrite !list_size_length.
replace_le (Sigma fpr) with (size (enc (Sigma fpr))) by (rewrite size_nat_enc; unfold c__natsizeS; lia) at 4 5 3.
replace_le (width fpr) with (size (enc (width fpr))) by (rewrite size_nat_enc; unfold c__natsizeS; lia) at 2.
specialize (FlatCC_enc_size fpr) as H.
replace_le (size (enc (Sigma fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite H; lia).
replace_le (size (enc (offset fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite H; lia).
replace_le (size (enc (width fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite H; lia).
replace_le (size (enc (init fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite H; lia).
replace_le (size (enc (cards fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite H; lia).
replace_le (size (enc (steps fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite H; lia).
replace_le (size (enc (final fpr))) with (size (enc fpr)) by (rewrite H; lia).
unfold c__hBinaryCCSize, c__hBinaryCCSize2. cbn [Nat.pow]. lia.
Definition c__reduction := 9.
Definition reduction_time (fpr : FlatCC) := FlatCC_wf_dec_time fpr + isValidFlattening_dec_time fpr + hBinaryCC_time fpr + c__reduction.
Local Instance term_reduction : computableTime' reduction (fun fpr _ => (reduction_time fpr, tt)).
extract. solverec. all: unfold reduction_time, c__reduction; solverec.
Definition poly__reduction n := poly__FlatCCWfDec n + poly__isValidFlatteningDec n + poly__hBinaryCC n + c__reduction.
Lemma reduction_time_bound fpr : reduction_time fpr <= poly__reduction (size (enc fpr)).
unfold reduction_time, poly__reduction.
rewrite FlatCC_wf_dec_time_bound, isValidFlattening_dec_time_bound, hBinaryCC_time_bound. lia.
Lemma reduction_poly : monotonic poly__reduction /\ inOPoly poly__reduction.
split; unfold poly__reduction; smpl_inO.
all: try solve [ apply FlatCC_wf_dec_poly | apply isValidFlatteningDec_poly | apply hBinaryCC_poly].
Definition reduction_time (fpr : FlatCC) := FlatCC_wf_dec_time fpr + isValidFlattening_dec_time fpr + hBinaryCC_time fpr + c__reduction.
Local Instance term_reduction : computableTime' reduction (fun fpr _ => (reduction_time fpr, tt)).
extract. solverec. all: unfold reduction_time, c__reduction; solverec.
Definition poly__reduction n := poly__FlatCCWfDec n + poly__isValidFlatteningDec n + poly__hBinaryCC n + c__reduction.
Lemma reduction_time_bound fpr : reduction_time fpr <= poly__reduction (size (enc fpr)).
unfold reduction_time, poly__reduction.
rewrite FlatCC_wf_dec_time_bound, isValidFlattening_dec_time_bound, hBinaryCC_time_bound. lia.
Lemma reduction_poly : monotonic poly__reduction /\ inOPoly poly__reduction.
split; unfold poly__reduction; smpl_inO.
all: try solve [ apply FlatCC_wf_dec_poly | apply isValidFlatteningDec_poly | apply hBinaryCC_poly].
size bound
Lemma reduction_size_bound : {f | (forall fpr, size (enc (reduction fpr)) <= f (size (enc fpr))) /\ inOPoly f /\ monotonic f}.
exists (fun n => c__hBinaryCCSize * (n + 1)^3 + c__hBinaryCCSize2 + 32).
split; [ | split].
- intros fpr. unfold reduction. destruct andb eqn:H1.
+ apply andb_true_iff in H1 as (H1%FlatCC_wf_dec_correct & _).
rewrite hBinaryCC_size_bound by apply H1. easy.
+ unfold trivialNoInstance. rewrite BinaryCC_enc_size. cbn -[Nat.mul Nat.add].
rewrite !size_nat_enc. rewrite !size_list. cbn. lia.
- unfold Nat.pow. smpl_inO.
- smpl_inO.
exists (fun n => c__hBinaryCCSize * (n + 1)^3 + c__hBinaryCCSize2 + 32).
split; [ | split].
- intros fpr. unfold reduction. destruct andb eqn:H1.
+ apply andb_true_iff in H1 as (H1%FlatCC_wf_dec_correct & _).
rewrite hBinaryCC_size_bound by apply H1. easy.
+ unfold trivialNoInstance. rewrite BinaryCC_enc_size. cbn -[Nat.mul Nat.add].
rewrite !size_nat_enc. rewrite !size_list. cbn. lia.
- unfold Nat.pow. smpl_inO.
- smpl_inO.
This is the polynomial-time result of the reduction.
For the proof of correctness, see the lemma CC_to_BinaryCC and the lemma FlatCC_to_BinaryCC for the flat version.
Lemma FlatCC_to_BinaryCC_poly : FlatCCLang ⪯p BinaryCCLang.
apply reducesPolyMO_intro with (f := reduction).
- exists poly__reduction.
+ extract. solverec.
all: specialize (reduction_time_bound x) as H1; unfold reduction_time, c__reduction in H1; lia.
+ apply reduction_poly.
+ apply reduction_poly.
+ destruct (reduction_size_bound) as (f & H1 & H2 & H3). exists f; auto.
- apply FlatCC_to_BinaryCC.
apply reducesPolyMO_intro with (f := reduction).
- exists poly__reduction.
+ extract. solverec.
all: specialize (reduction_time_bound x) as H1; unfold reduction_time, c__reduction in H1; lia.
+ apply reduction_poly.
+ apply reduction_poly.
+ destruct (reduction_size_bound) as (f & H1 & H2 & H3). exists f; auto.
- apply FlatCC_to_BinaryCC.